How To Use Nib In A Sentence

  • Recently—too recently for the information to be included in "Carthage Must Be Destroyed"—the site of the Battle of Baecula in 208 B.C., where Scipio Africanus defeated a Carthaginian army under Hannibal's brother Hasdrubal, was discovered in Spain. An Empire of the Mediterranean
  • Sed vt bonis et cordatis omnibus, etiam extraneis, satisfaciam qui maledicentiam istam Germanicam lecturi vel audituri sunt, aut olim audierint, ne et hi nos meritò calumniam tantam sustinere credant: Tum etiam vt alios qui istis virulentis rhythmis A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
  • an essay with a meaning that was not always discernible
  • Exponible propositions generally break down into elements that are called exponent propositions; they explain or expound what is going on in the exponible proposition. Archive 2005-01-01
  • The airport runway is lined with the rusted wrecks of other planes cannibalized for parts.
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  • In fact, all three trends are already discernible. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Haec gens ipsa quidem prope internicione sublata est à Nasamonibus, qui nunc eas tenent sedes: genus tamen hominum ex his qui profugerant, aut cùm pugnatum est, abfuerant, hodièque remanent in paucis. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Not just a gentle nibble as our Shetland sheep do lower down, but a strip of bark half an inch deep. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is not surprising that the mortality due to feather pecking, cannibalism and parasitic diseases can be disturbingly high.
  • Rabbit behavior My 12 week old lop ear house rabbit has a thing about nibling my son and she hurts him. how can i stop her from doing it coz he is now starting to get scared of her. i tell him its a sign of affection and i dont want him scared of her please help Answerbag: Latest Questions in Question Categories
  • The difference between the two is readily discernible.
  • But as if divining his thoughts -- just as they passed through the dining-room door, Euphra looked round at him, almost over Funkelstein's shoulder, and, without putting into her face the least expression discernible by either of the others following, contrived to banish for the time all Hugh's despair, and to convince him that he had nothing to fear from Funkelstein. David Elginbrod
  • Irresistible, her lone Motown LP, the label cannibalized some of the solo songs and remixed them into duets. NPR Topics: News
  • There were, Pfeiffer said, several unresolved issues with the long-term omnibus bill, chief among them policy riders that would alter previously passed legislation and compromise executive powers. In Budget Negotiations, White House Throws A Curve Ball On Omnibus Bill
  • There was no help for it, he had to be left there, and I went away with an anxious mind as to what his busy teeth would be employed upon all night; and, sure enough, next morning a velvet curtain was found nibbled and tattered, and being converted into a nest for the enterprising gerbille! Wild Nature Won By Kindness
  • Old dandies with creaking joints tottered along Piccadilly to their certain doom; young clerks in the city, explaining that they wished to attend their aunt's funeral, crowded the omnibuses for Kensington and were seen no more; while my mother tells me that excursion trains from the country were arriving at the principal stations throughout the day, bearing huge loads of provincial inamorati. The War of the Wenuses
  • Of the many known kinds of cannibalism, five are now attested in archaeological remains.
  • The trail becomes more precipitous as we plod steadily across a long ridge that is barely discernible from the fog folding around us. Times, Sunday Times
  • One stray click and I'm rickrolled, prankishly diverted to the now-familiar footage of Rick Astley being devoured by a pack of London cannibals. Wired Top Stories
  • Amicus had only one director for each omnibus, but they were true professionals.
  • Petrum: Alij veniunt cum chorda ad collum, alij cum manibus retro ligatis, alij cum cultello in brachio vel tibia defixo, et si post peregrinationem fiat brachium marcidum, illum reputant sanctum, et benè cum Deo suo. The Journal of Friar Odoric
  • Habent verò scuta de viminibus, aut de virgulis facta. The long and wonderful voyage of Frier Iohn de Plano Carpini
  • Two and half hours later, the call ended, and after completing some pre-nite-nite activities (filling of the water bottle, nibbing of the snacks, brushing of the teefies), I snorgled up in bed with the dogs. Haloaskew Diary Entry
  • She still did lip service to the old ways, while herself nibbling away at forbidden fruit.
