How To Use On average In A Sentence
A new neutral mutation will fix with a probability of 1/(2Ne), where Ne is the effective population size, and it will take 4Ne generations on average to do so.
Death of a popular anti-ID argument
At the root of the problem is nothing so mundane as access to the hills and glens but the booming industry in Scottish barony titles that sell on average for £55,000 each.
Not only are policemen getting younger, but people are living longer - ten years more on average than a generation ago.
On average, Maori life expectancy is 10 years less than that of Pakeha.
The results indicate that, on average, listeners are able to discriminate between the two.

Clinical assessments were estimated to take on average 9.8 minutes for a regular review and 13.4 minutes for an annual review.
Tugela Ferry's bug, however, takes on average an unprecedented 25 days after diagnosis to kill...
Is it twice a month on average?
Times, Sunday Times
On average, we consumed more fruit and less vegetables last year, with the potato seeing the biggest plunge in terms of demand.
I don't consider myself a caffeine addict, but I do drink diet Coke every evening and probably a weak coffee every day or two on average.
It means drinkers will hand 12 each on average in tax to the Government during the festive period.
The Sun
Those households tend to be wealthier and better educated on average, making newspaper readers an attractive market for advertisers.
On average, her firm consumes 1,200 legal-size legal pads, 12,000 letter-size legal pads, and 4,200 Junior-size legal pads a year.
The mass concentration by tapered elemental oscillating microbalance was on average slightly lower than mass concentration measured by filter, but there was good agreement.
The most important species group in terms of shelf catches are pelagic fishes, representing on average 52% of the total catch, and cods, hakes and haddocks, representing more than 30% of the catch.
Faroe Plateau large marine ecosystem
My income's rather variable, but I earn £73 a day on average.
It says that sometimes we have excess capacity, and sometimes we overtax capacity, but on average we get it right.
Keynesians and Monetarists, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
These species tend to have shorter larval periods on average when compared to tadpoles that develop in more permanent ponds.
Each molecule has on average six neighbors, generating a six-fold hexagonal symmetry.
On average a total solar eclipse is visible from any location only once every few centuries.
That's 195 million more than watch an NBA playoff game, on average.
For this season's league games, the Bootham Crescent turnstiles click, on average, a mere 2,600 times.
Across groups I, II, and III, amino acid identity in pairwise Needleman-Wunsch comparisons of unaligned sequences was approximately 25% on average.
Reforms that increase government revenues--on average, program countries increase revenues at a brisker pace than non-program countries--help create "fiscal space.
Benedict Clements: When Reality Doesn't Bite -- Misconceptions about the IMF and Social Spending
Likewise, back at the ranch, the Godless blue states rank, on average, ahead of the Bible-thumping red states on such hot-button morality indicators as divorce, unwed mothers and domestic violence.
My point is that generalizations like these: “I absolutely do not rule out the possibility that African Americans are, on average, genetically predisposed to be less intelligent,” andthis:
The Volokh Conspiracy » Judging a Person Based on a Single Forwarded Personal E-Mail
The JOIDES Resolution expedition to Wilkes Land is investigating some of these, such as the Pliocene, about 3 million years ago, when the world was on average 3 C (5.4 F) warmer than today.
January 12th, 2010 at 4: 49 pm but the elected officials are definitely sleazier (on average) than the appointed ones
Matthew Yglesias » The High Price of Electing City Treasurers
On average, people take in 500 calories more each day.
Times, Sunday Times
They cost as much as regular games on average, but they multiply your purchase manyfold, since each one you buy contains many games.
America is 33% NAMs (Non-Asian Minorities, e.g., blacks and Hispanics) who earn less, on average, than whites in Asians in every mixed-race country on earth.
Matthew Yglesias » If High Taxes Led to Growth, the Most-Taxed Countries on Earth Would Be the Richest; Which They Are
Moreover, while the Czechs are a seasoned, veteran team — older than the U.S. team on average — not a single Czech player has competed in the World Cup.
The First Cup is the Deepest
Rent for nonsubsidized apartments ($1,218 on average) is slightly higher than the citywide average ($1,146); however, 44 percent of the subsidized housing in the city is located in the center city, and 84 percent of the people living downtown are renters.
DSA: Panhandling Proposal Isn’t Rich vs. Poor « PubliCola
On average, American firms remain the most productive in the world.
Central government departmental budgets were reduced on average by 20% within four years.
Times, Sunday Times
Flexible working may apply to this job and would involve the successful applicant working on average one and half hours per week.
Offspring from smaller populations were on average more inbred, so inbreeding depression in clonal fitness was higher in small populations.
