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How To Use Occult In A Sentence

  • One man's ‘most respected occult books around’ are another man's old hat ripe for a kicking.
  • It is Faur's contention that the Kabbalist rabbis, seen through the filter of the vertical model, transform the Talmudic tradition -- based on a pluralistic dialogue and formal legal strictures -- into an occult hermeticism creating a Judaism that is sealed off from critical reading and rational science. David Shasha: Two Models of Jewish Tradition: Vertical-Hierarchical and Horizontal Pluralist
  • A five-pointed star, the pentagram or pentacle, sometimes has magical and occult associations.
  • The rest threw themselves on the man with sourball and were for tearing off his outer garments and forcing on his sweater, but Lyman by some occult means of his own got the boy aside. Stanford Stories Tales of a Young University
  • Randi had for decades used his insider's knowledge of the flim-flam trade to humiliate a generation of occultists.
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  • I had a grandmother involved in the occult practice of Kabala and that was very dangerous.
  • In 1776 Cagliostro and his wife were in London, where "Cagliostro" became a Freemason, joining a lodge connected with "The Order of Strict Observance," a secret society incorporated with Freemasonry, and which (on the Continent, at least) was concerned largely with occult subjects. Alchemy: Ancient and Modern
  • The presence of occult blood in the stool may be a sign of neoplasms or esophagitis.
  • Stones and colored objects are chosen for their occult and astrological meanings corresponding to the purpose for which the gris-gris is to be used.
  • Fever may be a marker of sepsis, localized infection, occult bacteremia, or benign illness.
  • Schools of occultism insist most strenuously on the deific and all-powerful nature of such beings.
  • The monochrome weekly magazine of my youth was mouthy, pretentious, political and packed with occult knowledge. Times, Sunday Times
  • In light of the examples of occult texts offered above, occult discourse is the result of a rhetorical antinomy between a belief and an action.
  • ‘We see an opacity asymmetry in the stellar occultations,’ Colwell reported.
  • In its place, NASA is considering a plan to design and launch an occulter and connect it with the James Webb Space Telescope, the highly sophisticated and very expensive successor to the Hubble Space Telescope and scheduled to launch in 2014. First Contact
  • At lunch, he told me he was 'majorly into the occult'. The Sun
  • Currado, began to consider Giannotto and some remembrance of the boyish lineaments of her son's countenance being by occult virtue awakened in her, without awaiting farther explanation, she ran, open-armed, to cast herself upon his neck, nor did overabounding emotion and maternal joy suffer her to say a word; nay, they so locked up all her senses that she fell into her son's arms, as if dead. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • It has also occultized and enigmatized itself in their image in order to open up and clear to the way to a particular void, to a certain non-sense - unlike the media which remains relentlessly bent on filling up all interstices.
  • an occult fracture
  • It wasn't until Steiner was nearly forty and the 19th century was about to end that he became deeply interested in the occult.
  • He was the son of Silken Thomas and as a result of being educated in Italy he came to be recognised as a dabbler in the occult arts.
  • Even nowadays, the following injunction may be found in occult schools: “know, dare, do, and be silent.” Hand Signed | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Actually, I suspect it is really about religion, in the same way that Tropic of Night was about black magic or voodoo or the occult.
  • The mysticism and its occultism are interpreted in every detail of the idol.
  • Churches that have not been abandoned entirely are used for occult rites, animal sacrifices, and Black Masses.
  • Although its origins can certainly be traced to a mystical tradition, alchemy differs from mysticism and other occult arts in its combined focus on precision in both chemical and spiritual processes.
  • On the other hand, _after_ opposition, (i.) the shadows travel _behind_ the satellites in transiting the disc; (ii.) the satellites are occulted by the _disc_; (iii.) they reappear from eclipse in Jupiter's _shadow_. Half-hours with the Telescope Being a Popular Guide to the Use of the Telescope as a Means of Amusement and Instruction.