  • But I picked up the Geodesica omnibus from the SFBC and I am totally getting Saturn Returns when it's out. Back on Cover Art
  • Daminus mendacii a seipso deceptus, alios decipere cupit, adversarius humani generis, Inventor mortis, superbiae institutor, radix malitiae, scelerum caput, princeps omnium vitiorum, fuit inde in Dei contumeliam, hominum perniciem: de horum conatibus et operationibus lege Epiphanium. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • When she asked what it was, I responded ‘Homemade marshmallows, roasted peanuts and cocoa nibs enrobed in dark chocolate’, a dark mood crossed her face.
  • The vegetable dumplings, in contrast, were almost inedible, with a slimy exterior and no discernible flavour.
  • This does not mean, though, that he accepts our modern idea of an omnibenevolent God. Nietzsche the Pantheist? | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • Nor are there any evident truths discernible without regard to our historical context.
  • Will all the animal food manufacturers please stop using dead animals to feed others of the same species making our pets cannibals?
  • But just now, on the train from Fribourg back home, the productive and calm silence was interrupted by an announcement where to find the restaurant in four languages, and when the "minibar" passed the upper deck of our wagon, the voice again made sure we knew. Planet Debian
  • I have two drivers, one brassy, a baffy or spoon, two cleeks (one shorter than the other), an iron, sometimes one mashie, sometimes two (one for running up and the other for pitch shots), a niblick, and sometimes two putters (one for long running-up putts and the other for holing out). The Complete Golfer
  • You can also trim the strips to fit; I tackle my husband's unibrow with them.
  • When she puts the pen down, a little ink drops off the nib, spreads into a blue mark on the paper and makes the word Mitzi invisible. NPR Topics: News
  • A chicken nibbled on smashed watermelon, and dancers swam in a plastic water flume, and a fake walrus lumbered across the stage.
  • But other perils may have awaited his tadpoles: researchers have found that despite their paternal inclinations, male African bullfrogs sometimes cannibalize their young.
  • The amphipod Gammarus tigrinus exhibits a range of feeding behaviors, including that of macrophagous grazer and shredder, and predator / cannibal.
  • She tried nibbling at the bulbous wad of meat and then at the toasted roll.
  • The collection of seven articles, six essays, and one interview use an assortment of scholarly approaches to explicate elements in Shonibare's works.
  • (Also) I think we need to be careful about the use of the word 'cannibalise' which brings with it an imputation of bad behaviour. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • A cannibal is a "gastronome of the old school"; longevity is the "uncommon extension of the fear of death. Lacerating Wit, Seasoned Cynic
  • Charles Gordon Frazer painted Cannibal Feast to provide an insight into the cannibal civilisations he feared were on the brink of extinction after witnessing the feast while hiding in long grass.
  • Was given a pen, by a pen shop - Elephant and Coral - who feel that authors should get nice pens (this was a Pilot pen with the nib carved out of the barrel, and looks like it will be a lovely thing to write with).
  • Afterward, I drank whisky with my friends, nibbled at the unappetizing rations, and smoked and smoked.
  • Mark Twain impersonator Richard Garey with two sets of Tom Sawyers and Becky Thatchers in Hannibal, Mo., to mark the 100th anniversary of the author's death on April 21. Mark Twain's celebrated Missouri hometown is jumping again
  • Hejazi gave a speech, which boomed from the speakers over the convocation mall, leaving cookie nibblers stunned.
  • Others relish their greens when hung creatively over branches and perches so they may work at nibbling the tasty offering.
  • Sprinkle about half a teaspoon of the cocoa nibs onto the bottom of each ramekin, if using. Set aside.
  • Hannibal (in profile) as a youth © Clipart. comAt first, Rome was just one small city-state in the area of Latin-speaking people known as Latium, on the west side of the peninsula of Italy. Ancient / Classical History
  • A scrunchy havoc of whip, sleigh bells, saxophones, bass guitar, as well as the full forces of the BBC Symphony Orchestra and the Nibelung note of a household hammer for good measure, bashed, danced and whirled through this 15-minute non-stop toccata. BBC Prom 54; La fanciulla del West; Joyce DiDonato; Simon Keenlyside; Kronos Quartet
  • Bradley Cooper as faceman perfect fit and liam neeson as hannibal wasn't my fit choice but I like that made his hair white,nice touchI love the poster and Jessica Biel is sooo sweet! but will there be a Decker in the movie? Photo Roundup: New Looks at The A-Team, Green Hornet, Clash of the Titans, Red Dawn and Date Night | /Film
  • An he had been cannibally given, he might have broiled and eaten him too. The Tragedy of Coriolanus
  • Præterea imperat multis alijs regionibus et insulis quæ distinguntur per brachia maris Oceani, et in quibus singulis continetur grandis numerositas ciuitatum ac villarum, et multitudo innumera populorum præ abundantia, et præciositate omnium terrenorum bonorum. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Typically, omnibus farm bills address a wide range of agriculture-related policies, thereby creating a coalition of otherwise diverse and sometimes even opposing interests in support of the legislation.
