
How To Use Nutrient In A Sentence

  • In a healthy pregnancy, cells that come from the embryo's placenta-called trophoblast cells-move into the walls of the uterus and help to open up maternal arteries, thereby increasing the available blood and nutrient supply. Slate Articles
  • Zoophagous insects extract nutrients from a living animal host and represent a broad group of parasitic insects.
  • And there was no response in effect to nutrient content grads of internode length and ramets amount.
  • •Most soils are dominated by quartz sand, and are acidic, xeric, and have a very limited nutrient supply; they are coarser, drier, less fertile, and less suited to agriculture than the mesic soils of Ecoregion 84d. Ecoregions of New Jersey (EPA)
  • Don't spurn organic fertilizers that are low in nutrients, because they're rich in organic matter that turns to valuable humus in the soil.
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  • Phosphorus was the nutrient element limiting the eutrophication of the lake.
  • In many areas, this year's bumper crop means exceptionally high removal of nutrients.
  • Trophic means concerned with nutrition, and oligotrophic lakes are poorly fed; that is, they have a low concentration of nutrient elements such as nitrogen and phosphorus.
  • ZUCCHINI The sight-saving plant pigment called lutein is lost in cooking; so is vitamin C. BROCCOLI Eat it raw, and you'll get a hefty helping of potent plant nutrients that lower your risk of blood clots, plus vitamin C, and an enzyme that may demolish precancerous cells. - Home Page
  • Assuming that I don't have some sort of malignant brain tumor *knocks wood furiously*, it must be that this alien life-form, this adorable-but-nonetheless-parasitic superbeing, is sucking every nutrient from my body and turning these to his own nefarious supergrowth purposes. Pass The Smelling Salts
  • Water from the aquarium tanks is pumped over the top of rafts of brown algae, which feed on the nutrients in the water and help clean it naturally, as they would out on the reef.
  • The nutrients are becoming an important ingredient in infant formula globally.
  • In the processes generally known as bioleaching, stress-hardy bacteria, which can get all their nutrient requirements from the air and the minerals to be leached, are typically employed to oxidise ores to a more soluble state.
  • Base Nutrient Depletion: Acidification of soils causes the removal of nutrients (a process known as leaching) from terrestrial ecosystems. Acid deposition fact sheet
  • Crop residue has a nutrient value and will catch snow, reduce evaporation, increase infiltration, and improve soil tilth.
  • Venom, it seems, is also a basic nutrient of politics.
  • Weight loss is accomplished both by restriction of food quantity and malabsorption of nutrients.
  • Typically, if enough land is available in an operation to produce feedstuffs for the animals, there is enough land to apply manure nutrients to minimize environmental effects.
  • These tools should be fully exploited by the nutrition and public health communities to combat micronutrient malnutrition.
  • Here, 12 orchid species are distributed including four mycotrophic orchids (dependent on soil fungi for nutrients).
  • The dietary intake of carbohydrate, protein, lipids, micronutrients and phytochemicals will change based on the dietetic habits of the population.
  • Help replace the energy boost you got from cigarettes by taking 2 to 3 g of chlorella, a nutrient-rich algae, daily.
  • A spongy, Dijon-colored city of algae and microscopic creatures that floats on the surface, periphyton cleanses the Everglades of excess nutrients and pollutants.
  • Run-off from barnyards, cropland, feedlots, septic tanks, and intensively managed turf areas such as golf courses can introduce large quantities of organic matter and nutrients into a pond.
  • Plant roots need oxygen for the uptake of water and nutrients and so do not penetrate below the water table (apart from those such as mangrove types with special adaptations).
  • Sprouting grains by soaking them first increases the amount of enzymes and neutralises the antinutrient phytic acid. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are smothered by sediment, and choked by algae growing on nutrient rich sewage and fertilizer run-off.
  • As physical stress increases the body's needs for many vitamins and minerals, intercurrent infections also induce a relative nutrient deficiency, especially in chronic (long-term) grumbling types of infection e.g. acute cystitis, vaginal bacterial imbalance. Miscarriage
  • Woad robs the soil of nutrients, forcing medieval woad growers in Europe to move frequently in search of uncultivated land.
  • Except for calcium and folacin intakes, mean nutrient intakes from food sources met or exceeded recommended levels.
