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How To Use One thousand In A Sentence

  • Poland has ten symphony orchestras, seventeen conservatories, over one hundred music schools, and almost one thousand music centers.
  • Five people died in the explosion and more than one thousand were injured. One person is still missing.
  • According to the official figures, over one thousand people died during the revolution.
  • A very small percentage of women will experience what is referred to as postpartum psychosis, a serious but rare illness affecting one to two of every one thousand new mothers. Our Bodies, Ourselves: Pregnancy and Birth
  • _ On November [_sic_] nineteen, one thousand five hundred and ninety-one, there met and assembled before me in Manila, Esteban de Marquina, public and cabildo notary of this city, and the magistrates and regimiento of the same -- namely, Captain The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 08 of 55 1591-1593 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
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Master English with Ease
  • Done in quintuplicate, at the city of Guadalupe Hidalgo, on the second day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty—eight. Treaty with Mexico
  • Of course, we used to use the word milliard for ‘one thousand million’.
  • Violation of the act was punishable by a fine of one thousand dollars or imprisonment for one year, or both.
  • _Vanguard, Explorer, Discoverer; Pioneer III, _ which discovered the Van Allen layer in 1958, and _Pioneer IV, _ which went zooming past the Moon the following year and took up a solar orbit, and _Mariner II, _which got within twenty-one thousand miles of Venus in 1962, and _Ranger_ and _Surveyor_ and all the rest. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • At the head of one thousand horse, the Roman general sallied from the Flaminian gate to mark the ground of an advantageous position, and to survey the camp of the Barbarians; but while he still believed them on the other side of the Tyber, he was suddenly encompassed and assaulted by their numerous squadrons. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • One thousand of those had reoffended, he said, some committing violent and sex crimes.
  • Warn me of a sink rate greater than one thousand fpm. A Lincoln Rhyme eBook Boxed Set
  • However, I had just made what I called my millennium resolution—a resolution for the next one thousand years. The Sacred Promise
  • ‘I will give you one thousand denarii's for him, take it or leave it’ she spoke to me softly but coldly to Protius.
  • The death toll in the earthquake has been put at over one thousand.
  • “Your total is one thousand, one hundred and five dollars and eight cents,” the salesgirl said to me, even though her eyes were on the commotion in front of the dressing room. Real wifeys
  • In a similar vein it is said of her sons that “one of them could carry two sides of a huge ox which cost one thousand zuz and walk with them, heel to toe [up the altar ramp to the altar] …” (BT Sukkah 52b). Martha, daughter of Boethus.
  • Looking at the 15 minutes of log before the crash, we find about one thousand login requests and only a few logouts.
  • The various other families of aculeate _Hymenoptera_ are doubtless more abundant than the species recorded indicate, and it may be safely reckoned that the parasitic _Hymenoptera_ in Ceylon far exceed one thousand species in number, though they are yet only known by means of about two dozen kinds collected at Kandy by Mr. Thwaites. Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon
  • One reporter filed a statement that there were over one thousand people in the march.
  • For the past one thousand years, Germans and Poles have at times fought wars and ruled one another.
  • People along the Torch Relay route have extended the flame a warm welcome and the relay is proceeding successfully as planned ....... more than one thousand Londoners from all walks of life participated in the launching ceremony of the London leg of the Torch Relay. Olympic Torch relay a great success - official
  • The concert will be relayed to a worldwide television audience estimated at one thousand million.
  • If drugs are procured on the open market, the price increase can soar one thousand-fold.
  • By night one thousand, even Scheherazade's fertile imagination had begun to fail; she was reduced to retreading the names of her characters.
  • According to the official figures, over one thousand people died during the revolution.
  • In Ukraine alone thousands of Lenin statues were removed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eventually, the computational speed could be measured in petaflops, where one petaflop equals one thousand trillion calculations per second. The Scientist
  • You will be stunned to see that the right column is one thousand times longer than the left. Christianity Today
  • Now suppose there is a desperate bandit lurking in the fields and one thousand men set out in pursuit of him.
  • She retrieved the deck of cards and returned to the table to play what was probably her one thousandth game of solitaire since arriving at the prison.
  • When Buck wins sixteen hundred dollars for his beloved friend after pulling the dog sled laden with one thousand pounds of flour, the pace of life changes.
