How To Use on average In A Sentence
- A new neutral mutation will fix with a probability of 1/(2Ne), where Ne is the effective population size, and it will take 4Ne generations on average to do so. Death of a popular anti-ID argument
- At the root of the problem is nothing so mundane as access to the hills and glens but the booming industry in Scottish barony titles that sell on average for £55,000 each.
- Not only are policemen getting younger, but people are living longer - ten years more on average than a generation ago.
- On average, Maori life expectancy is 10 years less than that of Pakeha.
- The results indicate that, on average, listeners are able to discriminate between the two.
- Clinical assessments were estimated to take on average 9.8 minutes for a regular review and 13.4 minutes for an annual review.
- Tugela Ferry's bug, however, takes on average an unprecedented 25 days after diagnosis to kill...
- Is it twice a month on average? Times, Sunday Times
- On average, we consumed more fruit and less vegetables last year, with the potato seeing the biggest plunge in terms of demand.
- I don't consider myself a caffeine addict, but I do drink diet Coke every evening and probably a weak coffee every day or two on average.