How To Use Newel In A Sentence
A round steel newel post supports a spiral oak volute and anchors the balustrade to a wide bottom step.
This renewel of the Palin assault is not for entertainment.
Fey likely to revive Palin impersonation
One trip to Mr. Regal's space at the chicly renovated Newel showroom on 53rd Street and I was ready to pretend to invest in Old World.
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She raced past the library, nearly stumbling as she grabbed hold of the newel post at the base of another flight of stairs.
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With one hand on his hip, the other on the newel post, he waited at the bottom of the stairs.

The much-publicised case of Samit Patel is instructive, for no one would accuse Mike Newell, his county coach, of not being cognisant of the requirements and endeavouring to encourage him into what amounts to a lifestyle change.
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Taking advantage of favouring spells, I managed to effect my exit and gain the newel-post ere the next series of rolls came.
The spent cartridge cases were found lying fairly close together, and the nearest of them appears from the scale plans placed before the jury to have been lying a little less than 4 metres from the newel post at the foot of the stairs.
Eleven plant species listed as threatened in the United States 'statutes are found in the park; Palmer amsonia Amsonia palmeri, goldenweed Haplopappus salicinus, Draba asprella var. kaibensis, plains cactus Pediocactus bradyi, scouler catchfly Silene rectiramea, phacelia Phacelia filiformis, wild buckwheats Eriogonum darrovii, E. thompsonae var. atwoodi and E. zionis var. coccineum, primrose Primula hunnewellii and clute penstemon Penstemon clutei.
Grand Canyon National Park, United States
Wrap large bundles of nandina berries with florist's tape, add a bow and hang on a door, newel post or mailbox.
In a recent Huffington Post piece, "Planning for the Unimaginable," Terry Newell asserts we must get better at planning for and reacting to so-called "Black Swans" (the term popularized by Nassim Taleb for seemingly unpredictable extreme events).
Kenneth A. Posner: Planning for a World of Black Swans
Cameras follow childhood sweethearts Amy and Nobby Newell as they visit the cemetery and mourn the loss of comrades and family.
The stairs are finished with a teak handrail, newel posts, and spindles.
He reached the stairs and put his hand on the oak newel and took one step after another.
Excerpt: The Unnamed by Joshua Ferris
The next two, Banfield and Newell's seem destined to fight it out for the championship, and we will probably see the loser of the title duel qualify ahead of Lanús in the second at-large spot for the Libertadores.
The Offside
Local baking whizz Ruth Bunnewell produces a range of savoury "baskets" essentially, wonderfully fresh and flavoursome folded croissants and seriously good cakes.
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Another marvelous resource for newcomers is J. Philip Newell's Celtic Benediction: Morning and Night Prayer.
The "overcivilized" were wealthy women who spent all of their time indoors and needed C-sections, Newell wrote, because they weren't sturdy and hardy like the poor women who worked in the fields, who were able to get out and exercise, and give birth easily.
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Newel posts are the supports at the end of flights that transfer the weight of the stair to the floor and support the balustrades or spindles.
But considering the likelihood of a renewel being dismal, instead of investing a lot of money in Snickers and Marshmellows, email the network, make a phone call, or more importantly, send a letter.
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Luckily, some of the original spindles and newel posts were still present, so the Cousley's had them copied and restored the staircase to its former glory.
In Hawaii, cats and dogs as well as the imported mongoose have seriously affected nesting waterbirds and two seabirds - the dark-rumped petrel and Newell's shearwater, according to the National Biological Service.
In Hawaii, cats and dogs as well as the imported mongoose have seriously affected nesting waterbirds and two seabirds - the dark-rumped petrel and Newell's shearwater, according to the National Biological Service.
©f the building; Above this wc fee, that each of the* corner towers on the north fide, had a fair newel ftair - cafe at the top of the tower, and that corbels were left for flooring at different ftories of the building*
A Walk in and about the City of Canterbury: With Many Observations Not Hitherto Described in Any ...
And one more — sorry, no photo: Newell Court, with 40 apartment units, located a block south of the Avellino Building.
