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How To Use Nucleus In A Sentence

  • Fertilization therefore results in an egg carrying a nucleus with contributions from both parents, and it was concluded that the cell nucleus must contain the physical basis of heredity.
  • When an antineutron collides with a beryllium nucleus, it annihilates one neutron, and the mutual annihilation releases around nine times the energy of a fissioning uranium atom. Mother Of Storms
  • Immediately above the anterior perforated substance, the pear-shaped head of the caudate nucleus is confluent with the putamen of the lentiform nucleus.
  • A stimulant action on the parasympathetic portion of the oculomotor nucleus (third cranial nerve) is responsible for pupillary miosis.
  • Deuterium is a relatively insensitive nucleus because it has a low gyromagnetic ratio and the spectral intensity is generally spread over an extremely wide frequency range due to the quadrupole interaction.
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  • The essential and indispensable element of the nucleus is called nuclein (or caryoplasm); that of the cell body is called plastin (or cytoplasm). The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • The strong force is the one that is dominant in the atomic nucleus, acting between the quarks inside the proton and the neutron.
  • When the Spanish landed in 1531, Peru's territory was the nucleus of the highly developed Inca civilization.
  • The spacecraft will orbit the comet's nucleus.
  • The complementary substances or substituent groups with which these nuclei are more or less firmly combined in nature exert a stabilizing and perhaps otherwise favorable influence on the curative nucleus, but do not themselves possess the vitamine type of physiological potency. The Vitamine Manual
  • The water going down your plughole, the planets going around the sun, the electrons spinning around a nucleus, they all reflect the same dynamic tension between opposing forces.
  • Cells in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus have been shown to selectively express steroidogenic factor - 1.
  • The remainder of the protein components in these complexes is encoded in the nucleus.
  • “I eats them,” said Stella, reversing her small cauliflower-like person on the sofa, till only a circle of white rims with a nucleus of coventry frilling, with two pink legs kicking gently upwards, were visible. Red Pottage
  • Dense granules surrounding the nucleus are probably cytoplasmic organelles.
  • PLC is planning a listing in an Asian manufact uring titan, one which has rapidly become the economic nucleus of the world. StanChart's Shanghai IPO: Japan Or India Redux?
  • The disintegration of the nucleus produces one alpha particle.
  • The Manchester centre is the nucleus of a hi-tech surveillance system and features an 18-metre monitor wall that can display up to 180 high-resolution images.
  • The portion in front of the genu is termed the frontal part, and separates the lentiform from the caudate nucleus; the portion behind the genu is the occipital part, and separates the lentiform nucleus from the thalamus. IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
  • Strictly speaking, the term elementary as applied to most of the particles in the nucleus is inaccurate, for scientists now believe that all the particles except electrons are made of still more elementary particles called quarks. Elementary particles
  • In 1999, researchers from Berkley and Harvard inserted electrodes into the brains of anesthetized cats that monitored the activity of 177 neurons located in the lateral geniculate nucleus, a key visual processing center. Dollhouse: Eyeball Cameras
  • Our results," as they both argued, "seem so far to indicate that the hydrogen nucleus is a more common constituent of the lighter atoms than one has hitherto been inclined to believe. Trafficking Materials and Gendered Experimental Practices: Radium Research in Early 20th Century Vienna
  • We begin with the nucleus at the center of a cell. Christianity Today
  • The nucleus is moniliform and extends the full length of the left side; a number of micronuclei are distributed along its course (Maupas). Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 21:415-468, 1901
  • The water going down your plughole, the planets going around the sun, the electrons spinning around a nucleus, they all reflect the same dynamic tension between opposing forces.
  • They found that in control subjects, larger caudate nucleus areas were associated with a worse performance on tests of attention.
  • Fragments of granite have been observed at Teneriffe; the island of Gomora, from the details furnished me by M. Broussonnet, contains a nucleus of micaceous schist: — the quartz disseminated in the sand, which we found on the shore of Graciosa, is a different substance from the lavas and the trappean porphyries so intimately connected with volcanic productions. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • The inner and outer margins of the annulus were observed to bulge outwards but when the nucleus was removed the inner margins bulged inwards.