  • Several manufacturers are also nibbling away at Ford's traditional customer base.
  • Has she given her selection the full-on syrup-drowning treatment (not afraid to splurge), or do the scattered half-open jam packets indicate she's a nibbler (delicate, but with a mellow fruity finish)?
  • Croci Regis Vegetabilium enucleatio continens Illius etymologiam, differencias, tempus quo viret et floret, culturam, collectionem, usum mechanicum, Pharmaceuticum, Chemico medicum, omnibus pene humani corporis partibus destinatum additis diversis observationibus et questionibus Crocum concernentibus ad normam et formam S. R. The plant-lore & garden-craft of Shakespeare
  • Oh and you CIA types on Sanibel, howzit looking there? Firedoglake » YearlyKos, In Snapshots…
  • * The word _amakhû_ is applied to an individual who has freely entered the service of king or baron, and taken him for his lord: _amakhû khir nibuf_ means _vassal of his lord_. History Of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 1 (of 12)
  • Etiatn de edi ttonibus nonnuUa moDend&'funu Verum antequaa accedam ad eai, fubiiciam Indicem eoium codd. qniinVar. P. Virgilii Maronis Opera varietate lectionis et perpetva adnotatione illvstrata, a Chr. Gottl ...
  • 'Debita carminibus libertas ista; sed omnis in vero mihi cura: canam quo fervida motu aestuet Aetna novosque rapax sibi congerat ignes.' The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • After 11 years of Margaret Thatcher, it proved necessary to cannibalise the entire armoured resources of the Rhine Army to deploy a weak division for the First Gulf War. The Tory defence policy will be simple: cut, brutally
  • Hinc eft quod Hobbius fuis opinionibus fatis congrue affirmat;, in tempore feditionis Sc belii Civi - lis duo fieri fumma Imperia ex uno, c. De legibus naturae, disquisitio philosophica, in qua earum forma, summa capita, ordo ...
  • You can sit with the fishermen at the bar, or nibble on good bread and fresh pats of unsalted butter while you peruse the menu and affordable wine list.
  • At her worst, she serves up a sludge of disparate data that do not cumulate to any discernible or persuasive argument.
  • Clough translated it in 1834, and Hardy has given an interesting summary of it in his Eastern Monarchism; but neither the text nor any complete translation is readily accessible, and I have therefore thought that this edition might possibly be acceptable to those who desire information respecting the practice of Buddhism in Ceylon, where, as is well pointed out by Mr. Childers, in his Pli Dictionary, (s.v. Nibbnam, p. 272, note), “Buddhism retains almost its pristine purity. The Admission and Ordination Ceremonies. III. The Order. Reprinted from a paper by J.F. Dickson, B. A., in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society for 1874.
  • I rather like that idea, that a tray of tasty little nibbles might be passed around in the middle of the service. Maybe offering some light refreshments during church services would be a good idea.
  • The golden orb-web spider Nephila plumipes frequently cannibalizes males both before and during copulation.
  • Talis ergo est persuasio quae rationes non requirat: talis notitia, cui optima ratio constet, nempe, in qua securius constantiusque mens quiescit quam in ullis rationibus: talis denique sensus, qui nisi ex coelesti revelatione nasci nequeat. Pneumatologia
  • Of course, waaaayyy back when Mike was a prepster, the best a running QB could do was a nibble from Va. Tech.
  • It has the flexibility to build both body-on-frame trucks and SUVs and unibody cars.
  • These are perfect after a heavy meal when you just want a nibble of something sweet to go with a cup of tea. Times, Sunday Times
  • I got there in the end thanks to the RNIB and Calibre Talking Book Libraries plus a rota of loyal readers, but the fact that none of the books I chose is currently available on UK commercial audio even as a download is depressing. Sue Arnold's audiobook choice
  • To be honest, for much of the match it looked unlikely that anyone would find the back of the net and the first half probably saw BBC viewers collectively reaching for their remote controls and checking out the Eastenders omnibus.
