
How To Use Np In A Sentence

  • What do a few lives matter now if we can find new, unpolluted territories and new ways to survive? THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • Turn out the lot and the wellrotted stuff at the base can be put on unplanted soil. The Sun
  • The carbonation is a little heavier than what I normally expect in a stout, but not unpleasantly so. Miasmatic Review
  • My poor Lirriper was a handsome figure of a man, with a beaming eye and a voice as mellow as a musical instrument made of honey and steel, but he had ever been a free liver being in the commercial travelling line and travelling what he called a limekiln road — “a dry road, Emma my dear,” my poor Lirriper says to me, “where I have to lay the dust with one drink or another all day long and half the night, and it wears me Emma” — and this led to his running through a good deal and might have run through the turnpike too when that dreadful horse that never would stand still for a single instant set off, but for its being night and the gate shut and consequently took his wheel, my poor Lirriper and the gig smashed to atoms and never spoke afterwards. Mrs. Lirriper's Lodgings
  • $this - > _updated = true; else throw new Exception ( "Invalid server response"); public function setLoginPassword ($login, $password) $this - > _login = $login;
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  • A blonde girl, hmmm, with big boobs, that's not so easy to pinpoint, there have been a quite a few of them on the show.
  • He has received several teaching awards, as well as the unprecedented award of being ‘the most quotable professor’ by MathSoc.
  • They all had paths going their way and signposts pointing to the city of refuge. Christianity Today
  • nonpersonal forces
  • Smith enforced a highly unpopular no-guns policy in the cowtown, and for the most part, made the law stick by beating the hell out of people with his bare hands. The Four Toughest Men of the Old West
  • Relying too much on markets for either input supplies or sales outlets places the low unit cost of production that comes with economies of scale at risk.
  • They need to pinpoint exactly what skills are necessary.
  • Hand, Schryhart, Arneel, and Merrill, weighted with this inpouring flood of stock, which they had to take at two-twenty, hurried to their favorite banks, hypothecating vast quantities at one-fifty and over, and using the money so obtained to take care of the additional shares which they were compelled to buy. The Titan
  • The committee submitted guidelines that applied to off-air recording by nonprofit educational institutions.
  • I do not want to see or smell your funky feet, crusty heels or unpedicured toes.
  • Of course, you would expect it to be damp in those parts of the Highlands which the Camanachd Association holds as its fiefdom and indeed shinty has suffered in recent weeks with matches being cancelled due to unplayable pitches.
  • The unpleasant truth is that hiding behind private ownership only hides the fall in value from people who choose not to look.
  • At the least, that first conclusion seems to me unproven by his own arguments in favor of mortality.
  • captainpoco: Overladen or overloaded, not overladed. The Full Feed from
  • Loman is a rather unpleasant figure throughout much of the play, a boastful blowhard, a bully, a coward.
  • These deficiencies indicate a broad need for training and education throughout the TB-control system, among both public health and nonpublic health participants.
  • It was a singular, unpreventable event that has unfairly tarred all businesses.
  • NHS penpusher boom: Wages bill is up £78m as 'costly' drugs are vetoed Home | Mail Online
  • They stood, without any respect for regularity, on each side of a straggling kind of unpaved street, where children, almost in a primitive state of nakedness, lay sprawling, as if to be crushed by the hoofs of the first passing horse. The Waverley
  • Scrabble to its list of more commonplace activity holidays, such as painting and gardening. Times, Sunday Times
  • Well, sir, I won't say anything about the hextry gas, though a poor widder and sevenpence hextry on the thousand, but I'm thinkin 'if you would give my Rosie a lesson once a week on that there pianner, it would be a kind of set-off, for you know, sir, the policeman tells me your winder is a landmark to' im on the foggiest nights. The Grey Wig: Stories and Novelettes
  • Ms. Miller's imprisonment for civil contempt of court was less a perfect storm — to use one of the press 'hoarier clichés to characterize a grim convergence of unpleasant events — as it was a brownout, a distressing midsummer sign that a full power outage is on its way. The Great D.C. Plame-Out, Or: Novak, Lord of the Journo-Flies
  • Incommon law countries such as Canada, thetest of criminalliabilityis expressed by theLatinphrase, actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea, which means that “the act does not make a person guilty unless the mind is also guilty”. Man Not Criminally Responsible for Greyhound Bus Beheading; Victim’s Family Call for Punishment : Law is Cool
  • We have the superdelegates who are the 796 folks who are unpledged.