  • At this point, it becomes difficult for the body to maintain nutritional homeostasis, utilize nutrients appropriately, synthesize plasma proteins, and detoxify noxious substances.
  • The doctor informed us that the formula containing these homeostatic nutrients was not yet available to the public, but agreed to give my husband and me some sample bottles if we would report to him our results.
  • The fertiliser releases nutrients gradually as bacteria decompose it.
  • As a healthier alternative to refined white sugar, I chose granulated cane juice, which has not been stripped of all its nutrients.
  • The rivers of the Park are lined with beaches of white sand and white nutrient-poor kaolinic hydromorphic soils during the dry season and flood over the surrounding forest during the wet season. Central Amazonian Conservation Complex, Brazil
  • Supplementation of cultures with the rich nutrient peptone has been previously shown to suppress submerged culture conidiation.
  • He needs them to replace the rucksack - which contains a bag of fluid sending vital nutrients straight to his heart. The Sun
  • The high rains supports forests of karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor) and tingle (E. brevistylis, E. jacksonii, and E. guilfoylei), shifting to jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) and marri (Eucalyptus calophylla) in areas with lower nutrient soils. Jarrah-Karri forest and shrublands
  • Several nonnative noxious weeds have invaded stickseed habitat and threaten to out-compete the stickseed for the available nutrients.
  • It had been steadily gaining nutrients as his career developed, siphoning off its share of each ill-gotten gain. PROSPECT HILL
  • It presents a large, smooth, concave surface, called the iliac fossa, which gives origin to the Iliacus and is perforated at its inner part by a nutrient canal; and below this a smooth, rounded border, the arcuate line, which runs downward, forward, and medialward. II. Osteology. 6c. The Bones of the Lower Extremity. 1. The Hip Bone
  • Here, we give you a rundown on many popular macronutrients and other basic ingredients that are readily included in protein products.
  • The term fortified means that additional nutrients have been added to a food that weren’t there in the first place. Baby Bites
  • Planting directly into more silicic ash such as rhyolite is however more problematic, due to nutrient issues such as nitrogen and calcium deficiency (Neild and others, 1998). Volcanic Ash—Effects on Agriculture and Mitigation Strategies
  • Mangoes are rich in the nutrients lutein and zeaxanthin that appear to help preserve our eyesight as we age.
  • "Autophagy is a survival mechanism to ensure that the cell is able to obtain the necessary nutrients during times of starvation," explains Schmitz.
  • All forms of hypertension can constrict the blood vessels in the uterus that supply the fetus with oxygen and nutrients.
  • He didn't fertilize the ground, but hoed it a lot instead, which he felt made up for the lack of nutrients.
  • We are attempting to scale up and to introduce nutrients by creating a special bioreactor to have live in cells in good bulk to be able to do first animal experiments and then human clinical trials.
  • Fusarium wilt kills plants by cutting off nutrient supply from the roots and is one of the biggest dangers facing lupin production in Europe and Russia.
  • Physiological problems Finally, a few words about some physiological problems which result from nutrient deficiencies and weather conditions.
  • Magnesium is the nutrient element in plant growth.
  • Nutrient expert thinks, teenager period should nurturance is drunk " macrobian soya-bean milk " habit, this has profit greatly to preventing cardiovascular disease in the future.
  • Plants can form what he calls oxygen (O) roots and water/nutrient (W/N) roots. 17: Above-ground (urban) gardens
  • These nutrients help transport oxygen round the body to promote healthy hair follicles and cell growth. The Sun
  • Excessive amounts of beta-carotene may somehow block the beneficial effects of one or more of the other nutrients.
  • When nutrients are in short supply the body cannot function properly.
  • It also helps hold nutrients and improve soil fertility. The Sun
  • This is the one nutrient that strict vegetarians who eschew all animal foods must get from either fortified foods or supplements. Times, Sunday Times
  • Broccoli has a supernutrient called indole-3-carbinol, believed to help balance oestrogen levels. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although still infertile by world standards, soils here are generally higher in nutrient content than those in western Tasmania, especially the rich soils on dolerite substrate. Tasmanian temperate forests
  • He worked on the lurkey itself, it was a huge, sweaty mass, aslosh in nutrients. Across The Sea Of Suns
  • Potassium, a macronutrient for plants, is present in plant dry matter next to carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen and before sulphur and phosphorus.
