
How To Use Notwithstanding In A Sentence

  • [105] Empiricism ” that is, a posteriori investigations, based on actual facts and not a priori deductions from theories, or general laws, did good service before Froebel's time, and will do good service yet, Froebel notwithstanding. Autobiography of Friedrich Froebel
  • Notwithstanding, it takes a good deal of thought to achieve such a transformation, and it is an ability purportedly in demand but sadly lacking in supply within the framework of most biennales.
  • McCoy had fully embraced the idea of belated fatherhood his declarations to the contrary notwithstanding. The Better Man
  • Adopting, the additional computative burden imposed by it notwithstanding, Schonfeld's modification of Airy's formulæ, he introduced into his equations a fifth unknown quantity expressive of a possible stellar drift in galactic longitude. Scientific American Supplement, No. 829, November 21, 1891
  • This fact confirms the connection which we find, notwithstanding the difference of fracture and of specific gravity between the saussurite and the siliceous basis of the porphyrschiefer, which is the phonolite Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 2
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  • Island on the L.S. is one of the worst quick or moveing sand bars Which I have Seen, notwithstanding all our precaustons to Clear the Sands and pass between them (which was the way we were compd. to pass, from the immence Current & falling banks on the S. S.) the Boat Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806
  • The young man — fortified as he was by a natural cynical pride and passionateness — winced at this unexpected reply, notwithstanding. A Changed Man
  • While she brings experience and sagacity, such a slim volume on such large topic demands a few leaps of faith, notwithstanding the appended 56 pages of interesting notes and comments.
  • This is as dark and downbeat as they come, the occasional lighter moments of banter notwithstanding.
  • In fact, the title notwithstanding, it's one of the most remarkably faithful sequels you'll ever see, in tone, setup, and execution. Alex Remington: Harold & Kumar 2: Best War on Terror Movie Ever (Though That's Not Saying Much)
  • The loss of the barbican had also this unfortunate effect, that, notwithstanding the superior height of the castle walls, the besieged could not see from them, with the same precision as before, the operations of the enemy; for some straggling underwood approached so near the sallyport of the outwork, that the assailants might introduce into it whatever force they thought proper, not only under cover, but even without the knowledge of the defenders. Ivanhoe
  • The silly pretext of difficulties by which my erasure, notwithstanding the reiterated solicitations of the victorious General, was so long delayed made me apprehensive of a renewal, under a weak and jealous pentarchy, of the horrible scenes of 1796. Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
  • ` ` Na, Laird, '' Jeanie replied, endeavouring as much as she could to express herself with composure, notwithstanding she still trembled, ` ` I canna gang in --- I have a lang day's darg afore me --- I maun be twenty mile o 'gate the night yet, if feet will carry me.' ' The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • All Products are sublicensed to you and not sold, notwithstanding the use of the terms ‘sell,’ ‘purchase,’ ‘order,’ or ‘buy’ on the Service or in this Agreement.’
  • Notwithstanding that these growth rates are not precisely exponential, in all cases they are clearly not linear.
  • Notwithstanding a steady decline in numbers, the school has had a very successful year.
  • Palfreys, and notwithstanding a tendency in the male part of the family to jeer at him a little as "peaky" and bow-legged, he presently established his position as an accepted and frequent guest. Brother Jacob
  • I'm taking a bit of a liberty here by omitting alcohols, ethers, and other oxygenated compounds, partly because, ethanol and MTBE notwithstanding, they still don't amount to a large fraction of the mix, and partly because their photochemistry is pretty close to that of paraffins, or ketones that don't photolyze, i.e. break up by the direct action of sunlight. Hot Buttered
  • As it is, one has to read through it to find the good stuff, which is not a thrilling prospect, notwithstanding the fact that much worthwhile material is here, though one should take it in small quantities: mithridatism The act of taking poison in increasing doses as a means of building an immunity to it, as in the case of people who start out with talk shows and gradually work their way up to situation comedies. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XI No 2
  • I like being this girl, at least visually -- for in my thrift store trench coat, short hair and glasses -- Bic pen notwithstanding, I must look far artsier - far cooler - than you and I know I am. Evolver Diary Entry
  • As I pointed out, the decision to prosecute is independent of the decision to compel testimony (the North case notwithstanding; there they screwed the process up). Balkinization
  • Notwithstanding that the name Albigenses was given after the council of Lombers to the new Manichaeans, Albi was less identified with the great religious and political struggle of Southern Gaul in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries than were Castres and other neighbouring towns. Wanderings by southern waters, eastern Aquitaine
  • Minority rule is now the consensus notwithstanding the majority, and heretofore the laws hold differently.