  • Now the boy's being hauled before the courts for having been part of a plot to overthrow some tinpot dictator in Equatorial Mongolia or some such place.
  • It's frustrating, and makes the game look unpolished.
  • One reason for his relative obscurity has been the general unavailability of his music: his works remained unpublished during his lifetime and, apart from some ‘easy’ tonal compositions, largely unperformed.
  • His Honour saw that if conduct is not unprofessional, the practitioner is entitled to an untainted reputation.
  • Representing France, Jean-Marc Bustamante conjures a ‘Pavilion of the Amazons,’ which centers on four large color photographs of solitary, unsmiling young women standing in resolutely unpicturesque landscapes.
  • The unposed, rather awkward-looking, front-on shots remind us that fashion is not all about celebrity and stylists.
  • It is well signposted, and easy to follow. Times, Sunday Times
  • He finished stretching when he was a beanpole, roughly three meters, or eight or nine feet.
  • Gulf War veterans fighting to prove hundreds of former servicemen have been crippled and killed by a mysterious syndrome caused by their time in the conflict have been dealt a massive blow - their own solicitors say the case is unprovable.
  • Tell me, exactly what happens when the first C130 full of blokes cops a Manpad up it's jacksie and crash lands in flames? Army Rumour Service
  • I shall have to accept these unpleasant working conditions
  • No right-thinking person wants to downplay this problem or its implications.
  • In turn, the gallery's window is fitted with giant windscreen wipers to sweep away a continuous downpour of "rain" inverted commas seem necessary to any description of Weber's wonderfully artificial sculptural conceits. This week's new exhibitions
  • Early computers required input in the form of punched cards.
  • He is a man with a reputation for being tough and unafraid of unpopular decisions.
  • Fields went unploughed as the men who usually did this were victims of the disease.
  • Despite the fact that the soloists just use these two chords, the improvisations are melodically and rhythmically rich - a signpost of contemporary mainstream jazz.
  • Sed quamquam permulta sint quae hunc sensum inpugnare ualeant atque perfringere, de argumentorum copia tamen haec interim libasse sufficiat. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • The creature lives in the remote parts of the Upper Amazon and has a “particularly unpleasant habit of infesting humans”, the scientists say. New Species Of Nose-Dwelling Leech Discovered | Impact Lab
  • [The site] consists of 'crudities': pieces of raw experience, regularly uploaded ... it aims at developing an extended version of the conventional weblog, one that allows users to upload visual input such as (streaming -) video-files and pictures as easily as texts. Boing Boing: December 22, 2002 - December 28, 2002 Archives
  • I'm complaining about a life just outside every failed or unpublished writer's reach.
  • Measles, mumps and rubella are unpleasant diseases and an epidemic in this country would be disastrous.
  • Some areas are left uncarved and unpolished, giving a dramatic sense of the raw material.
  • This bill targets the very same services that are working to reduce abortion and unplanned pregnancy rates.
  • At the moment, these are allegations and they remain unproven at this time.
  • 'The first principles of commercial activity have retreated to earth's maziest penetralia, where no tides are! is it not so, Skepsey?' said Mr. Fenellan, whose initiative and exuberance in loquency had been restrained by a slight oppression, known to guests; especially to the guest in the earlier process of his magnification and illumination by virtue of a grand old wine; and also when the news he has to communicate may be a stir to unpleasant heaps. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • It is showing a letter embracing a woman and the depiction to emphasize emotion filled letter is simply unparallel .