  • [98] Time out of mind it has been the habit of writers, both within the order and without, to treat Masonry as though it were a kind of agglomeration of archaic remains and platitudinous moralizings, made up of the heel-taps of Operative legend and the fag-ends of Occult lore. The Builders A Story and Study of Masonry
  • From her he had inherited his mysticism and his occult powers.
  • A olonia, the first Occultist Vendor, now sells jewelry.
  • WORDS ACCENTED ON THE LAST SYLLABLE: address _address'_ adept _adept'_ adult _adult'_ ally _ally'_ commandant _commandänt '(ä as in arm) _ contour _contour'_ dessert _dessert'_ dilate _dilate'_ excise _eksiz'_ finance _finance'_ grimace _grimace'_ importune _importune'_ occult _occult'_ pretence _pretence'_ research _research'_ robust _robust'_ romance _romance'_ tirade _tirade'_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • Although the theme of enlightenment vs. occult is ... okay, there I go, being too close to the material again. Traitor to the Crown
  • Reading most occult books these days is like flipping through a computer manual.
  • It is no accident therefore that this body of work is liberally festooned with skulls; populated by zombies, snarling wolves, vipers, black cats, and gestures towards a sort of apostrophized occultism. Psychedelic Denver
  • WORDS ACCENTED ON THE LAST SYLLABLE: address _address'_ adept _adept'_ adult _adult'_ ally _ally'_ commandant _commandänt '(ä as in arm) _ contour _contour'_ dessert _dessert'_ dilate _dilate'_ excise _eksiz'_ finance _finance'_ grimace _grimace'_ importune _importune'_ occult _occult'_ pretence _pretence'_ research _research'_ robust _robust'_ romance _romance'_ tirade _tirade'_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • The lids were occulting her eyes
  • It is the place of initiation where the pure hero takes on occult forces. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • Taufeeq Umar a team from Rossel Island technology stocks themes of reincarnation, occult, supernatural powers and magic tighter churidars Making a Comeback
  • he is a student of the occult
  • It had a large section devoted to books about the paranormal and the occult.
  • Huic rogationi partim conscii sibi, alii ex partium invidia pericula metuentes, quoniam aperte resistere non poterant, quin illa et alia talia placere sibi faterentur, [238] occulte per amicos ac maxime per homines nominis Latini et socios Italicos impedimenta parabant. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • WORDS ACCENTED ON THE LAST SYLLABLE: address _address'_ adept _adept'_ adult _adult'_ ally _ally'_ commandant _commandänt '(ä as in arm) _ contour _contour'_ dessert _dessert'_ dilate _dilate'_ excise _eksiz'_ finance _finance'_ grimace _grimace'_ importune _importune'_ occult _occult'_ pretence _pretence'_ research _research'_ robust _robust'_ romance _romance'_ tirade _tirade'_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • Nevertheless, Backster has become the darling of several occult, parapsychological and pseudoscientific notions.
  • They show Antin's growing passion for mysticism and the occult.
  • When reading engages coded alphabetic symbols and generates through them a poetic setting in the head, or a narrative scenario, the reader has not entered upon the imaginary via some magic auscultation, some occulted relation to a speaking authorial presence. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • Whereupon this foreigner, who was clueless and careless enough to mention the occult, was showered with stories of varying levels of tragedy illustrating the cataclysmic powers of the 'unnameable', whose name still inspired fear.
  • When compared with endoscopy, faecal occult blood tests detect < 30% of cancers and < 12% of large adenomas.
  • Where Nina likes girly things and nail polish and boys, Ashley is broodier, angrier and spends most of her days wearing heavy metal t-shirts and hanging out at the occult store. De Lint's Novella Doesn't Pack As Much Punch as A Full-Length Novel
  • Nox et caeruleam terris infuderat umbram. ille propinquabat silvis et ab aggere celso scuta virum galeasque videt rutilare comantes, qua laxant rami nemus adversaque sub umbra flammeus aeratis lunae tremor errat in armis. obstipuit visis, ibat tamen, horrida tantum spicula et inclusum capulo tenus admovet ensem. ac prior unde, viri, quidve occultatis in armis? 'non humili terrore rogat. nec reddita contra vox, fidamque negant suspecta silentia pacem. Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
  • Snoopiness, gossip, toying with the occult, reluctance to do what is good, forgetfulness of God's will, factionalism, and many other failings are as much manifestations of concupiscence as disordered sexual impulses.
