How To Use Nuclear fuel In A Sentence

  • BEER-SHEVA, Israel, March 9 (UPI) -- Engineers at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel say they have developed a way to "declaw" nuclear fuel, ensuring only peaceful plutonium use. Latest News -
  • Speaking at the Natanz facility, Ahmadinejad said that Iran was now capable of producing nuclear fuel on an industrial scale; in other words, the centrifuge plant was operational. The Secret War with Iran
  • He suggested that radiation implosion, rather than mechanical shock, be used to compress the thermonuclear fuel.
  • These estimates are difficult because they rely on complex models and calculations about how a star burns its nuclear fuel and ages.
  • Nuclear fuel, ie uranium and potentially thorium, is incredibly abundant and currently inexpensive. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Should We Take Another Shot at Nuclear Power?
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  • Events prove that, in the context of reprocessing spent nuclear fuel, his prediction is being realised.
  • Revenues, from reprocessing domestic and imported nuclear fuels, are not expected to exceed £5.2 billion.
  • Here, the blanket assembly is actinide fuel and/or spent nuclear fuel. Accelerator-driven nuclear energy
  • British Nuclear Fuels Limited (BNFL), owned by the UK government, operates four nuclear plants containing first generation, magnesium-oxide (Magnox) reactors. Energy profile of the United Kingdom
  • The research is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and focuses on developing nuclear fuels that are better at conducting heat than conventional fuels.
  • No renewable fuel can come on tap fast enough to replace rapidly declining nuclear fuel.
  • In 1977, the president slapped a ban on the commercial reprocessing of nuclear fuel.
  • Today, the United States and some of its Western partners -- in particular, Britain and France, which have their own narrow interests in not having the strategic cachet of their small strategic arsenals "cheapened" by the emergence of more states (especially in the "developing" world) that have mastered the nuclear fuel cycle -- focus on Iran's work on uranium enrichment as apocalyptically dangerous. Flynt and Hillary Mann Leverett: Just Like Bushehr, Iran's Uranium Enrichment is No Threat
  • Even before the explosion on Saturday, officials said they had detected radioactive cesium, which is created when uranium fuel is split, an indication that some of the nuclear fuel in the reactor was already damaged. NYT > Global Home
  • Going beyond the abstractions of human knowledge and what is known, he also argues that the NIE report itself as it stands is a good reason to get tougher with Iran because it suggests that Tehran can begin to "weaponize" its nuclear fuel at any time. Philip Giraldi: Neocons Strike Back on Iran
  • He noted that the panel's final report wasn't due until January and said "we are committed to finding a sustainable approach to assuring safe, secure long-term disposal of used nuclear fuel and nuclear waste. Nuclear-Waste Costs Go Critical
  • Energy Department officials say nuclear fuel rods have been safely transported for decades.
  • In 1977, the president slapped a ban on the commercial reprocessing of nuclear fuel.
  • Thermal stations burning coal, oil or nuclear fuel work 24 hours a day and their output is less easy to adjust.
  • He added it would increase pressure on the British Government to shut down the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel rods at Sellafield.
  • The sun is a nuclear-driven fireball - but speak the taboo statement that nuclear fuel is the only truly sustainable source of energy and one gets shouted down with howls of derision by less well-informed eco-warriors.
  • Recently, British Nuclear Fuels announced that it would be closing six of its Magnox nuclear power stations by 2010.
  • When nuclear fuel is manufactured it is encased in metal cans.
  • Secondly, the USA claimed satellite photographs had revealed the existence of a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant.
  • Meanwhile Russia, for all its truculence, has repeatedly delayed supplying the nuclear fuel for Bushehr.
  • A precondition is a demand that you make of the other -- of the party going in, just as we're demanding of Iran that they stop, you know, making nuclear fuel. CNN Transcript Oct 22, 2008
  • - glassification of radioactive waste, fast-reactor processing of spent nuclear fuel, and shipment to permanent burial in Nevada - are all encountering hurdles to progress. All Today's News - Sightline Daily
  • The issue they discussed was whether intense, short bursts of high powered heavy ion beams could ignite thermonuclear fuel confined by its own inertia so as to produce a net gain of energy.
  • All used nuclear fuel is transported in heavily shielded purpose-built containers, known as flasks.
  • Tehran has insisted it will go on enriching nuclear fuel to a 20 per cent concentration suitable for civilian reactors. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only manufacturing left on the site when reprocessing goes will be the plant for making nuclear fuel from plutonium and uranium oxides.
  • All parts of the nuclear fuel cycle produce some radioactive waste (radwaste). Nuclear waste management
  • In 1977, the president slapped a ban on the commercial reprocessing of nuclear fuel.
  • Iran begins production of high-grade nuclear fuel - Reuters Iran begins production of high-grade nuclear fuel - Reuters The Tver Railcar Works has presented two bilevel passenger cars with six-seat compartments. RIA Novosti
  • We have obtained the technology for producing nuclear fuel. Times, Sunday Times
  • The British hope thus to make available enough nuclear fuel in breeder type reactors which will also produce useful power at or near competitive costs, to make up for their estimated deficiency in coal. The Peacetime Applications of Atomic Energy
  • They showed us how to split the atom and harness nuclear fuel so that we might finally meet them as equals.