  • The ambiguity inherent in that fantasy of unpinning suggests not only the male desire, but also the very real potential of a female "wildness" that desires release.
  • But most Western bankers now acknowledge, as Peter Boone, cohead of research at Brunswick Warburg in Moscow puts it, "" that we ignored for too long the size of the nonpayments crisis. '' A Black Hole
  • In the night of the 28th 2,000 French dragoons each laden with 60 pounds of gunpowder arrived at the circumvallating walls in disguise.
  • Were Medicare abolished, the nonpoor would finance health care in their old age by buying health insurance when they were young. Becker and Posner vs. Medicare, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • For the 1999-2000 school year EF cashed in some of its stock donated from start-ups and put $325,000 to work for the nonprofit.
  • The animating idea remains curiously unplumbed. The Times Literary Supplement
  • This apart, in modern times the western musical instruments like the Tambourin and the Tambour are adaptations of the Indian Tambora and Tanpura.
  • Bosses announced the company was consolidating three offices into a new building on the Turnpike Business Park.
  • Lets hope her constituents rise up in the next election and oust this unqualified and opportunitistic showboater who only won by running against an unpopular and dying incumbent. Archive 2009-08-01
  • His main task will be to ensure that the debt-laden country passes an unpopular bailout plan before elections in February. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most nurses are groomed and institutionalized to believe that unions are bad and unprofessional (anytime a nurse hears the term unprofessional, it is usually from management in an attempt to control behavior). Nursing Voices Forum – Meet other nurses, share your nursing knowledge and experiences
  • This is dynamic - as the cursor moves, the input information trails along with it, changing as necessary.
  • Still, the SNP are understandably cock-a-hoop and, again unsurprisingly, SNP bloggers are urging the party on to 2010 and their plans for an independence referendum. The View from the North
  • Sitting in the chairs for a shapeup this week are freelance writer Jimi Izrael, syndicated columnist Ruben Navarrette, civil rights attorney and editor Arsalan Iftikhar, and NPR's political editor Ken Rudin. 'Shop Talk': The Political Witchunt For Christine O'Donnell
  • In a seemingly unprovoked incident, the attackers hit both men and women in the 16-strong party, with a 72-year-old woman left unconscious.
  • The moons will look like pinpoints of light lined up on either side of the planet.
  • This is a very important area in operations, which is facing a shortage of skilled manpower.
  • Click on the tool bar's Column Auto-Match icon to instruct DataStage to automatically map columns by name between the input and output links.
  • This facility allows the user to input text in various forms onto the screen and thus create a true newspaper page.
  • It is arguably too tight now, making the car seem unsettled on small bumps and unpleasant on larger ones. Times, Sunday Times
  • Choose the frame with your favourite icon, then reduce the frame number by 1 and input the hex-based result here.
  • Norfolk Blogger: Labour "talking up" the BNP again skip to main | skip to sidebar Labour "talking up" the BNP again
  • It was like tiny little pinpoints of touch, slamming into my entire body.
  • Unprofitable eloquence is like the cypress, which is great and tall, but bears no fruit. 
  • It's a clever business tactic: Not only is the donation tax-deductible, but participating nonprofits bring in their lists, and shoppers are incentivized to buy, knowing the profits go to worthy causes. Artful Style on the Bowery
  • But only one is a riot-grrrl guitar hero, turned NPR blogger, turned ascendant sketch comedian. ‘Portlandia’ star, guitarist Carrie Brownstein finds outlet for all her interests
  • Inpatient hospitalization is available for children who require complex medical management. Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Center
  • No wonder that stories of its imminent demise are commonplace. Times, Sunday Times
  • At this stage we need to get input from the person responsible for doing this chunk of the project.
  • The postmodern perspective, on the other hand, views the movement of historical time to be radically contingent and unpredictable.
