How To Use Next door In A Sentence

  • They had to make do with kitchen tuffets, orange boxes, a piano stool and a rocking chair borrowed from next door.
  • the office next door
  • It's a world where dinosaurs are your next door neighbours, and where some of the most famous feuds in history where actually territorial disputes between apatosaurs bearing grudges... Susanna Clarke in the NY Times
  • I was happy as a sandboy — beautiful wife, beautiful children, house, secure job, good social life — then, wham, the wife hits me between the eyes with the muscled actor from next door who's been shafting her for months. Disordered Minds
  • These guys went at it like two tomcats fighting over the pussy next door.
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  • But wait, above the old medicine cabinet from the house next door that we bought and demolished to build our garage, more mossiness has appeared. Returns « Fairegarden
  • Next door and across the piazza is the 1983 museum, the last work of an enervated Stone, co-architect of the original 1939 Museum of Modern Art in New York. Easily Accessible Pleasures
  • My nan and grandad stayed in the caravan next door. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stuart and I promptly donned our dressiest outfits -- in my case, a $5 black tuxedo from the Salvation Army that I used when performing with the orchestra -- and grabbed our next door neighbor, "Circle" (so named because it looked like someone made his face with a perfectly round cookie cut-out and cut his hair with a bowl on his head). Eliezer Sobel: Calling Dr. Laura: Old Loves And The Boundaries Of Fidelity
  • I am bored by Monkey Wood's blantant over-use of charientism and cacophemism for my darkie brethren - it is an abomination to the Lord - who is ironically my next door neighbour ". : Spoof News : Front Page
  • Dolly has discovered that the little West Highland puppy next door is willing to exchange cautious sniffs and snuffles under the fence and I think she's quite taken with the little mite.
  • We needed more space and the mews house next door became available, so we bought that and extended into it. Times, Sunday Times
  • A band of workmen stayed behind to untile the roof, and to dig up the floor, to do the usual lime-washing and sulphur-burning, and the party proceeded to the next door. Love and Life Behind the Purdah
  • For years I had lived next door to a hostel for homeless people in London. The Sun
  • I had a letter from the people who used to live next door.
  • Unless you have the dubious pleasure of living right next door to an airport one of the biggest downsides of going on holiday is catching a flight at an ungodly hour of the day.
  • We caught snatches of conversation from the room next door.
  • The disaster was caused by the total collapse of his house in the Rue d' Anjou, undermined by the excavations carried out by the bank next door for its strong room.
  • So you can scoff and snicker all you like at the shaggy, hangdog 27-year-old next door dressed in a baggy college sweatshirt and cargo shorts, taking empty pizza boxes and beer bottles to the dumpster. Two Cheers for the Maligned Slacker Dude
  • I was with friends at their house for dinner last weekend and the couple next door were having a party. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Harry is a next door neighbor,’ apologized Adam, in a whisper, ‘and is not known for his tactfulness.’
  • I heard a loud snore coming from the room next door and remembered that I was in Gabby's house.
  • In Hampstead he moved into a bedsit on the same road as the Nicholsons, which he promptly painted white, and worked in a studio next door to Nicholson's. Mondrian's little known London period highlighted by exhibition of rare works
  • The glass shard of a building makes the dingy three-and five-story buildings next door seem dingier, and the seamy building boasting adult videos and scantily-clad mannequins even seamier. A Sliver Shines Above Midtown
  • Claire recalls sharing a silk-lined stateroom with two other Wrens, with two Wren officers installed next door.
  • To the buyer who spends hundreds of thousands, it seems unfair that the bloke next door gets his free. Times, Sunday Times
  • She could see inquisitive faces looking out from the windows next door.
  • Next door, at Cruz Vega's place of business, the maiden is carved into a very large picture in which she is in an open meadow. The colorful wood carvings of Cuanajo, Michoacan
  • The nightclub Broadway is also right next door, so you will not have far to stagger after an evening out on the town.