  • This includes reactor physics, decommissioning, the nuclear fuel cycle, risk management and safety management. Times, Sunday Times
  • The documents below provide information about depleted uranium use in steel cermets for spent nuclear fuel.
  • He refers over and over again to the idea of "solidification" of commercial spent nuclear fuel at each reactor location as the solution to the waste management issue. Las Vegas Sun Stories: All Sun Headlines
  • She says if there are to be new nuclear power stations, the Government will have to help finance them - by reducing, for example, British Energy's liability for reprocessing its spent nuclear fuel.
  • More than a quarter of the core is severely fire-damaged and contains around 15 tonnes of nuclear fuel, some of which melted inside the core.
  • He explained spent nuclear fuel is not radioactive waste because it can be reused.
  • Enrichment is a process of purifying uranium for use as nuclear fuel or in weapons.
  • He urged the international community to adopt measures to control sensitive parts of the nuclear fuel cycle, which he listed as enriched uranium and the reprocessing of plutonium.
  • It represents a major step forward for the heavy-ion approach to inertial-confinement fusion, in which small pellets of thermonuclear fuel are compressed to the point of burning by beams of heavy ions.
  • Some of the world's biggest energy companies are stockpiling the nuclear fuel used to power reactors as they try to capitalise on rock-bottom uranium prices. Times, Sunday Times
  • NGU.EN: And an ultimatum from Iran: They are demanding that the West renegotiate a U. N.-backed deal aimed at keeping enriched uranium out of Iran, or the Islamic republic will go ahead and enrich nuclear fuel on its own. CNN Transcript Jan 3, 2010
  • Sir, we hear reports that North Korea supposedly claiming to have reprocessed all of its spent nuclear fuel rods.
  • We do not want to be scaremongers, but we want people to see that this is a real threat and that there are alternatives to nuclear fuels and they are available now.
  • They also suggest that Iran's pursuit of the nuclear fuel cycle likely will undermine foreign investment in its entire energy sector and dampen Iran's international trade prospects.
  • When stars that are more than three times the mass of our Sun finally exhaust their reserves of nuclear fuel they have no means of opposing the inward pull of gravity.
  • The discovery confirms the accepted theory that type II supernovas are produced when elderly, bloated stars known as red supergiants run out of nuclear fuel and collapse.
  • North Korea got America's attention big time last month when it claimed it had reprocessed enough spent nuclear fuel rods to make plenty of nuclear weapons.
  • Any more massive star that exhausts its nuclear fuel will collapse completely under its own gravity.
  • When stars have exhausted their nuclear fuel resources they implode at the centre, and expel their outer layers into space.
  • They said their governments would commit to a moratorium on nuclear-weapons testing and seek to put in place a global treaty banning the production of weapons-grade nuclear fuel.
  • In 1977, the president slapped a ban on the commercial reprocessing of nuclear fuel.
  • Sir, we hear reports that North Korea is supposedly claiming to have reprocessed all of its spent nuclear fuel rods.
  • Has your recipe for nuclear fuel changed much since the birth of the atomic age?
  • This plutonium is a reject load being returned to British Nuclear Fuels by Japan.
  • Some of the world's biggest energy companies are stockpiling the nuclear fuel used to power reactors as they try to capitalise on rock-bottom uranium prices. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tehran has insisted it will go on enriching nuclear fuel to a 20 per cent concentration suitable for civilian reactors. Times, Sunday Times
  • The product of this stage of the nuclear fuel cycle is enriched uranium hexafluoride, which is reconverted to produce enriched uranium oxide. Nuclear fuel cycle
  • In addition to information about glassified waste from national defense projects, such as plutonium production at Hanford, DOE also is interested in information that could be useful if the nation decides to reprocess commercial nuclear fuel and then glassify the waste from reprocessing. The Seattle Times
  • When nuclear fuel is manufactured it is encased in metal cans.
  • When nuclear fuel is manufactured it is encased in metal cans.
  • Ionizing radiation can also come from industrially produced radioactive materials (such as iridium-192); nuclear medicine (such as thyroid cancertreatment with iodine-131 and thyroid scans using iodine-125, or bone scans using technetium-99m); biological and medical research using carbon-14, tritium, and phosphorus-32; the nuclear fuel cycle (producing fission products such as cesium-137 and activation products such as cobalt-60); and production and testing of nuclear weapons. Public Health Statement for Ionizing Radiation
  • Dry disposal or storage involves placing the spent nuclear fuel rods in so-called castor casks, specially-designed steel and concrete cylinders. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Some of the world's biggest energy companies are stockpiling the nuclear fuel used to power reactors as they try to capitalise on rock-bottom uranium prices. Times, Sunday Times
  • Surprisingly, the U.S. government was a bit gun-shy about switching subs from diesel engines and batteries to nuclear fuel.
  • A precondition is a demand that you make of the other party going in just as we're demanding of Iran that they stop, you know, making nuclear fuel. CNN Transcript Oct 22, 2008
  • Commercial nuclear fuel rods are comprised of zircalloy tubing, uranium pellets, and zirconium end caps mounted with springs.

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