  • The idea that s. 8 protects an individuals’s privacy in garbage until the last unpaid bill rots into dust, or the incriminating letters turn into muck and are no longer decipherable, is to my mind too extravagant to contemplate. SCC: No Privacy Interest in Things We Throw Out : Law is Cool
  • You may claim to dislike walking and it is often an unpleasant experience when confined to hard pavements, and busy, polluted streets. How to Lower High Blood Pressure
  • Many of the pictures and symbols were helpful to the Democrats 'cause: a family that clearly was from the real America -- Wallace and Bobby, his parents; a wife, Elizabeth, who looks like the kind of unpretentious person who doesn't mind celebrating her anniversary at Wendy's; a demure daughter and two towheaded tots. Digital Dispatches
  • He rebuilds a lab, on the sly, that is humongous, an undertaking requiring great wealth and a greater amount of equipment and manpower. Teenage armor: A review of the new Iron Man cartoon | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Tugela Ferry's bug, however, takes on average an unprecedented 25 days after diagnosis to kill...
  • The only light in the room came from a lamp over the turntables, the glow of the broadcast board, and the green and red pinpoints of LED light from the satellite equipment and reel-to-reels.
  • The elasticity of substitution measures how the relative use of an input changes when its relative price changes. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • It is widely regarded as an architectural disaster, aesthetically unpleasing and out of keeping with the rest of the College.
  • In 1991 the new Länder accounted for 20 per cent of reunified Germany's combined labour force but less than 7 per cent of its combined GNP.
  • To help us "read" the messages which surround us and which are there to signpost the way, we have what some people call our intuition to trust. Life Without Work
  • Pluralists have even tried to adapt Schumpeter's account, but have neglected his strong elitist account of input politics.
  • Some cheered at the decision, but the president's decision is unpopular among some parties who priorly bid coalition with Yudhoyono's Democratic Party (Partai Demokrat - PD [id]). Global Voices in English » Indonesia: Central Bank Chief, the next VP?
  • Indeed, in 2002 it seemed that a firm grounding in popular mythology and local fauna was at least as important as a basic grasp of engineering in the designprocess. South Africa races ahead in battle of weirdest World Cup stadiums
  • Bibliomaniacs were censured, that is, for eschewing commonplace means of engaging the material traces of the literary past and commonplace means of cohabiting with the nation's literary tradition. "Wedded to Books': Bibliomania and the Romantic Essayists
  • In the VIP section, or VNP (Very Nice People) as Innocent called it, we amused ourselves by reading a stash of Innocent bottle labels.
  • In a large ovenproof skillet, cook bacon over moderate heat until crisp, about 10 minutes.
  • Overall, the ‘strong emotions’ seek out what cannot be put into propositions, or even words: everything that is mysterious and unpresentable.
  • In hemichordates, the three adult coelomic cavities are derived from coelomic sacs that form around the gut of the larva (an unpaired protocoel and two pairs of sacs for the mesocoel and metacoel).
  • Inconsistencies and nonparallelisms abound: cisatlantic is in but not cisalpine; tramontane but not cismontane; poikilothermal but not homoiothermal. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol 1 No 2
  • The exact particulars of the similarity never came to light, but apparently the lady had, in a fit of high-minded inadvertence, had gone through the ceremony of marriage with, one quotes the unpublished discourse of Mr. Butteridge — “a white-livered skunk,” and this zoological aberration did in some legal and vexatious manner mar her social happines. The War in the Air
  • The Brass-Cell filter consists of a tinplated aluminum frame, tin-plated stainless steel gasket (Ultra Quick-Shield) and brass honeycomb panels.
  • While no one disputes Ahola's ability to lift 900 pounds, some have found his performance refreshingly unpracticed, others off-puttingly amateurish.
  • Agricultural yields were improving and the development of turnpike roads and canals later in the century enabled food to be transported more quickly to areas of shortage.
  • Direct Actions 6.1 Ecological expropriation comes down to the coercive transfer of nonpublic land to public owners in the name of conservation.
  • Her pedestrian, low-brow, unperceptive prose has struck a chord with the so-bad-it's-good brigade.
