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How To Use News story In A Sentence

  • Informal To top or outmaneuver ( a competitor ) in acquiring and publishing an important news story.
  • Here's an excerpt from the piece and here's a news story that summarizes a little of what he said.
  • His letter accuses the BBC of organising an event in order to ‘generate a false news story and dramatise coverage… intended to embarrass the Conservative Party’.
  • Informing just before a news story comes out with the program the committee was suposed to already know about when it was instituted, is at best, showing the administration knew it was breaking the law, otherwise they never would have bothered telling the Intelligence Committee at all. Think Progress » Feinstein: I Wasn’t Briefed On Bank Records Program Until Administration Knew NYT Was Publishing
  • CAROL KOLB, CNN HEAD WRITER: Just the intenseness that we bring to every single news story. CNN Transcript Feb 20, 2009
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  • I'm not talking about quickie paperbacks, the kind that publishers toss off in a matter of weeks in response to an event or news story that captures the popular imagination.
  • In their search for a good news story, nothing is sacred.
  • This conference call amplifies a news story published today on the Huffington Post based on five-months research by Andrew Kreig, a longtime Washington-based attorney, business executive and commentator. AL Guv Deserves New Trial Because of Judge's Grudge Says Whistleblower
  • It is an unpalatable fact that rape makes a good news story.
  • The big news story of the day was negative equity, repossession, the loss of white collar jobs and the fear that recession could slide into depression.
  • We'll update you on this news story throughout the day.
  • However on further reflection I realised that this is a news story of great importance.
  • We'll update you on this news story throughout the day.
  • Using a straight news story, circle all the direct objects in blue, the indirect objects in red, and the objects of prepositions in green.
  • Still weak from his illness after the manchineel poisoning, and exhausted as he was after a sleepless night in the grip of a hurricane, yet Stuart's first thought on leaving the hurricane wing was to get a news story to his paper. Plotting in Pirate Seas
  • A hit Eminem record would be that rarest of things -- a good news story in a rust-belt city facing what some are already describing as a localised Depression. - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • When a news story uncovers something disgraceful, one may entertain a variety of reactions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reader YS shared this news story (in Farsi) with us. Iran Election Live-Blogging (Thursday June 18)
  • Like the fact that any news story making a splash causes ripples that, no matter how tenuous the medical connection, inevitably wash up in my surgery. Times, Sunday Times
  • EVERY breaking news story about a racial incident -- even acts of violence against people of color -- gets "reframed" so that 1. Main RSS Feed
  • MTV put it in writing last night with the most anti-climactic "news story" i.e. press release ever: Britney Spears is indeed following up those hilar Russell Brand ads with an actual appearance at the VMAs this weekend. Stop the presses! Britney's opening the VMAs! |
  • From a San Jose Mercury News story, datelined Mar. 31, not Apr. 1: The Volokh Conspiracy » What’s Wrong with This Assertion?
  • It first gets leads from letters and builds up an investigative news story, mostly critical.
  • Simply write the best haiku about this week's news story.
  • But, we are filled with a sense of emotional catharsis when we see it because it tells the truth in a much more real way than any news story or blog post has ever done.
  • Perfect hostesses outclass sexy cheerleaders at Games a headline of a Reuters news story.
  • Me, I rather felt that Rich had missed the big important news story, which is offered as a squib at the end.
  • If something is in quotes in a news story, without any indication of ellipsis, it seems to me that it ought to be a genuine quotation, not a collage of fragments from which hundreds of words have been silently omitted.
  • I eagerly await the news story citing evidence of tea harvesting on the South Downs as an indication of climate change.
  • Almost any news story involving a professional organization rent by fratricidal conflicts, financial controversy and bitter generational divisions would be catnip to a reporter.
  • Now *that's* what I call a breaking news story . . . Imagine the subeditor's glee
  • Achenbach subsequently parries somewhat defensively criticism for noting the connection - something that appeared in the Times in the main news story, not merely in blog posts. Robert Naiman: Is Palin's "Crosshairs" Map Relevant? Giffords Thought So
  • The broadcast was interrupted by a fast - breaking news story about the invasion.
  • The endless demos, petitions, teach-ins, sit-ins, and conferences meld together into one prototypical news story, complete with oversized photos.
  • We'll update you on this news story throughout the day.
  • It's a day-to-day news story and he hasn't entered the stage yet in this financial opera ... but the Slough of Despond can become a reference point to you all. The reasons for the Global Financial PANIC 2007
  • Pity the poor lot of the journalist - having to grapple with a news story until they can mould a suitably attention-grabbing, off-the-wall headline for it.
  • The news story ambled through the facts for several columns, informing readers only right at the end that Admiral Nelson had been killed. Media
  • But isn't it refreshing to be able to tell you about two clubs with a good news story - even though both are performing somewhere between disappointingly and dreadfully on the field?
  • We'll update you on this news story throughout the day.
  • But the salaries of the senior staff are not the most important issue raised in the paper and the way you've covered it sensationalises this one point - how about a link to the full report rather than just the news story?
  • Tory splits", like "Tory sleaze" is a serious BBC news story and will be given headline coverage. Bob Marshall-Andrews
  • But the average prepackaged news story or documentary is anything but that.
  • New York Daily News story says "citing unnamed sources, US is reporting that Woods had other 'dalliances' with a 'Las Vegas marketing professional at the MGM grand hotel,' with a blond and a brunette at the Turning Stone Resort and Casino in Upstate New York ..." tewcentsin Undefined
  • It is an unpalatable fact that rape makes a good news story.