  • Notwithstanding the great physical similarity between nitrobenzol and oil of bitter almonds, there is yet a slight _difference in smell which can be detected by an experienced nose_. [ The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
  • Even the old parliamentarians hailed the return of Charles, notwithstanding it was admitted that the protectorate was a vigorous administration; that law and order were enforced; that religious liberty was proclaimed; that the rights of conscience were respected; that literature and science were encouraged; that the morals of the people were purified; that the ordinances of religion were observed; that vice and folly were discouraged; that justice was ably administered; that peace and plenty were enjoyed; that prosperity attended the English arms abroad; and that the nation was as much respected abroad as it was prosperous at home. A Modern History, From the Time of Luther to the Fall of Napoleon For the Use of Schools and Colleges
  • As discussed below, there are relatively few votes at issue here; it is fair to infer that, notwithstanding their professed confidence, the Democrats are expecting a very tight Senate race.
  • Notwithstanding the ubiquity of the autocar, it is still a fact that between the man in the car and the man on foot is set an impassable gulf. A Tramp Through the Bret Harte Country
  • Notwithstanding the authority of the messenger, the message deserves examination on its own terms.
  • Aside from my reluctance to take financial wisdom seriously from someone who uses "payed" instead of "paid", (sank/sunk notwithstanding) you seem to be forgetting the huge number of corporations who _aren't_ listed on the stock exchange, and who don't pay dividends. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • We must not believe, notwithstanding the assertions of almost all zoological writers, that the word orang-otang is applied exclusively in the Malay language to the Simia satyrus of Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 2
  • The preachments of the archaeological community notwithstanding, the retentionist program they advocate is a prescription for future catastrophes.
  • The datto was accompanied by his wife, for notwithstanding he is A Woman's Journey through the Philippines On a Cable Ship that Linked Together the Strange Lands Seen En Route
  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, I will fight to ensure that all safety net programs remain adequately funded next year, and explore every option to identify resources. Commissioner Nick Fish Promises To Work For Homeless Youth Funding
  • A Cordelier has no hesitation in applying the epithet of blasphemer to a Dominican who says that the Holy Virgin was born in original sin, notwithstanding that the Dominicans have a bull from the pope which permits them to teach the maculate conception in their convents, and that, besides this bull, they have in their forum the express declaration of St. Thomas Aquinas. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Imagine, apparently conclusive evidence to the contrary notwithstanding, that a very few gifted individuals are genuinely clairvoyant.
  • That alert, quick-response nature typifies all spitz dogs today, including the Pomeranian, who, size notwithstanding, reflects most of the characteristics of the spitz.
  • However, I don’t think either his jewish background or extratemporal standing (SJ’s GS13 Liberal Democrat Federal Employee Best Friend notwithstanding) would stand in the way of his succeeding to the presidency in a crisis. Cheeseburger Gothic » And now, Gentlemen, down to business.
  • Population has steadily increased, notwithstanding the waste that has been made in the camp, the siege and the battle-field; and the country, rejoicing in the consciousness of augmented strength and vigor, is permitted to expect continuance of years, with large increase of freedom. Happy Thanksgiving (Blog for Democracy)
  • He was a doting husband and father who played a full part in domestic life notwithstanding the demands of his job. Times, Sunday Times
  • Notwithstanding the title, Burckhardt does not aestheticize his objects.
  • Which notwithstanding being first allowed for private devotion, they were by little and little brought into the use of the church, _permitted rather than allowed_ to be sung before and after sermons; afterwards printed and bound up with the Notes and Queries, Number 184, May 7, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • Y'know, after watching Wednesday's RNC festivities, I'm rather annoyed with myself that I titled dismayingly chimpy Dubya notwithstanding, at least Fred Thompson can sometime muster up the ornery menace of an aging silverback. Ghost in the Machine
  • Notwithstanding the toons' huge popularity whether it is Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck or the Scooby Dos, Tom & Jerry and so on, they are set in a different social milieu.
  • There then followed a succession of failures by the claimants to comply with their obligations under the rules and under orders of the court, notwithstanding repeated reminders by the defendants.
  • Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b), no works other than sound recordings shall be eligible for protection under this title solely by virtue of the adherence of the Copyright Law of the United States of America and Related Laws Contained in Title 17 of the United States Code, Circular 92
  • This, notwithstanding the dash of falsehood which may exist in “Werter” itself, and the boundless delirium of extravagance which it called forth in others, is a high praise which cannot justly be denied it. Criticism and Interpretation. By Thomas Carlyle
  • That thought, which completes the voluntary disherison of the mother, adds to the misery of her last moments and fills them with such a flood of remorse and regret that, notwithstanding her determination to be brave, she weeps and weeps. The Nabob, Vol. 2 (of 2)
  • I call your Excellency's attention to this, notwithstanding it is already known to all the world as a consequence of the publication of our correspondence in regard to these matters with several of the belligerent nations, because I cannot assume that you have official cognizance of it. New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 3, June, 1915 April-September, 1915
  • The denials notwithstanding, some members of Sharon's inner circle believe he's hoping President George W. Bush will accept the idea of annexing some large settlements to Israel. PERISCOPE
  • The scowl of the opposing parties, the blanched cheeks, the knit brows, and the grinding teeth, not pretermitting the deadly gleams that shoot from their kindled eyes, are ornaments which a plain battle between factions cannot boast, but which, notwithstanding, are very suitable to the fierce and gloomy silence of that premeditated vengeance which burns with such intensity in the heart, and scorches up the vitals into such a thirst for blood. The Ned M'Keown Stories Traits And Stories Of The Irish Peasantry, The Works of William Carleton, Volume Three
  • Olbinett prepared the evening meal with his accustomed punctuality, and after this was dispatched, the travelers disposed themselves for the night in the wagon and in the tent, and were soon sleeping soundly, notwithstanding the melancholy howling of the "dingoes," the jackals of Australia. In Search of the Castaways
  • The former had at length succeeded to the extensive property of his long-lived grand-aunt, and to considerable wealth besides, which he had employed in redeeming his paternal acres (by the title appertaining to which he still chose to be designated), notwithstanding Captain Craigengelt had proposed to him a most advantageous mode of vesting the money in Law's scheme, which was just then broached, and offered his services to travel express to Paris for the purpose. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • These points notwithstanding, Joe Cinque's Consolation is a lovely piece of writing and I don't begrudge a single minute I spent curled up with it.
  • But when a quarter to nine struck, and he saw old Thomas beginning to fidget about with the keys in his hand, he thought of the Doctor's parting monition, and stopped the cornopean at once, notwithstanding the loud-voiced remonstrances from all sides; and the crowd scattered away from the close, the eleven all going into the School-house, where supper and beds were provided for them by the Doctor's orders. Tom Brown's Schooldays
  • Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.
  • Notwithstanding those performances, Forsyth conceded he may have to do the embarrassing end-of-season forfeit for players who finish the campaign try-less.
  • Notwithstanding having the fact the military would have to deal with ever manner of acting up, acting out, outing and lawyering from the draftees, what value would these troublemakers be to the military. Sound Politics: To Draft or Not to Draft
  • You say very true Gossip, replyed the Friar, and yet notwithstanding, doth not your Husband (both at boord and bed) enjoy the sweet benefit of your company? The Decameron
  • It was, notwithstanding the ultimately tragic fate of the Soviet Union, the historical antipode to capitalist barbarism, and the beacon for future generations.
  • Notwithstanding the extreme cruelty shown to these animals, most of us fail to spare a thought on the matter, before sinking our teeth into a non-vegetarian fare.
  • As I have said before, Christopher has elected not to play any part of these proceedings, notwithstanding his closeness to Sarah, who herself gave evidence.
  • Notwithstanding official worries about deflation, Federal Reserve money supply figures reveal that the money stock has already inflated at a noticeably higher rate.
  • This is that which is, in short, foretold to Daniel here, in reference to Jerusalem: that though it would be a troublous time, in which such a work should be attempted and carried on; yet the work should be carried on, and completed notwithstanding. The Whole Works of the Rev. John Howe, M.A. with a Memoir of the Author. Vol. VI.
  • Under such reasoning it has become the essential idea of society and remains so still, notwithstanding the perversion of philosophical terms consequent upon later confusion of man with beast, stock, and stone. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Notwithstanding injury and fitness, a team without any of last week's players might have performed better. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scotland often looks to Ireland as a benchmark but the popularity of their provinces is a relatively recent phenomenon notwithstanding the odd day of glory against the All Blacks.
  • More egocentrically, he is elite, after all, Democratic Party notwithstanding. Why did Gore abandon us?
  • This heap of unpopularity notwithstanding, the Supreme Court said last week the government wrongly prosecuted the abominated Jeff Skilling under something called the "honest services fraud" law. A Plague of Vagueness
  • Of course a day in the saddle means hearty appetites, picnics notwithstanding.