  • Unlike the early birds, the dawning of each day finds me still abed, nested in my covers and dreamily counting waves; this is a psychological response to the soothing sigh of a slight swell nibbling at the beach a few yards from my seaside bed. Good morning, Melaque: one day in a small Mexico beach town
  • * Caussa vero hujus gratuitae electionis, est solum Dei beneplacitum, non in eo consistens, quod certas qualitates seu actiones humanas, ex omnibus possibilibus, in salutis conditionem elegit; sed in eo, quod certas quasdam personas ex communi peccatorum multitudine sibi in peculium adscivit, sicut scriptum est: Nondum natis pueris, cum neque boni quippiam fecissent neque mali: [9861] 1 The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • Upon one of the boughs, high off the ground, almost indiscernible from the night around it, a hunched form sat motionless, as if waiting.
  • Many conservatives and liberals alike favor the legalization of Cannibis, and I agree with Cracker about the term hippie being rather antiquated. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • By the age of about 8 there is no discernible difference. Times, Sunday Times
  • OK. It turns out the starting pitcher for the Red Sox has an unfortunate unibrow problem.
  • At worst, a dip in a calm pool with some gently nibbling fish can't be bad for the soul. The Sun
  • And as you start to build up these pieces, you'll notice there's not a lot of difference between the unibody and the body-on-frame.
  • Most, if not all, of the leading fixed-income underwriters have or are developing their own software to conduct online auctions, but few are yet prepared to use it for fear of cannibalizing their existing underwriting business.
  • The six Yoruba markings (three on each cheek), and the ten Fon markings (two on each cheek, temples, and forehead) are readily discernible.
  • I skipped starters and had the goulash soup instead, but had a nibble at the other two's plates.
  • The cannibalism is a little harder to stomach, as it were — but I'm sure that's exactly why Wells put it in. Robson, Enge, Sturges, Lloyd and even Yours Truly
  • Spread-betters were nibbling on McDonald's share price before quarterly results tomorrow. Times, Sunday Times
  • He writes of the information he is given in one village that members of a neighboring tribe were cannibals.
  • Minibuses and jitneys, often unlicensed and poorly maintained, are particularly dangerous.
  • It'seems that he'll nibble at my trick soon.
  • Make sure your party food has something for little mouths to nibble on. The Sun
  • The series includes intriguing rarities, such as "Jean's Return" ("Le retour de Jean"), Clouzot's harrowing contribution to the omnibus film "Return to Life" ("Retour à la vie," 1949), in which a concentration-camp survivor hides, interrogates and tortures a Nazi war criminal. A French Director Ripe for Rediscovery
  • ‘I really need to get to art,’ I said, nibbling my lower lip as I worried she wouldn't let me go.
  • PJ was the first to be ‘evicted’ for nibbling Helen's ears, Craig was turfed out for gnawing the cage, and Penny was thrown out for pinching food rations.
  • The cannibal scouts drag the captives to their cannibal chief, who looks them over and pronounces them tasty morsels indeed - and their skins will make excellent canoes!
  • We figured, why not create some snackable, fun nibbles with the seed, that health-savvy consumers can feel good about bringing home to their families?
  • We investigate the adaptive value of cannibalism in this orb-web spider, where 60 percent of males do not survive copulation.
  • Objedoque dabat clipeo certamina; et illinc Hedor erat, Trojae fvunmum decus: acer uterqoCi Fuhninibus ccelo veluti fragor editus alto; P. Virgilii Maronis opera: emendabat et notulis illustr. G. Wakefield
  • Ne nunc quidem arbitror," inquam, "nec umquam dubitandum putabo quibusque in hoc rationibus accedam breuiter exponam. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • Each vehicle is framed in its section of the body shop; the body-on-frame pickup heads west and the unibody minivan heads east.
  • Propionibacterium bifidobacterium lactobacillus actinomyces Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Omitted are a whole host of major industries where the dominant pattern is less readily discernible.
  • The haze ate into their eyes, making the sounds more vivid and the sights all blend together in indiscernible colored shapes.
  • The history is this: In 1921, some members of the City Club, a private club in the District, wanted a place to swing their mashie niblicks. Old Beaver Dam golf course couldn't hold back development
  • We would like to suggest that the LCC comes up with a system of levy collection which will not snarl up traffic and cause congestion. One suggestion would be pre-payments by all the minibuses that use Kulima Tower bus station.
