How To Use Oosphere In A Sentence

  • They were the most intelligent animals of their time, but they never developed the use of tools or a memetic noosphere.
  • By its very nature the noosphere is a whole system predicated by the holistic perception and philosophy which further states that evolution moves in the direction of greater, all-encompassing whole systems which of necessity embrace an increasingly greater consciousness as well. Thinking About the Noosphere
  • The appearance of man in evolutionary history marks the emergence of self-consciousness and has added to the earth, superimposed as it were upon the biosphere, a new dimension, the noosphere, or domain of thought.
  • I completely agree with you, John, that the idea of the noosphere is fascinating. REVIEW: The Commons by Matthew Hughes
  • The sexual generation is a small green thalloid structure called a prothallium, which bears antheridia and archegonia, each archegonium having a neck-canal and oosphere, which is fertilized just as in the moss. Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
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  • The sexual generation is a small green thalloid structure called a prothallium, which bears antheridia and archegonia, each archegonium having a neck-canal and oosphere, which is fertilized just as in the moss. Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
  • He foresaw some immense consequences, mostly of the positive kind, that the appearance and development of the noosphere entailed for mankind.
  • The noosphere is a way of helping us deal with this "phase transition" of consciousness that may well be akin to the phase transition between liquid water and water vapor - a change in degree that effects a change in kind. Jason Silva: Darwin's Pharmacy: Sex, Plants and the Evolution of the Noosphere
  • The pollen cells are formed from mother cells by a process of cell division and subsequent setting free of the daughter cells or pollen cells by rejuvenescence, which is distinctly comparable with that of the formation of the microspores of Lycopodiaceæ, etc. The subsequent behavior of the pollen cell, its division and its fertilization of the germinal vesicle or oosphere, leave no doubt as to its analogy with the microspore of vascular cryptogams. Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
  • Those which are of two kinds are, first, a generally aggressive and motile fertilizing or so-called "male cell," called in its typical form an _antherozoid_; and, second, a passive and motionless receptive or so-called "female cell," called an _oosphere_. Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
  • Perhaps this, in turn, can slowly transform the memesphere into what Pierre Teilhard de Chardin calls the noosphere, the realm not just of collective mind, but also collective consciousness.
  • The protoplasm in one of these protuberances arranges itself into a round mass -- the oosphere or female cell. Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
  • Noosphere (source: wiki): In the original theory of Vernadsky, the noosphere is the third in a succession of phases of development of the Earth, after the geosphere (inanimate matter) and the biosphere (biological life). Pavel Somov, Ph.D.: Noosphere of Naiveté
  • You know that thing called the noosphere? Times, Sunday Times
  • The layer of thought in the shape of a sphere they called the noosphere, from Greek noos, mind. Pavel Somov, Ph.D.: Noosphere of Naiveté
  • The sexual generation is a small green thalloid structure called a prothallium, which bears antheridia and archegonia, each archegonium having a neck-canal and oosphere, which is fertilized just as in the moss. Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
  • Humans add a formalized degree of consciousness to the morphic field - the noosphere - and, more importantly, a frequency of imagination.
  • After impregnation the fertilized oosphere immediately surrounds itself with a cell-wall and becomes the oospore which by a process of growth forms the embryo of the new plant. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • After impregnation the fertilized oosphere immediately surrounds itself with a cell-wall and becomes the oospore which by a process of growth forms the embryo of the new plant. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • Down this canal pass one or more antherozoids, which become absorbed into the oosphere, and this then secretes a wall, and from it grows the second or asexual generation. Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
  • In Coleochæte, the male cell is a round spermatozoid, and the female cell an oosphere contained in the base of a cell which is elongated into an open and hair-like tube called the trichogyne. Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
  • What results is the noosphere, a stage of evolutionary development in which consciousness is formed and information increasingly shared. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Coleochæte, the male cell is a round spermatozoid, and the female cell an oosphere contained in the base of a cell which is elongated into an open and hair-like tube called the trichogyne. Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
  • Each protuberance bursts, and some of the spermatozoids come in contact with and are absorbed by the oosphere, which then secretes a cell-wall, and after a time germinates. Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
  • The spermatozoid coalesces with the oosphere, which secretes Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
  • Those which are of two kinds are, first, a generally aggressive and motile fertilizing or so-called "male cell," called in its typical form an _antherozoid_; and, second, a passive and motionless receptive or so-called "female cell," called an _oosphere_. Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
  • I find that the noosphere is a good metaphor and mneumonic device for doing that and helps us think on a more planetary and informational scale. Jason Silva: Darwin's Pharmacy: Sex, Plants and the Evolution of the Noosphere
  • Guided by the synergidae one male-cell passes into the oosphere with which it fuses, the two nuclei uniting, while the other fuses with the definitive nucleus, or, as it is also called, the endosperm nucleus. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • The product of the union of an antherozoid and an oosphere is termed an Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
  • The macrospore or embryo-sac produces a prothallium called the endosperm, in which archegonia or corpuscula are formed; and lastly, in typical dicotyledons it is only lately that any trace of a prothallium from the microspore or pollen cell has been discovered, while the macrospore or embryo-sac produces only two or three prothallium cells, known as antipodal cells, and two or three oospheres, known as germinal vesicles. Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
  • The pollen cells are formed from mother cells by a process of cell division and subsequent setting free of the daughter cells or pollen cells by rejuvenescence, which is distinctly comparable with that of the formation of the microspores of Lycopodiaceæ, etc. The subsequent behavior of the pollen cell, its division and its fertilization of the germinal vesicle or oosphere, leave no doubt as to its analogy with the microspore of vascular cryptogams. Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
  • The sexual generation is a small green thalloid structure called a prothallium, which bears antheridia and archegonia, each archegonium having a neck-canal and oosphere, which is fertilized just as in the moss. Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886

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