  • Objective To evaluate the implication of monoclonal antibody detection of faecal occult blood ( FOB ) in colorectal cancer.
  • Truth: There are several screening options for colorectal cancer, including flexible sigmoidoscopy , fecal occult blood test and double-contrast barium enema.
  • The first 'occulter' spacecraft casts a perfectly controlled shadow onto the face of the second, carrying the mission instruments. Space Business and Industry News at
  • A five-pointed star, the pentagram or pentacle, sometimes has magical and occult associations.
  • Many technical and bureaucratic and especially financial challenges remained, but the occulter plan now had a little blue sky. First Contact
  • Perhaps the most piquant recent occult comparisons have come in more subtle and complex (and sometimes unintentional) shades.
  • But the future for the occulter, or something like the occulter, looked bright. First Contact
  • A star does not shine because some occult force has caused it to do so.
  • This old pundit was himself a distinguished mesmerist, and though generally unwilling to talk about what is termed occultism, on finding in me a man naturally endowed with the physical characteristics necessary to those pursuits, he had given me several valuable hints as to the application of my powers. Mr. Isaacs
  • No limit can be set to the forms of deception practised in the occult.
  • To him he says that, if the King's occulted guilt does not come out ( 'unkennel itself'), he (Hamlet) will look upon the apparition as a damned ghost, and (this is new) will think that his 'imaginations are as foul as Vulcan's stithy.' Shakspere and Montaigne
  • WORDS ACCENTED ON THE LAST SYLLABLE: address _address'_ adept _adept'_ adult _adult'_ ally _ally'_ commandant _commandänt '(ä as in arm) _ contour _contour'_ dessert _dessert'_ dilate _dilate'_ excise _eksiz'_ finance _finance'_ grimace _grimace'_ importune _importune'_ occult _occult'_ pretence _pretence'_ research _research'_ robust _robust'_ romance _romance'_ tirade _tirade'_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • WORDS ACCENTED ON THE LAST SYLLABLE: address _address'_ adept _adept'_ adult _adult'_ ally _ally'_ commandant _commandänt '(ä as in arm) _ contour _contour'_ dessert _dessert'_ dilate _dilate'_ excise _eksiz'_ finance _finance'_ grimace _grimace'_ importune _importune'_ occult _occult'_ pretence _pretence'_ research _research'_ robust _robust'_ romance _romance'_ tirade _tirade'_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • During the middle ages, the church became notorious for the punishment meted out to persons dealing with persons practising the occult sciences which included palmistry, astrology, and astronomy.
  • Kramer believes some critics are confusing magic with the occult.
  • She claims to have occult powers, given to her by some mysterious spirit.
  • occult lore
  • This categorisation has to be seen in the context of the place of telepathy and the occult in psychoanalysis.
  • The regulation bans any direct or indirect promotion through radio or television of occult practices.
  • The systemic features of both entities can mimic occult infection, malignancy, multiple myeloma and connective tissue disease.
  • To what degree did Poussin's interest in the modes, apparently concurrent with his initial interest in healing images, partake of the wide fascination with occult powers?
  • Some occult influence was at work upon me throughout those dark hours, I am positively certain.
  • He used to laugh at her native stories of occult powers, though she knew that he had seen some strange things done, as most foreigners had. Emily Fox-Seton
  • Well, there are some problems with Pop Occulture’s analysis … first of all, SChizophrenia - the reason schizophrenics hear voices and don’t recognize thema s coming form themselves is because the voices occur in a part of the brain that processes hearing - thatis to say, they really do *hear* voices or whatever. Mishegaas | Jewschool
  • This is the their inner connection and why Christianity will condemn Occultism and Gnostisim.
  • If hypnosis is not an altered state or gateway to a mystical and occult unconscious mind, then what is it?
  • The glucose level should be determined to rule out hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia and to help diagnose occult diabetes.
