How To Use oligarchic In A Sentence
- In fact, the absence of such oligarchic groups in Belarus is a disputable question.
- He was defending the mixed system that existed in the Britain of his day - a combination of aristocratic, commercial, oligarchic, and democratic elements.
- Thasos, and also, as I imagine, of many other states, was the opposite of what the oligarchical conspirators had intended. The History of the Peloponnesian War
- These new private capitalists developed into oligarchic clans to protect their members and compete with the others.
- Maybe in some aspects such as corruption, bureaucratization, and the domination of superpowerful oligarchic groups, the situation is probably worse than it was before.
- Having collected less than 5 percent of the vote each, they have been ejected from the Duma, despite the massive cash infusions by the various oligarchic clans and their active campaign in mass media.
- The pre-war oligarchic elite immediately sought to restore society's previous ordering.
- Yet in the dystopias of his late novels, the evil of oligarchic collectivism crowds out the petty, everyday struggle for socialist policies in this world.
- In these systems, actual differences between viable political rivals are small, the oligarchic elite impose strict limits on what constitutes an acceptable and respectable political position, and politicians' careers depend heavily on unelected economic and media elites. Julie Woestehoff: Education "Reformers" Next Target? "One-Size-Fits-All" Democracy
- Contrast the free states of the world, while their freedom lasted, with the cotemporary subjects of monarchical or oligarchical despotism: the Greek cities with the Persian satrapies; the Italian republics and the free towns of Flanders and Germany, with the feudal monarchies of Europe; Switzerland, Holland, and England, with Austria or anterevolutionary France. Representative Government