  • He averred that the town was much mistaken in imagining that the king's proclamation had effectually crushed their fraternity, into which opinion they perhaps might be drawn by seeing so many of them perish in so short a time; which, he said, did not lessen their society, but would, notwithstanding that, put all that remained of them upon bolder exploits than ever, to show that they were yet unhanged. Lives of the Most Remarkable Criminals Who have been Condemned and Executed for Murder, the Highway, Housebreaking, Street Robberies, Coining or other offences
  • Notwithstanding occasional spells of credit-market pressure, further incremental monetary policy tightening is advisable to ensure inflation moderates and to prevent inflationary expectations becoming unanchored," the report said. OECD for Raising Rates to Combat Inflation in India
  • The passengers were sympathetic with one another, notwithstanding their recent factiousness, and were especially kind to a poor little brown baby, which they handed round and nursed by turns, but the heat, the filth, and the stench of the ship defied description. The Life of Sir Richard Burton
  • He had, indeed, that strong aversion felt by all the lower ranks of people towards four-footed companions very completely, notwithstanding he had for many years a cat which he called Hodge, that kept always in his room at Fleet Street; but so exact was he not to offend the human species by superfluous attention to brutes, that when the creature was grown sick and old, and could eat nothing but oysters, Mr. Johnson always went out himself to buy Hodge's dinner, that Francis the black's delicacy might not be hurt, at seeing himself employed for the convenience of a quadruped. Anecdotes of the late Samuel Johnson
  • Notwithstanding this weak invention, Italy was still afflicted, Rome was again besieged, and the suburb of Classe, only three miles from Ravenna, was pillaged and occupied by the troops of a simple duke of Spoleto. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Italy has always preserved its name, notwithstanding the pretended establishment of Æneas, which should have left some traces of the language, characters, and manners of Phrygia, if he ever came with Achates and so many others, into the province of A Philosophical Dictionary
  • And yet this man he calls the basest of mankind, a name which no man is entitled to call another till he has proved something to justify him in so doing; and notwithstanding his opulence, his high rank, station, and birth, he despises him, and will not suffer him to be heard as an accuser before him. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 10 (of 12)
  • Spelling errors in the title notwithstanding (they seem confused about their plural and singular references), it was a good effort by a group young idealist who are part of the Bureau of Education and Knowledge Society of Gerakan. SARA - Southeast Asian RSS Aggregator
  • Notwithstanding these imperfections, originalism does answer most constitutional questions, and I remain unpersuaded that there is a better method of constitutional interpretation available.
  • Meanwhile the wives and children of these belligerents would have starved had it not been for the datto, who, notwithstanding the difference in their faith, looked after them all, until the discomfited warriors returned to more peaceful pursuits. A Woman's Journey through the Philippines On a Cable Ship that Linked Together the Strange Lands Seen En Route
  • Yet notwithstanding this ominous comparison she presently made her appearance with her sleeves turned down, her black woollen dress "tidied," and a smile of fatigued but not unkindly welcome and protection on her face. Cressy
  • Notwithstanding his opposition, the Committee of Adjustments approved the variance on April 19, 1995.
  • So I determined I would not send it, indeed, I promised them I would not send it; but, notwithstanding, as I know Miss Russell will be good enough to comply with my conditions, I will send it directly; for, as it is a good likeness, every one except the family knowing it instantly, and Mr. Allston saying that it is a _very strong likeness_, it will on that account be a gratification to her. Samuel F. B. Morse, His Letters and Journals In Two Volumes, Volume I.
  • Lake we had boiled the Indian tea plant, _ledum palustre_, which produced a beverage in smell much resembling rhubarb; notwithstanding which we found it refreshing, and were gratified to see this plant flourishing abundantly on the sea-shore, though of dwarfish growth. Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1819-20-21-22, Volume 2
  • And yet I remember that at that early age -- mayhap under fourteen -- notwithstanding, and through all its incidental attractiveness, he hazarded the opinion to me (and the expression riveted my surprise), that there was feebleness in the structure of the work. Stories of Authors, British and American
  • Evidence to the contrary notwithstanding, England still is the countryside, and any threat to its conservation is a scandal because it threatens Englishness itself.
  • Notwithstanding the historical truths, that although the gospel has been preached in Polynesia for a century or more, and that there is no other nation which has made such rapid progress in civilization and Christianity, yet Mr. Foster had the assurance to stand up in Washington, and revile all the native Hawaiian sovereigns. Hawaii's Story, by Hawaii's Queen
  • Notwithstanding the occasional outburst behind closed doors, to the outside world William still appeared to be a remarkably poised, outgoing, and even-tempered young gentleman. William and Kate
  • Notwithstanding the currents, the cooling of the water indicated the existence of the shoal, which is noted in only a very few charts. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • The King, notwithstanding, changed this shield for arms representing a crown supported upon a sword between two flowers-de-luce and indicating clearly what was the aid that the Maid of God was bringing to the realm of France. The Life of Joan of Arc, Vol. 1 and 2
  • Such concerns notwithstanding, some insist that potential gains from bioprospecting can motivate poor countries to preserve their biological diversity.
  • The marriage took place notwithstanding his objections.
  • Notwithstanding all exaggeration, Lylly was really a man of wit and imagination, though both were deformed by the most unnatural affectation that ever disgraced a printed page.] -- he, in short, who wrote that singularly coxcomical work, called _Euphues and his England_, was in the very zenith of his absurdity and his reputation. The Monastery
  • Christ delights even in the saints on earth, notwithstanding their weaknesses and manifold infirmities, which is a good reason why we should. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • Protestants, and is to impower every Landlord, notwithstanding A Dialogue Between Dean Swift and Tho. Prior, Esq. In the Isles of St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, On that Memorable Day, October 9th, 1753
  • Notwithstanding these disadvantages, a system of morals is presented to us, which, if filled up in the true style and spirit of the rich fragments he left us, would be the most perfect and subline that has ever been taught by man. Think Progress » O’Reilly Teaches Viewers the True Meaning of Christmas
  • Then the conclusion is that, notwithstanding the initial impression based on the evidence, obviousness was not made out.
