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How To Use Obtainable In A Sentence

  • This can often create a lot of noise, reducing the quality of image obtainable.
  • My Mom took a job as a nursing orderly in a mental hospital where sleeping pills and tranquillisers were easily obtainable.
  • We are most anxious in Canada to secure a greater population, but a man who has once received the "dole" argues, "why should I leave England, where the 'dole' is obtainable, and migrate to Canada, where it is not to be secured? A Canadian's View of the Empire as Seen From London
  • The "heavy daturine," of which only a small quantity is obtainable, is far from being a body of definite composition, that is to say, it is a mixture of atropine and hyoscyamine. Scientific American Supplement, No. 324, March 18, 1882
  • The Baiga dearly loves the common country liquor made from the mahua flower, and this is consumed as largely as funds will permit of at weddings, funerals and other social gatherings, and also if obtainable at other times. The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India Volume II
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  • These branches will afford the unbanked population with affordable minimum bank balance accounts that currently are unobtainable from most commercial banks.
  • Twentieth-century bonbons and sweets made in France include numerous regional specialities, traditional or modern, unobtainable anywhere else.
  • About her hung a strong scent of Chanel No. 5. Where did she get it, wondered Stella, to whom French scent was an un- obtainable luxury. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • But such Bank loans require a government guarantee, which is not always obtainable from the government, or indeed always acceptable to the private corporation. Fifteen Years at the World Bank
  • _ -- Several good and fairly cheap artificial rose oils are now obtainable, consisting chiefly of citronellol, geraniol, linalol, phenyl ethyl alcohol, and citral. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • That would mean that a majority of senators could establish a new rule allowing debate to be shut off with only a simple majority, not the usual and nearly unobtainable sixty-four votes.
  • About her hung a strong scent of Chanel No. 5. Where did she get it, wondered Stella, to whom French scent was an un- obtainable luxury. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • Full details are obtainable from any post office.
  • His mobile number returned "unobtainable", his landline number had been reallocated and he had left his bedsit. 'David, my brother for a year'
  • So the effect of rent is to equalize the profitability of all bare sites, reducing profit margins to those obtainable on marginal sites, i.e. sites with zero rental value.
  • The novel is not about a quest to find this rare, priceless artefact, but about the emotional fall-out from suddenly fulfilling a dream, an unobtainable dream which he has used to insulate and protect himself.
  • The call is diverted, the number unobtainable, the voice at the end of the line is not the person in charge.
  • I would never infantilise myself to reach these ridiculous, unobtainable ideals. Times, Sunday Times
  • The necessary 75% majority for a special resolution under Section 95 Companies Act 1985 disapplying the existing shareholders' pre-emption rights was not realistically obtainable.
  • The recipe shows its age: David is forced to sadly concede that, as clams are unobtainable in this country, mussels or cockles make an acceptable substitute – "but fresh ones, not the lethally vinegared kind in jars". How to cook perfect spaghetti alle vongole
  • (not without regret for their lightness and comfort), and my soft, grey travelling suit, and, in fact, all my clothing; and proceeded to array myself in the clothes of the other and unimaginable men, who must have been indeed unfortunate to have had to part with such rags for the pitiable sums obtainable from a dealer. THE DESCENT
  • “That gives us about half an hour or three-quarters here — if a conveyance is obtainable, that is.” The Wheels of Chance: a bicycling idyll
  • Public school administrators in Missouri imagined that the juridical standards provided in law were both reasonable and obtainable.
  • Since they are not controlled substances, inhalants such as glue and other volatile solvents are easily obtainable by children and pose a significant health threat.
  • Mushrooms, when obtainable, are a great improvement to this dish, and when not in season, mushroom-powder may be substituted for them.
  • SeniorLink Units are available to buy and free units are obtainable to older people that meet the charity's criteria.
  • Land grants were obtainable from the Spanish Government by proving priority of claim, but the concession was only given after wearisome delay, and sometimes it took years to obtain the title-deeds. The Philippine Islands
  • But they had to be humoured before they could be diverted from the unobtainable to the treasure that was actually for sale.
  • You can whine all you want about the way men treat you (usually, like dirt), but it's the challenge of obtaining the unobtainable that thrills you.