  • The nutrient deficiency of Anthurium scherzerianum was studied. The typical symptom of limp and leaves lacking of certain kind of big element were observed and analyzed.
  • As soon as the second-year plants set seed and die, that seed germinates into pretty new rosettes that quickly monopolize light, moisture, nutrients, soil, and space.
  • A special type of beneficial root fungi, called mycorrhizae, actually grow into plant roots, feeding off plant sap but also providing water and nutrients to the plant.
  •, that the growth rate of strains that are competing for nutrient in a chemostat can be skewed depending on which form is dominating. Mutation, selection and complexity - The Panda's Thumb
  • 'In nutrient baths, cells are programmed to grow, to replicate, to -'What! THE BROKEN GOD
  • Soils on basalt had a higher pH and were higher in most micronutrients, but lower in Iron, than soils on arkose.
  • The amount of each nutrient in the supplement was the recommended dietary allowance for pregnant or lactating woman, except for iron and zinc.
  • The litter and nutrient dynamics of Dendrocalamus latiflorus forest in Hainan were studied.
  • When they exposed cancer cells to these phytonutrients, the cells self-destructed technically, such self-destruction is called apoptosis. The Fiber35 Diet
  • The faster we can clean the blood, the more nutrients and oxygens the blood can carry.
  • All athletes require a well balanced diet containing the essential macronutrients of meat, fish, dairy products, fruit and vegetables, cereals and bread.
  • The Northern Lakes and Forests is a region of nutrient poor glacial soils, coniferous and northern hardwood forests, undulating till plains, morainal hills, broad lacustrine basins, and extensive sandy outwash plains. Ecoregions of the United States-Level III (EPA)
  • I use this information to complete a computerized nutrient analysis of their four-day food record.
  • Mutual allelopathy between Vallisneria spiralis Linn. and Microcystis aeruginosa was investigated through co-culture and separate culture, excluding the effects of bacteria and nutrient.
  • The Marae is working with its local community to restore the mauri - or life-force - of the Papawai Stream, protecting it from nutrient runoff from surrounding farmland. NZ On Screen
  • The agency said Abbott falsely claimed that one serving of Ensure provides nutrients comparable to a multivitamin.
  • These nutrients are absolutely vital to good health.
  • Farm research continues to revolve around NPK - nitrogen, phosphorous and potash - the three major plant nutrients that the soils are largely deficient in.
  • The heathland as such on the Great Heath only dates to the post-Norman period, when centuries of nutrient depletion and a deteriorating climate led to its formation.
  • Transport of inorganic nutrients in relationship to leaf anatomical structure remains, to a large extent, an unexplored area in plant physiology.
  • Cancer cells get these nutrients by sending out a complex set of chemical instructions telling the body to produce new blood vessels to feed it.
  • Remove the needle from the nozzle of the syringe and deliver the citrated blood into a small Ehlenmeyer flask containing about 250 c.c. of nutrient broth. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • Prepared from germinated and sprouted grain and cereals, their food is rich in various nutrients, vitamins and enzymes and also helps in curing constipation, acidity, piles and skin diseases.
  • Vitamins are essential nutrients that affect economically important performance traits of dairy cows, including milk production, reproduction, and udder health.
  • •Fact: Soil test extraction is a complicated dance between the chemistry of the soil and the extractant, in an attempt to mimic the availability of nutrients to the crop over the growing season. Fort Frances Times Online -
  • Where nutrients are plentiful, productivity is high, production far outstrips decomposition, and organic sediments accumulate on the lake beds.
  • Myricaria laxiflora, on the other hand, prefers the alluvial soil with sand and gravel in subtropics climate. The soil is of weak alkalinity, has low content of nutrient but moderate salt.
  • At this stage it is more or less spherical and covered with villi (frond-like protrusions); these provide a large surface area for exchange of gases, nutrients, water and waste with the maternal blood.
  • Over my years of working as a research ecologist for the U.S. Forest Service in Hawaii, I watched fountain grass repeatedly rise up like a green phoenix after ecologically devastating wildfires and rapidly establish in what to this species is a very favorable postfire environment of increased light and nutrients and decreased plant competition. Robert J. Cabin: The Wildfires in Hawaii Are a Loss for Our World
  • Refined white flour is what's left after the nutrient-packed germ and bran are milled out of the wheat kernel.
