How To Use Not guilty In A Sentence

  • The jury delivered a verdict of not guilty.
  • He intends to plead not guilty, according to his lawyer, Plato Cacheris, who characterized his client as emotionally distraught.
  • The vast majority of the defendants pleaded not guilty and were released on bail with strict conditions.
  • The jury returned a verdict of guilty / not guilty.
  • Clark entered a plea of not guilty.
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  • Her lawyer tried to plead not guilty by reason of insanity, but that was rejected.
  • He was found not guilty because of holes in the prosecution case.
  • Wu continues to plead not guilty to other charges of embezzlement and bribery.
  • He pleaded not guilty to all the charges and attacked the constitutional legitimacy of the military regime.
  • But you, my friend my *friend* are not guilty of this. Around The Corner, I Had A Friend
  • The jury found him not guilty of one charge of grievous bodily harm - a fractured big toe on the child's left foot.
  • She was found not guilty of a third charge of wilful neglect.
  • So if you were in the jury room, had you been a regular juror, rather than an alternate, you would have voted not guilty on all three counts?
  • Two of those charged have pleaded not guilty. Times, Sunday Times
  • So, you know, it's not like these two nimrods who are coming out with books saying, ‘Now we would have voted guilty, but they forced us to say not guilty.’
  • Is it not possible that just one of those being coerced is not guilty!! Balkinization
  • He tried to believe, as an article of faith, that his daughter was not guilty.
  • Two of those charged have pleaded not guilty. Times, Sunday Times
  • His attorney, Benjamin Brafman, said in an email to Reuters Strauss-Kahn "will plead not guilty.
  • The club were found not guilty of alleged offences over payments to two other players. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr Wilson entered a plea of not guilty.
  • The jury took less than two hours to reach a verdict of not guilty of murder but guilty of manslaughter.
  • He pleaded not guilty to cruelty and claimed he had entrusted the puppies to a man called Phil.
  • Both have pleaded not guilty to conspiracy to defraud and making a false instrument.
  • He tried to believe, as an article of faith, that his daughter was not guilty.
  • She has pleaded not guilty and lodged a defence of marital coercion. Times, Sunday Times
  • The judge directed the jury to return a verdict of not guilty.
  • What buffoonery that Vulcan is not guilty of, while one with his polt-foot, another with his smutched muzzle, another with his impertinencies, he makes sport for the rest of the gods? In Praise of Folly
  • Atkinson pleaded not guilty to malicious wounding but admitted unlawful wounding.
  • Within just a few minutes the jury of ranchers returned a verdict of not guilty.
  • These boys, contrary to early claims made by grubby politicians, were not guilty of misbehaviour of any kind.
  • The 52-year-old is expected to plead not guilty to the criminal charges that carry a maximum prison sentence of 20 years. Times, Sunday Times
  • The jury reached a unanimous verdict of 'not guilty'.
  • In the adversarial system at the beginning of trial proceedings the court asks the defendant whether he pleads guilty or not guilty.
  • Best to stick to its literal sense of not guilty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is my Lord Rakewell guilty or not guilty of the wilful murder of Tobias Flynn, esquire ? THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • The court accepted his plea of not guilty to'being reckless as to whether life was endangered'. Times, Sunday Times
  • The jury found him not guilty.
  • One of Ben Ali's lawyers told the Associated Press the ex-president will plead not guilty.
  • If he is found not guilty, will the search for the real killer be as vigorous or less vigorous as it was at the beginning of this case when they were searching for some satanic cult?
  • He was found not guilty of murder at Guildford crown court on the ground of diminished responsibility. Times, Sunday Times
  • Three other defendants were found not guilty and one was acquitted. Times, Sunday Times
  • The district court ruled that Popper'ssilence in court today should be entered as a plea of not guilty.
  • The two men who appeared in court yesterday entered no plea although the lawyer who appeared for one said they would plead not guilty .
  • You say that James Annesley is Not Guilty of the felony and murder whereof he stands indicted, but is Guilty of chance-medley.
  • The jury found the defendant not guilty of the offence.
  • Immediately after Solomona Samatua was found not guilty of assault and gun charges at the American Samoa Courthouse in Fagatogo, American Samoa, his cousin, Siaumau Siaumau Jr., shot and killed American Samoa Police Det. Staradvertiser Headlines
  • He's hired a prominent New York lawyer to represent him, who says his client will plead not guilty to the charges against him.
  • The prisoner entered a plea of not guilty.
  • The petit jury listens to the evidence offered by the prosecution and the defense (if it chooses to offer any) during a criminal trial and returns a verdict of guilty or not guilty.
