
How To Use Normative In A Sentence

  • Individuals are expected to act on behalf of the collective whole, and the corporate body is expected to act in the normative interests of its members.
  • “Jill, someone who is cisgendered has an interpersonal sense or understanding of their gender and genitals that match or correspond (or what some might argue a “normative” state).” Third-Gendering « Bound, Not Gagged
  • May I, once again, register my extreme irritation at the term "heteronormative"? Archive 2006-11-01
  • There is a tension between the interior of the characters and their normative lives.
  • In this way, unproductive life - life before and after work or rather life in excess of work - is recaptured in the reproductive margins of the normative household, redelivered in other words to the ends of proper social production and the reproduction of the time of labour. Mute magazine - Culture and politics after the net - CULTURE AND POLITICS AFTER THE NET
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  • Normative sexual behaviour in our society remains heterosexual.
  • When women give up their souls to the ultimate colonization known as heteronormative existence, they lose their shot at greatness. Women's Space
  • No matter how interesting normative questions can be, we will stay away from them because our models offer no help in answering these questions. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • He is talking about the specific example of gay identity in relation to the heteronormative structures of power.
  • Of course, the mystery for people looking for Kantian normative bindingness is how autonomous motivation would look any different. The Starry Heavens Above and the Moral Law Within (the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex)
  • To create a canon of sacred writings is to create a collection which will be in some sense normative for the community for which it is intended.
  • The answers given to normative questions are subjective opinions. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • To the ACLU's secular Jewish policy-makers, Christianity is a tool of majority opression of "victimized minorities" which has to be warred on along with other high agenda bugaboos like firearms ownership, bigots who won't let courts impose gay marriage, and "heteronormative" institutions like the Boy Scouts. Protesting minarets.
  • ˜God is good to us™ understanding of God's goodness is ruled out on this approach: for the notion of ˜good to us™ is a normative notion. Theological Voluntarism
  • One suspects that the term optimal came into widespread use among economists as a marketing device to promote their normative propositions based on efficiency. NYT > Home Page
  • So on this line of thought, the anti-social behavior of young people in this category derives from their "demoralization" -- their failure, or society's failure, to absorb a compelling set of normative standards about personal and social conduct. Disaffected youth
  • Beyond that, normatively, this seems like a crazy and terrible idea. Matthew Yglesias » Economist: If Only Obama Had Done Things He’s Actually Done, Things Might Be Different
  • The seven sacraments - including the sacrament of Holy Orders - are the normative way in which Jesus gives us his life.
  • Even if evil characters aren't being "normatively" evil or even playing by the pvp rules for the zone can't they still be immersed in the game? Twixt
  • Moreover, that history and that revelation to which Christians necessarily make reference are in some sense normative for the religion.
  • What is the basic difference between positive and normative economic questions? Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • All basalt chemical compositions can be plotted in the basalt tetrahedron, which has normative quartz, olivine, nepheline and augite at the apices.
  • Elites depend on normative interpretations of cultural forms to promote docile and tractable underlings; non-elites reinterpret the great traditions in order to meet their own social needs.
  • This workshop will explore gender theory, grounded in a social constructivism paradigm, as a means of challenging heteronormative culture in the workplace.
  • I am not going to apologise for what may appear to be more heteronormative homo-social blindness to one's own horizon of intelligibility.
  • In terms of language, sexism refers to a bias through which patterns and references of male usage are taken to be normative, superordinate, and positive and those of women are taken to be deviant, subordinate, and negative.
  • As idealizations, they appear to be predicated on normative but contradictory and ultimately irreconcilable understandings of excellence.
  • As promising as the potential advantages of these constructive approaches to normative conflicts may sound, they might have their disadvantages as well. The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
  • Each of these questions is a normative economic question. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • They are normative because the assessment will depend inpart on the value judgements adopted by the assessor.
  • The results of this study show that normative pressures of the foot and leg are consistent.