  • Why, though, if truth is so wonderful, and so obtainable, is there so much antagonism toward science?
  • It demonstrated that the maximum work obtainable from a process could be calculated from the heat evolved at temperatures close to absolute zero - earlier ideas had not considered the effects of temperature - and conditions of equilibrium in many chemical reactions could now be precisely worked out. Walther Nernst - Biography
  • The naphthaline has a known heat of combustion, samples for this purpose being obtainable from the United States Bureau of Standards, and from the combined heat of combustion of the fuel and naphthaline that of the former may be readily computed. Steam, Its Generation and Use
  • About her hung a strong scent of Chanel No. 5. Where did she get it, wondered Stella, to whom French scent was an un- obtainable luxury. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • My mission was to explain this with baffling technical jargon and pie charts - mmmm, pies - while Stella's role was to talk money and promise unobtainable IT related happiness.
  • His website is still up and running, but his telephone number is unobtainable.
  • Warrick Locke was very useful with his black-market connections, enabling her to get hold of all manner of goods that were otherwise unobtainable, having them shipped home in discreet parcels marked as "hessian," "beans," or "oats," or other things that were not in short supply. Phoenix And Ashes
  • The succulent catfish is easily obtainable for food, and the wages of the roustabout -- or "rouster," as he is called for short -- are good. American Adventures A Second Trip 'Abroad at home'
  • Some things are just plain unobtainable: it's impossible, for example, to find blue fountain pen ink in the standard cartridges around here.
  • The dried herb is obtainable from health shops.
  • savings of up to 50 percent are obtainable
  • A zebra fillet, portioned into tournedos, is incomparably the finest meat that is obtainable in a Bushveld camp.
  • About her hung a strong scent of Chanel No. 5. Where did she get it, wondered Stella, to whom French scent was an un- obtainable luxury. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • When so ground, it forms the stable and magnificent colour, _genuine_ ultramarine, which is the finest and purest blue on the artist's palette, but owing to its extremely high price its use is not in very great demand, especially as many excellent chemical substitutes of equal permanence are obtainable at little cost. The Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stones
  • The game is obtainable post free from the manufacturer.
  • About her hung a strong scent of Chanel No. 5. Where did she get it, wondered Stella, to whom French scent was an un- obtainable luxury. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • Information on the subject is easily obtainable on the Internet.
  • If early education is worth studying at all, the educator who devotes his attention to it will find it necessary to define the differences in principle between the Montessori programme and other programmes, and to carry out careful tests of the results obtainable from the various systems and their feasible combinations. The Montessori Method
  • There was a crackly pause; then the dull whine of number unobtainable. NIGHT SISTERS
  • For want of insights and data often unobtainable from the corporate media, the public opinion vital to US democracy has trouble remaining vigorous and informed.
  • About her hung a strong scent of Chanel No. 5. Where did she get it, wondered Stella, to whom French scent was an un- obtainable luxury. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • Now a college education was a realistic and obtainable goal for young blacks.
  • This particular feast is unobtainable here, but there are plenty of other good things authentically evocative of Turkey.
  • A zebra fillet, portioned into tournedos, is incomparably the finest meat that is obtainable in a Bushveld camp.
  • For those in a chain, vendors should be aware that the days of the easily obtainable bridging loan are long gone.
  • And when they are, they're entirely unobtainable - and it's hard to convince a man that you're the girl of his dreams while tearing his ticket…
  • For example, relevant bank statements, which were either available or easily obtainable, were not presented.
  • Perhaps one of the chief reasons why the power of the Victoria Falls has not been used, as yet it may be, is because of the cheap power obtainable from the adjacent coal mines-seventy miles south-for here they can mine good coal at a cost of ten shillings to ten and six pence per ton. The Cape to Cairo Railway and River Route
  • (not without regret for their lightness and comfort), and my soft, gray travelling suit, and, in fact, all my clothing; and proceeded to array myself in the clothes of the other and unimaginable men, who must have been indeed unfortunate to have had to part with such rags for the pitiable sums obtainable from a dealer. The Descent
  • To eat the best food obtainable, and a great deal of it; to wear the heaviest silks, and the softest cashmeres; and to sleep in the downiest of beds; these were to her the necessities of life. The Diamond Coterie
  • About her hung a strong scent of Chanel No. 5. Where did she get it, wondered Stella, to whom French scent was an un- obtainable luxury. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • If the fireback needs repairing, use heat-resistant fire cement, obtainable from builders' merchants. Times, Sunday Times
  • The passage of time and the limits of the written record have rendered full comprehension unobtainable.