  • Kazu Kibuishi, the creator of the Amulet graphic novels and other works, will sign books and talk about the artistic process on Saturday afternoon, September 12th, at Gallery Nucleus, in Alhambra, CA. Chicken Spaghetti:
  • I think our club could form the nucleus of an England squad. The Sun
  • How can an electron be ejected from a nucleus during a Beta Wave decay?
  • The reason is not clear, but must be the result of some subtle change in the genetic information in the nucleus.
  • A few fibers of the medullary stria are said to pass by the habenular nucleus to the roof of the mid-brain, especially the superior colliculus, while a few others come into relation with the posterior longitudinal bundle and association tracts of the mesencephalon. IX. Neurology. 4e. Composition and Central Connections of the Spinal Nerves
  • In contrast, a region deep in the brain associated with reward processing, attention and motor movements - the chordate nucleus - was enlarged in subjects who were addicted to the drug. Cocaine addiction linked to brain abnormalities
  • Brain regions known as the nucleus accumbens and orbitofrontal/prefrontal cortex were also activated. These regions are known to be associated with intense cocaine addiction and cigarette addiction.
  • The main difference between them is that a eukaryote has a nucleus, which contains its DNA, while a prokaryote does not have a nucleus, but instead its DNA is free-floating in the cell. AP Environmental Science Chapter 5- The Biosphere
  • It is a fundamental metabolic pathway needed for biosynthesis of cytochromes, chlorophylls, phycobilins, and the corrin nucleus of vitamin B 12.
  • Is that the same thing as contraterrene matter-where the electron has a positive charge and the nucleus is negative? Arcana Magi - c.1: Oryn Zentharis, Seeker of the Truth
  • If, however, it takes place before, the male pronucleus simply remains dormant in the egg while the polar cells are being protruded, and not until after that process is concluded does it begin again to show signs of activity which result in the cell union. The Story of the Living Machine A Review of the Conclusions of Modern Biology in Regard to the Mechanism Which Controls the Phenomena of Living Activity
  • The nucleus must be taken from the blastula and gastrula stages of frog embryos (at this point no semblance or form of the creature is distinguishable).
  • But we can also activate the cytoplast at the same time as the donor nucleus is introduced.
  • Often as not the rest of the crew could be split to form the nucleus of a new crew, or more likely, they could be whisked away individually to fly with other crews as replacements for airmen who had been killed or wounded.
  • Neutron is an elementary particle that exists inside the atomic nucleus.
  • In the first stage of condensation a droplet is always formed round a nucleus. Nobel Prize in Physics 1927 - Presentation Speech
  • The researchers used laser pulses to produce a wave packet that contained the outer electron of a lithium atom and traveled around the nucleus on an elongated elliptical orbit.
  • These believers express a desire for political authority, but only of the type supportive of pro-family social nucleus and traditionally-bound, regulated liberties.
  • In this way the centrosome approaches the female pronucleus, and thus finally the two nucleii are brought into close proximity. The Story of the Living Machine A Review of the Conclusions of Modern Biology in Regard to the Mechanism Which Controls the Phenomena of Living Activity
  • The neurons of the supraoptic nucleus are magnocellular neurosecretory neurons - large neuroendocrine neurons which secrete their products, the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin into the circulation from their nerve endings in the posterior pituitary gland. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Whereas before people didn't know where anyone was supposed to be except for a small nucleus of people. READY, STEADY, GO!: Swinging London and the Invention of Cool
  • He began by manipulating its basic nucleus, a compound known as lysergic acid, the fundamental building block of all the ergot alkaloids. One River
  • This process of gene assembly (assembling genes of macronucleus from their micronuclear form) is the most involved DNA processing known in living organisms. here De Facto Intelligent Design in Biology
  • Plant biology Lighting up the nucleus . [ comment ] .