  • Can give the skin moisten and provide the nutrient, and the breast keep the health growth.
  • No matter how good your hay is today, between now and feeding time, every rain, every windstorm, is going to steal nutrients from every exposed bale and stack.
  • They help take away hunger and add lots of nutrients and super nutrients. The Sun
  • The agency said there were high levels of nutrients, particularly phosphate and nitrate, which entered the river through sewage effluents and agricultural activities.
  • Enhancing seeds with micronutrient metals will act as an incentive to farmers cultivating micronutrient-poor soils to adopt the micronutrient-enriched seeds for use on their farms.
  • As tumours grow and expand the blood vessels delivering oxygen and essential nutrients to their cells increasingly become weak. Times, Sunday Times
  • They aerate the soil and leave nutrient-rich waste.
  • Another weakness was that the assumed values for portion sizes, distributions of fish species in meals, and food contents of nutrients are only approximations to the true values.
  • Nutrient reserves depend much on the nature of the soil and how it has been used.
  • The crop draws nutrients from the water before it is returned to the rivers, still clean and unpolluted.
  • This bed will contain abundant stores of water and plant nutrients readily available at all times.
  • The nutrient-enriched water causes an explosive growth of tiny plants and animals that coat the leaves of the seagrasses.
  • Plants draw minerals and other nutrients from the soil.
  • Zinc is an important nutrient for weight loss. PCOS DIET BOOK: How you can use the nutritional approach to deal with polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Yeah, I named him Seymour, and then proceeded to behead him (the flowering stem is inedible, and saps the nutrients from the rest of the plant ... it had to be done!) and kidnap some of the "offspring" (read: stalks) to make these muffins! What Seymour Made!
  • Underneath the retina is the choroid - a thin layer of blood vessels that supplies oxygen and nutrients to the retina.
  • In Australia, Mangareva, parts of the U.S. Southwest, and many other locations, most of the nutrients had already been leached out of the soil by rainfall.
  • The nutrients trigger blooms of microscopic algae known as phytoplankton.
  • The lymphatic vessels are supplied by nutrient vessels, which are distributed to their outer and middle coats; and here also have been traced many non-medullated nerves in the form of a fine plexus of fibrils. VIII. The Lymphatic System. 1. Introduction
  • The present invention has good taste and health care effect, and may be used as the excellent nutrient source for athlete, valetudinarian and other special people.
  • They depend on this to acquire dissolved nutrients from the surrounding water, in much the same way that animals use the large surface area of their gills in order to obtain oxygen.
  • He could not assimilate the nutrients in food even if he had an appetite.
  • They test and cross-breed vegetables for production of a greater yield, superior taste and sometimes a higher nutrient content and flowers for earlier and bigger blossoms or a stronger fragrance.
  • Nutrient concentrations in liquid storage facilities become stratified due to settling and crusting.
  • Careful preparation of food is important to retain vital nutrients and enzymes. The Medicine Chest - your family's guide to prescription drugs
  • The presence of herbivores also increased periphytic nutrient content in some experiments.
  • Phosphates in the water, from agricultural run-off and discharge from sewage works, provide nutrients on which the algae thrive.
  • So, for instance, fissures in the underlying bedrock or a man-made trench or pit will often fill with soils and matter that have greater moisture retention and more nutrients than the surrounding, undisturbed subsoil.
  • But in celiac disease, gluten appears to flatten the villi and damage them, reducing the body's ability to take in nutrients properly. Zeroing In On Gluten
  • This type of jam will also supply the supernutrient ellagic acid, shown to cause cancer cells to self-destruct. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition to improving soil structure, decomposing compost will slowly release plant nutrients.
  • But as more genes are identified and understood in relation to obesity, it is becoming clear that not everyone processes food in the same way—so one individual may need more or less of a given macronutrient than another person. Eating for your genes - Health -
  • The uptake of cadmium by plants is governed by a number of factors such as pH, temperature, aeration, total cadmium concentration in the soil and the presence of other micro- and macronutrients.
  • It has long been known that the rare transition element molybdenum is an essential micronutrient for plants, animals and micro-organisms.
  • The invention discloses an alkaline nutrient and a preparation method thereof, which relates to a nutrient that can neutralize and adjust different acidic materials inside human bodies.