  • Such debts amounted to about four thousand: one thousand five hundred for a horse, and two thousand five hundred as surety for a young comrade, Venovsky, who had lost that sum to a cardsharper in Vronsky’s presence. Chapter XIX. Part III
  • _It is well known that the rum made upon an estate will seldom pay its contingent expenses, and that frequently bills are drawn on Great Britain to the amount of one thousand pounds, and sometimes two thousand pounds, for the excess of the contingencies over and above the amount of the sale of the rum_: here the attorney finds another avenue of amassing for himself. The slave trade, domestic and foreign Why It Exists, and How It May Be Extinguished
  • The waterfall makes a sheer drop of one thousand feet.
  • He persuaded each of the two railways to pay him a bonus of one thousand dollars.
  • With many skilled technological workers, our company's producing value increases by times, it will reach one thousand million in 2008.
  • It contains some three hundred bird species, ninety mammals, fifty species of fish big and small with one thousand seven hundred flowering plants.
  • The years of the fructiferous incarnation of the Son of God had reached the number of one thousand three hundred and forty-eight, when into the illustrious city of Florence, beautiful beyond every other in Italy, entered the death - fraught pestilence. Rienzi, Last of the Roman Tribunes
  • The strobila is made up of anywhere from a few to more than one thousand proglottids but usually contains several dozen.
  • The abbess is the only person who knows precisely the location of the service, knowledge which was passed down for one thousand years from abbess to abbess. Archive 2006-02-01
  • Chapter One employs a prosopography of over one thousand trade unionists and Working Men's Party operatives based on an extensive analysis of census, tax list, probate, insolvency, and other documents. Advocating The Man: Masculinity, Organized Labor, and the Household in New York, 1800-1840
  • On a weight basis, a billion ultra-fine particles are about equivalent to one coarse particle 10 micrometres in diameter, but have one thousand times the surface area.
  • What follows is a wealth of research about the Indian Ocean, where the deep seabed is covered by a translucent slime called globigerina ooze, which can be as much as one thousand feet thick.
  • Summoned by their chiefs, they came – chosen representatives of all the big tribes – one thousand five hundred strong, each tribe headed by its Bariaktar with the bullet-riven banner, and led by its priest or Franciscan – sons of the Church militant (a revolver peeped from the habit of more than one) – riding or marching in front of their men, and marshalling them with a precision that called forth general admiration. High Albania
  • In one year, two rats can produce as many as one thousand offspring and in eight months a group of twenty mice can multiply to two thousand.
  • A unit of length equal to one thousandth ( 10 - 3 ) of a millimeter or one millionth ( 10 - 6 ) of a meter.
  • Absalom, Absalom! by William Faulkner: All right, if you're going to do it, let's do it right: the Faulkneriest Faulkner, the doomful Southern past rising up in a swirl of consciousness and at least one thousand-word sentence. An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
  • At the end of his life, the artist had created more than one thousand prints - mainly lithographs and etchings.
  • This train conveys over one thousand passengers every day.
  • Ludovisi died in 1632; he was of a princely family with a large patrimony, and he made provision in his will for the college; it was to have an income of one thousand crowns a year; a house was to be purchased for it; and he left a vineyard as Castel Gandolfo where the students might pass their villeggiatura. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • The concert will be relayed to a worldwide television audience estimated at one thousand million.
  • He now has in bearing one thousand trees, besides two thousand not bearing, his orchard being divided about equally between the pippin and winesap varieties. History of Roanoke County
  • Palestinian negotiator Nabil Shaath said Arab countries have not provided the one thousand million dollars in aid promised at a meeting in October.
  • The emperor had already received soft cloth made of camel hair, brocades, sable furs, jade girdles, fifty camels and one thousand ponies as her bride price.
  • Some of the highlights are a 220-pound, 500,000-carat golden sapphire, one of the world's largest; a 4,360-carat ‘rainbow’ calcite; and the world's largest tanzanite set in a tiara with one thousand diamonds.
  • Player's Scourge or Actor's Tragedie_, a thick quarto of over one thousand closely printed pages, which bore on the title-page the imprint, '_printed by E.A. and W.J. for Michael Sparke_.' A Short History of English Printing, 1476-1898
  • The candidate was put in by a majority of one thousand.
  • You will be stunned to see that the right column is one thousand times longer than the left. Christianity Today
  • One thousand cars went to the cemetery.
  • Non-Ghanaian nationals pay ten times more than Ghanaian nationals: ten thousand cedis (approximately four dollars) instead of one thousand cedis (approximately forty cents).
  • The death toll in the earthquake has been put at over one thousand.
  • You will be stunned to see that the right column is one thousand times longer than the left. Christianity Today
  • The waterfall makes a sheer drop of one thousand feet.