  • I thought it might be interesting to look at the concept of ‘the counter culture’ and how it relates to magic and occultism.
  • It may be noted that the connecting rod is made up of exactly sixteen atoms of occultum, and that sixteen such atoms contain 864 ultimate atoms, the exact member of atoms in titanium. Occult Chemistry Clairvoyant Observations on the Chemical Elements
  • Rudely puffed the winds of heaven; roguishly clomb up the all-destructive urchin; and, lo! in a moment night re-established her void empire, and the cit groped along the wall, suppered but bedless, occult from guidance, and sorrily wading in the kennels. Virginibus Puerisque and other papers
  • Harry's occult skills - witchcraft, sorcery, casting spells, spiritism, interpreting omens and ‘calling up the dead’ fit into a category God tells us not even to discuss.
  • Argetocoxi Caledoni Reguli uxor, Juliae Augustae cum ipsam morderet quod inhoneste versaretur, respondet, nos cum optimis viris consuetudinem habemus; vos Romanas autem occulte passim homines constuprant. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Plus I will be putting together two galleries, one of designs I have done for specific people, and another of occult tattoo flash art.
  • In addition to believing in a number of occult and paranormal notions, Jung contributed two new ones: synchronicity and the collective unconscious.
  • New Age practices such as occultism, crystal power and astrology are examples of spiritual but not religious pursuits of enlightenment.
  • My second catalyst was also well acquainted with various forms of mysticism, occultism and meditation.
  • You can tell that someone thought this off-putting tale of modern mob mentality and teen occult fascination would make a very menacing, demographically secure chiller.
  • But while US law forbids the use of occult lore derived from pre-human sources by unlicensed individuals, and while the treaty forbids its use by the US military as a weapon of war, as far as I know there's no reason why some licensed thaumaturge inside the US army couldn't have asked the late soldier if his mother could read his email. Science News
  • Ford, though pushing 60, would return as the globe trotting archaeologist, occultist and Nazi - fighter.
  • WORDS ACCENTED ON THE LAST SYLLABLE: address _address'_ adept _adept'_ adult _adult'_ ally _ally'_ commandant _commandänt '(ä as in arm) _ contour _contour'_ dessert _dessert'_ dilate _dilate'_ excise _eksiz'_ finance _finance'_ grimace _grimace'_ importune _importune'_ occult _occult'_ pretence _pretence'_ research _research'_ robust _robust'_ romance _romance'_ tirade _tirade'_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • Without a word, Oswyn began laying books upon the table—books on witchcraft and the occult, devil worship and druidism. The Thieves of Darkness
  • Accessere cum regno, Sobemus*» haud spernendis viribus, Antiochus, Vetustis opibus ingens, & inservientium regumditissimus: mox por occultofs suorum nuntios excitus ab Urbe Agrip« pa (124)) ignaro adhuc Viteliio, celeri navigatio* - ne properaverat; nec minore animo reglna Berenxce partes; uvabat, ilorens setate formaque, & seni quoque VespasFano magnificentia munerum grata* C. Cornelii Taciti Opera
  • For the last year or so I've been very hermitish, reading bizarre occult books and other esoterica.
  • View larger image » lung lesion, we believe that elective resection is warranted due to the risks of infection and occult malignant transformation. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • After that the brotha rebuked every sort of spell, malefice, witchcraft, and every form of the occult. The Exorsistah: X Returns
  • The result is witchcraft practised as an occult art, operating primarily through spells and curses.
  • Like the many hand gestures described herein, the Sign of Resignation generates a certain occult power of which we shall discuss later in an upcoming article when we apply and incorporate the sign in our mudra practices. Hand Signed | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Et in conseruando sum diligentes et acres, vt nemo audeat de facili propinquare, nisi quod interdum ab illis pausantibus; seu ab æstu se occultantibus, aliqui non sine periculo in dromedarijs et veredarijs rapiunt, vel furantur. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • The 'occult' aspect of psychogeography should perhaps be restored before the term becomes a beach-bag for travel guides. WalesOnline - Home
  • Plus I will be putting together two galleries, one of designs I have done for specific people, and another of occult tattoo flash art.