  • He has also seen a discernible change in potential buyers in the past three or four years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Guests nibbled delicate pastries and sipped coffee in the sitting area outside the restaurant while watching the parade of lithesome models.
  • Almost indiscernible on the bottom right hand corner of the stone were her initials: T. S. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • Carefully nibbling on the crumbly, buttery, oaty square, trying to make it last until we got home. One For The Table: Tracy Tynan on Flapjacks - The British Madeline
  • For instance, first-wave reforms were sometimes part of omnibus education bills that included other policy changes, such as increased spending on K - 12 education.
  • This sort of cannibalism is an activity that scientists have long imagined and conjectured and in fact predicted but had never seen before.
  • You may have to encourage the seeds to detach from the pith quite vigorously, but you end up with a very munchy pile of purplish nibbles. Culinary adventures
  • If his nibs happens to be a regular patron, increase the aforementioned bowing and scraping a hundredfold.
  • Euangelij doctrinam attulit, tenebras plusquam Cimmerias, etiam nostris hominibus, vt reliquis Septentrionis Ecclesijs, offusas fuisse. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • A roe deer nibbles the heather shoots, unfazed by our passing.
  • The name sounds like it belongs to an old guy who has pants hiked up to his neck and a big bushy unibrow.
  • It was also decided that caravans, goods vehicles, minibuses or coaches could be charged 25 per cent more for single crossings.
  • So, when the corn borer nibbles on the plant, the borer dies.
  • You've only nibbled at your lunch.
  • Early map-makers were happy to leave blanks for terra incognita or to stock those empty spaces with headless cannibals, giant monopeds, Amazons and dragons.
  • This omnibus, richly illustrated and produced, puts together all his writings over the years.
  • Network operators have been notoriously reluctant to allow Skype services on their mobile handsets, fearing it will cannibalise revenue earned from traditional voice calls.
  • The exhibition also contains some satirical portrayals of the British elite, which benefited from the salve trade, for example, Sir Foster Cunliffe by Yinka Shonibare of the U. K.
  • Tickets are £5 each, and will include a memento of the occasion and a finger buffet / nibbles.
  • Provided this is taken into account, the differences between comparable samples are as readily discernible as when relative abundance is used.
  • In size there is the difference between the huge _terminalia_ towering up 200 feet high and the tiny little potentilla; between the atlas moth 12 inches in spread and the hardly discernible midges; between the elephant, massive enough to trample its way through the densest forest, and the humble little mouse peeping out of its hole in the ground. The Heart of Nature or, The Quest for Natural Beauty
  • Exploring the island by minibus, he finds a blasted landscape of rock and dust and minimal vegetation.
  • I immediately forgot about the noisy, bumpy minibus journey.
  • There are locked minibars and safes provided in the modern and clean rooms.
  • Latin scribes held their stiff-nibbed reed pens almost directly upright and at right angles to the writing surface, so that a down stroke from left to right and slanted at an angle of about forty-five degrees would bring the nib across the surface broadwise, resulting in the widest line possible to the pen. Letters and Lettering A Treatise With 200 Examples
  • My GPS tells me exactly where to turn and when and I love her and I am so heartily sorry for all the times I've suspected that she's trying to leave me for dead on an unpaved road in cannibal territory. What I did on the weekend -- Part 2: How do you say "Curse you, Mapquest!" in French?
  • I also asked her to leave the radio on so that there was no discernible change of atmosphere. THE DOG LISTENER: Learning the Language of your Best Friend
  • To anyone used to cooking their own Indian food using fresh spices, such flavours are strangely mute with no individual spice or flavour discernible.
  • If you nibble enough, your nail bed becomes misshapen over time, so you get ridges and bumps and all sorts of other unpleasant side effects. Times, Sunday Times
  • My father, being a senior consultant in a busy hospital, dragged us around the wards to spread good tidings to patients and to munch the array of nibbles in the nurses' rooms.
  • He nibbled away the apple peel, then ate the flesh.
  • Yes, a few are able to nibble at the important trends of the future but not feed directly enough.
  • We've had the house on the market for a month and not even had a nibble yet.
  • But I spent the remains of the afternoon lounging on the divan with Ali-Bab, nibbling almonds, sipping mint tea, and listening to the water bubbling merrily in his hookah.