  • In other words, when the men get tired of the women spending long hours agonising over jewellery, they can just step next door for a swig.
  • The story revolves around his young master Hero who spies a fair maiden in the house next door and falls instantly in love.
  • We're being deafened by next door's stereo.
  • We could have gone to a building company next door and said build us something quick. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's a narrow alley which divides our house from the one next door.
  • The gallery is off Oxford Circus, next door to a haberdasher's, established back in 1902.
  • Next door to us there's a couple from the USA.
  • We're lucky to live next door to a large number of shops, restaurants and cafes, and - after we'd snarfed a triumphant breakfast of World Cup winning sausages, bacon and eggs - we made our way to search through the second-hand bookshops.
  • All these town councilmen see is the $$ at the beginning. jmaster306: Most of the new families commute the 30-50 miles to the city. downstairs: They don't want bars, theaters, and parks right next door to their houses. urger: Instead of a independent entity the Levitt influence suburb (which for those who aren't students of urban planning is all of them) are parasites that drain cities. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • It's not just that they think Europe is bang next door to Afghanistan.
  • Next door to a rose-colored, angel-bedecked church, the boxy school glowers behind barred gates like those that surround prisons.
  • Try it out on the office know-it-all, or the smarty-pants next door.
  • Stuart and I promptly donned our dressiest outfits--in my case, a $5 black tuxedo from the Salvation Army that I used when performing with the orchestra--and grabbed our next door neighbor, "Circle" so named because it looked like someone made his face with a perfectly round cookie cut-out and cut his hair with a bowl on his head. Eliezer Sobel: Calling Dr. Laura: Old Loves And The Boundaries Of Fidelity
  • When a Jamaican family moves in next door and build a cricket net in the back garden, David is thrilled.
  • Phase two is being built next door; the seven two- and three-storey, three-bed town houses are in the same style and cost £650,000 - £750,000.
  • Then my eldest grandson, who lives next door, rushes in. Times, Sunday Times
  • Swimming was followed by a fabulous "braai" (barbeque) at Laura and her husband Steyn's place next door; see the pictures on their deck as the sun set TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • The next door neighbours are setting off their fireworks as I type this.
  • We are next door, enjoying a glass of wine, skirting round the topic of the missing Christmas lights.
  • Don't start thinking about the grass being greener next door, because it's not. MAN AND WIFE
  • Next door at the Discovery Center - a hands-on children's science and discovery museum - visitors can meander through the 5 1/2-acre landscape, which includes a cactus garden set aglow by dozens of luminarias.
  • Right now the cat next door is yowling to be let in.
  • My allocated time was too short for a stroll along the prom, so I picked up a small ice-cream cone from the stall next door, and took a turn around the park.
  • This year my garden has become overrun with wild rabbits from the field next door. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the end of our second day at Columbia Lake, my roommates and I had met our neighbours from next door, and we've been inseparable ever since.
  • Suddenly, the camera swings around or zooms out from the view of a temple, or a palace, or some tumble-down shack, to reveal the airport, superhighway, or other emblem of modernity next door.
  • Although the plane narrowly missed the Relais Bleu hotel, it completely destroyed the Hotelissmo next door.
  • Next door to a rose-colored, angel-bedecked church, the boxy school glowers behind barred gates like those that surround prisons.
  • The show also features the dancing fountains next door. The Sun
  • It's a great convenience living next door to a post office.
  • There's also a golf course next door. Times, Sunday Times
  • My next door neighbour at the time was a lady called Marlene Crane, a young mum with two small children.
  • But instead, I was entirely drawn into the teenage drama happening next door.
  • We are nothing to do with the firm which has the offices next door.
  • We have scavenged the burned-out theater next door for a filigreed floor-to-ceiling round mirror and a tattered poster of Sarah Bernhardt as Hamlet.
  • There's a narrow alley which divides our house from the one next door.