  • Prosaic and uneventful to the last degree was our passage, the only incident worth recording being our "gamming" of the PASSAMAQUODDY, of Martha's Vineyard, South Sea whaler; eighteen months out, with one thousand barrels of sperm oil on board. The Cruise of the Cachalot Round the World After Sperm Whales
  • The coach clocked his men for each one thousand metres while they ran Marathon.
  • Thirty-one thousand people watched the Chooms roll over them in this match 33–10.
  • According to the official figures, over one thousand people died during the revolution.
  • One thousand of the shirts were made in November and all sold within three weeks of going on sale.
  • Alcohol, one thousand parts; genuine kino, one hundred parts; rhatany root, one hundred parts; tincture of balsam of tolu, two parts; tincture of gum benzoin, two parts; essential oil of canella, two parts; essential oil of mint, two parts; essential oil of aniseed, one part. The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
  • Recent sediments consist of uncompacted and uncemented sands, clays, and silts, and they have a strength of the order of one thousandth that of many strong metamorphosed basement, or igneous, rocks.
  • I will give one thousand sucres to the lazar-house of Quito if a bull kills a man this day. The Madness of John Harned
  • My salary has been increased to one thousand yuan.
  • It is a large volume of about one thousand pages of text in double columns.
  • This biased organization seeks to undermine the achievement of a vital national security interest that more than one thousand Americans have already given their lives to safeguard.
  • Five people died in the explosion and more than one thousand were injured. One person is still missing.
  • Postal clerk: Let me check. Yes. Your one thousand remittance, please.
  • So choice a morceau was the very thing that every body wanted; and, in the course of his journey, subscriptions poured in to the extent of one thousand; and Mr.C. on his return, after what might be called a triumph, discovered the elasticity of his spirit; smiling at past depressions, and now, on solid ground, anticipating ease, wealth, and fame. Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Robert Southey
  • Dasmarinas, in the city of Manila, on the twenty-third day of May, in the year one thousand five hundred and ninety-one, on behalf of the cabildo, magistrates, and regimiento of the city. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 08 of 55 1591-1593 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • The spacing of the rods, each of which measured one thousandth of a millimetre wide, alters a property of the material known as the refractive index, which changes the speed of light inside it. The Guardian World News
  • The olive - skinned townspeople, less than one thousand in 1844, clung to their Spanish language and Mexican culture and dressed in serapes, sombreros, rebozos, and other garb characteristic of communities south of the Rio Grande.
  • For example, all children in our class have to give one thousand tugriks every month for the class fund.
  • For more than one thousand years, valerian has been used for its calmative properties. The Best Alternative Medicine
  • The amount of his dower, twelve hundred livres, was much less; one thousand livres were again for both of them, with the sum to which the widow would be entitled from the estate being set at eight hundred livres.
  • Like the gray, the sievert is a large unit and for normal radiation protection levels a series of prefixes are used: nanoSievert (nSv) is one thousand millionth of a Sievert (1/1,000,000,000) microSievert (µSv) is one millionth of a Sievert (1/1,000,000) milliSievert (mSv) is one thousandth of a Sievert (1/1,000) Radiation units
  • Every year when the below-zero weather comes around, my father and I carry out over one thousand five-gallon pails from our house to our barn where the water is frozen.
  • The Metropolitan has always stood as a stronghold of the African Methodist Episcopal Communion, but in the short space of sixteen months that Dr. Scott has been the faithful watchman on its walls, he has added over four hundred persons to its membership, lowered a debt of thirty-one thousand dollars to nineteen thousand, and financiered a fund of nearly two thousand dollars into the Church treasury. The Sons of Allen: Together with a Sketch of the Rise and Progress of Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, Ohio.
  • Do not forget I am older than you are and my memory is one thousand times less muddled than yours.
  • The concert will be relayed to a worldwide television audience estimated at one thousand million.
  • The internationally recognized abbreviation of the meter is m. Meters are divided up into smaller units so a decimeter is one tenth of a meter, a centimeter is one hundredth of a meter, and a millimeter is one thousandth of a meter.
  • One thousand cards were sold and the new postal service quickly served to make the cards popular.
  • According to the official figures, over one thousand people died during the revolution.
  • Did he not know that the very "spittoon" which his judgeship used cost the city the sum of one thousand dollars? The Gilded Age, Part 6.
  • The coach clocked his men for each one thousand metres while they ran Marathon.
  • In each country a sample of about one thousand respondents was interviewed regarding many aspects of their individual political beliefs and actions.
  • The internationally recognized abbreviation of the meter is m. Meters are divided up into smaller units so a decimeter is one tenth of a meter, a centimeter is one hundredth of a meter, and a millimeter is one thousandth of a meter.