  • They had dealt with the normative dilemma: should they stay at home or not after the child was born?
  • What is the basic difference between positive and normative economic questions? Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • The document will be normative for the universal Church and, it is expected, will play an important part in the visitation of American seminaries ordered by the Pope last April.
  • Normative sexual behaviour in our society remains heterosexual.
  • Such a contrary view has been seen as destabilising the supposition of heteronormative sexuality with its attendant conscious and unconscious structures which determine behaviour.
  • Similarly, the film responds to contemporary American culture's own dominant constructions of sexuality (codified by Hollywood films and other media representations) and puritanical abhorrence of non-normative sexualities.
  • But the notion of reliability here is itself a normative one; it would therefore be circular to appeal to it in justification of our normative views.
  • They observe the system is tight, monitor seasonable, source is all ready, manage normative science.
  • Pragmatic social science is concerned not merely with elaborating an ideal in convincing normative arguments, but also with its realizability and its feasibility.
  • Underlying this criticism is a curious normative premise: that the nonaffluent ought to prioritize their material interests over moral and cultural concerns. Are You Bitter Off?
  • This requires normative theory construction which can show how punishment is incompatible with notions of equality or justice. The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
  • Individualistically adjectivally of the endothermic normative concomitant richmond hill home brno vulcaniser seen a dishonorable orthicon in the ruggedization of monosemous and dirt stinkweed. Rational Review
  • And as models of normative desire, desire that he can never satisfy, they are equally disastrous.
  • Is the term normative beauty meant to refer to Western-style patriarchal hetero-normative standards of gender theatre? Pushing Beauty Boundaries With YouTube « Gender Across Borders
  • Machiavelli's aim was to give truthful advice, declining to allow normative judgements to interfere.
  • The informants understood that lack of compliance with menstrual laws would produce a mamzer, an idea rejected by normative halakhah. Female Purity (Niddah) Annotated Bibliography.
  • However, Mary Douglas's time in a convent school is not normative for people in our society.
  • They grapple with, and seem to get, the term 'heteronormative'. Times, Sunday Times
  • This factor analysis was based on the combined normative samples using principal factoring with iteration plus orthogonal rotation.
  • The subject orientation in political systems that have developed democratic institutions is likely to be affective and normative rather than cognitive.
  • A gay man beaten by a policeman and a gay son beaten by his father suffer from the same root sources of heteronormative prejudice.
  • There are two kinds of connection between evolutionary theory and ethics: one normative, and one explanatory.
  • anti-codifiability" thesis about ethics, directed against the prevailing pretensions of normative theory. Virtue Ethics
  • The late Ninian Smart, a doyen in the comparative study of religion, argued that it is through the comparative analysis of worldviews that we will generate the normative conceptual resources and categories for worldview evaluation, if only because the process itself will serve to “detribalize Westerners,” that is, enable us to overcome our dispositional tendency to “treat our tradition normatively, either explicitly or secretly. The rainbow as refracted truth
  • What I find interesting about this and other viral marketing campaigns is related more to the synchronization of human behavior and the enculturation of certain normative behaviors. Privacy is More About Control than About Content
  • Dr. Muna abul Fadl, the wife of Shaykh Taha Jabir al Alwani and a former full professor of political science in Cairo and probably the most brilliant person I have ever met, taught that the multi-layered "architectonics" of Islamic normative law, the maqasid al shari'ah, are flexible, because the maqasid are a product of human reason based on the coherence of the Qur'an and the matn or substance of the ahadith. Undefined
  • The answers given to normative questions are subjective opinions. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • Epistemic standards have a strong normative dimension -- we use our standards of rationality and reasonableness to guide, evaluate, and criticize reasoning, both our own and that of others -- so here the label ˜normative™ applies in a very full-blooded sense. Relativism
  • So, the legislator shall make a definite and normative provision.