  • Quid ego nunc agam? nunc nobis prope adest exitium, mi atque erili filiae, nunc probrum atque partitudo prope adest ut fiat palam; quod celatum atque occultatum est usque adhuc, nunc non potest. ibo intro, ut erus quae imperavit facta, cum veniat, sient. nam ecastor malum maerore metuo ne mixtum bibam. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • The Allies raid the camp where the occult ceremony is taking place, but not before a demon has already been conjured.
  • It's the tail end of an eclipse or ‘lunar occultation.’
  • Abdominal examination - Genital examination • labial adhesions / meatal stenosis • bifid clitoris • Exclude occult neurological disorders - examine back for signs of occult spina bifida - DTR's lower limbs - gait - anal wink Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • In the second place, though matter, considered as the occult cause of our sensations, do really exist, yet what we call divisibility may be an attribute only of our sensations of sight and touch, and not of their uncognizable cause. A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
  • Both teams came up with what were considered to be feasible plans to use an occulter and a dedicated small space telescope together, and both were submitted in 2009 to NASA and to an arm of the National Academy of Sciences, which every ten years reviews all branches of space science and, with input from the scientists, sets priorities for the next decade. First Contact
  • It is of greater advantage to create a suspicion by paralipsis [occulte fecisse] than to insist directly on a statement that is refutable.
  • This purported scientificity of the spiritual realm, in turn, paves the way for declaring occult New Age practices like astrology, vastu, and quantum healing and even yagnas as scientific within the Vedic - Hindu universe.
  • And therefore belike Solomon, Prov.xiv. 13, calls it, the rotting of the bones, Cyprian, vulnus occultum; Anatomy of Melancholy
  • A number of your films contain the theme or subject of psychic phenomena as well as witchcraft and magic or what you might term occult subjects.
  • About ten or fifteen years ago when I was starting on my path, I was drawn to all aspects of the occult.
  • Of course, putting it like that it seems as though I'm passing the buck onto a vast occulted primal drive within my psyche.
  • Soon after 1750, however, as occult sciences were ascribed to the Templars, their system was readily adaptable to all kinds of Rosicrucian purposes and to such practices as alchemy, magic, cabbala, spiritism, and necromancy. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Septuagint renders hyper ton kryphion; Vulg., pro occultis, "for the hidden"; Symmachus, hyper ton aionion, "for the everlasting"; Aquila, epi neanioteton; St. Jerome, pro juventutibus, "for youth". The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • The systemic features of both entities can mimic occult infection, malignancy, multiple myeloma and connective tissue disease.
  • It was as though he was being followed by occult forces. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most famous musicians are deep in the occult and it is difficult to find a worldly popular musician who has not dabbled in spiritism to acquire fame and wealth.
  • With an occulting disk obscuring the Sun, an artificial eclipse would be produced.
  • Not every member of either the civilian or military organizations under the Cagoule umbrella was an ideological occult-minded synarchist—perhaps many had never even heard of synarchy—but it was certainly the ideal that motivated itsleaders, such as Eugène Deloncle. The Sion Revelation
  • Now all they have to worry about is hexes, black magic, devil worship, voodoo curses and the occult.
  • WORDS ACCENTED ON THE LAST SYLLABLE: address _address'_ adept _adept'_ adult _adult'_ ally _ally'_ commandant _commandänt '(ä as in arm) _ contour _contour'_ dessert _dessert'_ dilate _dilate'_ excise _eksiz'_ finance _finance'_ grimace _grimace'_ importune _importune'_ occult _occult'_ pretence _pretence'_ research _research'_ robust _robust'_ romance _romance'_ tirade _tirade'_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • That his works on magic have influenced modern occultism substantially, is also unfortunately undeniable.
  • Bound in the flayed skin of 100 saints and penned with the blood of virgins, this sinister and forbidden occult text is an item of incredible power.
  • If this is the case, instead of putting faith in the here and now, the Libra-Gemini will often search out otherworldly experiences through mysticism and the occult, or through bizarre imagination.