  • Perhaps the question should not be how smart an individual of a species is but how smart our collective brainpower makes us.
  • When data is fed into input, D1 and a clock pulse given, the data moves along one place.
  • A consultation paper has been posted on the Internet inviting input from Net users.
  • Unprivileged belligerency is not a violation of the law of war for Omar Khadr any more than it would be for you to fight against an invading army to protect your home and family. Balkinization
  • In ancient Egypt, charismatic prophecy apparently was not commonplace, if it occurred at all, though institutional prophecy was of the greatest importance.
  • The taxman is seeking the power to plunder the bank accounts of both individuals and companies to recover unpaid taxes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Could extra work on the mental side be more beneficial than additional physical input? Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact on May 28 during the NPT's (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) review conference, 189 countries (including the US of President Obama), called for the Israeli government to comply with the treaty, favoring the creation of a denuclearized zone in the ME. Amir Madani: Perspectives of Peace in the Middle East
  • Unpleasant weather conditions prevailed and the players slithering on the greasy surface was a common occurrence.
  • Many CFOs believe that an unplugged vacation is not an option.
  • His films, as a result, are often repulsive; yet they contain the occasional flash of genius that may redeem the more unpalatable aspects of his work.
  • When the euro went into Italy, the lira suddenly became unpopular with young people.
  • An operator can input the parameters that define the geometry of the valve seat profile.
  • To start, pour a small amount of dry pigment forming a mound onto a nonporous slab surface, such as glass or marble; then, make an impression in the center of the mound and, into that, pour a small amount of linseed or other oil. Daniel Grant: Some Artists Make Their Own Paints
  • I could smell something, something dampish but not unpleasant. Ancient, Strange, and Lovely
  • Competitors danced the Highland fling, the sword dance, the sean triubhais, the Highland reel, the sailors' hornpipe, the Irish Jig and other dances, preferably to the music of the bagpipe.
  • Islam has changed unprecedentedly in the domain of life and culture in the tidal current of adapting to Socialism society and time, and has stridden into a rational development time.
  • For example, the Banpo people cultivate millet , is from the north common ancestor Setaria nurture formed.
  • Then the earle desired that he might put in mainprise, which was granted: and so the earle of Kent, sir Rafe Ferrers, sir Iohn Roch, & sir Iohn Draiton knights, mainprised the said earle bodie for bodie. Chronicles (3 of 6): Historie of England (1 of 9) Henrie IV
  • This is an unprofitable business and it is not confined to Britain's biggest supermarket chain.
  • Other: It's not nonperturbative quantization of diffeomorphism-invariant gauge theory. Slimbo-Poll: It's Not Rocket Science
  • The invention addresses this problem by visualizing an intervention (caused by a user) to an object of interest without the requirement of an interactive input by the user.
  • Pinpointing the source of crosslinguistic influences in the interlanguage of a multilingual speaker is less straightforward.
  • To suggest that all unproductive consumption is solely capitalist personal consumption is to go beyond the bounds of credibility.
  • The food is gutsy and unpretentious, and recipes such as squid stuffed with raisins and pine kernels, or polenta and Seville orange cake, certainly do it for me.
  • In the Apollo period there was a strong negative correlation between budgetary input and scientific output. Infinite in All Directions
  • Optus blamed "lower usage and rates for international inpayment traffic. ITnews Australia
  • The Dodgers were “dem Bums,” the “daffiness boys,” the unpretentious clowns, whose fans were seen as scruffy bluecollar workers who spoke with bad diction. Wait Till Next Year
  • Sites promoted as tourist attractions are usually signposted from main roads; look out for brown-coloured ‘tourist signs’.
  • Additionally, the Bombardier Beetle has the ability to direct its defensive spray toward its aggressor with pinpoint accuracy.
  • Staff stood amazed as they listened to this unprompted assault on Stewart's integrity.