  • So while the ceremonies as described in this book might not normatively apply to the new Missal in all respects, the usus antiquior does in fact provide a template and a framework for the ordinary form of the Roman Rite. How Important Is Ceremony?
  • Matrimony was 'historically heteronormative and patriarchal', she said, and the couple 'cannot marry conformable with their conscience'. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the aim of the book is to focus on issues of principle, some of which are immanent in existing legal rules and practices, some of which are not recognized and which are commended on normative grounds.
  • More recently Williams 'internalism is attacked by Derek Parfit who places a heavy emphasis on a distinction between motivating reasons and normative reasons and urges that the credibility of internalism depends on confusing the two (Parfit 1997, 2007). Reasons for Action: Justification vs. Explanation
  • Thus, with the test, when you buy it, you will get a booklet of normative scores, or norms.
  • They will expect the author to work toward a normative standard in theory and practice.
  • He is backing a proposal whose purpose is to destroy normative values of behaviour.
  • By the definition followed here (and often followed by others), all such behavior is neither rational nor irrational but of a third kind, the pre-rational if one wishes, or normative (goal-formation or clarification), because if goals do not exist or are to a significant extent in flux, means typically cannot be well chosen. THE MORAL DIMENSION
  • What I find interesting about this and other viral marketing campaigns is related more to the synchronization of human behavior and the enculturation of certain normative behaviors. Privacy is More About Control than About Content
  • Normative teleosemantics can be construed as making a similar move: Here, it is those dispositions realizing the biological function of the mechanism of using an expression that determine meaning (where ˜biological function™ is taken to be something normative; cf. Millikan 1990, The Normativity of Meaning and Content
  • For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
  • The egoist's basic normative judgment is directed not to behaviours, but to his particular end.
  • For the left gayness is ok, even normative, as long as it is * not* closeted and does * not* include selling silence or acquiescing in homophobic rants for money or tax breaks. Matthew Yglesias » Stay Classy, Conservative Blogosphere
  • Historically, the naturalistic fallacy is the attempt to derive normative conclusions from statements of fact.
  • Thus what they say mutates into the normative truths of a culture.
  • The halacha enjoins respecting the minhag hamakom, specifically in order to maintain peace—and this with respect to totally normative practices, which women wearing a tallis, and having a “minyan” are surely not even if special dispensation can be found for doing these things privately. Chesler Chronicles » Khomeini-ism Comes to Israel: Women of the Wall vs. the Jewish State
  • The positive analysis of vertical restraints within this framework can be taken a little further, with implications for normative issues.
  • 2 Indeed, the very expectation of female quiescencethe normative value placed on rural women's silent acceptance of their social position, on their tacit agreement not to make troublehas made public forms of oral historical memory (e.g., praise poetry, clan "geochronology," 3 dynastic accounts) in Shangaan communities problematic and mostly off-limits for women. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • Likewise, the point of my post was to talk about the Ninth Circuit decision in positive terms, rather than normative ones (though normatively I oppose both prohibitions on prostitution and prohibitions on advertising prostitution). The Volokh Conspiracy » The First Amendment and Advertisements of Legal Prostitution
  • He assumes that what is not explicitly and consensually clear across what all acknowledge to be normative sources would be an innovation if asserted, and thus would constitute addition to or substraction from the deposit of faith. Progressing to ecclesiological debate
  • The answers given to normative questions are subjective opinions. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • This requires normative theory construction which can show how punishment is incompatible with notions of equality or justice. The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
  • Established custom, normative precedent, conduct, and cumulative tradition, is typically based on Muhammad's example.
  • I remember the first high school teacher who, without using the term queer theory, explained the idea that classic texts and films had subtexts that reflected non-normative experiences and that we could find something of our own experiences by looking a little closer. Sexuality
  • Setting the special or particular or quirky against the normative, behind its mask Simmons Hall is a ludic habitat not only for the adventurous, but also for those willing to engage with and participate in this not easy architecture.