  • My use of declinist terminology notwithstanding, I do not necessarily share the pessimism.
  • Vanity of Notwithstanding all this denunciation, to the utter con - agrology. fufion of the aftrologers, there did not blow, during the whole time affigned, any wind to hinder the farmers from threfhing and winnowing their corn c. The modern part of an universal history from the earliest accounts to the present time;
  • Notwithstanding his off-field actions, no one questions Carey's commitment to the concept of team.
  • Alboufaki, stood aghast at the command of Carathis to set forward, notwithstanding it was noon, and the heat fierce enough to calcine even rocks. The History of the Caliph Vathek
  • Harnack -- who has already reviewed his pages in the _Expositor_, and who, to a great extent, adheres to the views which they propound -- admits, notwithstanding, that he has "overstrained" his case, and has adduced as witnesses writers of the second and third centuries of whom it is impossible to prove that they knew anything of the letters attributed to Ignatius. The Ignatian Epistles Entirely Spurious A Reply to the Right Rev. Dr. Lightfoot
  • Notwithstanding all my daughter says in gaiety of heart, she would sooner even relinquish the man she loves, than offend a father in whom she has always found the tenderest and most faithful of friends. The History of Emily Montague
  • I commend any lib that, notwithstanding their natural statist tendencies, is able to see the outrages committed by the government inWaco. The Volokh Conspiracy » Waco
  • But this much, notwithstanding, he would be perfectly qualified to say: -- However great your skill as linguists, your reading of what you term the scriptural geography or scriptural astronomy must of necessity be a false reading, seeing that it commits The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed
  • It is that attitude, allied to a zest for the game and notwithstanding obvious aplomb on the pitch, that has impressed his club manager George Burley.
  • And, notwithstanding the best efforts of those two jokers opposite, we have fixed the leaky roof. Times, Sunday Times
  • This notwithstanding, Novikov succeeded to preserve the long-range aviation and re-equip it with strategic turboprop and jet bombers of the day.
  • The Viceroy is high Treasurer, notwithstanding that vnder him be three subtreasurers called Teftadars, which bee accomptable to him of the receipts out of Europe, Asia and Africa, saue their yeerely annuitie of lands. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • It does not matter, though, because even philosophers quaver in the face of death, Socrates notwithstanding. This Dark And Mourning Earth | Her Bad Mother
  • A single tear fell from Gulielmo, notwithstanding the proud compressure of his lips. The Sea-Witch Or, the African Quadroon : a Story of the Slave Coast
  • Notwithstanding my declaration of a mistrial, the parties have consented to my hearing the applications and to all the evidence that I have heard applying to these applications.
  • And that finger snap notwithstanding, some songs feel a little too perfect, with every violin note in place, every word meticulously sculpted. The Odd Couple
  • Notwithstanding the editor's condescension toward these ‘second-rate’ men, he recognizes the opportunity flash language provided for disguised communication.
  • Yet, notwithstanding the amende honorable thus made by Cid Hamet The Monastery
  • This is emphatically not a religion of any single book, notwithstanding recent attempts to canonise works such as the Bhagavad Gita. The Hindus: An Alternative History by Wendy Doniger – review
  • A nest that was placed in the fork of a bough was composed entirely of slender twigs, the petioles of some pennated-leaved tree, bound together all round the outside with abundance of cobwebs, so that notwithstanding the incoherent nature of the materials the nest was extremely firm. The Nests and Eggs of Indian Birds, Volume 1
  • In his view, it was appropriate to use the number of test openings that he used, notwithstanding that they exposed only 1% of the lineal perimeter.
  • [_Endorsed_: "In order that the decrees above inserted, ordering that the missionaries of the Filipinas Islands have no prisons or jails; that they may not condemn, except those who have commission from the archbishop; and that they appoint no other fiscals than those whom he shall assign them; notwithstanding the decrees that were given ordering no innovation in the former practice, be followed in the appointment of the said fiscals."] _Letter to the archbishop_ The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 21 of 55 1624 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the
  • Notwithstanding their apparent rarity in physics, such space/time structures are much more common in our global society.
  • Notwithstanding their loyalty to the head of state combined with adherence to Christianity, the principle-one must obey God rather than man-was understood by them in concrete situations as meaning that the Church is superior to the state any time a claim dangerous to the fundamentals of the Church demands such a decisive delimitation of authority. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • Notwithstanding these mutual good oiE - ces between the King and the republic of Gene - va, Henry did not break with the Duke of Savoy; but, oil the contrary, the Count of Garmare, en - voy from this Prince, having taken leave of the King at Fontainebleauy. the latter eild of Octo - Memoirs of Maximilian de Bethune, Duke of Sully, Prime Minister of Henry the ...