The Manhattanization of Mercer Island « PubliCola
At the association's annual conference Mike Newell, right, called for reform to reduce the number of inmates entering jails.
We live in a time when a Jewish person's Facebook profile identifies her religion as "Recon-newel-ortho-conserva-form.
Rabbi Jason Miller: Moving Beyond Denominational Differences in Judaism
Then there was saucy Mike Newell, director of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, whose camera candidly appraised the bottoms of the beautiful French girls from Beauxbatons Academy as they sashayed across the flagstones of Hogwarts.
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Following Simpson, Newell mentioned the example of the relatively wider limb bones of larger land vertebrates.
As Alfonso Cuaron took Hogwarts by the scruff of the neck and transformed Prisoner of Azkaban into a film worthy of its medium and not just its source, so Mike Newell takes the series one step further.
J. P. Newell, he always wore his gown, mortar board, exquisitely coloured hood and dog collar,’ he writes.
By means of the newel-post I drew myself upright and listened.
Another identical newel post stood atop the staircase on both sides defining the length.
Settling in Carmel, Calif., in 1930, she and Mr. Newell joined a bohemian community that included the photographer Edward Weston and the journalist Lincoln Steffens.
Mr Newell was educated at Shrewsbury College and Magdalen College, Oxford, where he was an exhibitioner and honorary Demy.
Newell said the issue of engine compression brakes - commonly known as jake brakes - has become a nuisance, particularly on the south side.
Parkersburg News and Sentinel
Eleven plant species listed as threatened in the United States 'statutes are found in the park; Palmer amsonia Amsonia palmeri, goldenweed Haplopappus salicinus, Draba asprella var. kaibensis, plains cactus Pediocactus bradyi, scouler catchfly Silene rectiramea, phacelia Phacelia filiformis, wild buckwheats Eriogonum darrovii, E. thompsonae var. atwoodi and E. zionis var. coccineum, primrose Primula hunnewellii and clute penstemon Penstemon clutei.
Grand Canyon National Park, United States
Newell Rubbermaid Inc. has lured away a top Unilever PLC executive to serve as its next chief executive.
Newell Replaces CEO
The pitch pine and mahogany staircase has antique courtesy lights atop carved newel posts and leads to five large bedrooms, all with en suites.
I missed a frantic clutch at the newel-post, flung up my arm in time to save my face, and, most fortunately, whirled half about, and, still falling, impacted with my shoulder muscle-pad on Captain West's door.
_Catskin_, which Mr. Burchell told to the children of the Vicar of Wakefield, is considered by Newell as the oldest of the Cinderella types, appearing in Straparola in 1550, while _Cinderella_ appeared first in Basile in
A Study of Fairy Tales
Settling in Carmel, Calif., in 1930, she and Mr. Newell joined a bohemian community that included the photographer Edward Weston and the journalist Lincoln Steffens.
As he surveyed the room he suddenly realised that his hand was still firmly clasping the newel post at the top of the stairs.
Likewise, Augie March, Archie Roach and Rubie Hunter ride the burning bitumen in Buddy Miller style searching for the Minister of Planets somewhere off the Newell.
A bar in the lobby is made from balusters, newel posts and door transoms from the original tenement staircase.
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A similar fitting is used on the intermediate newel posts, then the handrail is attached between these fittings.
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PRINCE OF PERSIA pushed back to 2010 | Obsessed With Film
On top of the newel post, use a wooden fitting called a starting easement, which caps off the post and provides a transition to the handrail.
We ascended by the ancient stone newel stair that circled up from the old iron 'yett' of the entry to the battlements above, and laid a towel below the sash of every window.
Border Ghost Stories
The Newell's shearwater and Hawaiian petrel, known for its daring aerial maneuvers and black collar, live mostly out at sea.
Since most fighters were right-handed, the stairways were built in such a way that if you were trying to get up the stairs, the newel post is on your right-hand side.
And on the ketch Barry Newell and his blonde wife Angie already installed in the double cabin.
Dr. Bender takes off his overcoat and hangs it on the newel post of the banister.
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PRINCE OF PERSIA trailer online but it’s kinda hard to stomach | Obsessed With Film