  • More recently they have speculated that acid rain robs trees of this vital nutrient by leaching it from the soil and by mobilizing aluminum, which interferes with calcium uptake by roots.
  • Evolution of large size was a prerequisite for the exploitation of leaves because of the need for a longer residence time in the gut for bacterial fermentation to obtain sufficient nutrients from foliage and herbage.
  • Timber had been removed without nutrient replacement and there were major weed problems in the rice.
  • Organic manures as nutrient sources-how best to make the most of organic manures and slurry in arable crop rotations.
  • To the contrary, the timing of the highest nutrient requirement period of the winter calving cow was more coincident with the period when forage quality was highest (late spring to early summer).
  • · Acts as a chelate, that is, it forms compounds with metal nutrients (usually iron, zinc, copper, or manganese) increasing their solubility and availability to plants. 5. How plants live and grow
  • Sulfur is a macronutrient for both plants and animals.
  • In addition to intercropping, trees and shrubs (agroforestry) are the anchor perennial species, providing mycorrhiza for mobilizing phosphorus and other nutrients. and these trees and shrubs promote soil protection against erosion by wind and water. Opportunities and constraints from genetic modification technologies in Africa
  • A barren fig tree takes up valuable garden space and nutrients that fruitful trees can use.
  • This is done by inoculation and incubation of the nutrient medium.
  • The number of blooms is growing as a result, experts believe, of nutrients and fertilizers in farm and sewage run-off.
  • It is still a widely held view that vegetarians eat salad and raw carrots, and miss out on vital nutrients contained in meat.
  • Unfortunately, the first visible symptom of root rot, chlorosis, can be caused by many other problems such as a shortage of nutrients, too much or too little watering, or insect or nematode damage. 4.1 Nursery establishment
  • Those which still have peat-forming vegetation are known as mires, and can be divided into fens (minerotrophic) and bogs (ombrotrophic) on the basis of nutrient status, which is closely related to the quality of the water supply. Random graphic of the day: UNEP/GRID-Arendal Maps and Graphics Library
  • Different thermal sterilization of milk nutrients and flavor of different material.
  • In short, fertilization enhanced neither the build-up of biological materials nor the capture of nutrients by it.
  • The standing sward of rye, clovers, and fescues is increasingly varied with herbs like dock and comfrey, which help pull nutrients up from the subsoil.
  • Sweet potato skin contains many useful nutrients in Ankang.
  • Yet many doctors and nutritionists see pasta as a food that offers few beneficial nutrients. Times, Sunday Times
  • The 1995 text addresses the science linking antioxidant nutrients found in plant foods with a potentially beneficial role in fighting disease.
  • Nutrient availability often determines food availability and lotic productivity, which are believed to be major controlling factors in riverine fish production. Climate change effects on arctic freshwater fish populations
  • When thatch gets too thick it prevents water and nutrients from penetrating to the soil and grass roots.
  • Magnesium is the nutrient element in plant growth.
  • This occurs when colonic bacteria accumulate above the obstructing lesion and flourish in a nutrient medium.
  • Other nutrients that are needed to make red blood cells include iron and folate (folic acid).
  • Much of the debate over the Florida Keys no-discharge area focused on the fact that water quality problems in the sanctuary were largely from land-based sources and those pollutants are largely nutrients, not fecal coliform bacteria.
  • Water drains from it rapidly carrying away any soluble plant nutrient that may have been added.
  • The heart rate speeds up in order to quickly provide the extra oxygen and nutrients your body will need.
  • If you have a proper growing site that has good drainage, access to full sunlight and nutrient-poor soil, you can micromanage their development and pick them at the moment of perfection.
  • Nutrients are vitamins and minerals that regulate the body's chemical processes and functions and help to keep you fit and healthy.
  • Oxygen is the fuel that starts the chemical process of nutrient absorption through a seedling's root tips.
  • Therefore, if optimality is to be achieved, a small change in nutrient concentration must sometimes precipitate a large change in the enzymatic composition of the bacterium.
  • The bacteria supply the pea plants with nitrogen fixed from the air when the soils are deficient in that nutrient.
  • The problem is that processing destroys many essential nutrients. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • Competition between a large mass of parasites and the host for nutrients may be the underlying cause of this weight loss.