  • Even fraction of a second, the optical density of the nucleus is measured and stored in the computer's memory.
  • Such a dismissal will no doubt be received the way a brisk slap in the face would for the nucleus that goes back to the 2004 NBA title heyday, but the Pistons have earned the skepticism that follows them into the playoffs this year. Fantasy News
  • I think our nucleus is starting to feel comfortable around them as well. ''
  • The human stage amastigote is an obligate intracellular parasite, spherical, 2 to 5 g in diameter, and displays a nucleus and kinetoplast.
  • There were numerous arcuate fibers connecting with the third ventricle ependymal surface and median eminence in arcuate hypothalamic nucleus.
  • The limbic system and hypothalamus are important because of roles in reproduction; specific nuclei show sexual dimorphism on postmortem studies bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, suprachiasmatic nucleus, and the interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus , although it is unknown when these differences emerge. It's Easier to make a Hole than a Pole
  • The findings suggest that the hippocampal memory system sometimes interferes with learning in the caudate nucleus.
  • The central nucleus is surrounded by a flattened margin rather bladdery in appearance, of a beautiful red color, formed of a sort of very soft and very elastic jelly. The History of a Mouthful of Bread And its effect on the organization of men and animals
  • The aim is to use the detector to try to observe a theoretical atomic event called neutrinoless double-beta decay - a radioactive process whereby an atomic nucleus releases two electrons and no neutrinos. PLIGG_Visual_Name - PLIGG_Visual_RSS_All
  • Objective To evaluate the clinical value of prosthetic disc nucleus (PDN-solo) replacement for lumbar disc herniation by comparing it with traditional solely discectomy.
  • There is, however, in the nucleus another material which forms either threads, or a network, or a mass of granules, which is very different from the linin, and has entirely different properties. The Story of the Living Machine A Review of the Conclusions of Modern Biology in Regard to the Mechanism Which Controls the Phenomena of Living Activity
  • The macronucleus is a long-beaded structure, or it may be in several parts connected by strands (Gruber). Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 21:415-468, 1901
  • And just as the repulsive force within the nucleus is enormous, so is the binding energy that keeps the nucleus from flying apart. The Harper Dictionary of Science in Everyday Language
  • As the energy levels in the excited hydrogen atom decrease, the electron returns to lower energy orbitals closer to the nucleus.
  • Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide afferents to the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in the rat: an immunohistochemical and biochemical study. More Parts of the Puzzle
  • This signal is then processed through four other layers of the retina and passes through the optic nerve to the lateral geniculate nucleus. Sugar and Saline
  • From recent developments in molecular biology, it is becoming clear that cationic chemical species, such as histone octamer, protamine, spermidine, etc. play an essential role in the packing of long DNA chains into the nucleus.
  • Aiming the lasers and microwaves precisely at the antiatoms using the right settings is very difficult right after the antiatoms are formed because they are in what's called an excited state - the positrons are orbiting the nucleus of the antiatom, but they're very far away, and they're constantly changing their orbit. CBC | Top Stories News
  • Once this nucleus of states demonstrated that the surveillance mechanism was practical and usable, a gradual expansion into other states occurred.
  • Four starters and most of the key reserves will be back next season (barring any transfers), and the nucleus is freshmen and sophomores. West Coast Conference
  • Similarly Bordeaux formed a nucleus for the south-west. Migrants in Modern France: Population Mobility in the Later Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
  • The result would be a star made entirely of neutrons, and these could be packed together as closely as the protons and neutrons in an atomic nucleus.