  • A physician could recommend a colonoscopy, fecal occult blood testing, a double-barium enema, flexible sigmoidoscopy, or a general rectal exam.
  • I also worked with the Voyager photopolarimeter team that observed stellar occultations of Saturn's rings.
  • Stahnke underwent a fecal occult blood test, a colonoscopy, a computerized tomography scan of her abdomen and a colonic transit study.
  • Chirognomy has no equal among the so-called occult sciences.
  • The genuine seekers of truth will receive the spiritual awakening not by psychedelic drugs nor by occult practices.
  • By using a vowel for each Quarter we are most emphatically not merely following orthodox religious use or occult teaching. Music and the Elemental Psyche: A Practical Guide to Music and Changing Consciousness
  • Dein, postquam tempus visum, castris egreditur noctemque totam itinere facto consedit; idem proxima facit, dein tertia multo ante lucis adventum pervenit in locum tumulosum ab Capsa non amplius duum [496] milium intervallo; ibique quam occultissime potest, cum omnibus copiis opperitur. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • He presented core themes of his philosophy in the form of an exposition of occulted truths contained in the first book of Genesis.
  • Alterum alphabetum occultum in eo consistit, quod ordine elementorum in uerso vltimam litteram [Hebrew: T] cum prima [Hebrew: '], & hanc cum illa vicissim permutent, & sic etiam reliquas: quam inversionem [Hebrew:' TBSH] dicere moris est. Mysticism and its Results Being an Inquiry into the Uses and Abuses of Secrecy
  • The term vitriol is also an acronym for "Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem Visit the interior of the earth, and by rectifying you will find the hidden stone.
  • And he was an ensample to young men which should be fain, by hard swinking, to stuff their pates with as much high learning and occult lore as he had under his own bonnet. The Merrie Tales Of Jacques Tournebroche 1909
  • Much of it is reminiscent of occult and eastern mysticism.
  • Why do witches, pagans and occultists hold such store by the notion of being ‘boundary breakers’?
  • Yeats drew from mystical or occult traditions.
  • The popular Star Wars trilogy is a prime example in which much of the occult and Eastern mysticism can be seen.
  • occult blood in the stool
  • He was also deeply influenced by spiritualism and the occult and often organised seances at his home.
  • The explanation given by Leibnitz that it is an _exercitium arithmeticae occultum nescientis se numerare animi_ is quite inadequate. Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde"; an essay on the Wagnerian drama
  • 'Flumina quin etiam latis currentia rivis occasus habuere suos: aut illa vorago derepta in praeceps fatali condidit ore aut occulta fluunt tectis adoperta cavernis atque inopinatos referunt procul edita cursus'; and Sen. _N. Q._ iii. The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • Nineteenth-century astronomers argued over what they saw through their telescopes when the Moon occulted a star.
  • For many, they have viewed it with suspicion, as though it bordered on the occult.
  • *Gnosticism, a kind of spiritualist and occult philosophy which encourages liberalism Archive 2008-05-18
  • Sir Cedric Hughes was a legend in the world of the occult, one of the finest mesmerists of his time.
  • Many people think the word psychic is synonymous with the word occult and, therefore, connected with Satan. CREATE YOUR OWN FUTURE
  • They show Antin's growing passion for mysticism and the occult.
  • Its entrance is a weather-beaten door sandwiched between an occult bookshop and a ritual shop on Vaughan Road.
  • The belief system of many modern cults and spiritual groups is a hodgepodge conglomeration of ideas from religion, philosophy, psychology, the occult, and science.
  • The antinomy is comprised of a seemingly contradictory stance among occultists and mystics that, on the one hand, regards spiritual truths as ineffable, but on the other, assumes that there is much to say about ineffability.