  • Toni/y is naut, sorry gotta run as things are hotting up next door. Cheeseburger Gothic » Ladies Lounge
  • Now, nine months later, Richard was my lover next door, a funny, gentle divorcé with a five-year-old son in London. DEAD BEAT
  • She kept the house next door as an investment. Times, Sunday Times
  • The loony rooster next door insists on crowing at all hours.
  • John Fry and his wife Elizabeth opened a butcher and baker shop and William Andrews, a saddler of Laura, opened up for business next door.
  • The Nazis were afraid burning it would damage what they called Aryan houses next door. CNN Transcript Aug 31, 2007
  • The revelries next door kept me awake all night.
  • Apparently it means keeping tabs on the people next door, who happen to be called Jones. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jeans are a staple part of everyone's wardrobe - from the boy next door to the rich and famous.
  • It didn't take long until her mother walked into the bedroom to see the bed rocking with her husband and the hussy from next door.
  • This year my garden has become overrun with wild rabbits from the field next door. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead of fleeing he walked right into the house next door and calmly walked into a ramshackle apartment he had hired there.
  • A Russian couple have just moved in next door.
  • The fire also scorched the side of a vacant building next door as well as the front of Persaud's brother's house, Vijay 'Bryon' Persaud who lived opposite. Stabroek News
  • I opened my curtains this morning and saw loads of police right next door.
  • You would normally expect to see him diving around the stadium next door. The Sun
  • And in that very hangar next door had li ved the R 100, which had flown to Canada and back, before she was broken up with a steamroller. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • The neighbours living directly next door would play loud music and party into the early hours of the morning.
  • Her house is a temple to the interior designer's style and immaculate order, with not a chopstick out of place there is a table set for four in the room next door, in readiness for an Asian meal. Taking a Walk on the Wild Side
  • I was with friends at their house for dinner last weekend and the couple next door were having a party. Times, Sunday Times
  • The soundproofed room next door hosts a microphone where vocals and music can be recorded.
  • Jem was hauling up the back window next door. Burning Bright
  • After Westar dup up the dirt next door (during this last expansion) and brought in an industrial vacuum that went into the ground sucking up who knows what, we all got sick. Printing: Let's get the Evans family out of hell
  • The elegant Royal Theatre next door is one of the most splendid of its kind in the country.
  • The next door terrace suffered damage to the roof and one wall. The Sun
  • And moosh is right – OHIO is the middle of nowhere, right next door to Indiana. High School Confidential | Her Bad Mother
  • A house next door to one suspect was BOUGHT to drill holes for microphones. The Sun
  • An employee at the Bottle-O said it was well known there was a recording studio and there were often people buying bottles of bourbon and "jamming" in the block next door.
  • We were friends for a year or two, and I used to love hanging out at his mom's bakery to get free cookies and playing at the arcade next door.
  • The moral of the story is to make sure there is none of it growing in your own garden or next door. The Sun
  • Perhaps it's even arguable whether their next door neighbours should.
  • In recent weeks the noises from next door had become more fractious. Times, Sunday Times
  • He lived next door to me just through the wall from my bedroom in his own wee 1-bedroomed tenement flat.
  • Youths began skateboarding in the playgroup of Southfields Junior School next door.
  • Whether it was his disastrous first confession, the use of his hobby telescope to take in the bronzed Mrs. Selahowski sunbathing next door, the purloined swigs of sacramental wine, or, as he got older, the fumbled attempts to sneak contraband past his father and score with girls beneath his mother's vigilant radar, John was figuring out that the faith and fervor that came so effortlessly to his parents somehow had eluded him. The Longest Trip Home by John Grogan: Book summary
  • Whit goes on to say, "I've always been classified as the cutesy, girl next door type, so doing this shoot will give me the opportunity to step outside my comfort zone and show people an entirely different side of me. X17 Online
  • Maybe when the cash really starts coming next door from their ‘One Red Dog’ restaurants they could look into brewing a full bodied hoppy ale as an established tap beer.