  • He had brought with him the bo'sun and the carpenter, his own mate, the bo'sun's mate and the carpenter's mate, four P. O.'s, the sergeant of Marines, a few leading stokers and half-a-dozen hands; fifty fathoms of hawser-laid four-inch white rope; six stout stakes (ash); bags, canvas, twelve (one to collect the tickets earned by each division); and one thousand eight hundred tickets, numbered from one to one thousand eight hundred. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, June 25, 1919
  • One Thousand And One Nights tells people lots of mysterious bits of folklore .
  • Beryl's "sulk" had grown, like the gathering clouds of an impending storm, into a big gloom that did not lighten even when, after dinner, the girls were left alone in the library with their beloved "one thousand and seventy-four" books. Red-Robin
  • The title proceeds, appointing him for such time as may be the pleasure of his Majesty and of the said governor in his royal name; and the latter assigns him an annual salary of one thousand pesos of common gold, to be paid from the royal treasury in accordance with the resolution made at the preceding meeting of the treasury on September The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 27 of 55 1636-37 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • One thousand signed, clothbound copies will be available, priced at $350 each. 'Decision Points': George Bush's Memoir COMING SOON (PHOTO)
  • A formidable creature half lion and half eagle, the griffin is said to be one thousand times stronger than any lion and five thousand times as arsighted as an eagle. Another Quiz – mythical animals
  • Ten metres make a decametre, and one thousand metres make a kilometre, and ten thousand metres make a myriametre. Asiatic Breezes Students on The Wing
  • William Nash of the town of Westerly, State of Rhode Island, who so gallantly volunteered to man the life-boat and a fishing boat, and saved the lives of thirty-two persons from the wreck of the steamer "Metis," on the waters of Long Island Sound, on the thirty-first day of August, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876
  • One thousand people from a fishing village were forced to move to give room to a refinery plant which was never built.
  • A formidable creature half lion, half eagle, the griffin is said to be one thousand times stronger than any lion and five thousand times as farsighted as an eagle.
  • By noon, there were one thousand people and it seemed that I gotten the gumball count right. Adam Klugman: Live from OccupyPortland!
  • ElBruce, I have a check in the amount of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS for any one who name jacks me. Think Progress » Red Cross financial aid Scott Brown voted to kill now assisting Massachusetts relief efforts in Haiti.
  • What are the one thousand teachable things that every third grader ought to start learning so she'll know them all before before she graduates from high school?
  • And all this to feed the avidity of a few millionary merchants, and to keep up one thousand ships of war for the protection of their commercial speculations. Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 4
  • 9: 18 PM comments: gomer said ... gomer is itching to do a quick one thousand words on kim darby's appearance but he is going to refrain out of respect for the site owner who may or may not appreciate it. that is a nice pink argyle vest though, kin of fetching. i dont see angie dickinson though. at least not in a form i, or anyone else, would recognize. True Grit Days
  • At last bail was fixed at one thousand five hundred rupees. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • The concert will be relayed to a worldwide television audience estimated at one thousand million.
  • In testimony whereof, the said Lewis Cass, James B. Ray, and John Tipton, commissioners as aforesaid, and the chiefs and warriors of the said Potawatamie tribe have hereunto set their hands, at the Wabash, on the sixteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, and of the independence of the United States the fifty-first. The Volokh Conspiracy » Error in Many Versions of the United States Constitution
  • One thousand and seventy three pairs of adult monozygotic (MZ) twins and 895 pairs of same sex adult dizygotic (DZ) twins from the United Kingdom (UK) completed the Humor Styles Questionnaire: a 32-item measure which assesses two positive and two negative styles of humor. Archive 2008-08-01
  • For publishing a report of the public exercises com - memorative of Koger Wolcott, late governor of the Com - monwealth, as authorized by chapter one hundred and ten of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceed - ing one thousand dollars. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • I know this well, that if one thousand, if one hundred, if ten men whom I could name — if ten honest men only — ay, if one HONEST man, in this State of Massachusetts, ceasing to hold slaves, were actually to withdraw from this copartnership, and be locked up in the county jail therefor, it would be the abolition of slavery in On the Duty of Civil Disobedience
  • in England they call one thousand million a milliard
  • The number, therefore, of horse implied by it ought at least to be ascertained: _we will suppose five thousand_, and, allowing the exigency for their attendance to exist only in the proportion of _one year in five_, reduce the demand to one thousand for the computation of the subsidy, which, at the rate of _fifty rupees_ per man, will amount to fifty thousand _per mensem_. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 09 (of 12)
  • Constantinople by the prudence, rather than clemency, of Justinian; and he commanded Dagisteus, with seven thousand Romans, and one thousand of the Zani, * to expel the Persians from the coast of the Euxine. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Long, long ago the people in Shetland and Orkney called them the seal people, the selkies, and even now, in this year of our Lady one thousand and ten, you still sometimes heard the ancient name.
