How To Use Oligarchic In A Sentence

  • In fact, the absence of such oligarchic groups in Belarus is a disputable question.
  • He was defending the mixed system that existed in the Britain of his day - a combination of aristocratic, commercial, oligarchic, and democratic elements.
  • Thasos, and also, as I imagine, of many other states, was the opposite of what the oligarchical conspirators had intended. The History of the Peloponnesian War
  • These new private capitalists developed into oligarchic clans to protect their members and compete with the others.
  • Maybe in some aspects such as corruption, bureaucratization, and the domination of superpowerful oligarchic groups, the situation is probably worse than it was before.
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  • Having collected less than 5 percent of the vote each, they have been ejected from the Duma, despite the massive cash infusions by the various oligarchic clans and their active campaign in mass media.
  • The pre-war oligarchic elite immediately sought to restore society's previous ordering.
  • Yet in the dystopias of his late novels, the evil of oligarchic collectivism crowds out the petty, everyday struggle for socialist policies in this world.
  • In these systems, actual differences between viable political rivals are small, the oligarchic elite impose strict limits on what constitutes an acceptable and respectable political position, and politicians' careers depend heavily on unelected economic and media elites. Julie Woestehoff: Education "Reformers" Next Target? "One-Size-Fits-All" Democracy
  • Contrast the free states of the world, while their freedom lasted, with the cotemporary subjects of monarchical or oligarchical despotism: the Greek cities with the Persian satrapies; the Italian republics and the free towns of Flanders and Germany, with the feudal monarchies of Europe; Switzerland, Holland, and England, with Austria or anterevolutionary France. Representative Government
  • He was defending the mixed system that existed in the Britain of his day - a combination of aristocratic, commercial, oligarchic, and democratic elements.
  • The Yabloko party, which campaigns against what it calls "oligarchic capitalism," may gain one or two seats, Lilit Gevorgyan, a London-based analyst at IHS Global Insight, said in an e-mailed note on Dec. 2. -- Top News
  • The current system represents the end of oligarchic capitalism in Russia.
  • Aristocrates with his own tribe, which, as taxiarch, he commanded, seized Alexicles, an oligarchical general who had been most concerned with the clubs, and shut him up in a house. The History of the Peloponnesian War
  • Whereas the protection racket dominates Russian business at the street level, the government serves as the roof for oligarchic businesses that have their own security and are thus not vulnerable to crude racketeering.
  • Using this as a basis, the oligarchic man resembles the oligarchy in many ways, such as prizing money above everything else, gratifying only his desires and refusing to make expenditures for anything else.
  • After the ostracism of Thucydides the oligarchic movement went underground and some of the political clubs became centres of revolutionary agitation.
  • A third is the internal purchase of the system resulting in oligarchic fascism. Think Progress » Kristol Supports Arizona Immigration Law: ‘I Don’t Think It Violates Anyone’s Civil Rights’
  • Our public life is becoming more oligarchic in fact, despite its democratic form, losing its old enchantments.
  • Not one of the speakers related the assault on democratic rights to the increasingly oligarchic structure of American society, in which economic and political power is concentrated in the hands of a wealthy elite.
  • Could this oligarchic enterprise fund the production of truly subversive art?
  • The new president, like the old, is a representative of some 100 oligarchic families who have long monopolized wealth and power in Bolivia.
  • And someone like Kucinich doesn't have a shot in the oligarchic system capitalism has managed to set up as its political branch (Moore refers to a Citigroup document praising it as "plutonomy"). Anis Shivani: Is the Opposite of Capitalism Democracy? A Review of Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story
  • The pre-war oligarchic elite immediately sought to restore society's previous ordering.
  • Then, a law is established assigning a monetary amount as the limit of an oligarchic regime, thus disbarring anyone whose property falls below the assigned value.
  • In the end, a "movement" which appears angry and populist is in reality a front group for the worst, most regressive oligarchic policies. David A. Love: The Tea Party Spirit Is Corroding Public Discourse In America
  • A fragile center-right parliamentary majority emerged, composed of free-market liberals, conservative nationalists, and parties with ties to oligarchic clans and big business.