  • The principal gray masses of the tegmentum are the red nucleus and the interpeduncular ganglion; of its fibers the chief longitudinal tracts are the superior peduncle, the medial longitudinal fasciculus, and the lemniscus. IX. Neurology. 4b. The Mid-brain or Mesencephalon
  • In the 2d clone, the six latest-born nuclei form a unique pattern consisting of three laeotropically skewed columns; as development proceeds, the lower-left nucleus in this array (2d The third quartet micromeres are formed by the dexiotropic division of the 2 M macromeres. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Hansen (2002) has advanced this view, arguing that embryos resulting from SCNT do not have the same moral status we normally accord to other embryos: he calls the combination of a somatic nucleus and an enucleated egg a “transnuclear egg”, which, he says, is a mere “artifact” with no Cloning
  • We had to get what we called our nucleus registration database into a bullet-proof position so we knew we could manage intelligence and entitlements without leaving the consumer sort of left holding the bag where we make mistakes. Home Page
  • In cell division the spiral appears, as well as in the DNA molecule in the cell nucleus.
  • The region occupied by some atomic orbitals is spherical with the nucleus of the atom at the center of the sphere.
  • Each cell has a well-defined nucleus, but the sarcolemma is absent. Physiology and Hygiene for Secondary Schools
  • Portion of medial lemniscus, which runs to the lentiform nucleus and insula. f. IX. Neurology. 4b. The Mid-brain or Mesencephalon
  • It measures about 2 cm. in length, and in the lower, closed part of the medulla oblongata is situated behind the hypoglossal nucleus; whereas in the upper, open part it lies lateral to that nucleus, and corresponds to an eminence, named the ala cinerea (trigonum vagi), in the rhomboid fossa. IX. Neurology. 4a. The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
  • Each basidiospore contains a recombinant haploid nucleus, the product of meiosis.
  • They also nourished hopes of using the thousand or so of their servicemen who had joined the British evacuation from Greece to Egypt as the nucleus of an army to be raised among Yugoslav emigrants in the Americas.
  • Next, a nucleus with a complete set of DNA is meticulously extracted from a single cell, itself removed painlessly from the skin or body of the living organism that's to be cloned.
  • Hewitt has also attacked the problem by brominating the oxyazobenzenes, and has shown that when the hydrobromic acid produced in the reaction is allowed to remain in the system, a brombenzene-azo-phenol is formed, whilst if it be removed (by the addition of sodium acetate) bromination takes place in the phenolic nucleus; consequently the presence of the mineral acid gives the azo compound a pseudo-quinonoid character, which it does not possess if the mineral acid be removed from the sphere of the reaction. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • The fibers are at first somewhat widely diffused, but as they descend through the corona radiata they gradually approach each other, and pass between the lentiform nucleus and thalamus, in the genu and anterior two-thirds of the occipital part of the internal capsule; those in the genu are named the geniculate fibers, while the remainder constitute the cerebrospinal fibers; proceeding downward they enter the middle three-fifths of the base of the cerebral peduncle. IX. Neurology. 1F. Pathways from the Brain to the Spinal Cord
  • Rutherford knew that alpha particles, which readily pierced the atom's cloud of electrons, didn't have enough energy to penetrate and pry apart the nucleus.
  • Mr. Berkeley's carnation the change was not so great, seeing that the nucleus of the ovule was not developed, and sufficient evidence has been above given as to the foliar nature of the primine, while for a leaf to be folded up so as to form a carpel is an ordinary occurrence. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • If we take an infusorian sufficiently large, such as the Stentor, and cut it into two halves each containing a part of the nucleus, each of the two halves will generate an independent Stentor; but if we divide it incompletely, so that a protoplasmic communication is left between the two halves, we shall see them execute, each from its side, corresponding movements: so that in this case it is enough that a thread should be maintained or cut in order that life should affect the social or the individual form. Evolution créatrice. English
  • Fertilization having been thus effected by fusion of the male and female pronuclei into a single (or new) nucleus, this latter body proceeds to exhibit complicated processes of karyokinesis, which, as before shown, are preliminary to nuclear division in the case of egg-cells. Darwin, and After Darwin (Vol. 1 and 3, of 3) An Exposition of the Darwinian Theory and a Discussion of Post-Darwinian Questions
  • At the anterior end of the nucleus of the abducent nerve they make a second bend, and run downward and forward through the pons to their point of emergence between the olive and the inferior peduncle. IX. Neurology. 5g. The Facial Nerve
  • The spacecraft's point of view now captures the shadowed side of the comet's nucleus.