  • It is true, however, my dear Edward, that you have lost your father; but as to this flourish of his unpleasant situation having grated upon his spirits and hurt his health — the truth is — for though it is harsh to say so now, yet it will relieve your mind from the idea of weighty responsibility — the truth then is, that Mr. Richard Waverley
  • Complexes suggested for Bombay, Calcutta, Jullundur, Kanpur, and Madras would have similar facilities and output, except for product lines specific to certain places. Strategic Management in Developing Countries Case Studies
  • A working group of nonprofit agencies was set up to conduct the annual negotiations with the State Department.
  • Otherwise, the sketch is exactly accurate, and is here presented as the unprejudiced description and estimate of a foreign gentleman, who had no inducement, such as might be attributed to a Southern writer, to overcolor his portrait. A Life of Gen Robert E Lee
  • England is so little loved, and contrasts the unpoliteness of Earl Foreign and Colonial Intelligence
  • I look past the rain-stained signposts directing the Berkshire motorist towards the delights of Wokingham or Earley.
  • But the unpalatable fact is that we do live in a different world and we have to take appropriate steps.
  • The main public entrance on the east side is signposted by a huge canopy that draws visitors into a long, vaulted undercroft containing an exhibition space, cafe and shop.
  • They believed the only reason development was not working was the lack of professional input: if we provided this, poverty would magically vanish.
  • Lessons of IVF babies mix-up ‘will be learned’ Report pinpoints series of failures at Yorkshire fertility clinic where white couple had mixed-race twins in error
  • The wagons were all unpainted and plain, making them look dull compared to the bright colourful tents.
  • He further asked: “‘Clear me of unperceived guilt’ [ibid.; i.e., of the sins I committed secretly, unperceived by others].” Bathsheba: Midrash and Aggadah.
  • These major die-offs will continue to occur at unpredictable intervals when the most extensive, persistent, extremely unfavourable snow and ice conditions prevail.
  • Rebecca "brings the vitality of herself -- her offhand sense of her own consequence"; Mizzy "feels like a fantasy he's having, his own dream of self, made manifest to others"; Peter exhibits an artist whose video installations show ordinary citizens in repeated commonplace actions, but these figures "do, of course, each of them, carry within them a jewel of self, not just the wounds and the hopes but an innerness. Alan Hollinghurst On Michael Cunningham
  • All they would have to do is type into their Twitter client '@call @ianpaul' and Jajah would connect us for a free, two-minute call using the voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). Techworld Australia News
  • She plays Themba's daughter who returns from exile to learn the unpalatable truth about her father.
  • When turnout in an election for the state government in 2008 reached an unprecedented 60%, many Indians misread this as belated Kashmiri acquiescence in Indian rule.
  • Yet today, having been unpegged completely from the world monetary system, gold is neither relic nor toilet tile; it is more important than ever, and precisely because the paper value of goods and services is ever-more dependent on the whims of an elite few. Gold and the Barbarians
  • Given the combination of ineffable beauty and extremely unpleasant sensations in my stomach and head, I would be quite content to die here.
  • A scientist never presupposes the truth of an unproved fact.
  • Only the stratosphere is dry enough and with a long enough residence time (a few years) for the small anthropogenic inputs to be important.
  • Copper produces a reddish tinge, which is by no means unpleasant compared with the dazzling whiteness of the nickel deposit. Scientific American Supplement, No. 586, March 26, 1887
  • A recent such program drew about two dozen pilots of high-performance and turbocharged Mooneys for a weekend in Washington, D.C. Some of the airplanes this group flies - all unpressurized - have service ceilings as high as 28,000 feet.
  • During much of my sojourn, travel will be in the major cities with only the occasional trip to somewhere remote and probably unpronounceable.
  • The stability of the rural economy may, inpart be dependent on the effects of climatic change.
  • The upside of this setup is that it can accept either balanced or unbalanced signal input.
  • It is true that this explanation of the bright, conspicuous colours is only a hypothesis, but its foundations -- unpalatableness, and the liability of other butterflies to be eaten, -- are certain, and its consequences -- the existence of mimetic palatable forms -- conform it in the most convincing manner. Evolution in Modern Thought
  • Anthony Gould was said to be one of the most unpopular men in the prison because of a crusade against drug abuse.