  • We board a 21-passenger white minibus, the price of emissions, at the intersection of Interstate 10 and Indian Avenue, and sit back as Ken Huskey aka White Horse, a 40-year veteran in the energy industry, takes the wheel and the mic, delivering in best AM DJ voice a dazzling non-stop physics-laden eclogue on the 300-hundred-foot-high spears with periwinkles on top, and their awesome powers. Richard Bangs: How Green Is My Valley?
  • The only discernible colour in the scene was a dull, dead brown. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • We've had the house on the market for a month and not even had a nibble yet.
  • Feeding on the growth of after work drinking and nibbling, chicken appetizers are gaining strength based on contemporary Mexican and Asian recipes.
  • Is it all right to suggest the major reason Leverman has joined the hearthside Hannibals sending their red elephants east? What The New York Times Won't Tell You About Joe Lieberman
  • Sprinkle with some cocoa nibs, fold the dough in half and roll to 1/2-inch thick.
  • Sobrij quoque sunt, quapropter et longo tempore viuunt: et si quis ab eorum moribus degenerat, proscribitur perpetuò sine mora, omnibus nulla posita differentia personarum, vnde et in iusto Dei iudicio, quòd naturalem exercere iustitiam contendunt, Elementa eis naturaliter obsequuntur, et rarò eos tangit tempestas, aut fames, pestilentia aut gladius. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Omnes adorant ad Aquilonem complosis manibus: et prosternentes se genibus flexis ad terram, ponentes frontem super manus. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • But the white powder you mix up yourself with water, supplemented with a dash of UniBond PVA adhesive, will solve most household filling problems.
  • Had he done so, Preen Chand would have kicked him off Hannibal even if it meant putting an unschooled oxherd aboard the beast. A different flesh
  • He stopped short of suggesting that the iPad has started to cannibalize the notebook market.
  • The four Molesworth books that appear in this omnibus edition (generously comprising Down With Skool!
  • Quae promissio omnibus populis et hominibus, ad quos Deus pro suo beneplacito mittit Evangelium, promiscue et indiscriminatim annunciari et proponi debet cum resipiscentiae et fidei mandato. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • In what follows, I explore the ambivalent nature of cannibalistic images in the Pitjantjatjara and other Australian Aboriginal life-worlds in light of its significance for the psychogenesis of the self.
  • This omnibus of three classic studies provides a basic grounding for scholars of India's maritime history.
  • During the perilous expedition through jungle and across high altitudes, the group encounters tribes of headhunters and cannibals, observing and filming their rituals and ceremonies.
  • However, there are both conflicts and congruences of interest between the sexes when cannibalism occurs after the male has inseminated the female.
  • These details support the theory that the two stars are close enough for accretion to take place and that the companion star is being cannibalised.
  • That leaves seven measures as candidates for folding into an omnibus package.
  • As I nibbled at the biscuit my case was discussed over my head. Seminary Boy
  • These are perfect after a heavy meal when you just want a nibble of something sweet to go with a cup of tea. Times, Sunday Times
  • Microsporidian can infect a wide rage of the invertebrates and vertebrates, especially including the economic insect, fish, rabbits, fur animal, nibbling the teeth and primate.
  • Do you remember cheese and pineapple on a stick or, worse still, those nibbles set solid with half a pig's foot of aspic?
  • If the first male was cannibalized and thus could not guard the female, the second male always reached the female and was significantly more likely to mate.
  • If you do feel hunger pangs, nibble on carrot, celery or cucumber sticks or sliced green peppers.
  • The main harm from classical homeopathy is not likely to come from its remedies, which are probably safe but ineffective, though this is changing as homeopathy becomes indiscernible from herbalism in some places.
  • A British family has persuaded a Thai hotel to cancel a minibar bill after blaming the raid on a monkey. Times, Sunday Times
  • It showed a slightly worrying, secret cannibalistic streak. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the people called Anthropomphagi which we call cannibals, live with human flesh. THE AFRICAN RENAISSANCE, SOUTH AFRICA AND THE WORLD
  • His nib catches the paper's grain and a small blot spreads.
  • I think the jury system is going to survive, with nibbles taken out of it.
  • These psychogenetic affinities and ambiguities between carnal desires, cannibalism, death, and rebirth form the core symbolism of the mythopoeic imagery.
  • Tertiam denique mediam scientiam, qua ex altissima et inscrutabili comprehensione cujusque liberi arbitrii in sua essentia intuitus est, quid pro sua innata libertate, si in hoc, vel illo, vel etiam infinitis rerum ordinibus collocaretur, acturum esset, cum tamen posset, si vellet, facere re reipsa oppositum.... Rough Notes on Scientia Media
  • Sales of new light commercial vehicles, bakkies and minibuses had also maintained strong upward momentum.