  • Qui postquam in aedes irrupere, diversi regem quaerere, dormientes alios, alios occursantes interficere, scrutari loca abdita, clausa effringere, strepitu et tumultu omnia miscere; quum [72] interim Hiempsal reperitur occultans sese tugurio mulieris ancillae, quo initio pavidus et ignarus loci perfugerat. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • Whatever may be the precise force of the remark in brackets, it is unquestionably true that mysticism is often used in a semi-contemptuous way to denote vaguely any kind of occultism or spiritualism, or any specially curious or fantastic views about God and the universe. Mysticism in English Literature
  • Dein, postquam tempus visum, castris egreditur noctemque totam itinere facto consedit; idem proxima facit, dein tertia multo ante lucis adventum pervenit in locum tumulosum ab Capsa non amplius duum [496] milium intervallo; ibique quam occultissime potest, cum omnibus copiis opperitur. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • Today, a typical American bookstore usually features shelf after shelf of books concerned with mysticism, wholistic medicine, astrology, metaphysics, witches, the occult, Eastern religion.
  • It is the place of initiation where the pure hero takes on occult forces. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • WORDS ACCENTED ON THE LAST SYLLABLE: address _address'_ adept _adept'_ adult _adult'_ ally _ally'_ commandant _commandänt '(ä as in arm) _ contour _contour'_ dessert _dessert'_ dilate _dilate'_ excise _eksiz'_ finance _finance'_ grimace _grimace'_ importune _importune'_ occult _occult'_ pretence _pretence'_ research _research'_ robust _robust'_ romance _romance'_ tirade _tirade'_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • Though modern occultism is interesting, it is (a) not unanimous in its naming conventions (nor in its theology or cosmology), (b) largely a Modern synthesis anyway, so not archetypal, and (c) apparently ineffective by standards of most fantasy and legend, so - unlike, say martial arts - has no firm claim to objective validity. Why you can call your fantasy mages what you like
  • The glucose level should be determined to rule out hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia and to help diagnose occult diabetes.
  • A ban on "occult goods" ( "Materials, goods or paraphernalia for use in satanic, sacrificial, or related practices") seems similarly troublesome. Boing Boing
  • Do you want to see your name on the cover of a paperback in the occult section of Borders?
  • The only place one may find them is in esoteric and occult histories and their own works spread across at least seven generations. The Codex Continual » The Von Baurs
  • A fecal occult blood test can be administered to rule out false melena.
  • Lowdown: The occult is a grace note in this cynical whodunit, juicy with periodic detail. March 2007
  • Timing an occultation to a fraction of a second allows the observed location to be referenced against the predicted position from the computed ephemeris, perhaps leading to an update.
  • Even more daring is his willingness to write from an academic point of view about topics that make many scholars uncomfortable: esoterica and occult traditions.
  • Some people attribute to it something like the mystery of pi and occult numerology.
  • Et in conseruando sum diligentes et acres, vt nemo audeat de facili propinquare, nisi quod interdum ab illis pausantibus; seu ab æstu se occultantibus, aliqui non sine periculo in dromedarijs et veredarijs rapiunt, vel furantur. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Caep. de mania lib. de morbis cerebri; Daemones, quum sint tenues et incomprehensibiles spiritus, se insinuare corporibus humanis possunt, et occulte in viscerribus operti, valetudinem vitiare, somniis animas terrere et mentes furoribus quatere. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Nor has this spiritual power any conceivable relation to what is currently known as occultism, or a thing to be attained by any series of prescribed outer actions. The Life Radiant
  • WORDS ACCENTED ON THE LAST SYLLABLE: address _address'_ adept _adept'_ adult _adult'_ ally _ally'_ commandant _commandänt '(ä as in arm) _ contour _contour'_ dessert _dessert'_ dilate _dilate'_ excise _eksiz'_ finance _finance'_ grimace _grimace'_ importune _importune'_ occult _occult'_ pretence _pretence'_ research _research'_ robust _robust'_ romance _romance'_ tirade _tirade'_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • She grew especially animated about the possibilities of launching an “occulter”—a flat, football-field-sized, petal-shaped sunshade that Seager and others hope will one day be sent into deep space and aligned with a similarly stationary but space-based telescope. First Contact
  • Influential Nazis tended to approve of the occult and of unscientific manifestations of vitalism and quasi-holism, including biodynamic farming, homeopathy, and a precursor of holistic medicine.