  • We soak up norms quicker than bread soaks up soup, particularly in normative contexts like university. The Latest Teacup Tempest
  • Friedlaender felt uncertain about the term ‘Baroque,’ preferring to point out its viability as an alternative to the contortions and non-normative aspects of Mannerism.
  • The subject orientation in political systems that have developed democratic institutions is likely to be affective and normative rather than cognitive.
  • Since the discussion in Parts II and III encompasses both moral and social values, the term normative values is used. THE MORAL DIMENSION
  • While it is normative for women to take time off from work to care for family needs, men's leave-taking may be more scrutinized by employers as a violation of gendered expectations in the workplace, and they suffer larger wage penalties as a result.
  • Sexton's reluctance to conclude her writing on a resounding, authoritative, and thus normative and reassuring note is a sign of refusal to concede to totalization and of a wish to keep multiple interpretive possibilities open.
  • From the dominant, normative, which is to say male perspective, virginity stands for the promise of permanent possession of the unpossessed.
  • High levels of sexual activity were perceived as normative for both sexes.
  • Much political theorising was therefore restricted to explicitly normative, though often very sophisticated, comparisons of different forms of elite rule.
  • If a man says he has a date and someone refers to the date as female, the assumer can be zinged as "heteronormative."
  • The bias in favour of the former is a matter of history and ideology and any normative judgement must remain contingent on other circumstances. Politics, Planning and the State
  • Nowadays Butler appears to confound normative ideals with something more absolute.
  • If you want to privilege libertarian ideology, you have to do so on normative grounds, not with reference to normatively irrelevant facts. Dochia On Analytical Egalitarianism, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • It seems to me that ideologues aren't usually committed to an idea purely because of the idea qua the idea, but because they believe that the idea has superior normative value. Why aren't we paying much attention to the most qualified Democratic candidate in the race?
  • As we have seen, the normative expectation is that a wife's primary commitment will be to her husband and her home.
  • The first condition is that the current crop of malcontents facing the Human Rights Commissions, namely the heteronormative meanies Kate from SDA, Kathy from Five Feet of Fury *, and the pushy Ezra Levant *, all get convicted by the HRC. Practical Actuarial Mathematics for the Common Man
  • In the former section, ‘secularization’ would refer to the de-objectification of social facts and the normative values associated with them as a result of the desacralization of worldviews.
  • But this double role of normative discourse inevitably raises the idea of supererogation, the category of actions that are praiseworthy (either in creating good states of affairs or in reflecting a particularly virtuous trait of character) yet at the same time not obligatory. How to Kill a Missionary
  • However, they contend that the moral/judicial law remains normative for the individual as well as the nation.
  • Instead, the violence arises out of what he calls long-term structural problems around getting people to invest in "normative societal values. NPR Topics: News
  • I'm sure they just forgot to add the word heteronormative on the Grants page, because the way it stands right now, it seems awfully discriminatory. Archive 2007-07-01
  • Jill, someone who is cisgendered has an interpersonal sense or understanding of their gender and genitals that match or correspond (or what some might argue a “normative” state). Third-Gendering « Bound, Not Gagged
  • Scientific rationalism is grounded on normative principles and expresses a specific hierarchy of values.
  • The study of normative political thought and the history of political thought is not an outgrowth of the same social-scientific turn as the other sub-disciplines in the field.
  • He is planning a book about the relationship between metaethics and normative ethics. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I shall argue that it is this particular scroll movement in the midst of other royal, prophetic, priestly, and sapiential interests that gave decisive character to the entire Bible as the normative book.
  • Summary 1 Welfare economics deals with normative issues or value judgements.
  • Some of this work grows out of queer theory, which focuses on how young gay men engage with heteronormative discourses.
  • And 3 even if these regulations were normative for Israelites, do they continue to be for Christians given how many other Levitical codes are contradicted later in the New Testament or have historically been ignored by Christians. David Lose: What Does The Bible Really Say About Homosexuality?
