How To Use Nitrogenous In A Sentence
Therefore, sufficient nitrogenous fertilizer is an essential way to prevent early senescence period of wheat growth.
Cooking, on the other hand, makes the milk and eggs lose their special conditions of assimilability and reduces the nutritive power in them to the simple power of any nitrogenous substance.
The Montessori Method
Chronic renal failure is a progressive deterioration of renal function that ends in uremia (ie, an excess of urea and other nitrogenous wastes in the blood).
Of these nitrogenous alkaloids, even the nuts of the tree, which furnishes the most powerful, _swift_ poison of the world, contains but three -- the above-named strychnia, brucia, and ignatia -- principles shared in common with its pathological congener, the St. Ignatius bean.
The Opium Habit
Compounds which contain this element are called nitrogenous, while those from which it is absent are called non-nitrogenous. [
Human Foods and Their Nutritive Value
Low heats tend to produce much non-coagulable [v. 04 p. 0510] nitrogenous matter, which is undesirable in a stock beer, as it tends to produce fret and side fermentations.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
This work, carried out between 1882 and 1906 showed that various substances, little known at that time, such as adenine, xanthine, in vegetable substances, caffeine and, in animal excrete, uric acid and guanine, all belonged to one homogeneous family and could be derived from one another and that they corresponded to different hydroxyl and amino derivatives of the same fundamental system formed by a bicyclic nitrogenous structure into which the characteristic urea group entered.
Emil Fischer - Biography
The chief constituent of the nitrogenous wastes in urine is urea, a product of protein decomposition.
Milk and Eggs. These are foods which not only contain nitrogenous substances in an eminently digestible form, but they have the so-called enzymes which facilitate assimilation into the tissues, and, hence, in a particular way, favour the growth of the child.
The Montessori Method
The proteids, frequently spoken of as the nitrogenous foods, are rich in one or more of the following organic substances: albumen, casein, fibrin, gelatine, myosin, gluten, and legumin.
A Practical Physiology
The terms (_a_) "nitrogenous" and (_b_) "carbonaceous" are frequently used to designate the two distinct classes of food, viz.: (_a_) the tissue builders and flesh formers; (_b_) fuel and force producers.
Public School Domestic Science
The eggs laid by the nitrogenous fed hens were of small size, having a disagreeable flavor and smell, watery albumen, an especially small, dark colored yolk, with a tender vitelline membrane, which turned black after being kept several weeks.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 795, March 28, 1891
At basic level DNA uses four basic building blocks, known as nitrogenous bases, to code proteins used in cellular function and growth.
Artificial DNA Created
During this process of rendering a condensate was produced which was nitrogenous.
R. Warington, J.T. Schloessing, C.A. Müntz and others had proved that nitrification was promoted by some organism, when Winogradsky hit on the happy idea of isolating the organism by using gelatinous silica, and so avoiding the difficulties which Warington had shown to exist with the organism in presence of organic nitrogen, owing to its refusal to nitrify on gelatine or other nitrogenous media.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
Under sulphur-deficient conditions, reduced protein synthesis is accompanied by the accumulation of organic and inorganic nitrogenous compounds.
This reduction was probably due to the dilution of 15N from the azolla by the other nitrogenous matter excreted from the alimentary canal of the fish (which includes digestive juice, sloughed cells from the stomach, and azolla).
Chapter 6
Fine nuts range in character from the rich, sugary, oily and highly nitrogenous nut of the Mexican piñon to the more starchy _bunya bunya_ of Australia, as large as a small potato and not much better than a potato, unless it is roasted or boiled.
Northern Nut Growers Association, report of the proceedings at the eighth annual meeting Stamford, Connecticut, September 5 and 6, 1917
While nitrous oxide is created naturally in swampy soils, its leakage from fields is multiplied by the breakdown of nitrogenous fertilizers and the engine emissions of large farm machines.
It may be generally recommended as a manure for all crops, except, perhaps, the so-called leguminous crops, such as clover, beans, peas, &c, whose ability to obtain nitrogen for themselves renders the application of expensive artificial nitrogenous manures unadvisable.
Manures and the principles of manuring
Although fish do not produce NaOH, they do excrete bases such as ammonia and other nitrogenous wastes as a result of their metabolism.
Flavour compounds of fermented sausage are formed through carbohydrate fermentation , fat metabolism, nitrogenous compounds decompound and spices .
All that chemistry can tell us is the amount of "carboniferous" or "nitrogenous" elements discoverable in different dietetic articles.
Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not
The majority of these signals can be assigned to amino acids and to nitrogenous metabolites derived therefrom.
Indeed, bacteria in the guts of extant termites are known to be able to convert the nitrogenous end product uric acid into metabolites usable by the host.
The nitrogenous bases belong to two classes of molecules - purines and pyrimidines.
Bread contains many nitrogenous substances and is very rich in starches, but is lacking in fats; and as the fundamental substances of diet are, as is well known, three in number, namely, proteids, (nitrogenous substances), starches, and fats, bread is not a complete food;
The Montessori Method
Since the ferments are organized, it is possible that oxygen, acting as itself, is able to induce the production of the ferments through its contact with the nitrogenous materials, and therefore the ferments have arisen spontaneously.