  • The body protoplasm is generally crescentic; there are two chromatin masses, the larger one, the nucleus, on the side of the convexity, the other narrower, more deeply stained situated usually on the edge of the concavity, the centrosome. Alphonse Laveran - Nobel Lecture
  • Third, the nucleus of an atom. Infinite in All Directions
  • The nerve passes along the internal auditory meatus with the vestibular nerve and across the subarachnoid space, just above the flocculus, almost directly medialward toward the inferior peduncle to terminate in the cochlear nucleus. IX. Neurology. 5h. The Acoustic Nerve
  • The original archduchy, which included Upper Austria, is the nucleus of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy, having pinwheel-shaped arms of gas, dust, and stars lying in a flattened disc, and extending directly out from a spherical nucleus of stars in the central region.
  • Low doses of actinomycin D cause disruption of the nucleolus, which is a distinct compartment within the cell nucleus. Cancer Research UK - RSS Feed
  • Its structure is that of an ordinary cell-nucleus, viz., it consists of a reticulum or karyomitome, the meshes of which are filled with karyoplasm, while connected with, or imbedded in, the reticulum are a number of chromatin masses or chromosomes, which may present the appearance of a skein or may assume the form of rods or loops. I. Embryology. 2. The Ovum
  • Recent developments in particle physics suggest that every nucleon may itself have a nucleus.
  • Most beta decays involve the emission of electrons from the nucleus as a neutron decays into an electron and a proton.
  • ‡ The word eukaryote comes from the Greek for “true nucleus. Eukaryote
  • Some of these men, like Abdel Moneim al-Houni, Libya's representative to the Arab League, who called what is happening at home "genocide", could have constituted a nucleus for reform, but that seems the remotest of possibilities. Libya: Gaddafi's destructive path | Editorial
  • For Z Zcr, if the innermost orbital is not filled, the electric field of the nucleus will pull an electron out of the vacuum, resulting in the spontaneous emission of a positron. MIND MELD: The Best Spaceships in Written Science Fiction
  • Results: PCNA and P63 staining showed similar expression pattern, mainly in the deep layer nucleus of palpebral mucocutaneous junction and the rim of cornea.
  • They transferred its nucleus to an egg cell from which the nucleus had been removed. Times, Sunday Times
  • the first organelle to be identified was the nucleus
  • Twelve univalent chromosomes are visible in this diakinesis-stage nucleus, indicating an absence of chiasmata.
  • From this nucleus, it swiftly spread throughout his head and trunk, leaving only his limbs in an unfeeling limbo.
  • In this context, a neutron star is effectively a single atomic nucleus.
  • These compounds differ in the level of oxidation of the flavane nucleus and in the number and position of hydroxyl, methyl, and methoxyl substituents.
  • The younger bacteroid was elliptic and had a similar nucleus region in cell. The normal bacteroid had an intact membrane envelope and PHB granules.
  • This is the process in which a proton is converted into a neutron by the nucleus capturing a negative electron from one of the inner orbits of its atom.
  • The nucleus-localized, flavin-binding gene products, CRY1 and CRY2 are involved in several blue light responses, including phototropism.
  • In particular, there are grounds for serious concern surrounding the technique of nucleus substitution.
  • Practice: 1. Choose fresh and squashy Chinese flowering quince, flay, go nucleus, cut chunk account, reserve.
  • Chromosome loss may be the result of either non-attachment of the chromosome kinetochore to the spindle microtubules or chromosome lagging at anaphase and gives rise to a micronucleus.
  • A cluster of nerve cells within the cord or brain is called a nucleus.
  • Neurons in the nucleus isthmi pars parvocellularis (Ipc) responded to wide ranges of visual and auditory features, but they were not tuned to particular values of those features. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • The nucleus of the future Impressionist movement was born.