  • It probably is only an historical accident that we standardly speak of ‘normative ethics’ but not of ‘normative epistemology’.
  • But the normative implication of this argument is that policymakers should be indifferent because, by this supposedly all-encompassing measure of welfare, we are no worse off than we were before.
  • It seems to me that Melanie is using the word normative in rather a strange sense, to mean normal. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • This is not a comment on the influence of charismatics; it is a gloss on normative Christian practice.
  • Liberal democracy reflects the normative orientation that people and their rights are superior to government, with governments existing to secure those rights.
  • All granites are peraluminous as implied by the ubiquity of normative corundum.
  • Its thick sides are capable of stopping all projectiles from arbalest * and petard * type weapons systems, something sadly lacking in our mismanaged Canadian Armed Forces, suffering under the brutal heteronormative rule of the Harperites. Solving problems with Concrete
  • And here's where modernity raises its ugly, intrusive head: the opposite of "heteronormative" history is not gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender history, since all of these categories reference the normal in some way. Archive 2009-03-01
  • The idea that people decide what is normative in life (called popular sovereignty) is opposed to the Word of God, which teaches that God is sovereign as the final lawgiver.
  • Finally, ours is an observational and descriptive study; as such, we cannot say whether, in any substantial sense, the patterns we observe are normatively the ‘right’ ones.
  • Each narrative feeds on a construct intricately allied to a vision of a transgressive, female, sexual body through which a masculine, heteronormative hermeneutic might be applied.
  • No matter how interesting normative questions can be, we will stay away from them because our models offer no help in answering these questions. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • Apparently Reg is off his meds, for in typical heteronormative fashion, he refused to pay for the delicate jars of goodness and told the activist to go away. Archive 2007-04-01
  • All basalt chemical compositions can be plotted in the basalt tetrahedron, which has normative quartz, olivine, nepheline and augite at the apices.
  • Will Baude speaks to the constitutional questions, which I sidestepped in my column in favor of more directly normative ones.
  • A hyperbolic citation reiterates a normative notion in an exaggerated way in order to simultaneously work against it.
  • This sort of approach is both facile and wrong, on factual as well as normative grounds.
  • Mary, by "heteronormativity", I don't * just* mean the idea that heterosexuality is normative. Modestly Yours
  • But the coyness is a diversionary tactic: it masks the deep normative commitments that in fact saturate Smart's work.
  • Power politics would freely degenerate into chaos and violence if there were not normative rules in place.
  • Behind this rejection of the "literary" as anything other than a window on culture and beyond that mostly an imposition by overweening writers claiming an exalted power they don't ultimately possesses is an attitude that might indeed be described as "normative conclusion" as Fish uses the term. Art and Culture
  • An anthropological approach does not assume that biomedical concepts and practices are both normative and universal.
  • As this process occurs, it seems that an apathetic political atmosphere becomes further reinforced and correspondingly apathetic behavior becomes institutionalized as normatively correct.
  • What is the difference between positive and normative economics? Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • There are also normative problems: Open innovation may be nonoptimal, it may lead to undesirable strategies for maintaining a competitive advantage, and it can be exploitative of knowledge workers. Legal Theory Blog
  • Which is to say, how maieutic reflectiveness is literonormative. War of All Against All: Realism vs Fabulism? Er, No…
  • Thus it can be the grounds for greater tolerance and wiser value judgments about normative political issues.
  • While widely ridiculed, if we put normative considerations aside, she's largely right.
  • While I took great pains to emphasize that cannot be practically implemented, at least in the short-term, I nevertheless suggested that it would normatively desirable if: Matthew Yglesias » Why Would You Ever Cut Social Security?
  • Unquestionably, the paradigm change to linguistic intersubjectivity made up a rather glaring normative deficit in earlier critical theory.
  • These claims we could call respectively normative and moral judgement internalism. Reasons for Action: Justification vs. Explanation
  • Commercially available spirometers include normative equations, and lung function is expressed as a percentage of the predicted normal down to 6 years of age.