These blood (and muscle) formers are characterized by containing about fifteen and a half per cent. of nitrogen; and hence are called nitrogenous substances.
Cattle and Their Diseases Embracing Their History and Breeds, Crossing and Breeding, And Feeding and Management; With the Diseases to which They are Subject, And The Remedies Best Adapted to their Cure
Of these nitrogenous alkaloids, even the nuts of the tree, which furnishes the most powerful, _swift_ poison of the world, contains but three -- the above-named strychnia, brucia, and ignatia -- principles shared in common with its pathological congener, the St. Ignatius bean.
The Opium Habit
Chronic renal failure is a progressive deterioration of renal function that ends in uremia (ie, an excess of urea and other nitrogenous wastes in the blood).
This would involve a large amount of unnecessary physiological labor, to comminute, dissolve, and absorb the food, and to excrete the superfluous nitrogenous matter.
The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
It contains none of the elements of wax, but is rich in what chemists call nitrogenous substances, which are not contained in honey, and which furnish ample nourishment for the development of the growing bee.
Langstroth on the Hive and the Honey-Bee A Bee Keeper's Manual
Proteids, because they contain the element nitrogen and the others do not, are frequently called nitrogenous, and the other two are known as non-nitrogenous substances.
A Practical Physiology
When germinated seed, as malted barley, is extracted, a soluble and highly nitrogenous substance, called the diastase ferment, is secured that changes starch into soluble forms.
Human Foods and Their Nutritive Value
Laboratory experiments have also been carried out on such different nitrogenous substances as ethylamine, thiocyanates, gelatin, urea, asparagin, and albuminoids of milk.
Manures and the principles of manuring
They are made up of tightly coiled, double strands of DNA linked in a ladder-like structure with four nitrogenous chemicals: adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine.
Under sulphur-deficient conditions, reduced protein synthesis is accompanied by the accumulation of organic and inorganic nitrogenous compounds.
The term ‘pharmaceutically acceptable amine salt’ contemplates salts with ammonia and organic nitrogenous bases strong enough to form salts with carboxylic acids.
Urea Solid By the Dissolved in Removed by oxidation in the plasma. the the liver of uriniferous nitrogenous tubules of compounds. the kidneys and to a small extent by the perspiratory glands.
Physiology and Hygiene for Secondary Schools
Urine is easy to find by its strong odor - and it's a veritable cocktail of nitrogenous waste, amino acids, salts, and excreted sugars.
Gas nitriding is a case-hardening process by which the surface hardness of certain alloy steel components is increased by heating in a nitrogenous gas.
Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
As the primary inorganic nitrogenous compound released from mineralized organic matter, ammonium plays, besides its nitrification product nitrate, a key role in N nutrition for plants and soil microorganisms.
That is, it is plausible to hypothesize that observations of altered plasma steroids in contaminant-exposed juvenile and adult alligators are, in part, a response to nitrogenous pollutants.
However, marked differences were found in the intensity of labelling of a range of nitrogenous compounds.
Why are proteids called nitrogenous foods and fats and carbohydrates non-nitrogenous foods?
Physiology and Hygiene for Secondary Schools
The sequence of nitrogenous Bases along a strand of DNA determines the genetic code.
Owing, however, to its poverty in that form of nitrogenous compound called gluten, so abundant in wheat, barley-flour cannot be baked into vesiculated bread; still it is a highly-nutritious substance, the salts it contains having a high proportion of phosphoric acid.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
The principal ingredient in the formation of uric acid is nitrogen, one of the six elements which enter into all proteid or albuminous food materials, also called nitrogenous foods.
Nature Cure
This work, carried out between 1882 and 1906 showed that various substances, little known at that time, such as adenine, xanthine, in vegetable substances, caffeine and, in animal excrete, uric acid and guanine, all belonged to one homogeneous family and could be derived from one another and that they corresponded to different hydroxyl and amino derivatives of the same fundamental system formed by a bicyclic nitrogenous structure into which the characteristic urea group entered.
Emil Fischer - Biography
Urea and other nitrogenous substances are retained in the blood.
The Dictionary of Nutritional Health
The ruminal protozoal is the important component of the ruminal microorganism. They influence the digestion and utilization of carbohydrate, nitrogenous material, mineral and vitamin in feed directly.
This may be induced by many and various predisposing causes, such as feebleness of constitution of the variety planted, rendering them an easy prey to the disease; by planting on low, moist land, or on land highly enriched by nitrogenous manures, causing a morbid growth which invites the disease; also by insects or their larvæ puncturing or eating off the leaves or vines.
The $100 Prize Essay on the Cultivation of the Potato. Prize offered by W. T. Wylie and awarded to D. H. Compton. How to Cook the Potato, Furnished by Prof. Blot.
If the kidneys fail, one of the first signs is the accumulation of urea and other nitrogenous waste in the blood - uraemia.
When the body ‘burns' food the end products are mainly water and carbon dioxide, together with some nitrogenous chemicals such as urea.