  • Next door is a towering log, stone and glass masterpiece modeled after a Native American longhouse that may be the most dramatic place you've ever taken a yoga class.
  • Next door to the Bowmer, Chateaulin offers a Euro-style menu, including scrumptious marinated goat cheese on toast fingers.
  • Nightmarish winter weather turns New England's Mount Washington into the killer next door.
  • He sleeps with the beautiful, full-figured prostitutes who walk the streets of Rue Bleue, pines after the gamine next door and develops a taste for rock 'n' roll and le jazz Americain.
  • Neighbour Reg Noice, 42, also rushed next door in an attempt to rescue Louie.
  • Next door, her neighbours have decided to sell their apartment and move out of the city altogether.
  • A fireman raced to the aid of his new next door neighbours after they spotted smoke.
  • There's also a golf course next door. Times, Sunday Times
  • My husband and our then next door neighbour took pictures of those photos on loan to the exhibition.
  • Rice, followed-up by Stephanie Meyer, “… modernized and domesticated the vampire, ripping away the traditional narrative from the black-caped, thickly Euro-accented, terror guy you run from, to the handsome, seductive bad-boy next door you want to sleep with,” says Thompson. VAMPIRES- WHY HERE, WHY NOW? | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • Until I was 11 years old we lived next door to the surgery, which was purpose built although rather unfit for its function.
  • Three of us moved to the next doorway and found one man with his foot in the door gap trying to get to safety. Times, Sunday Times
  • To make the ambitious plans work, the house next door also had to be bought.
  • She was planning to move into the smaller cottage next door that she also owned, where she knew she would only have space for less than half of her ornaments, books and clothes.
  • Six foot tall, slim and with a deceptive unassuming air, his blond hair and cadaverous cheek bones say rampant sex drive packaged as boy next door.
  • Now, you might not want a cutthroat reporter like Miller as a next door neighbor.
  • I had a letter from the people who used to live next door.
  • A table of four middle-aged Neapolitan men, puffing on big cigars with all the assurance of the beginner, while eyeing up the three unreachably teenage, unreachably American girls on the table next door.
  • Knocking down and killing someone when driving after drinking alcohol is next door to a murder.
  • More at the House Next Door and more from Dennis Cozzalio, who comments on what he found there, Frédéric Bonnaud's Senses of Cinema, in which Rivette delivers his quick takes on umpteen films, including this one: "Every time I make a film, from Paris nous appartient (1961) through Jeanne la pucelle (1994), I keep coming back to the shock we all experienced when we first saw Europa 51. GreenCine Daily: Weekend fests and events.
  • Glouberman lives in a walk-up next door to The Beaconsfield; his roof-top patio overlooks the site where the bar wants to build theirs.
  • The kids from next door play ball in the street or ride on their skates and bikes, today they are playing under the sprinklers on their lawn.
  • As the Lost Sock Diner is located next door to the laundromat at the foot of Edinburgh's oh-so-trendy (though over-rated) Broughton Street, you can clean your smalls while you munch your eggs.
  • 'Thaay be up to barken' (rickyard), said the boy: so we went on to the next door. Round About a Great Estate
  • My sister thinks the little old ladies next door nicked it, to teach us a lesson for not bringing our bin back in as soon as the garbo leaves.
  • He was caretaking the next door neighbour's property.
  • You've booked the cat into a cattery, arranged for your daughter's best friend to look after the hamster, and sounded out next door about watering the plants while you are away. The Guardian Money guide to having a trouble-free holiday
  • There’s still a museum right next door if you are interested in the history Apparently Check Point Curry specializes in curry-wurst, which is pork sausage with curry sauce and is a traditional fast-food favorite among Berliners. The Cold War Gets Hot…And Spicy
  • Would you want to live next door to a nuclear power station?
  • Mrs Claydon left the town's primary school at 14 to work as a housemaid and later married her next door neighbour Alfred-John, who was a bargeman.
  • The noise from next door is getting a bit much.