These are mixed with lukewarm water and left in a warm place until slightly fermented and sour, a process which takes, on average, a week.
On average, there are two infelicities and one major mistake for every three pages.
The Times Literary Supplement
It shows that, on average, women contribute 13% to total labour input in farming.
Their details were first logged, on average, nine years before they were interviewed by the study team.
Times, Sunday Times
And, in fact, since the early 1990s interest rates have fallen and loan maturities have lengthened on average.
When students were asked how many cups of coffee they drink in a day (on average), the results were surprising.
On average, governors volunteer around five hours of their spare time each month.
Each molecule has on average six neighbors, generating a six-fold hexagonal symmetry.
Estimates vary, but it is reckoned that on average, a dissatisfied customer tells between five and ten people of their bad purchase.
On average, the storage modulus scores of composites containing 30 percent soy flour are 20 times higher than filler-free rubber, but somewhat lower than those reinforced with carbon black.
High Plains Journal
He compared the life spans of eminent clergymen and doctors and found, on average, that doctors lived about six months longer.
FINGERPRINTS: Murder and the Race to Uncover the Science of Identity
On average, my pilots employed air-to-surface weapons twice on 85 missions during our squadron's 24-week deployment.
Whether or not they are pluralists, they must decide whether moral rightness depends on total good or on average good.
On average, men rated the unworn t-shirt's scent attractiveness 3.82 and women rated it 4.02.
Details of the gap between highly paid bureaucrats and staff on average salaries will also be published.
Times, Sunday Times
Britain's speedy fingered texters sent on average 45 million texts every day last year.
During the study individual cells were occupied on average for 2.27 1.28 years.
Details of the gap between highly paid bureaucrats and staff on average salaries will also be published.
Times, Sunday Times
The flowers of the species are bisexual and protogynous, producing on average 13 unfused uniovulate carpels.
He warned the emission levels were on average in excess of 100 micrograms per cubic metre.
But, on average, intangible assets now represent about 80 percent of the market value of public companies.
On average, an inflorescence developed 166 • 21 53 • 31 flowers that opened in acropetal order.
It follows that parents who leave wealth to sons in polygynous societies will have, on average, more grandchildren than would parents who left wealth equally to daughters and sons.
Women are, on average, shorter than men and should (according to forementioned claims), thus, be obese more frequently. —
Why Are Women More Likely to Be Obese Than Men? - Freakonomics Blog -
We calculated a job satisfaction score by totalling the scores for all five statements: 20 or more represented a positive response, on average, to all statements, and we suggest that this shows a high level of satisfaction.
The trial results show that people fitted with it lost on average 30% of their excess weight in a year.
Times, Sunday Times
On average 800,000 pigs are slaughtered every year in New Zealand while some 50,000 sows are retained for breeding.
On average shops are taking 340 days to re-let.
Times, Sunday Times
In eight out of ten major towns, people on average incomes cannot afford to buy an average home which is now 6.7 times average annual pay and will require a mortgage of five times your income.
Females stand, on average, 23 to 25 inches at the withers (shoulders).
Is it twice a month on average?
Times, Sunday Times
In 1993 it took, on average, five years and eight months for a case to be finally decided.
On average we consume about 12g a day; ordinary individuals need no more than 3-5g.
Is it twice a month on average?
Times, Sunday Times
Rural areas were more prosperous on their broader measure, despite being on average less wealthy.
Times, Sunday Times
Scientists estimate that smoking reduces life expectancy by around 12 years on average.
Of course, there's the predictable financial concerns (especially when I worked out yesterday how much, on average, I spend a week: egad!)
The trial results show that people fitted with it lost on average 30% of their excess weight in a year.
Times, Sunday Times
Their report found that soaps contained on average SEVEN drinking scenes per hour.
The Sun
On average, the carnosaurs were larger than most other theropods.
On average, the number of drivers speeding at camera sites dropped from 55 per cent to 16.
In the United States, on average a groom is 2.3 years older than his bride.
The Downside of Marriage for Women | Impact Lab
There also will be a crackdown on whiplash claims to reduce insurance premiums by 40 on average a year.
Times, Sunday Times
On average, so the guide says, a new restaurant, cafe or bistro is opening in one of the cities each week.
The duration of action of one dose of morphine is four hours on average.
The Times Literary Supplement
The duration of action of one dose of morphine is four hours on average.
The Times Literary Supplement
On average they achieve lower attainment in SATS tests and exams throughout school.
He kicks all sorts of ass explaining how Africa and Europe got dealt different cards geologically (available ports), botanically (available crops), zoologically (available beasts of burden), etc. in the first place and how *that* is a big part of why people in Africa on average are less well off than people in Europe on average are.