The _albuminoid_ or _nitrogenous constituents_ will be seen to form about a sixth of the whole nib, or more than a fifth of the cocoa essence, and to their presence is due the fact that absolutely pure cocoa is such a remarkable flesh-former.
The Food of the Gods A Popular Account of Cocoa
The meadow, which until recently was a magnificent relic of ancient pasture, is now approaching the usual nitrogenous-fertiliser-fed ley so common anywhere.
High sugar concentration represses expression of genes for photosynthetic components, which leads to the acceleration of senescence and re-translocation of nitrogenous compounds.
Its composition indicates a high nutritive power; but it is probable that its nitrogenous matters are partly in a low degree of elaboration, which greatly detracts from its alimental value.
The Stock-Feeder's Manual the chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and feeding of live stock
No distinct difference was perceptible; certainly none in the degree of incurvation; but the incurvation round the bits of sponge lasted rather longer, as might perhaps have been expected from the sponge remaining damp and supplying nitrogenous matter for a longer time.
Insectivorous Plants
_Calcium nitrate_, Ca (NO_3) _2·4H_2O, is a highly deliquescent salt, [v. 04 p. 0972] crystallizing in monoclinic prisms, and occurring in various natural waters, as an efflorescence in limestone caverns, and in the neighbourhood of decaying nitrogenous organic matter.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
Three nitrogenous bases are called a codon, and each codon codes for one amino acid. - Articles related to Plants give up some deep secrets of drought resistance
The basic structure of a nucleotide contains ribose with a nitrogenous base and a phosphate group.
The question is, of course, one of great importance, as the rapidity with which a nitrogenous body nitrifies will be an important factor in determining its value as a manure.
Manures and the principles of manuring
Pulses are also necessary for sustainable agriculture, since they are nitrogen-fixing crops and provide an ecological alternative to chemical nitrogenous fertilizers.
In [, in] 1846 the German Baron Justus von Liebig classified foodstuffs by their content of carbohydrates, fats, and oils, and what were then called ‘albuminoids’ or ‘nitrogenous matter’, now known as proteins.
-- It is not desirable that fish should be the sole kind of nitrogenous food eaten by any nation; and even if milk and eggs be added thereto, the vigor of such a people will not be equal to that of flesh-eating nations.
Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
Hence, azoturia (excess of nitrogenous matter in the urine), which is an indicator of a functional breakdown, does not occur until three quarters of the glomeruli have ceased to function.
Presence of nitrogenous compounds other than protein reduces accuracy.
The Dictionary of Nutritional Health
If the fermentation is of vegetables or fruit, the toxins are irritating, stimulating and enervating, but not so dangerous or destructive to organic life as putrefaction, which is a fermentation set up in nitrogenous matter -- protein-bearing foods, but particularly animal foods.
How and When to Be Your Own Doctor
Nitrogenous compounds have become a major global pollutant in freshwater and estuarine ecosystems.
You cannot diet a patient from a book, you cannot make up the human body as you would make up a prescription, – so many parts "carboniferous," so many parts "nitrogenous" will constitute a perfect diet for a patient.
Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not
The nitrogenous end-products, aromatic compounds, coloring matter, and mucin form the organic matter.
Common Diseases of Farm Animals
Monera morphology mutagen mutations natural selection neurotransmitter nitrogen fixing nitrogenous wastes nucleic acids nucleotides nucleus omnivore opposable thumb order organ organelles organic compounds organic molecules
21. Life Sciences
This is the most important nitrogenous fertilizer.
Avoid overuse as the high nitrogenous component can stimulate fungus problems.
Secrets of the Soil
As a result, excretion of nitrogenous waste is reduced, and fluid and electrolyte balances cannot be maintained.
A nitrogenous molecule, either a PYRIMIDINE or a PURINE, that combines with a pentose sugar and phosphoric acid to form a nucleotide, the fundamental unit of nucleic acids.
The sequence of nitrogenous Bases along a strand of DNA determines the genetic code.
“And the same is true,” said I, “of root-crops, such as mangel-wurzel, turnips, etc., but the fact has no other significance than this: If you grow potatoes for many years on the same land and manure them with nitrogenous manures, the soil is likely to be speedily impoverished of potash.”
Talks on Manures A Series of Familiar and Practical Talks Between the Author and the Deacon, the Doctor, and other Neighbors, on the Whole Subject
If the kidneys fail, one of the first signs is the accumulation of urea and other nitrogenous waste in the blood - uraemia.
The banana companies significantly increased their use of nitrogenous fertilizers, irrigation waters, and pesticides in order to ensure high yields of large, unblemished fruit.
Degraded nitrogenous compounds, mainly amino acids, are translocated to other organs, leading to reduction in the leaf nitrogen content.
Urea is a nitrogenous compound excreted in the urine by humans and most other mammals.
In regard to the soluble nitrogenous matter usually called albumen, from its resemblance to the animal substance of the same name, I have to remark that in my trials the proportion has been found to be considerably less than that often given in tables of the composition of wheat.
The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
Development of chemical industry near future is oriented one, agricultural chemical ( one ) nitrogenous fertilizer industry.