  • _Uranium Orange_ is obtainable by wet and dry methods as a yellowish-red, or, when reduced to powder, an orange-yellow, uranate of baryta. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • The oil is obtainable from delicatessens, grocers and health shops. The Natural Beauty Book - cruelty-free cosmetics to make at home
  • The electron fluid that interpenetrates the iron nuclei is itself tremendously concentrated, capable of controlled energy fluxes that may never be obtainable by terrestrial engineering.
  • Our product is obtainable in all computer shop.
  • There is likewise obtainable a copper molybdate, by adding neutral molybdate of soda in excess to sulphate of copper. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • By contrasting colour and black and white photography, the men seem to appear more distant and further unobtainable.
  • In conclusion, funding is always available and obtainable if you have the complete package necessary to develop a business.
  • It's obtainable through most of the bookstores across the country.
  • A litigant under these rules was well advised to present evidence of an educated male noble, or, if a noble was unobtainable or unbribable, of a priest of the Orthodox faith.
  • He travelled 400 miles from Tokyo carrying rations for seven meals - food is almost unobtainable in Japan - a black umbrella, and a typewriter.
  • Empty bottles with attached labels are obtainable, but even they are expensive.
  • This may be exploited by the sculptor for artistic effect, though others may prefer the smooth and highly finished surfaces obtainable with this medium through the use of abrasives and files after the plaster has set.
  • The game is obtainable posted free from the manufacturer.
  • It was published in 1937 so is probably unobtainable now (though you could try abebooks), but it was a marvellous autobiography by a man who edited pulp magazines.
  • But there seems no reason why this scheme should not work and provide an otherwise unobtainable massive injection of resources for a financially hard-hit National Health Service.
  • They grow well enough in several states but are unobtainable in Washington.
  • This will be a unique opportunity for keen gardeners to buy rare and unusual plants, many of which are not obtainable from local garden centres.
  • About her hung a strong scent of Chanel No. 5. Where did she get it, wondered Stella, to whom French scent was an un- obtainable luxury. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • For many young people who feel trapped on an endless treadmill of dreary short-term jobs, interspersed with spells of unemployment, this seems like an increasingly unobtainable dream.
  • IF A breeder should stock his farm with the swiftest race horses obtainable, and employ a method of selection whereby only the slowest and clumsiest horses were bred, it would not be many generations before he would have a breed of very slow and very clumsy horses. Mexico's Army and Ours
  • Even more unobtainable, no doubt, is a measure of the comparative enjoyments derivable from choosing for oneself.
  • About her hung a strong scent of Chanel No. 5. Where did she get it, wondered Stella, to whom French scent was an un- obtainable luxury. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • About her hung a strong scent of Chanel No. 5. Where did she get it, wondered Stella, to whom French scent was an un- obtainable luxury. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • The map is also one of the very few cordiform projection world maps obtainable.
  • That concept - aerospace power eclipsing the fog and friction of war - may be unobtainable, but it is still an important one to consider in terms of what it takes to make aerospace power work today and in the future.
  • I tried to call Stevie Clark repeatedly but his phone alternated between off and unobtainable.
  • About her hung a strong scent of Chanel No. 5. Where did she get it, wondered Stella, to whom French scent was an un- obtainable luxury. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • About her hung a strong scent of Chanel No. 5. Where did she get it, wondered Stella, to whom French scent was an un- obtainable luxury. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • Tea has stayed with me as a drug of choice where others have palled or become unobtainable.