  • The don was arrested and found not guilty of murder. Times, Sunday Times
  • Davis was found not guilty on all counts .
  • There will consequently be no directed verdict of not guilty.
  • The word 'cherishing' implies a softness of which they are not guilty. Yet Again
  • He was found not guilty because of holes in the prosecution case.
  • The two, who have pleaded not guilty, deny working as secret service agents.
  • He pleaded not guilty to the charges at an initial hearing on Monday. Times, Sunday Times
  • the jury found him not guilty by reason of insanity
  • They pleaded not guilty and revoked their confessions.
  • Consent Defendants who plead not guilty to rape, generally do so on the ground that the victim consented.
  • The next day federal marshals brought him back to Baltimore, where he pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity.
  • Following the FA charge, Liverpool said they would remain supportive of Suarez and that he would plead not guilty on his return from international duty.
  • The court declares her not guilty unless she starts wearing those tarty low-rise pants again.
  • The vast majority of psychiatric patients are responsible for their behaviour, both morally and legally, as shown by the vanishingly small numbers of individuals ever found not guilty by reason of insanity in court.
  • 'How do you find the prisoner?' 'We find him not guilty.
  • The club were found not guilty of alleged offences over payments to two other players. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Recorder of Newcastle, Judge David Hodson, formally found him not guilty and lifted the reporting restrictions.
  • A charge was brought against the officer who was found not guilty on a technicality.
  • Only recently an officer who featured in a high profile arrest of a drunken drugged up chavette, was suspended and stood trial and was found not guilty by 12 good people – he subsequently killed himself. Life, Death and Taxes. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Wilson entered a plea of not guilty .
  • He had denied false accounting but changed his not guilty plea three days into a three-week trial. Times, Sunday Times
  • We will enter a plea of not guilty.
  • Louisiana, a defendant had been committed to a state mental hospital after a verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity.
  • The district court ruled that Popper'ssilence in court today should be entered as a plea of not guilty.
  • In Wednesday's verdict, the jury found him not guilty on some insider trading and money laundering charges, but reached no decision on charges of fraud and conspiracy.
  • He was handed down a verdict of "not guilty" and set free.
  • She pleaded not guilty, claiming marital coercion. Times, Sunday Times
  • I would expect the defense to go that route, to plead not guilty by reason of insanity.
  • public opinion to the contrary he is not guilty
  • The judge directed the jury to return a verdict of not guilty.
  • Two of the abductors were arrested and indicted on murder but at their trial they were found not guilty by an all white jury in under 2 hours.
  • If federal officials had their way, the defendants in three high-profile spy cases would change their pleas of not guilty.
  • The jury returned a verdict of not guilty.
  • Judge Paul Mahoney waived her public appearance at the arraignment, where Mitchell entered a plea on her behalf of not guilty.
  • The court's decision amounts to a not guilty verdict.
  • Because he is honest and told the truth …. this toerag would never have been so honest – he pleaded not guilty and went to trial …. on July 27, 2009 at 9: 16 pm RocketDodger Police Use Naughty Word *SHOCK* « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Sir Allen and Ms Pendergest - Holt have pleaded not guilty to all charges.
  • But in the outcome the jury returned a verdict of not guilty on that count.
  • A not guilty plea was heard. The Sun
  • Early Sunday, Strauss-Kahn's lawyer, Benjamin Brafman, told Reuters his client, who was still in NYPD custody andwas expected to appear in state court sometime Sunday, would plead not guilty.
  • The jury brought in a verdict of not guilty.
  • He has pleaded not guilty and is free on almost €3 million bail.
  • He pleaded not guilty, but his conviction was confirmed on appeal in February the following year.
  • Mr. Seabrook has pleaded not guilty to charges that he dummied receipts to raid the nonprofits—funded in part with taxpayer money—and used his position to funnel thousands of dollars to family and friends. Seabrook, 'Cash' Are Focus
  • Waterworth, a pallet maker of Twist Avenue, Golbourne, near Wigan, has pleaded not guilty to manslaughter.
  • The judge accepted that submission and directed the jury to return a verdict of not guilty.
  • Everyone knows that as prudent people we ordinarily should not get "lippy" with a police officer, but Professor Gates is not guilty of violating that maxim. Harvey Grossman: A Matter of No Middle Ground
  • Thus, if A and B are joint accused and the court finds B guilty of the offense charged and finds A not guilty, B should be found guilty by excepting from the specification the name of A and the words in the specification which indicate that the offense was a joint one. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10214
  • The don was arrested and found not guilty of murder. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lodge spoke only to confirm his name and enter a not guilty plea to the charge. The Sun
  • He was found not guilty of murder by reason of insanity. The Sun
  • He was found not guilty of the death of PC Jones.