  • Also, replenish mulch, and remove weeds that compete for nutrients.
  • -- These thin, flat flasks (to contain agar or gelatine, which is allowed to solidify in a layer on one side) are extremely useful on account of the large nutrient surface available for growth. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies worldwide, because iron is difficult to get and absorb in the proper amount from the diet alone (Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary).
  • The influence of micronutrients on the development of P toxicity is also reported.
  • Here are some particularly important brain nutrients. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eliminate free radical, improve immunity, optimize internal secretion, resist lipofuscin and keep nutrient balance.
  • When buying your feed, ask the merchant about ingredients and nutrient levels in different mixes.
  • It is then cut down, left to wilt and dug into the ground, returning the nutrients to the soil. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dark green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, collard greens and Swiss chard are the best source of vitamin K so eat plenty of them to get the full benefit of this bone-boosting nutrient.
  • It is especially prized because carbon, its major component, is by far the most important of all plant nutrients.
  • This engorges your muscles with blood and improve nutrient delivery to muscle cells.
  • This preparation of friendly fungi provides nutrients and offers some protection from diseases. The Sun
  • An assessment of the uniformity of animal manuring across the pasture should be made before crediting the returned nutrients to the entire pasture acreage.
  • Flaonoids are produced as a defense mechanism that can be triggered by nutrient deficiency.
  • Both were occasionally high near the fishway, suggesting that reverse flow might entrain nutrients or phytoplankton.
  • The large nutrient reserves in seeds of hound's tongue allow rapid seedling root growth.
  • Nutrient expert thinks, teenager period should nurturance is drunk " macrobian soya-bean milk " habit, this has profit greatly to preventing cardiovascular disease in the future.
  • These nutrients help transport oxygen round the body to promote healthy hair follicles and cell growth. The Sun
  • But the nutrients of the blood of life spilled in penitence help fortify the Sun to win the battle against the Night. Mythology and legends of the Nahua people: part 1
  • Total parenteral nutrition is a preparation of nutrients given via intravenous infusion to patients, of any age, who cannot feed normally through the alimentary tract.
  • The andesitic volcanic material has higher nutrient content and water holding capacity than the rhyolitic soils of the neighboring Yellowstone Plateau (17j). Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)
  • These nutrients enter the seed through a single vascular bundle in the funiculus that extends into the seed coat as the chalazal vein and its two lateral branches.
  • These nutrient needs are satisfied with urea, triple super - phosphate and potassium chloride.
  • Effects of Site Condition on Growth and Spatial Differences of Soil Nutrient in Populus simonii Carr.
  • Nutrients per serving: calories, 212; carbohydrates, 36 grams; protein, 6 grams; fat, 3 grams.
  • Water is necessary to transport nutrients around the body, remove wastes, maintain body temperatures and regulate metabolic processes in our bodies.
  • Ming to a big hill jujube sweet, nutrient - rich known.
  • Root systems of terrestrial plants serve many important tasks among which anchorage of the plant and uptake of water plus nutrients are the most important ones.
  • But some groups of people may be deficient in nutrients and could benefit. The Sun
  • Chemicals inhaled from cigarettes constrict tiny blood vessels in the skin, thus reducing the oxygen and nutrient supply to delicate facial tissue.
  • During the study, the thermocline gradually declined and vertical mixing started, leading to a transition from a nutrient-depleted period to a nutrient-replete period.
  • Results The nutrient arteries of the masseter originated from masseteric artery and masseteric branches of adjacent arteries.
  • But because adult skin can be particularly susceptible to the irritating effects of their active ingredients (like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid), many look for acne systems with added fundamental built-in skincare components, such as bioactive botanicals and nutrients.
  • Cuscuta contains at least 158 species that no longer possess leaves, but their stems twine around host plants producing numerous haustoria to obtain nutrients.
  • This dish also gives us limonene, a supernutrient that helps to disarm nitrosamines, a major pollutant in cigarette smoke. Times, Sunday Times
  • It contains superfoods like nori, sprouted quinoa, alfalfa, aloe vera and wild blue-green algae, which has virtually every nutrient known to man.
  • CAPTAIN COOK, Hawaii—The breadfruit is a remarkable food: The prickly football-size pod is full of nutrients and energy. 'Food of the Future' Has One Hitch: It's All But Inedible

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