  • 'For _Ringbone_ neurotomy has been practised with perfect success, after blistering and firing had both failed, notwithstanding the work the animal had to perform afterwards was of the most trying nature' (_ibid_.). Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • The teacher who neither teaches nor can teach them to his pupils is a _bad teacher_; the pupil who, notwithstanding the urgent warnings of his teacher, neglects the exercises that can help him to acquire them, and fails to perfect himself in them, is a _bungler_. How to Sing [Meine Gesangskunst]
  • And, notwithstanding Santayana's too-often repeated mot about forgetfulness and history repeating, it is sometimes possible to see in such repetition not error or futility but constancy.
  • A few nice, tasteful displays notwithstanding, the overall performance was pretty anemic.
  • Occasional sweets notwithstanding, the royal children were raised on very simple, light foods.
  • Italy; notwithstanding that two hundred years before the Romans became so powerful that the said Tuscans lost the Dominion of that country which today is called Lombardy: which province had been seized by the Gauls, who, moved either by necessity or the sweetness of the fruits, and especially of the wine, came into Discourses
  • I must allow him, notwithstanding his relationship to your lordship, the privileges of a rational person, and either batoon him sufficiently to expiate the violence offered to my person, or else bring it to a matter of mortal arbitrament, as becometh an insulted cavalier. '' A Legend of Montrose
  • Toxicity concerns don't amount to anything since I don't see many players sitting down to picnic on the surface--the odd faceplant notwithstanding. Archive 2010-01-01
  • I love the boy notwithstanding this naugtiness.
  • There is a faire Castle, the walles whereof are of bricke, and very high: they say they are eighteene foote thicke, but I doe not beleeue it, it doth not so seeme, notwithstanding I doe not certainely know it: for no stranger may come to viewe it. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Of course, once upon a time it truly was bloody and heart-wrenchingly brilliant, all its ponderous and doomy self-importance notwithstanding.
  • My faith in Henry James notwithstanding (recall the Jamesian dictum to allow the writer his/her donnée and criticize only what is made of it), that reader's comment lingered (obviously!), and its impact wasn't fully assuaged even when other, equally wise authority figures told me otherwise. Practicing Writing
  • Thus, members of this list should be alert to the fact that the title notwithstanding, this book focuses heavily and disproportionately on the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa.
  • He said he expects it will open the door to a bright new future for tourism in Ireland's regions, notwithstanding the difficulties currently facing the industry.
  • He insisted on going to the football match, notwithstanding his doctor's advice to the contrary.
  • I want to make clear before you read this that the title notwithstanding, I miss New York City and particularly my Greenwich Village neighborhood around Bedford Street every day. TIME GOES BY
  • Death notwithstanding, it seems that there's a necessary cycle that the former frontman of any successful band has to go through. Times, Sunday Times
  • Budget notwithstanding, a high-end kitchen was the clients' must-have item.
  • Hearing aid notwithstanding, the octogenarian is in fine fettle, bar a dodgy knee. Times, Sunday Times
  • My mental ruminations, notwithstanding my assumed confidence, were not always of an unchequered nature. Rob Roy
  • This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. Think Progress » Did Jindal Bribe Louisiana’s Attorney General To Force Him To Join Frivolous Health Care Lawsuit? (UPDATED)
  • Candlelight vigils, teddy bears and gardens full of flowers notwithstanding, the town is unable to introspect on the real reasons for the tragedy.
  • Nenter describes what we may now call women's affectability, and considers that it makes them more prone than men to the sexual emotions, as is shown by the fact that, notwithstanding their modesty, they sometimes make sexual advances. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 3 Analysis of the Sexual Impulse; Love and Pain; The Sexual Impulse in Women
  • Eustace bridge, upper Leeson street, though from prolonged summer drouth and daily supply of 12 1/2 million gallons the water had fallen below the sill of the overflow weir for which reason the borough surveyor and waterworks engineer, Mr Spencer Harty, C. E., on the instructions of the waterworks committee had prohibited the use of municipal water for purposes other than those of consumption (envisaging the possibility of recourse being had to the impotable water of the Grand and Royal canals as in 1893) particularly as the South Dublin Guardians, notwithstanding their ration of 15 gallons per day per pauper supplied through a 6 inch meter, had been convicted of a wastage of 20,000 gallons per night by Ulysses
  • Take a walk down any colony or playground on a lazy Sunday afternoon and you will find children working on their batting and bowling with zeal, notwithstanding the blazing heat.
  • Notwithstanding the newly formalized way of arranging pairs, House of Commons Speaker John Fraser noted in a 1992 ruling that agreements to pair still are private arrangements between Members and not matters in which House or the Speaker can intervene.
