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news story

  1. an article reporting news

How To Use news story In A Sentence

  • Informal To top or outmaneuver ( a competitor ) in acquiring and publishing an important news story.
  • Here's an excerpt from the piece and here's a news story that summarizes a little of what he said.
  • His letter accuses the BBC of organising an event in order to ‘generate a false news story and dramatise coverage… intended to embarrass the Conservative Party’.
  • Informing just before a news story comes out with the program the committee was suposed to already know about when it was instituted, is at best, showing the administration knew it was breaking the law, otherwise they never would have bothered telling the Intelligence Committee at all. Think Progress » Feinstein: I Wasn’t Briefed On Bank Records Program Until Administration Knew NYT Was Publishing
  • CAROL KOLB, CNN HEAD WRITER: Just the intenseness that we bring to every single news story. CNN Transcript Feb 20, 2009
  • I'm not talking about quickie paperbacks, the kind that publishers toss off in a matter of weeks in response to an event or news story that captures the popular imagination.
  • In their search for a good news story, nothing is sacred.
  • This conference call amplifies a news story published today on the Huffington Post based on five-months research by Andrew Kreig, a longtime Washington-based attorney, business executive and commentator. AL Guv Deserves New Trial Because of Judge's Grudge Says Whistleblower
  • It is an unpalatable fact that rape makes a good news story.
  • The big news story of the day was negative equity, repossession, the loss of white collar jobs and the fear that recession could slide into depression.
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