  • The brightly colored fish that had been nibbling at the tips of her gloved fingers darted away.
  • For the coach we (three passengers) were in, was built like an omnibus-sleigh on wheels, with a high seat and "dasher" in front, so that we could not see what it was that drew our ark, and therefore I climbed up in the driver's perch to overlook our motors. Acadia or, A Month with the Blue Noses
  • Twelve men and women plucked at random off a metaphorical Clapham omnibus to hold her destiny in their collective hands. A DEAD LIBERTY
  • (_Convolvus arvensis_) or psoralea (_P. biluminosa_), of which the insect nibbles only the corollæ. The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles
  • I might as well have stayed in bed - there was not a single nibble.
  • The Darkspear tribe, too, was cannibalistic until it joined the Horde, at which point the Darkspears officially gave up cannibalism.
  • On it goes, year after remorseless year, nibbling away at savings, forcing more and ever more stringent economies on the individual until the point is reached at which there are no more economies to be made.
  • I pull a large tin of Belgian-chocolate-covered cookies from my alphabetized pantry (the cookies are between Baking Chocolate and Bisquick) and pry off the green-gold lid to reveal a pristine landscape of un-nibbled butter cookies drizzled with milk chocolate. Anhedonia (excerpt 2)
  • The only discernible reason for the attack was the colour of his skin. Times, Sunday Times
  • She nibbled at a sandwich , ie ate only tiny portions.
  • This particular bill, apart from being somewhat late in coming back to the House, is a tremendously huge, omnibus bill, and has very, very little to do with assurance of health practitioners' competence.
  • A charming effect was produced by a guard of honour, composed of members of the golf club, holding aloft crossed brassies, beneath which the happy pair passed into the church, while the caddies clashed niblicks and other iron clubs. Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 146, February 25, 1914
  • Butler is softly spoken with a trace of an Edinburgh burr still discernible in her gentle Canadian accent.
  • Tanais enim descendit in Mare Ponti: Etilia facit pr鎑ictum Mare siue lacum, cum alijs multis fluminibus, qua cadunt in ilium de Perside. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • He simply needed, he explained, to stock up on dehydrated pawpaw, prunes, banana flakes and other high-fibre energy nibbles. TEN STEPS TO HAPPINESS
  • Seared foie gras and diver scallops are handled yet another way: the nibs - the crunchy centers of the cocoa bean are the stars, made into nougatine.
  • Same price, and leaving at the same time, so I'm not quite sure how it all works, but I learned that the minibus is the way to go. Recent Updates
  • Each morning, the luggage, food and equipment needed for the gruelling miles ahead is loaded into a minibus.
  • Proptere� qu騞 indidit Deus Opt.Max. hominibus pr� cunctis alijs viuentibus; cor et desiderium tale, vt appetat quisque cum alijs societatem inire, amare, et vicissim amari, beneficijs afficere, et mutua accipere beneficia studeat, ide� cuique pro facultate sua hoc desiderium in omnibus quidem hominibus beneficijs fouere et conseruare conuenit, in illis autem maxim�, qui hoc desiderio adducti, � remotis etiam regionibus ad eos veniunt. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • They monodic jaded tactual orlando fl hotel and nibbler diodon in baldrick baccivorous alternate cuculidae thunk in the wheatworm bar nagger desynchronisation in abscess. Rational Review
  • Sed ab hoc incepto me non solum deterruerunt sordidi colores virides et violacei, qui ex mistionibus illis prodibant, sed et imprimis illud, quod, ob differentes pigmentorun grauitates specificas et inaequalem cum aqua cohaesionem, et ab artis perito magni errores facile committi poterant. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • The ads for the movie imply that Tobin is some kind of Hannibal Lecter, and Matt his Clarisse, but there's only a hint of that. 'Safe House': Familiar Blueprint, Despite Denzel
  • The RNIB is calling on the Government to introduce universal quality screening for all children at the age of five, seven, and eleven years.
  • He died in 1215, without having enjoyed any discernible success in establishing a self-standing Zen institution.
  • Three people were killed by shots fired at random from a minibus.
  • Maximus fell into disfavour and Rome sent the largest army it had ever assembled after Hannibal.

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