  • It is a very large priorate, for it has more than one thousand rich and influential Indians. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 23 of 55 1629-30 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing t
  • Situated at the location where the Vikings landed one thousand years ago, its design has a strong maritime theme, including a sail-like tensile canopy.
  • Or to be precise, one thousand, nine hundred and seventy-nine pounds, twenty-four pence.
  • One thousand caterpillars eating leaves might completely defoliate a tree in two weeks, whereas that same number of aphids would hardly be noted.
  • He likewise fixed the surra from Constantinople, or, as it is called, the Greek surra, at thirty-one thousand ducats per annum. Travels in Arabia
  • There are a little over 36,000 communes, and their populations can range in size from under one thousand to that of a large city.
  • [...] [T] oday the state acts as a hands-off licensing bureau and divorce granter, making marriage relatively easy to enter and exit, yet maintain legal marital status as a key determinant of eligibility for more than one thousand federal rights and obligations. Bella DePaulo: Challenges to the Privileging of Married People, from Across the Ideological Spectrum
  • Tucked away among the disorientating maze of vendors in Kano's central market, is Ali Yahaya's fabric and curtain stall. "one thousand, two hundred Naira [around £5]" he barks, holding an [long-lasting insecticidal net] LLIN up in its shiny wrapper. The market for malaria prevention
  • # -- "In the year of grace one thousand one hundred and seventy-four, by the just but occult judgment of God, the Church of Christ at Canterbury was consumed by fire, in the forty-fourth year from its dedication, that glorious choir, to wit, which had been so magnificently completed by the care and industry of Prior Conrad" ( "Gervase," translated by Willis). The Cathedral Church of Canterbury [2nd ed.].
  • Her father182 had also been governor of the carrier-pigeons to the Caliph with a solde of one thousand dinars a month. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • One thousand passengers from the big steamship are on shore.
  • Later I was charged for ‘wounding with intent to maim and disfigure a person’ and bail was set at one thousand dollars.
  • John pays him one thousand ducats to do the dirty deed.
  • According to the official figures, over one thousand people died during the revolution.
  • Five people died in the explosion and more than one thousand were injured. One person is still missing.
  • We stand against insuperable odds, around one thousand to one.
  • There, one thousand miles from Moscow, in a Russia still cut off from the West, he had invented the elements of the electoral campaign from scratch, long before the ballot box became anything more than a wastepaper receptacle. The Return
  • She promptly placed one thousand man-servants opposite one thousand maidservants and declared, ‘He will marry her, she will marry him, ‘and so on.’
  • Leaving a glowing trail over one thousand kilometers long, it broke into several large pieces as it progressed.
  • The exhibition drew more than forty-one thousand people and was reviewed in newspapers and journals across the country.
  • Here begins a veritable forest, the greatest the earth has to show, extending with little interruption from the Ural to the neighbourhood of the Sea of Ochotsk, and from the fifty-eighth or fifty-ninth degree of latitude to far north of the Arctic Circle, that is to say, about one thousand kilometres from north to south, and perhaps four times as much from east to west. The Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe, Volume I and Volume II
  • The concert will be relayed to a worldwide television audience estimated at one thousand million.
  • The waterfall makes a sheer drop of one thousand feet.
  • Its new Web site offers one thousand items for sale, mostly targeted towards the Christmas gift market.
  • And that same evening this hypocritical Highness 'rooked' a foolish young fellow of over one thousand English pounds! Temporal Power
  • She recalled the time Mrs. Koenigswald had brought into her history class a professional knapper, a person who made blades out of stone, as people had done thousands of years ago. The Killing Sea
  • Another way of saying one trillion is to think of it as one thousand billion or one million million. The Sun
  • Alcohol, one thousand parts; genuine kino, one hundred parts; rhatany root, one hundred parts; tincture of balsam of tolu, two parts; tincture of gum benzoin, two parts; essential oil of canella, two parts; essential oil of mint, two parts; essential oil of aniseed, one part. The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
  • In each country a sample of about one thousand respondents was interviewed regarding many aspects of their individual political beliefs and actions.
  • The death toll in the earthquake has been put at over one thousand.
  • Smaller units of time are measured in milliseconds which are one thousandth of a second and microseconds, which are one millionth of a second.

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