  • Sometimes, the stresses are strong enough to break off chunks of the comet's nucleus.
  • In apoptosis, DNA is degraded into oligonucleotides with a few hundreds of basepairs that subsequently diffuse out of the nucleus.
  • Every variation was observed, generally the more leafy the outer tegument the greater was the degree of straightness of the funicle, and the abortion of the nucleus. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • The cells of the suprachiasmatic nucleus send signals to other parts of the brain, especially the pineal gland, initiating hormonal and nerve signals that synchronize the body and the brain to the biological clock.
  • One neuron in the area called the optic tectum because it sits on the "roof" of the brain, sends axons to others in a knob of tissue called the nucleus isthmi. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Guided by the synergidae one male-cell passes into the oosphere with which it fuses, the two nuclei uniting, while the other fuses with the definitive nucleus, or, as it is also called, the endosperm nucleus. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • In fact, little of the gas driven inward need ultimately fall into the nucleus of the Galaxy.
  • The disk has no nucleus, but, in consequence of its biconcave shape, presents, according to the alterations of focus under an ordinary high power, a central part, sometimes bright, sometimes dark, which has the appearance of a nucleus (Fig. 453, a). V. Angiology. 2. The Blood
  • The entrance into a telophase nucleus of a single broken end of a chromosome Nobel Lecture The Significance of Responses of the Genome to Challenge
  • A stimulant action on the parasympathetic portion of the oculomotor nucleus (third cranial nerve) is responsible for pupillary miosis.
  • By the end of the 1850s a nucleus of business houses had been established.
  • An atomic orbital is the region around the nucleus of an atom where an electron of a particular energy is most likely to be found.
  • Since there were only two basic forces known in the beginning of the 20th century, gravitation and electromagnetism, and it was seen that electromagnetism is responsible for the forces in the atom, it was natural to believe that it was also responsible for the forces keeping the nucleus together. Forces
  • AIM:To study the effect of intraventricular injection(icv) of histamine(HA) on corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) neurons activity in paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of hypothalamus.
  • The lander will return close-up pictures of the comet's nucleus, drill into the dark organic crust, and sample the primordial ices and gases.
  • The "puffing" from the AGB star converting into the PNN Planetary Nebula Nucleus is not like a switch that is instantly turned off, but is likely an intermittent affair. Red Giant Brightness Variations Still Mysterious | Universe Today
  • The bees raise the virgin queens until mature at which time the beekeeper transfers them into a small hive called a nucleus.
  • Conclusions: OECs promote the growth of the co - cultured rat caudate nucleus neurons.
  • Close to this point, an amorphous critical nucleus would consist in the disordered aggregation of a few molecules, and the crystallinity would appear later during the growth process.
  • After conjugation, chromosomes in the transcriptionally active macronucleus develop by fragmentation, elimination, and amplification of germ line chromosomes.
  • That is, all hydrogen atoms - whether here on Earth or in the farthest reaches of outer space - have only a single proton in their nucleus.
  • They form an unmatched nucleus of experience and knowledge of the sport in Britain and are eager to work together for the common good. Times, Sunday Times
  • Christine Maggiore is the outspoken nucleus of a movement to help HIV-positive mothers who question medication.
  • Livestock remains the nucleus of the event, with many animals already prizewinners from other top shows.
  • The annulate corpuscle of the spermatozoon is the metamorphosed nucleus of the cell from which the spermatozoon is developed.
  • Although the annulus contains the highpressure nucleus, it is able to withstand some axial compression directly itself.
  • Protons and neutrons are held together in a nucleus of an atom by the strong force.
  • In the cerebral peduncle, a few of its fibers pass upward in the lateral part of the base of the peduncle, on the dorsal aspect of the temporopontine fibers, and reach the lentiform nucleus and the insula. IX. Neurology. 4b. The Mid-brain or Mesencephalon
  • Cranial CT and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a small metastasis in the right caudate nucleus.