  • Following the FA charge, Liverpool said they would remain supportive of Suarez and that he would plead not guilty on his return from international duty.
  • They all plead not guilty and also deny affray following a confrontation outside a nightclub before the attack.
  • He pleaded not guilty to recklessly endangering public safety. The Sun
  • Despite seemingly convincing evidence, his expensively assembled defence team secured a not guilty verdict.
  • The judge directed the jury to return a verdict of not guilty.
  • We find the defendant not guilty.
  • He pleaded not guilty to recklessly endangering public safety. The Sun
  • A not guilty plea was heard. The Sun
  • The police were not guilty of the violence imputed to them.
  • We will enter a plea of not guilty.
  • The jury found the defendant not guilty of the offence.
  • After a month long trial the jury at Blackfriars Crown Court took eight hours to return a unanimous verdict of not guilty.
  • After the defendant was cautioned, he replied: ‘Definitely not guilty.’
  • Adams entered a plea of 'not guilty'.
  • All the men have pleaded not guilty to all charges. Times, Sunday Times
  • Personally, I felt that I was responsible, but not guilty, but try to put that defense before the safos and the justiciary. Flash
  • The accused plead not guilty to the charge of murder, but plead guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter.
  • The court accepted her plea of not guilty to murder. Times, Sunday Times
  • The judge asked the jury if they found the accused guilty or not guilty.
  • It was held that the plaintiff was not guilty of contributory negligence.
  • Consent Defendants who plead not guilty to rape, generally do so on the ground that the victim consented.
  • He pleaded not guilty to the charges at an initial hearing on Monday. Times, Sunday Times
  • Henderson said he was convinced that Fhima - who was found not guilty by three Scottish judges at a special court in the Netherlands last year - carried a brown hard-shell suitcase from his Malta apartment to the island's airport.
  • The appointed PD pled him not guilty at the postindictment arraignment; Tim watched the proceedings glumly from a wheelchair. THE KILL CLAUSE
  • He had earlier been found not guilty on charges of damaging an aircraft so as to endanger its safety in flight.
  • Who benefits? Legal aid will be available after this first hearing if warranted and if a not guilty plea is indicated.
  • The club were found not guilty of alleged offences over payments to two other players. Times, Sunday Times
  • A not guilty plea was entered on Boc's behalf Monday at his arraignment in Framingham District Court on charges including identity fraud.
  • Woman put on peace bond after damaging 'Joey' Jagan's bike - A 29-year-old woman yesterday initially pleaded not guilty to maliciously damaging the trafficator o Stabroek News
  • The jury returned a verdict of not guilty.
  • The jury returned a verdict of guilty / not guilty.
  • And we just heard that the husband and wife accused of adopting Jacyee Dugard have plead not guilty to 28 charges including kidnap.
  • All three defendants had pleaded not guilty to murder. Times, Sunday Times
  • Prisoner at the bar, do you plead guilty or not guilty?
  • Ford always seemed candid about his personal life; his closet was reserved for fine clothes, not guilty secrets.
  • If the defendant signifies an intention to plead not guilty, proceedings to determine the mode of trial are held before magistrates.
  • All the accused plead not guilty.
  • He was found not guilty and walked free from the court.
  • The main determinant of a guilty or not guilty verdict was the relative class of the defendant and the most influential jurors. Times, Sunday Times
  • On Thursday, Burton appeared in a federal courtroom in Riverside and pleaded not guilty to charges that he masqueraded as a decorated military veteran. NEWS NOVEMBER 2009
  • After a retrial, a jury concluded in April that he was not guilty of the plotting charge. Times, Sunday Times
  • They're guilty of being fooled by her lies, but they're not guilty of pathologizing normal behavior.
  • All three defendants had pleaded not guilty to murder. Times, Sunday Times
  • The court accepted his plea of not guilty to'being reckless as to whether life was endangered'. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is one of the reservists who will plead not guilty when their cases come up.
  • A not guilty plea was heard. The Sun
  • After ten hours of deliberation, the jury returned a verdict of 'not guilty'.
  • D will be liable where he has used another person to procure the commission of the offence and that person is not guilty of the offence due to, for example, infancy, lack of mens rea or insanity.
  • The judge directed the jury to find Mr Baggs not guilty.
  • The Public Prosecutor appealed, but by a decree of 21 October 1994 the Court of Appeal rejected the appeal and found the defendant not guilty.
  • He has pled not guilty to each and every count in the indictment.
  • Goldberg said he had advised his client to simply plead not guilty during the court session and say nothing else.
  • He has pleaded not guilty to an additional charge of taking possession of the weapons.