  • The coenzyme, a few years ago obtainable with difficulty in milligram quantities, can now be prepared very easily from cyanocobalamin -- Dr. Lester Smith has made crystals 0.5 cm across. Nobel Lecture The X-Ray Analysis Of Complicated Molecules
  • The need to use elevated temperatures for deformation of magnesium has lead in the past to the production of complex pressed shapes reminiscent of those obtainable in superplastic alloys.
  • Then I found their phone number was unobtainable and they didn't return my emails and now my fears have been confirmed.
  • Instead it utilised materials less costly and more readily obtainable.
  • Two tickets for the award ceremony otherwise unobtainable at so late a date-were delivered to their room.
  • timber is virtually unobtainable in the islands
  • About her hung a strong scent of Chanel No. 5. Where did she get it, wondered Stella, to whom French scent was an un- obtainable luxury. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • By limiting the kinds of questions that can be posed, departmental thought intentionally screens out certain features of reality, and while this partial blindness can be counted as a necessary condition of modern knowledge, it creates the conditions for an interdisciplinary reaction that blends two or more approaches to achieve results unobtainable by either: hence biochemistry, sociobiology, genetic engineering, architectural ethics and countless other innovations that are virtually invited by the limitations of disciplinarity. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » The necessity of interdisciplinary poaching
  • As compared with this the readily minable tar sands of the United States would yield only about 1 billion barrels of oil [19], with a few billion barrels more obtainable from the less minable deposits. Nuclear Energy and the Fossil Fuels (historical)
  • The greater abundance of iron ores over those of copper also meant that iron was more readily obtainable and cheaper.
  • Matters had, broadly put, reached and remained at that stage, when in the century's last decade experimental examination of mammalian reflexes detected (1892) examples of inhibition of surprising potency and machine-like regularity, readily obtainable from the mammalian spinal cord in its action on the extensors of the hind limb; the inhibitory relaxation of the extension was linked with concomitant reflex contraction of their antagonistic muscles, the flexors. Sir Charles Sherrington - Nobel Lecture
  • About her hung a strong scent of Chanel No. 5. Where did she get it, wondered Stella, to whom French scent was an un- obtainable luxury. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • Tea has stayed with me as a drug of choice where others have palled or become unobtainable.
  • About her hung a strong scent of Chanel No. 5. Where did she get it, wondered Stella, to whom French scent was an un- obtainable luxury. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • Tickets seem unobtainable to the ordinary mortal.
  • -- As all angles are not obtainable by the square or bevel, a protractor is a most desirable addition to the stock of tools. Practical Mechanics for Boys
  • The dried herb is obtainable from health shops.
  • It's an unobtainable dream world that some feel safe in and like to escape to.
  • Unfortunately, it is unobtainable in most shops.
  • Camping ground at night was almost unobtainable, and thick, poisonous mists enwreathed the boats during the hours of darkness, fevering the men's blood, cramping and stiffening their limbs. Sea-Dogs All! A Tale of Forest and Sea
  • Motion is much harder to measure than the weights and distances which concern statics, besides which the causes of motion, which alone interested physicists, were not obtainable through measurements.
  • We know that the targets are challenging but we have no reason to think that they are unobtainable.
  • He submitted that the common law remedy of damages, however, would be obtainable.
  • Even so, it is likely to be much better than that obtainable in hotels or bureau de change.
  • If the fireback needs repairing, use heat-resistant fire cement, obtainable from builders' merchants.
  • Now, a story about ‘a boy from the hood making good’ may not sound so miraculous to you; shoot, it may even sound easily obtainable we heard it so much.
  • The starting materials are "plausibly" obtainable by abiotic means, but need to be kept isolated from one another until the right step, as Sutherland admits. BioLogos Reviews "Signature in the Cell"
  • Supporters say it is a process to maximise the value obtainable from the available resources.
  • Twentieth-century bonbons and sweets made in France include numerous skilfully marketed regional specialities, traditional or modern, unobtainable anywhere else.
  • They were so sexy and unobtainable that leading royals and The Beatles begged for them.
  • Emperor had thereupon invested the General with full authority to proceed to the Prussian headquarters and treat for the surrender of the vanquished army on the most advantageous terms obtainable; how, finally, a council of war had been convened with the object of deciding what possibilities there were of further protracting the struggle successfully by the defense of the fortress. The Downfall

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