  • Abbreviations: MN, micronucleus; BN-1MN, binucleated cell with one micronucleus; BN-1MNC+, binucleated cell with one centromere-positive micronucleus; BN-1MNC −, binucleated cell with one centromere-negative micronucleus; Mono-MNx, mononucleated cells with micronuclei; BN-NPB, binucleated cell with nucleoplasmic bridge Veterans Today
  • And at the moment there is not even the nucleus of a movement to achieve that.
  • If a nucleus has too many protons for its number of neutrons, it will be radioactive.
  • The progenitor cell loses its nucleus, and most of its intracellular membranes are degraded; the now non-nucleated form of the cell, termed a reticulocyte, then loses its ribosomes, thus preventing any further synthesis of haemoglobin. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • At the medullary level, the medial lemniscus (which contains the 2nd neuron axons in the pathway for proprioceptive and tactile sensations) is found dorsal to the pyramidal tract and medial to the olivary nucleus.
  • 2 Coincidently with or preceding these changes the centriole, which usually lies by the side of the nucleus, undergoes subdivision, and the two resulting centrioles, each surrounded by a centrosphere, are seen to be connected by a spindle of delicate achromatic fibers the achromatic spindle. I. Embryology. 1. The Animal Cell
  • It's this other DNA that gets removed from the macronucleus: the macronucleus is a genes-only sort of place. NYT > Home Page
  • His PhD wasn't concerned with the fission of a large nucleus but with the scattering of small nuclei or, to be precise, on how to calculate three-body forces - a very abstract topic.
  • What's interesting about this study is that it challenges a widely held hypothesis that Eucarya arose out of the fusion of a bacterium with an archaeon (also known as the endosymbiotic origin of the nucleus, not to be confused with the endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts). Another Big Example of Reductive Evolution?
  • In the middle of these green acres, a modest cluster of white greenhouses make up the nucleus of daily activity.
  • Understanding of the atomic nucleus was progressing rapidly and awareness was dawning of the awesome energies latent within.
  • The shape of the nucleus was visualized using a DNA counterstain in all experiments.
  • Behind the nucleus, a broad fan of impact ejecta, backlit by the Sun, spreads out into space.
  • The properties of these small RNAs can explain how the primary sequence of the parental macronucleus epigenetically controls genome rearrangement in the new macronucleus and provide the first demonstration of an RNAi-mediated process that directly alters DNA sequence organization. Another Protozoan and Front-Loading
  • As a result of the nucleon transformations, a new proton is left behind in the nucleus and the atomic number of the atom is raised by one.
  • Some of the nodules are hollow and filled with crystals, others have a nucleus of less compact siliceous matter which is generally white, surrounded with many concentric strata coloured with iron, and other alternate strata of white agate or calcedony, sometimes to the number of thirty. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • Iron has the most stable nucleus that can be generated by nuclear reactions of this type.
  • Two rams and another iron warship were to form the nucleus of a Confederate fleet designed to sweep away the blockaders and challenge northern supremacy in American waters.
  • The radiation would result in an orbiting electron losing energy and collapsing into the nucleus.
  • For example, a lesion of dorsal premammillary nucleus is known to affect antipredator defensive reactions without changing response to the foot shock. Brain Parasites
  • Now if the student will compare Section 35, he will see that in the white blood corpuscles we have a very remarkable resemblance to the amoeba; the contractile vacuole is absent, but we have the protoplasmic body, the nucleus and nucleolus, and those creeping fluctuations of shape through the thrusting out and withdrawal of pseudopodia, which constitute "amoeboid" motion. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • DNA is stored in the nucleus of a cell.
  • The anterior cornu (cornu anterius; anterior horn; precornu) (Fig. 736) passes forward and lateralward, with a slight inclination downward, from the interventricular foramen into the frontal lobe, curving around the anterior end of the caudate nucleus. IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
  • The decay of neutrons into protons is essential for the existence of the element hydrogen, whose nucleus is a single proton.