  • Courtroom dramas often include a scene where an antagonistic prosecutor points his finger at a defendant and asks accusatorially, "Why did you kill your partner?" implying that the person -- who has pleaded not guilty -- did kill the partner. Jerry Weissman: "When Did You Stop Beating Your Wife?"
  • We will enter a plea of not guilty.
  • I am the chair of the Domestic Violence Judicial panel in my county (not Ruralshire) and encourage my colleagues to pass significant custodial sentences at the first offence stage for DV convictions, particularly if the assail; ant pleads not guilty but is found guilty after a trial involving the victim as a witness. Sonnex and Farmer – only a matter of time. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • He appeared in court last week, having pleaded not guilty to charges of possessing explosives and preparing to commit a felony. Times, Sunday Times
  • Prisoner at the bar, do you plead guilty or not guilty?
  • Although exonerated as not guilty by the law, the scandal of a teacher with a student destroyed her reputation as she is hung as a femme fatale by the public especially condemning her are the altered pictures on the Internet that showed them together in lewd poses. Triple Exposure-Colleen Thompson « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • The jury returned a verdict of guilty / not guilty.
  • He was found not guilty of murder by reason of insanity. The Sun
  • The case had taken a long time to get to court as the defendant had pleaded not guilty.
  • The jury returned a verdict of not guilty.
  • Didn't he torture a third and also apparently not guilty arbitrager until he pled guilty to a single count of mail fraud just to make it all stop? Dan Collins: Rudy Giuliani Hammers Obama and Occupy Wall Street Movement
  • Two others pleaded not guilty to possession of four buckets of compressed marijuana.
  • Early Sunday, Strauss-Kahn's lawyer, Benjamin Brafman, told Reuters his client, who was still in NYPD custody andwas expected to appear in state court sometime Sunday, would plead not guilty.
  • That was one bit of trouble but everybody forgets that I was found not guilty in my verdict.
  • _They found the man not guilty and they found her guilty_, but Judge Avery set the verdict aside and ordered the case _nolle prossed_ against her. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 4, 1919
  • All three defendants had pleaded not guilty to murder. Times, Sunday Times
  • He pleaded not guilty, and reporting restrictions were lifted at the defence's request.
  • All plead not guilty and were acquitted of the charges.
  • Goldberg said he had advised his client to simply plead not guilty during the court session and say nothing else.
  • She pleaded not guilty
  • A jury at Preston Crown Court delivered a unanimous not guilty verdict following seven-and-a-half hours of deliberation.
  • The police were not guilty of the violence imputed to them.
  • He may still plead not guilty while admitting that he is the person concerned in the alleged offence.
  • He pleaded not guilty to murdering his former wife.
  • After the jury formally declared a not guilty verdict, Mr Syed's solicitor spoke on his client's behalf.
  • The jury found him not guilty.
  • Is it not possible that just one of those being coerced is not guilty!! rln Balkinization
  • The judge directed the jury to return a verdict of not guilty.
  • Another Leeds player, defender Michael Duberry, pleaded not guilty to conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.
  • Not guilty pleas on his behalf were made to two charges of murder. Times, Sunday Times
  • He tried to believe, as an article of faith, that his daughter was not guilty.
  • Blennerhasset's Island: since the only acts which could be called treasonable had occurred elsewhere, the court declared the evidence insufficient, and there was nothing for the jury to do but to bring him in not guilty. Formation of the Union, 1750-1829
  • The defendant was ruled not guilty.
  • Socrates is certainly not guilty of the crimes he is accused of.
  • All the men have pleaded not guilty to all charges. Times, Sunday Times
  • On behalf of Mr. Sabich, we would ask the court to enter a plea of not guilty.
  • Still others argue that when acquittals are ignored and the person found "not guilty" continues to be vilified or their charge repeated with each mention in the press, democratic principles, individuals, families and society itself are harmed. Rev. Barbara Kaufmann: Power to the People Works When People Claim the Power
  • Today the jury were ordered to enter a formal not guilty verdict.
  • An individual is not guilty of misconduct if he or she was unable to avoid the improper act or omission complained of or was in a position where it was impossible to avoid breaching the relevant code of conduct.
  • She was found not guilty of a third charge of wilful neglect.
  • We went over to the Palm Beach County Jail where I was booked on this single charge, filed a not guilty plea, went in there and smiled for the mug shot.
  • He was found not guilty of supplying a copy of an unclassified and uncut version of the sexually explicit film Caligula.
  • The jury delivered a verdict of not guilty.
  • Just a few hours before the verdict he told Central News that he believed the jury would find him not guilty.
  • The court accepted his plea of not guilty to'being reckless as to whether life was endangered'. Times, Sunday Times

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