  • The open consolidation of American oligarchic rule has put paid to all that.
  • What is not meaningful is incremental meliorism in the face of a coming catastrophe and against the opposition of a overwhelming oligarchic hegemony. Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
  • That kind of oligarchic "free market" perversion of capitalism, as practiced by hack GOP pols like Bush and preached by wingnut media hacks like Limbauh, and not capitalism CapeCodToday Blog Chowder
  • We studied and compared the static and dynamic games of two oligarchic enterprises on second-degree price discrimination under the condition of linear demand functions.
  • This reading certainly invites us to look at Timon as an early modern critique of the growing and rapacious power of capitalism, which robs the aristocracy of its idealized form of patriarchy, based upon oligarchic, homosocial bonds.
  • It will spur corruption and create an oligarchic elite that opposes the emergence of competitive markets.
  • By the time of the 2000 election, the concentration of wealth in the hands of an oligarchic elite had reached unprecedented proportions.
  • “Original Intent” is to be taken literally, viz., a racially and religiously segregated slave-holding oligarchic Republic. Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Five angry men
  • The secret of freedom will be found in the individual 'making himself the depository of the powers respecting himself, so far as he is competent to them, and delegating only what is beyond his competence, by a synthetical process, to higher and higher orders of functionaries, so as to trust fewer and fewer powers in proportion as the trustees become more and more oligarchical.' Barack Obama's new line: "Yes we can."
  • It's about the creation of a kind of oligarchic state between masters and serfs. Hedges Laments The 'Death Of The Liberal Class'
  • The ruling oligarchic clique in Moscow headed by Putin, actually, has been quite hostile to Byelorussia and Lukashenko. Belarus: That's enough democracy | Editorial
  • But in either case the better and more exact way is to distinguish, as I have done, the one or two which are true forms, and to regard the others as perversions, whether of the most perfectly attempered mode or of the best form of government: we may compare the severer and more overpowering modes to the oligarchical forms, and the more relaxed and gentler ones to the democratic. Politics
  • The eighteenth century will for ever be associated with the amusements of a fashionable oligarchical society, represented most notably in the prime of the first of the great spa towns.
  • But free states and aristocracies are mostly destroyed from want of a fixed administration of public affairs; the cause of which evil arises at first from want of a due mixture of the democratic and the oligarchic parts in a free state; and in an aristocracy from the same causes, and also from virtue not being properly joined to power; but chiefly from the two first, I mean the undue mixture of the democratic and oligarchic parts; for these two are what all free states endeavour to blend together, and many of those which we call aristocracies, in this particular these states differ from each other, and on this account the one of them is less stable than the other, for that state which inclines most to an oligarchy is called an aristocracy, and that which inclines most to a democracy is called a free state; on which account this latter is more secure than the former, for the wider the foundation the securer the building, and it is ever best to live where equality prevails. Politics: A Treatise on Government
  • But Sparta, the champion of oligarchies, set up an oligarchical regime whenever it took control of a city.
  • There is danger to install some kind of oligarchic rule. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • With Athens’ defeat its own propertied class, backed by Sparta, imposed an oligarchic constitution.
  • In so far as we can infer the Buddha's own preferences, they were for the sort of oligarchic egalitarian or republican political organization that seems to have held among his own people.
  • With the institution of privatization programmes around the world in the 1980s and the end of the Cold War, the welfare state has been dismantled while the oligarchic state has emerged unscathed.
  • He might still not have invited me to dinner, because I am not one of his persecuted sub-classes and so he might mistake me for one of those supposed "oligarchic" Jews. Even in a little thing
  • The question is posed, will the working class be thrust back under the oligarchic and authoritarian boot of big business or will working people take the political lead in reorganizing society on a democratic and socialist basis?
  • The reason that both our political and economic systems can legitimately be defined as oligarchic is that the values of the oligarchs are represented in both structures. Poli-Oligarchs

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