  • In contrast, Piaroa minimize gender differences and maintain the same normative code of non-violent behaviour for both males and females.
  • Part one focuses on the "absurdity" of medieval hetero-normative sexuality with the authors attempting to explore other types of sexual behaviour.
  • If you have thought about normative statements at all, I suspect that you do not understand that normative statements that tell us to follow our natures (teleonomic programming) are positive as well as normative in that it is our nature (teleonomic programming) to follow our natures (teleonomic programming). Teacher Pay and Quality, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Though both Laureates have also made important contributions to the mathematical technique of linear programming, this was not what they were honored for; instead they received the Prize for enriching our understanding of basic economic issues in normative allocative theory by applying new tools of analysis. The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1969-2006
  • First, it suggests that there is indeed a distinction between affective and normative commitment.
  • For example, a prima facie plausible explanation of the alleged immunity of moral predicates from analysis in non-normative terms (non-naturalism in the first sense) would be that moral predicates denote non-natural properties (which entails non-naturalism in the third sense). Moral Non-Naturalism
  • That is, assigning high normative significance to differences in abilities was necessary, but not sufficient to the moral disaster that was Hitler. Dochia On Analytical Egalitarianism, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • These questions are known as normative economic questions. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • Whether it is normative or not depends largely on whether it will gain wide acceptance.
  • As promising as the potential advantages of these constructive approaches to normative conflicts may sound, they might have their disadvantages as well. The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
  • There are subtle and direct pressures on entrepreneurs to adopt the latest innovations, especially when we as a society find them normatively desirable. When innovation is a risk for small businesses
  • Normative” refers to the deontological prescriptive aspect of behavior, to ought-to statements, as distinct from positive, “are” statements. THE MORAL DIMENSION
  • So the bad thing, heteronormative, is now re-nurtured as a good thing, self-actualization. Archive 2007-04-01
  • Such an approach coheres better with normative Anglicanism.
  • However there are other major operators in the mix of the ascendent and increasingly normative racism expressed by Judson Phillips and Bill O'Reilly. Jairus Grove: A User's Guide to the New Racism
  • Lawyers are too seldom encouraged to think normatively about what law should be, or to engage in the historic philosophical debate that surrounds our own discipline.
  • He is planning a book about the relationship between metaethics and normative ethics. The Times Literary Supplement
  • These questions are known as normative economic questions. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • Using measures which explain variations in utilisation in normative formulas is to confuse what is with what ought to be.
  • Many early homoerotic underground films and even the earliest of the homoerotic stag films enacted sodomy and fellatio through heteronormative gestures.
  • In the midst of an interesting Spiked essay on the disconcerting popularity of “denier” (as in “Holocaust denier”) as an increasingly broad descriptor for people who demur from the majority view on issues like climate change, Frank Furedi has a passing remark about how we increasingly tend to suppress overtly moral rhetoric, to conceal the normative claims we’re making: How Inappropriate!
  • This critical normative theory is potentially more fruitful for dealing rationally with issues in the politics of crime, punishment and penal reform. The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
  • Many of the most fascinating and fundamental issues in the political world have normative components.
  • Because the structure of cathexis emphasizes affective and normative components of relationships, Wingood and DiClemente refer to it as the structure of affective attachments and social norms.
  • If the question of "What Is A Jew" is defined as the personification not of the idea embodied by the Talmud, but of an extremely narrow definition of Jewish practice and life, heretofore not accepted by normative Judaism, then the "crisis" shall continue at the fever pitch it now, sadly, but appropriately, deserves. English-writing Israeli-bloggers
  • An ideology is simply the elevation of a particular set of perceptions, assumptions, and analyses to a normative belief system.
  • Normative positivism asserts what legal positivists deny, namely that there is a necessary connection between law and positive morality.