  • We all know the genre, the made-for-TV drama, loosely or tightly based on a sensational news story.
  • Two weeks ago, Stewart led off with a news story from CNN.
  • Seriously the most wacke dnews story I haev read in a while! Neatorama
  • The news story was reposted with substantially different content.
  • The TV updated a news story on the bad storm coming to our area.
  • Man Dies Days After Swordfight That Killed Woman - Indiana News Story - WRTV Indianapolis: INDIANAPOLIS -- A man died Monday, days after he was involved in a swordfight with the grandson of a woman who was killed when she tried to intervene in the fight, police said. Archive 2009-04-12
  • The oil fire depot is the first major domestic breaking news story since that relaunch.
  • An indication of the end of a news story, usually written 30.
  • Imagine this lead sentence in a news story on Nov. 7, 2012: "Barack Obama enters his second term disliked by the majority of voters, distrusted by his Democratic colleagues in Congress and facing a budget catastrophe with few painless solutions. A California Strategy for Obama's Re-Election
  • That man can nose out a news story anywhere.
  • The TV updated a news story on the bad storm coming to our area.
  • She's been saying this for a few weeks, not just since the recent news story.
  • I think it shows just how seriously we in the United Kingdom take our weather when the BBC Weather Centre's relaunched forecast - complete with all new three-dimensional whizzy graphics - becomes a major news story in itself.
  • So I emailed Post reporterKirk Mitchell, who wrote the Whitman article,and told him thatwhen apublic official attacks the media, I think reporters shouldtreat the accusation as they would in any other news story, and present readers with a response from the entity that's attacked. Jason Salzman: Denver News Outlets Lie There as Gardner, Gessler, And Whitman Abuse them
  • The TV updated a news story on the bad storm coming to our area.
  • However on further reflection I realised that this is a news story of great importance.
  • We'll update you on this news story throughout the day.
  • Now, if Matthew Hoh were some kind of malcontent or incompetent, this would not be the news story that it is. CNN Transcript Oct 27, 2009
  • There is no news story that cannot be reduced to a word of three syllables, and whole sentences bore us.
  • It is an unpalatable fact that rape makes a good news story.
  • Diary Entry by arn specter (about the author) yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Gaza: History and Today\'s Freedom March Suppressed by Egypt'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'A presentation of last nights Democracy Now news story (video) of Egypt denying access to Gaza to hundreds-thousands of activists from many countries protesting Israel\'s violence against Hamas and the Palestinians 1 year ago ... along with a 1 hour talk by Professor Noam Chomsky, \'Gaza: One Year Later\ '.' OpEdNews - Diary: Gaza: History and Today's Freedom March Suppressed by Egypt
  • * And my vote for best news story of this or any year: Tiny Swiss watch found in undisturbed 400-year-old tomb. Quick Ones « Gerry Canavan
  • Again, all the prime minister had to do was call for calm and he was part of the lead news story.
  • The tone of the article was moderate, non-accusatory and unsensational, and entirely appropriate to a straight-forward and significant news story.
  • The TV updated a news story on the bad storm coming to our area.
  • The big news story of the Athens Olympics was Paula Radcliffe, Britian's red-hot marathon gold-medal favourite, failing to finish.
  • We'll update you on this news story throughout the day.
  • It is an unpalatable fact that rape makes a good news story.
  • Where would the humble technology reporter - or indeed the amusing news story - be without the bizarre and eclectic concoction of memes, and catchphrases that the internet has provided us with over the years?
  • But when the consequences of one little slip are an institution-wide airing of the slip, a public condemnation from the Dean, a national news story, the danger of possible lost jobs for years to come, would a sensible person really say The Volokh Conspiracy » The Limits of Caution, Judgment, and Tact as Protection 
  • Are you willing to concede even the remote possibility that a nonhysterical, non-leftwing editor might someday, under some circumstances, try to write a headline for a next-day story that would interest readers who already know the bare facts of a breaking news story? Savage but untrue
  • Whenever a news story makes mention of The Huffington Post's bloggers, the word "controversial" is often attached. Yashar Hedayat: In This Case, Proud to Be a "Scab"
  • Whilst I vaguely remember hearing the news story, the way my family reacted is by far the more memorable bit.
  • Libyan commentators extolled the disclosure, and indirectly the Libyan leader, although it was not a prominent news story.
  • We'll update you on this news story throughout the day.
  • If they are that desperate for a news story perhaps some investigative journalism might be in order.
  • We would expect strong active verbs in a news story about tsunami relief efforts.
  • I wonder which undeserving news story will blow up to be huge next?
  • In the Guardian archive I found a news story from the doomy autumn of 2007, claiming that Labour ministers suddenly wanted to "speak more positively about the benefits of the EU in the face of the threats of terrorism, globalisation and a more aggressive Russia". Europhobia's no swivel-eyed Tory monopoly | John Harris
  • the broadcast was interrupted by a fast-breaking news story about the invasion
  • Meanwhile, with the parts I had left over I approached Mr Tony and manufactured this news story.
  • They believed it was a genuine news story, for why would anyone use the radio to fool and scare them?
  • What news story has tickled your fancy in recent months? The Sun
  • What news story has tickled your fancy in recent months? The Sun
  • One news story carried reports of American journalists pillaging the art treasures of Iraq and smuggling them home.
  • Voice-over - The part of a news story when a reporter narrates and vision is shown.

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