  • Notwithstanding, we do not instigate anyone to disobey their laws, or either bigotedly, blindly follow them.
  • Notwithstanding a steady decline in numbers, the school has had a very successful year.
  • At the same time, the hype notwithstanding, large parts of the country remain immune to media influence.
  • The Assembly continued, notwithstanding the war exigencies of the times, in their factiousness, as their persistence in some measures was considered. The Rise of Canada, from Barbarism to Wealth and Civilisation Volume 1
  • Notwithstanding the oft-repeated cacology to the effect that we shall not be handing over conduct of our foreign affairs to the EU, we shall discover soon enough that that is a lot of rot and that not only is the new EU Foreign Minister gadding about speaking for all of us at the UN and gaily signing Treaties on ‘our behalf’ but that person will also, as Article 9e of the Treaty of Lisbon tells us, be in charge of our defence: Archive 2008-01-27
  • Formal oratory notwithstanding, everyday speech is, on the other hand, largely informal and typically spontaneous.
  • I think you are wrong, notwithstanding, Bluewater, in talking of refusing the riband, which is so justly your due, for a dozen different acts. The Two Admirals
  • Faithful ministers, though they see not the fruit of their labours, shall yet be accepted of God, and in that they shall be truly glorious, for his favour is our honour; and they shall be assisted to proceed and persevere in their labours notwithstanding. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Notwithstanding the fact that there are many editions of the _Sayings of the Jewish Fathers_, and that it has been translated innumerable times in all modern tongues, no apology need be given for the appearance of this little volume in the series of _Jewish Classics_. Pirke Avot Sayings of the Jewish Fathers
  • Notwithstanding those difficulties the biggest problem facing any publisher is chance and fickle fortune.
  • Paralysis of the obturator nerve or nerves is met with rather frequently, notwithstanding, in mares, following dystocia. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • Message to the new president: Negative implications of the term notwithstanding, Top Stories - Google News
  • But notwithstanding the fact that I value most highly a _genuinely_ religious education, I feel that for the purposes just mentioned we cannot place much reliance upon _that which in our schools of to-day passes by the name of religious education_. The Sexual Life of the Child
  • Notwithstanding the short lead-in season, due to foot-and-mouth restrictions, entries for the National Carriage Driving Championships, starting today, are high, say the organisers.
  • -- of Michelle Malkin's "In Defense of Internment," which, notwithstanding its ignorance and falsification of both domestic and military history, has garnered (equally ignorant) laurels from the right. IsThatLegal?
  • As soon as they forced an entrance, they reclosed the door, to keep out the crowd, which collected very fast, notwithstanding the lateness of the hour.
  • Notwithstanding, for my money you write both extremely well and at an appropriately level for your subject matter, at a good level for the sciolist (me, your reader, not you). Pat Yourselves on the Back
  • The title notwithstanding, Catlin's version actually centers on Icarus's father, the legendary architect and inventor Daedalus. Chicago Reader
  • Notwithstanding that only a few men yearn to be compleat gentlemen - to live chivalrously - the yearning is a constant, from one millennium to the next.
  • But the title notwithstanding, the main purpose of the event appeared to be for the sponsoring organizations to congratulate themselves on their ostensible championing of Ramadan's free speech rights in the face of his "ideological exclusion" from the United States by the Bush administration. The Weekly Standard Blog
  • So, notwithstanding the suggestion of the article, obviously not all such comments are merely insincere flattery.
  • Their politics notwithstanding, the filmmakers strove for fairness in their portrayal of the violence inflicted by each side.
  • Austin is a gracious host and you've got to be some kind of dullard to have a bad time when everywhere you go there is free booze and free rock and roll. (sick people notwithstanding: my poor travel mate Jenna) Comments for BrightestYoungThings
  • He is choke-full of hope and life, notwithstanding the cold, and kicks his heels against the back-board, and would like to sing, only he doesn't know how his friend the silent guard might take it. Tom Brown's Schooldays
  • Christ, in our gracious acceptation, notwithstanding all that was against us, and also, by principling us with grace for obedience, sanctify us throughout. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • The leader's long experience with the party and the 20-year history notwithstanding, Quebec-based journalists questioned him on what good his party does in the national capital, and about his omission of the word "sovereignty" in his new campaign slogan. - Home Page
  • Luka Modric Tottenham Hotspur v LiverpoolSuperb headers from Arsenal's Marouane Chamakh and Everton's Apostolos Vellios notwithstanding, the Croatia playmaker's vicious, curling seventh-minute purler deserves it for sheer Bobby Charltonesque oomph.51 League goals conceded from corners, free-kicks and penalties by Arsenal since the beginning of the 2009-10 season from a total of 100 goals scored against them in 81 games30 Most goals scored in a Premier League debut season – by Kevin Phillips in 2000. Peter Reid sacked after auctioning FA Cup medal to help pay staff
  • From the time of the first Crusade there has been a steady tendency to the unity of Christian countries; and notwithstanding all their conflicts with one another, and partly as one of the effects of those conflicts, they have "fraternized," until now there exists a mighty Christian Commonwealth, the members of which ought to be able to govern the world in accordance with the principles of a religion that is in itself peace. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 45, July, 1861
  • Notwithstanding the expense incurred under the intendancy of Don Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • The nobles seem to have resembled our 'ealdormen' in the very earliest phase of our history, and to have exercised considerable influence, notwithstanding the absolutism of the ruling head. Roumania Past and Present
  • Notwithstanding some members' objections, I think we must go ahead with the plan.