  • The Ciollis, a hard driving clan that has expanded across the country from its Brooklyn base, found the perfect riposte, leasing bigger premises literally next door that they will call Grimaldi's. NYDN Rss
  • After redecorating, the joint reopened earlier this month, with a new chef - poached from the Cantonese restaurant next door - and new partners.
  • I try to take a break next door in one of Rusco garden furniture's comfy rope hammocks, but the saleslady sees I'm way too snug and turfs me out sharpish.
  • Thats what I call lateral thinking, now how about an organic juice bar next door ! Now thats enterprise
  • You can tell that you've got scumbags for neighbours when the people next door fulfil the following criteria.
  • Next door was a left-wing radical who saw this as provocation. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was just starting to get back to normal when there was a loud clash of cymbals next door followed by the ‘Pom, Pom, Pom, Pom’ of a large lass playing the tuba.
  • He often pals around with the kid next door.
  • They can barely wait to get rid of the place so they can return to a tidy apartment in Paris with a bistro next door.
  • While this theory isn't true in all cases—I can't write when the two long-haired chihuahuas next door are yipping at my cats—it has enough basis in reality to have been the subject of a highly-regarded study by the eminent literary critic Edmund Wilson, The Wound and the Bow. Writer's Block? Get Nacreous!
  • The senior Taylor, an aggressive soulwinner, pastored the Queen Anne Hill United Presbyterian Church where the family resided in the parsonage next door.
  • What used to be the house next door becomes a building site. Times, Sunday Times
  • A faint smell of cabbage wafts from the flat next door.
  • The ground on which the match is being played is, literally, next door to his mansion.
  • Vice propped his bass on the stand and sprinted to the house next door.
  • A friend of one of the boys next door walked into the Madden house, demanding to join a non-existent party.
  • These guys went at it like two tomcats fighting over the pussy next door.
  • I once lived next door to a giant of a man with feet like Yeti slippers.
  • Why does he not come straight out and say that he wants all landlords to evict every tenant who might be accused of upsetting the next door neighbour.
  • Still, somewhere beneath your feet is a subterranean passage that obligingly ran from this all male seminary to the next door convent of Nazarene nuns.
  • I used to eat at a Scandinavian cafeteria in San Francisco that called itself a "smorgasbord" and advertised its reindeer meatballs over pasta as superior to the Italian meatballs at the U.S. Cafe next door. With Best Countries Like These…
  • We could have gone to a building company next door and said build us something quick. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was called a hippopotamus, and he swam in a tank of water, next door to a pool in which lived some mud turtles and alligators. Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue at Aunt Lu's City Home
  • It was with a lingering eye to his countrymen that he took up his abode in the house of 'one that feared God,' that is, a proselyte; and that he settled down next door to the synagogue. Expositions of Holy Scripture: the Acts
  • I guess if you were to personify them as a human, they'd be the pretty, fresh faced girl next door.
  • Chinese basketmaker, who dwelt almost next door, spoke neither English nor Hindustani, but showed an easy comprehension of her promise of backsheesh when he should return with an answer. Hilda A Story of Calcutta
  • They occupy the house next door.
  • A former worker, who asked not to be named, told the Yorkshire Post: ‘There were at least 10 lads at work clearing wood from the woodyard next door to Goodwin's and putting it in skips.’
  • That chiseling sound you hear in the world next door is the slow whittling away of the last vestiges of the logocentric tradition.
  • Tea cups tinkled in the drawing room next door and pink-faced women trying to wish their fat away padded through the hallways swathed in white towelling, on their way to the supple fingers of the waiting masseurs.
  • My next door neighbours argue passionately, ferociously and with much slamming of doors.
  • Nope, this is a day you wish he'd written a long, whiny letter to his aunts about those bastard Syrians next door, or maybe just spent the day inventing new spellings for "foetor" or patronizingly explaining Nietzsche to Frank Belknap Long. Kenneth Hite's Journal
  • They're too busy glugging pints to care what color, nationality or ethnicity their next door neighbor is.