"The Stand" and human machine language
The Dow Jones Transportation Average halted three days of declines, rising as much as 9. 39 to 1905. 34.
On average, from the December 31, 2009 currency rate, the Mongolian tugrik appreciated by 2.4% over the U.S. dollar, whilst the Kyrgyz som depreciated against the U.S. dollar by approximately 2.4%.
Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
The plants growing higher than 800 m above the sea level contained, on average, 4-fold higher amounts of rutin than plants growing lower than 200 m above the sea level.
Yudhoyono targets growth of as much as 6.6 percent on average through the remainder of his term ending in 2014. -- Top News
Study patients getting sugammadex recovered from the muscle relaxers about 17 times faster, on average, than those getting neostigmine.
Market News
The expendability is reflected in wartime casualty rates, of course, but men also die more often in work-related accidents and die earlier, on average.
Testosterone Put to the Test
Tithes, destined for the upkeep of the parish clergy but often impropriated by monasteries or laymen, took around another 8 per cent on average.
The spokesman said the signs were very useful in combating excess speed, showing reductions on average of eight or nine miles per hour.
Most were hard-core drug users who had been injecting for 12 years on average.
On average, you should spot each numberplate number approximately once in every thousand (ish) plates.
In contrast, venture - capital funds in America invest on average $ 6 m in each venture, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Competitive tendering as an alternative to negotiated contracts has been shown in a number of contexts to yield cost savings (for a given level of service) before administrative charges are netted out of 20% on average.
An analysis of more than 100 museum specimens shows that the curvature of claws on pterosaurs ' wing fingers was, on average, comparable to that of perching birds.
Rallies last far longer than in tennis - about 10 shots more on average - and the shuttle is in play for roughly double the time.
Agents on average forecast a 2.5 per cent rise.
Times, Sunday Times
The Ptot concentrations were, on average, twice as high in the calcicole as in the calcifuge herbs on the calcareous soil, whereas there were no consistent differences between the herb categories on the acid soil.
The premium of the purchase price over the share price before the bid is higher on average when the target has a poison pill or staggered board than when it does not.
The duration of action of one dose of morphine is four hours on average.
The Times Literary Supplement
Most ethnic minority groups were on average more likely to attend selective universities than white pupils.
Times, Sunday Times
Here, the hydrocarbon chains are, on average, directed to a single one-dimensional line.
Each eggshell weighs 14.6 g on average and penguin eggshells contain 36% calcium.
Q1SQ2: On average, how much do you spend in total each month using your credit card form factor contactless IC chip-based electronic cash?
Almost all users satisifed with PASMO
We have been training four nights a week, and on average we would go through 20 sliotars a night.
Although it is the case that on average these abilities will go down with age, some people within the groups stay the same or even get a bit better.
Those who had more erratic eating patterns, were on average more likely to be fat.
The Sun
Each team is scoring, on average, exactly one fewer touchdown a game this season than it did last season.
As a practicing gynecologist caring for women in menopause, however, I find myseld a little more critical of the original study design, which enrolled primarily asymptomatic women on average 10 years post menopausal, which is not how HRT is generally used.
The WHI through the Restrospectoscope
On average, the Bush campaign has been more sure-footed, but both sides have had stumbles.
But any interruption, whether it's an e-mail, a phone call, or a walk-up, will break this flow and it takes time (15 minutes on average based on the statistics) to get back into the flow again.
So, the net effect of keeping exit-poll results off the air for hours is to make election coverage less accurate on average, not more so.
On average, American firms remain the most productive in the world.
Details of the gap between highly paid bureaucrats and staff on average salaries will also be published.
Times, Sunday Times
On average, the water column of Lake Superior is undersaturated with respect to dissolved oxygen and supersaturated with respect to carbon dioxide during the summer-stratified period.
People with two homes spend, on average, five times as much as those with one home on, among other things, lawn care, home security, pest control and housecleaning.
My income's rather variable, but I earn £73 a day on average.
The water levels are still very low and despite this the fishing was fairly good with on average of between twenty and thirty salmon taken each day.
DS games cost $20 to $40, on average, with PSP titles costing up to $50.
Shopping for a portable game machine? Check out the iPod Touch first | Sync Blog
Diversified international-stock mutual funds rose 13.3% on average in the year through Dec. 30, propell ed by a 7.4% fourth-quarter advance, according to data from investment researcher Morningstar Inc. Those returns paled against gains for U.S. stock funds of 18.9% and 12.4% for the year and final quarter, respectively, but nonetheless brought relief from a bumpy and sometimes treacherous ride.