  • Applicable when possession is normative. e.g., blindness and sight, toothlessness and toothedness, hairiness and baldness. Archive 2009-04-01
  • I went in and looked, and paid my respects to a certain normative ideal.
  • - a normative document is a: «document that provides rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results» and therefore does not have the same scope, nor the same endorsement, but can become a «standard». Chapter 4
  • The most authoritative guidance comes from Holy Scripture understood in the light of apostolic tradition, inasmuch as this is the normative channel whereby revelation is transmitted.
  • A lot of bad politically commentary is normatively bad — it espouses things that decent people find repugnant. Matthew Yglesias » Adventures in Bad Positive Political Commentary
  • To bring the normative CJK properties into the PropertyAliases.txt context, where property identifiers appropriate for regex and such are defined, the UTC originally decided that it would make sense to just prepend "cj" to the front of the existing Unihan tags from the Unihan Database, so that they would be more self-identifying as "CJK" properties to the uninitiated, and then make the resulting labels cjkIRG_GSource, cjkRSUnicode, etc. be both the long and the short identifier in PropertyValues.txt. Site Home
  • Unconstrained by, indeed necessarily opposed to, any normative set of ends or social frameworks, classical liberalism's model of individual, competitive agency understands its flourishing to be premised on the absence of external constraints and obligations and on its positively merging utilitarianism's notions of "instrumentality" and "efficiency. The Melancholic Gift: Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy and Fiction
  • Then I was thinking I shouldn't impose my heteronormative judgements on people.
  • It suggests the integration of two distinct normative scopes of the society, the legal right and consuetudinary law, with the objective to argue that the legal instruments of the Brazilian society can be used to protect the cultural and natural patrimony.
  • Scientific rationalism is grounded on normative principles and expresses a specific hierarchy of values.
  • In this article, I argue that the field of composition studies is heteronormative.
  • A comparison and contrast between race discrimination and net discrimination teaches us, first, to particularize the discrimination at issue, and to be wary of what I call normative carve‐outs in defining discrimination. Archive 2007-12-09
  • Is it worth even trying? doc appt potential lunch with colleagues (if doc appt is short) potentially drive to Mamaville (if freezing temps are delayed) help out at Mama's house drive back to Octoville later check for email from T and figure out S prep for monday thing data coding and analysis for co-author L work on event website photograph things for event website join local track club (requires printing and mailing) renew triathlon club membership (requires printing and mailing), wild rose, trb, erictho, minimimi, paddington, normative, and testing. gennimom, I don't think you'd like this stuff. Wired Campus
  • Indeed, rather a lot of those who engage in it are heteronormative.
  • The active influential citizen described ill normative political theory is not excused from the obligations of the subject.
  • Borders of lifestyles are specified, rather than normative standards of living.
  • Even when accepted by the establishment, any artist worth his/her salt can't mollify normative ideas, for to do so makes art invisible.
  • Of themselves, of course, the rules are normative, and their validity is thus unaffected by issues of fact.
  • More frightening, though, was the use of asymmetries of will and of normative behaviour.
  • Is not that a confusion of conceptual analysis and normative argument?
  • Sanitized and allegedly ‘Oedipal free,’ Branagh's Hamlet avoids any representations of non-normative sexual desire, repressing the sexualized maternal body with a vengeance.
  • In the postemancipation period of American history, sexual exploration and deviations from white heteronormative codes represented avenues of personal freedom.
  • This critical normative theory is potentially more fruitful for dealing rationally with issues in the politics of crime, punishment and penal reform. The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
  • Whereas the male body carried the burden of explaining the greater part of normative human anatomy, the pregnant female body served to illustrate the reproductive system and human generation.
  • They do not challenge the "heteronormative" order.
  • The next day Blandot did me a more normative room on the third floor, between the ultram prescription of an dance-theatre money-lender and the room of a calorimetric upholsterer. Think Progress » From Bad to Worse
  • Conclusion: Normative rehabilitation was useful in improving talipes valgus in the children with cerebral palsy.

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