  • This edition will thus serve as a valuable point of comparison to the study of witchcraft and renaissance occultism.
  • I am often thankful that I started studying/practicing Zen shortly before I began studying/practicing various occult traditions.
  • It is also possible that some cases of ‘idiopathic’ pneumonia actually represent episodes of occult infection.
  • However, it should not be assumed that all young people in Down who listen to metal are drug-crazed occultists.
  • He also came away with a wonderful connection to the ultimate solar system occulter, and a sense that even very small odds of success can sometimes pan out. First Contact
  • Many of our discussions get deeply involved with the mechanics of magick and the occult.
  • The monochrome weekly magazine of my youth was mouthy, pretentious, political and packed with occult knowledge. Times, Sunday Times
  • He served in the Second Boer War, and in 1903 was posted to India, where he was able to indulge a passion for mysticism and the occult.
  • Seeking ‘higher levels of consciousness’ may instead bring devotees face to face with evil spirits through occult practices.
  • _B_ has been broken up under occultum (p. 628) and can be followed there. Occult Chemistry Clairvoyant Observations on the Chemical Elements
  • Well, it turns out that an accurate ephemeris (position table) of Saturn is useful for solar system tests of general relativity, predicting future occultations and eclipses, and navigation of spacecraft. URSI Update #2
  • He doesn't describe himself as a magician, a sorcerer, a psychic or indeed any of the labels that carry occult baggage.
  • I have a doctorate in religious philosophy as well as the occult arts so I know a lot about different religions.
  • The sound was being occulted by something that passed in front of it with an acoustic masker.
  • The probe was equipped with a occultation experiment to profile atmospheric density.
  • Going back a little further, we see that writers associated with the French occult revival at the end of the eighteenth century began to link the Tarot, first with Egyptian hieroglyphs, then with the Kabbala.
  • * Hujus spiritualis et occulti mannae sapor latet in occulto, nisi gustando sentiatur. Epistles to the Seven Churches in Asia.
  • Like other "supersensible" categories, capital haunts the empirically observable process of commodity circulation - a social spectre with no body of its own. 1 Marx describes a plausible empiricist reaction from the perspective of commodity circulation to capital's apparently mysterious, occult qualities:
  • We may fairly here aid our study by reference to those records of the past which experts can reverify for themselves, and from which certain details regarding the Hebrew Teacher have been given to the world by H.P. Blavatsky and by others who are experts in occult investigation. Esoteric Christianity, or The Lesser Mysteries
  • Boing Boing former guestblogger and bOING bOING editor Gareth Branwyn is on a magickal, mystery tour through London to attend an occult conference, conduct research for his novel, and find the ghost of William Blake. Boing Boing
  • Pastafari Pasta Romans Satanism Ethiopia Orthodox JAH Rastafari Jesus Christ YESUS KRISTOS HAILE SELASSIE Black Hebrews BETA ISRAEL Jews Lion JUDAH Falashas binghi nyahbinghi Rastas Rastafarianism Church Satan Roberto Munzo Spiritual Warfare EPHESIANS Ethiopian Catholic Abesha Habesha Blasphemy Pope Papal 666 Chi Xi Stigma Occult New Age E Pluribus Unum Slander One Dollar Bill Evil Eye Buda Ayin Sof Drag to Playlist - Articles related to SOUTHERN AFRICA: Competing for Limpopo water
  • A hysterectomy is indicated because the uterine serosa and endometrium often are sites of occult metastasis, and the prevalence of synchronous endometrial cancer is relatively high.
  • A true military intellectual, he gave expression to the ideas of the late humanists and was an enthusiastic student of the occult, alchemy, and natural magic.
  • Fever may be a marker of sepsis, localized infection, occult bacteremia, or benign illness.
  • When I got on board - as a fan, if not a true believer - the group was entrenched in a slugfest with the flourishing occult business.
  • Although telescopes could not resolve their forms, occultation observations indicated that they were small but extremely powerful emitters of light, hence the name quasar: it is short for quasi-stellar object.

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