Bloom Comes off International Stock Funds
The College Board estimates that college graduates earn on average 81 percent more than those with high school diplomas.
If the average value of the trait in the offspring is higher than the parental generation average, the trait is heritable.
They've discovered that on average we interface with 832 individuals, meeting roughly half of those, engaging with the rest via telephone or e-mail.
In her novels, women and men partake in radically different subcultures: On average, the women are achievement - and future-oriented; on average, the men are not.
"The Hidden Gender Restriction"; or, the Economics of Waiting to Exhale, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Tugela Ferry's bug, however, takes on average an unprecedented 25 days after diagnosis to kill...
Maurice CliftCrawley, West Sussex• Thirty years ago actuaries for the teachers' pension scheme calculated that someone leaving work at 60 could expect, on average, to live another 13 years.
Letters: Moving the goalposts on public pensions
On average, women who preload consume over a third of their total amount of alcohol for that evening before leaving their own or their friends' homes.
Ground speed was on average only slightly faster than the mean air speed, and the scatter was considerably larger for ground speeds than for air speeds.
On average then, Domesday estate production was more efficient than post-bellum Southern farms and small Californian farms in the 1970s.
Figures from National Health Service Scotland show that new mothers from more advantaged backgrounds are on average 12 years older than those from poorer areas.
His trips to farms and factories and calls on average folk were splashed across state newspapers and television.
On average, our clients make a fivefold return on their investment.
Times, Sunday Times
That women have, on average, behaved differently than men doesn't necessarily mean any one woman's femaleness is the reason why.
EU Adviser: Insurance Pricing Is Discriminatory
Clinical assessments were estimated to take on average 9.8 minutes for a regular review and 13.4 minutes for an annual review.
Floods accounted for more than two-thirds of the 211m people a year affected on average by natural disasters over the past decade.
Some felt that the entry fee - on average approximately £300 per yacht - was too much.
On average, American firms remain the most productive in the world.
Although, on average, students would receive fewer years of formal schooling, this would not translate into less educated students, for the time spent in school would be used far more efficiently.
On average, two crocodiles a year end up as road kill on Florida's Highway 1.
Despite the fact that they've had checking accounts all their lives (and presumably know what they're doing), each year older Americans pay 4.5 billion dollars in overdraft fees -- and on average they actually pay more in fees than they receive in credit when the overdraft is triggered by a debit card transaction.
Overdraft Fees Are Trapping Consumers On Social Security In A Cycle Of Debt - The Consumerist
Our tests suggest that, on average, Canadian investors regard pension deficits as liabilities of the sponsoring firm, but do not regard surpluses as assets of the firm.
The Air Traffic Control element has been busy in Iraq, handling on average more than 400 aircraft movements each day.
Cigarette consumption Average weekly cigarette consumption in 1988 was 120 for male smokers and 99 for female smokers.
On average, about 2,000 palms can be planted on such an area of land, Lee said.
Feminists are wrong to claim that men should do a larger share of the housework and childcare because on average, men and women already do the same number of hours of productive work, " Hakim said.
However, only a small fraction (roughly 3 per cent on average) of the crustal abundance of most minerals exists in non-silicate form, as oxides, sulphides, or carbonates.
She lays a clutch of four eggs on average.
On average, patients in the detemir group put on less weight than those in the glargine group.
Health News from Medical News Today
On average, victims in the scheme have been paid 32,000 in consequential losses when they have made claims.
Times, Sunday Times
The hippocampus is the center of memory and navigation in the brain; recent research from Duke University shows that people who had had a "born-again" experience showed more atrophy of the hippocampus on average than the religious who didn't identify as born-again.
Michael Taft: Hardwired for the Mystical?
Why does Japan invest, on average, twice as much capital per worker per year than the United States?
Every tonne of coal contains, on average, 30 kilograms of nitrogen.
Indonesia is one step away from its first investment-grade credit rating in more than a decade, as President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono targets growth of as much as 6.6 percent on average through the remainder of his term ending in 2014. -- Top News
Though on average February is the likeliest month for ice, warmer winters have meant less skating in past decades and there is little for the aspiring skater to do except be prepared and wait.
Mr Cunningham said the fuel bill for the three-bedroom semi he shares with his wife and two children is on average between £200 and £300 a quarter.
Adjustable steering columns add weight and complication, so Brooke use a fixed column set to suit Mr Average, though non average customers can have it tailored to suit them during build.
The volume of mail that used to be delivered by three postmen is now on average being carried out by two.