  • V. Proof that entrance of a newly ruptured end of a chromosome into a telophase nucleus can initiate activations of previously silent genomic elements Nobel Lecture The Significance of Responses of the Genome to Challenge
  • Beta radiation is the emission of an electron from the nucleus of a radioactive isotope.
  • The short prodomains caspases induced cell apoptosis, which played an effector as a target protein of cytosol or nucleus.
  • Within the nucleus we find commonly one or two smaller bodies, the nucleoli (Fig. 23, _f_). The Story of the Living Machine A Review of the Conclusions of Modern Biology in Regard to the Mechanism Which Controls the Phenomena of Living Activity
  • The continents of Australia, North America, South America, and Africa each have a single continuous craton forming their nucleus. Physiography of the Earth's terrestrial surface
  • It would be possible for one partner to donate the egg, for the other partner to donate the cell nucleus with its DNA, and for the first partner to gestate and give birth to the child.
  • Fleetwood Mac gets the deluxe reissue treatment Fleetwood Mac had been a band in name for eight years, but - excepting the nucleus of drummer Mick Fleetwood and bassist John McVie - it had never been the same band for very long.
  • So far, the most compelling evidence she provides concerns the relationship between orbit convergence (movement of the eyes from the sides to the front of the face) and the activity of parvocellular and magnocellular neurons in the LGN (lateral geniculate nucleus) of the primate thalamus. Archive 2006-07-01
  • These transcription factors and kinases are primarily cytoplasmic until activated, when they translocate to the nucleus. The Scientist
  • From this hypothesis he reasons that atmospheric and oceanic masses are moved along with the decumbent nucleus with a velocity decreasing from the equator to the poles; and if the least retardation operates on the atmospheric and oceanic waters, a counter-current will be formed, flowing with the greatest rapidity where the retardation is greatest. Kathay: A Cruise in the China Seas
  • The piece of gray matter that lies highest in the cerebral interior is the caudate nucleus ( "tailed" L, because of its shape). The Human Brain
  • Upon activation, these transcription factors translocate to the nucleus of the cell, where they attach to receptor sites on the genes and upregulate, or turn on, their expression. Forever Young
  • A medullary pacemaker nucleus controls the electrocyte APs via spinal electromotor neurons which innervate the electrocytes. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • With Pro Bowl tackle Joe Thomas and guard Eric Steinbach holding down the left side and center Alex Mack arriving via the draft in the first round, a solid nucleus is in place. Starting over: Mangini back to his roots for rebuilding Browns
  • A protruding disc or bulging disc will cause pain when the strips of cartilage called annular fibers have a deficit that permits the nucleus to bulge farther than its normal degree. Hold it!
  • a sperm is mostly a nucleus surrounded by little other cellular material
  • The ρ meson is a wide resonance (Γρ = 150 MeV) and will decay primarily inside the nucleus, making it ideal for observing medium effects.
  • Under high power unstained red blood cells appear as pale, homogeneous, biconcave discs with no nucleus.
  • He built the famous Stone House at Ooty that formed the nucleus of Government offices and is now part of the Government Arts College.
  • To sketch, even so early as six A.M., without becoming the nucleus of a crowd, is, of course, impossible; and the crowd this time consisted of school children of all ages, quite as "untameable," and almost as numerous, as the flies of Santa Croce. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
  • Still, IU is building around a solid nucleus, and if Crean adds a couple of athletic big men to the mix -- something that is very, very possible -- Indiana will get a nice boost. Big Ten Conference
  • It's the bed nucleus of the stria terminalus of the hypothalamus. CNN Transcript May 25, 2005
  • Inferior olivary nucleus with the two accessory olivary nuclei. Illustrations. Fig. 700
  • The word nucleus is a derivative of the Latin word nux, meaning nut or kernel.
  • Without the ‘woman’, there will be a crippling lacuna, since it is her nurturing instinct that anchors the family making her a nucleus around which every member rallies.

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