  • Notwithstanding that the majority of its inhabitants were generally of dusky hue and its political masters theoretically implacably hostile to South Africa, those same politicians had so swiftly beggared the nation after independence with its pursuit of unbridled socialism that it quickly succumbed to the lure of the Rands and Dollars which landing fees and the profits from refuelling SAA’s Boeing 747s generated in prodigious quantities. Archive 2008-03-23
  • I must object notwithstanding to his saying that Heaven cannot be a dissyllable. Letter 111
  • Having once been deceived, she never ceased to suspect, and, which was still worse, she even strove (from the best of motives, as she believed) to excite suspicion and discomfort in the minds of others; and, notwithstanding her well-known character as a prophesier of evil things, she did sometimes succeed in making people unhappy. The Orphans of Glen Elder
  • Notwithstanding the fact that a wage or salary increase has not been approved in accordance with this order, the Price Administrator shall, after the expiration of a reasonable test period, which save in exceptional cases shall be six months after the wage or salary increase has been made, take such increase into account in determining whether an increase in price ceilings is then required under the established standards governing increases in price ceilings. EXECUTIVE ORDER 9651
  • We must not believe, notwithstanding the assertions of almost all zoological writers, that the word orang-otang is applied exclusively in the Malay language to the Simia satyrus of Borneo. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Notwithstanding the lively interest Hawkeye had taken in the fate of his messenger, he received "killdeer" with a satisfaction that, momentarily, drove all other recollections from his mind. The Last of the Mohicans
  • The "devils" in the title notwithstanding, one of this book's strengths is to put a human face on institutions that have been demonized -- even as it raises questions about their dealings. -- Top News
  • Political commitments to demilitarisation notwithstanding, the military chiefs won't give up their toys.
  • He insisted on going to the football match, notwithstanding his doctor's advice to the contrary.
  • His lithe physique generated awesome power, notwithstanding a short backlift. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Still, riding on the back of strong underlying fundamentals, India will retain its status as a favoured investment destination among emerging markets, notwithstanding short-term nervousness that roiled the Indian capital markets earlier this year. Private Equity Becomes Integral to India Inc.
  • Everyone agreed that Mr Sage was an intelligent, alert man, notwithstanding his years.
  • The wine was excellent, notwithstanding its having been brought in a runlet from Edinburgh; and the habits of the Marquis, when engaged with such good cheer, were somewhat sedentary. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • From that conception, the Aether has been gradually perfected, until we have the conception which has been presented to the reader in Chapter IV., in which I have endeavoured to show that this aetherial medium is matter, but infinitely more rarefied and infinitely more elastic, but notwithstanding its extreme rarefaction and elasticity, it possesses inertia, because it is gravitative. Aether and Gravitation
  • Notwithstanding he admits their right to this power by implication, he says that I am unfair and uncandid in my deduction, that they can emancipate our slaves, though the word emancipation is not mentioned in it. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • The pretense of a demonetized society notwithstanding, consumption was king at Burning Man. Desert Wanderers Find Their Promised Land
  • And for this and other causes we have in many places reserved the Hebrew phrases, notwithstanding that they may seem somewhat hard in their ears that are not well practised and also _delight in the sweet sounding phrases_ of the holy Scriptures. "[ Early Theories of Translation
  • Never before was such lightning and thunder of artillery heard, most of which, notwithstanding, went vainly from the Spanish, flying clear over the In Doublet and Hose A Story for Girls
  • Larry Iannaccone notwithstanding, the main stereotypes about fundamentalist Christians check out. Found: A False Stereotype About Fundamentalists, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • But with the eyes of the crowd, not to mention several million television viewers, trained on her performance, Tabb acquitted herself well - slight teething problems notwithstanding.
  • David again professes his constant adherence to God and his duty, notwithstanding the many difficulties and discouragements he met with. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • A newspaper in January 1767 describes a blacksmith from Bridgwater in Somerset—fifteen miles from Cheddar—who went shooting on Christmas day: On Pallet Hill he espied a large flight of old ravens, fired and killed two, which so exasperated the rest, that they immediately descended upon him, and plied their bills and claws so dextrously about his head and face that notwithstanding all possible care was taken of him, he died last Monday. A Year on the Wing

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