But Terry, let me bring you back to the media question because the broadcast networks, unlike PBS, are devoting an hour a night on average at best to these proceedings.
Extant Massachusetts tax records for 1771 show that farms within all of Dartmouth Township averaged 37.i acres, including on average 124 acres of pasturage.
CINCINNATI, Oct. 26/PRNewswire/-- Ethicon Endo-Surgery today announced results from two newly published studies that demonstrate a minimally invasive approach in three common procedures resulted in a reduced rate of complications and lower overall cost of care, including a difference of more than $15,000 on average for minimally invasive colectomies, when compared to open surgery.
The detox lasts four days on average, and can be done at home or anywhere suitable.
Times, Sunday Times
Homeless people on the edge of starvation do on average need that next dollar more than the fashionable elites choosing between vintage wines.
Bruce Prescott, a Baptist minister, notes that workers in the twenty-one states with right-to-work laws earn 15 percent less on average than workers in other states.
Our over-10 handicappers took, on average, 3.6 shots just to get on the green.
Participants imagined much stumpier hands than they possessed: They underestimated finger length by about 28% on average and overestimated the distance between knuckles by 67%.
The Long and Short of Heart-Disease Risk
An alternative to making yield calculations based on average life is to make them based on equivalent life.
In one study based on U.S. data, for example, people in the top decile of the income distribution averaged more than five points higher on a ten-point happiness scale than people in the bottom decile.
So the investment bank which employs 25,500 staff has "amassed" a bonus pool of £1. 7bn which equated to around £66k each on average.
The Guardian World News
On average, we've seen anywhere between three and eight inches of snowfall.
We probably eat (on average) 2-3 meatless dinners per week and only one meated breakfast and a few meated lunches a week.
» Resolving to Live Sustainably
The statistics also show that women unionists are significantly better off than their non unionised sisters earning on average $119 a week more.
On average, these students' scores at Grades 3, 7, and 11 were at least one or more grade levels below the norm.
Morgan Stanley estimated Europe's leading banks have issued about 90 percent of their term funding needs for this year on average, and have significant liquidity pools and European Central Bank funds to help.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
The guide continues: "Although on average Scots consume less alcohol per head than the French, much of it is in the form of binge-drinking; that is, going out to the pub on Friday and Saturday night and getting, well, blootered."
On average, collections were made every 3-4 d for phytoplankton and zoo-plankton, 7 d for benthos, and 10-14 d for nekton (fish and swimming benthic invertebrates).
Let us assume that on average individuals spend 90 cents and save 10 cents of each additional dollar they receive.
I later spoke to the gallery director and asked him, on average, how many of his clients really understood what a fine art print really is and the differences between serigraphs, lithographs and giclées.
Flexible working may apply to this job and would involve the successful applicant working on average one and half hours per week.
How much (on average) does a subpostmaster earn per week/year in england?
Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
It is essential to realise that, on average, actors spend about 80% of their working life 'resting'.
On average the Torres Strait shipping lanes are checked annually, particularly where sand waves are known to be present.
I suspect on average I'd be considered a good tipper.
Staff at local jails report on average 20 to 25 former prisoners are recalled each month, with virtually all of them experiencing delays before the public protection casework section is able to collate the paperwork for the Parole Board review, says the Napo report.
Government faces claims from prisoners suffering delays to release
Their details were first logged, on average, nine years before they were interviewed by the study team.
Times, Sunday Times
We found that 85% of the birds harbored hematozoa, and the intensity of infection averaged 93.9 parasites per 100 microscope fields.
Cigarette consumption Average weekly cigarette consumption in 1988 was 120 for male smokers and 99 for female smokers.
Specifically, across cultures women have been shown to be on average more emotionally responsive, more socially attuned, and more verbally gifted than men.
Those with masters or professional degrees wed on average at age 30.
They are less likely than the well-off to be connected to mains water supplies and pay on average 12 times more per litre.
We have on average fewer children nowadays too, so they get a bigger slice of the cake - literally.
To get 20,000 signers by September 2006, we will need approximately 15 new signatures per day on average.
Babies who are put in walkers take three weeks longer on average to stand alone and walk than those who come to it naturally, researchers say.
On average, the working week is two hours longer in the east compared to the west.
Although research shows that prepubescent athletes sweat quite a bit less, on average, than adults, they also weigh less, so small water losses are magnified.
The vast majority of bank workers are honest hard-working people on average pay but have been tarred with the same brush as you and your ilk.
Times, Sunday Times
An alternative to making yield calculations based on average life is to make them based on equivalent life.
Scientists estimate that smoking reduces life expectancy by around 12 years on average.