  • I couldn't sleep because of all the noise next door.
  • Eventually we got everyone onto the roof of the greengrocer's next door - it's a good solid stone building.
  • We have a neighbour next door and I just want her to read this rant.
  • I had a letter from the people who used to live next door.
  • Leconte deepens and enriches the situation by having Faber consult the real psychoanalyst in the office next door, who gives him gnomic advice and a large bill.
  • My next door neighbours argue passionately, ferociously and with much slamming of doors.
  • They were coming from the apartment next door and soon changed into shrieks. Modern Literatures of the Non-Western World: Where the Waters Are Born
  • The huge cinnamon and gold suite next door features a grand piano.
  • Working to classical music, and also the hymns of praise that float over from the fundamentalist church next door most evenings, Luvaas fusses over her images, half painting, half sculpting, using sheets of wax to endow her finished reliefs with a raised, reverse stencil surface. John Seed: Lucinda Luvaas: Loving the City From a Distance
  • Many of the company's venues are next door to multiplex cinemas so it is somewhat reliant on Hollywood. Times, Sunday Times
  • St John's owns a former coalyard next door as well as four terraced cottages which are currently rented on short lets - they would be demolished under the proposals.
  • They occupy the house next door.
  • Since they set up a builder's yard next door, our house has depreciated in value.
  • It continued to house the village school until 1933, when children were taught by the postmistress who lived next door.
  • It was the woman who worked in the clothes shop next door to where he worked as a carpet fitter. The Sun
  • Next door was an old brick garage, which I converted into a cottage for my Nan.
  • The Lady Boys of Bangkok, or the sound of them and their audience at least, rising exuberantly from the theatre next door to contend with the wisdom of the later panelists: a vaguely fantastical backdrop to musings on fantasy. Brian Ruckley · Alt.Fiction 2008: Getting There, Being There, Getting Back
  • Paul and I spent the afternoon putting up the weather station in the garden, having asked next door if we could drill holes in their fence posts.
  • Also, if you get the munchies, the Shore Shack next door is open twenty-four-seven. Shore Thing
  • Granted, he does whitewash the bad guys to a point where a fine actor like Meat Loaf Aday is left with little to be play but straight evil guy next door.
  • The site is currently vacant and is used for environmental monitoring to ensure the former refuse site next door is not contaminating surrounding land.
  • An elderly couple live next door.
  • Our next door neighbour is a real noesy parker.He always has to know everything about everybody on our street.
  • As they plough through the water of a plush north London swimming pool, their arms flailing to Beyonce and Rihanna like hippos in a disco, the 15 or so middle-aged women eye the comic in the studio next door as he demonstrates the throwaway oversway that led to the Strictly Come Dancing judges awarding him an impressive 27 points out of 40 for his waltz. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Susan lives in the sumptuous 2-bedroom apartment next door to Bug's seedy bachelor "bedsitter. Microserfs
  • Next door to that I could buy carrot cake ice-cream.
  • As a teenager, I was consumed by passion for the boy next door.
  • Then my eldest grandson, who lives next door, rushes in. Times, Sunday Times
  • In order to help out I moved from the fines court to the Magistrates Court next door and went up before the beak, or beakess on this occasion.
  • But for the residents of Mrs. Payne's boarding house, the battlefield is the supper table, and the enemy is the resident of the room next door. A Different Stripe:
  • the criminal had been living next door all this time
  • For years I had lived next door to a hostel for homeless people in London. The Sun
  • Every sweet summer morning Alice would jump out of bed, and her mother would throw the window open, letting in the delicious perfume from the strawberry bed next door, and the joyous _morning hymns_ of the little birds, and then, if Lillie had come all at once, 'midst the songs of the birds, a small clear musical voice would be heard, singing (for she made a little song of it) -- "Al -- _lie_! Baby Nightcaps
  • So, I went next door to help her get out of her evening gown and fold some of her day things and store them in her trunk.

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