  • "Debt is at historically unprecedented levels, " according to the Office for National Statistics.
  • Human consciousness watched the kingdoms that they had cast from outside as a nonphysical presence.
  • Such a UML operation should specify the target type of the conversion as the return type and the source or input type of the conversion as a parameter type.
  • Nosour ballouze for me s abig fan fo this game i think hey shuld end thiscrap mgswill not fit in a movie snake is dead so let the man rest inpeace Exclusive: Producer Mike De Luca Says It’s Game Over for a METAL GEAR SOLID Movie –
  • Eye-witness accounts told of the unprovoked shooting of civilians.
  • It now requires all aircraft operators who enplane or deplane passengers into a sterile area at an airport to conduct screening before departure.
  • The terrified family were handcuffed, had pillows pulled over their heads and were held at gunpoint overnight.
  • No logs are exported but about 70% of mahogany leaves Fiji in the relatively unprocessed form of rough sawn timber.
  • I give him my input if he asks me.
  • The fallen tree had been moldy and rotten, the smell strong and unpleasant enough to deter most burrowing animals that would normally have occupied the space.
  • A sober brick building, unpretentious in scale and design, lies modestly low among lawns at the end of a road with playing fields on either side.
  • To them is due the discovery of antimony, sulphuric ether and phosphorus, the cupellation of gold and silver, the determining of the properties of saltpetre and its use in gunpowder, and the discovery of the distillation of essential oils. The Majesty of Calmness; individual problems and posibilities
  • The indie science-fiction movie is an unpredictable beast. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the same time one must not miss the subtilty of the context, nor the unpleasant messages that can be conveyed in the humblest of fashions. Not only are they better capitalists, but better peacemakers too? « Blog
  • Why he should choose to express that interval by fifty, rather than by fifty-two, weeks, may be surmised in two ways: first, because the latter phrase would be unpoetical and unmanageable; and, secondly, because he might fancy that the week of the Pagan Theseus would be more appropriately represented by a lunar quarter than by a Jewish hebdomad. Notes and Queries, Number 72, March 15, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • The sport with the highest profile is tenpins.
  • The non-smoker though should also be allowed the right not to contract cancer etc… from passive smoking, let alone have to deal with the unpleasantries.
  • The unprecedented remarks by CSIS Director Richard Fadden were broadcast late on Tuesday, a day before Chinese Premier Hu Jintao was due to arrive in Canada on a formal visit.
  • The tough trade-off is not between regular troops and reservists, but between manpower and technology. Times, Sunday Times
  • And for those of us who are learning Spanish here is a nonpoetic translation: Amor y romanticismo 2
  • How weary, flat, stale, and unprofitable / Seem to me all the uses of this world
  • I'd appreciate your input on this.
  • the soup kitchen was run primarily by unpaid helpers
  • He frequently used such commonplace devices as rhetorical questions and other characteristic elements of diatribes.
  • Raw milk proponents take cause to capitols, courtrooms as public health officials warn of risk risks of raw milk is spilling into statehouses and courtrooms across the country as proponents of unpasteurized PAU kisan melas to be held in March Dr M S Gill, Director of Extension University, said the university is creating awareness about the need to - Articles related to Report Claims Flowers Lose Aroma Due To Climate Change
  • The snow came down in handfuls and cars jackknifed to the left and right of us as we drove east on unplowed streets.
  • The procedure cost five hundred dollars, which Amelia left unpaid.
  • These two elements in the story, the unparalleled beauty and the long deep sleep, are what light up the mind and set one questioning. What the Bee Knows - reflections on myth, symbol and story
  • Dundee United gorged themselves on a rich performance at Ibrox, but it was an afternoon which became bitterly unpalatable to Rangers.
  • The task also has a start node, however, this node is optional and does not change the execution semantics of the task, which can only begin execution when the input is available.

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