
How To Use New guinea In A Sentence

  • The principal range in German New Guinea is the Bismarck Mountains (variously estimated between 14,000 and 16,000 feet, in height). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • The dusky pademelon is the only macropodid (kangaroo) found in the Banda Sea islands (Kai), although it is also found in the Aru Islands and the Trans Fly of New Guinea. Banda Sea Islands moist deciduous forests
  • It's rejected the Pacific Islands Forum but some of the countries its courting such as Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, even Papua New Guinea, could all bring something to the table here and I don't think we have really trialed that, Jones stated. Australia Urged to Rethink Fiji Ties
  • The sparsely populated island of New Guinea, the second largest island in the world after Greenland, is divided between two countries: the independent nation of Papua New Guinea in the east, and the Indonesian Papua -- formally known as Irian Jaya -- in the west. Danna Harman: Searching for Cannibals
  • Drawn primarily from the Metropolitan's collections, the exhibition features more than fifty instruments from small personal types such as panpipes and courting whistles to larger forms played at performances heard by the entire community, such as the exquisitely carved temple drums of the Austral Islands or the imposing sacred slit gongs of New Guinea.'s Exclusive New York City Event Calendar : Art
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  • Eight pieces from New Ireland in Papua New Guinea will be at the collection's heart. Oceanic Art's captivating collection
  • Like the lost tribesmen of New Guinea, the inhabitants of Tibet were, it was here predicted, soon to enter into modernity.
  • Birds of paradise (Paradisaeidae) and bowerbirds (Ptilonorhynchidae): regional levels of biodiversity and terrane tectonics in New Guinea. Archive 2006-03-01
  • The little man from Papua New Guinea was the first to sense that Wakefield were beginning to tire and, according to Radlinski, he let his teammates know.
  • It also has hybrids of the two, as well as the indigenous false gavial (Tomistoma schlegelii) and five exotic species: South American caiman (Caiman crocodilus), New Guinea freshwater crocodile (Crocodylus novaeguineae), Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis), broad-spouted caiman Chapter 7
  • When in the early 1970s structuralist approaches to understanding human behavior predominated, George mused about Mary Douglas's celebrated analysis of New Guinea subincision rites (the ritual splitting of the penis lengthwise) as an inscription of the bifurcated moiety system on the bifurcated body. Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozco : The Fox
  • T. galatea itself occupied New Guinea proper, having diversified there into only three subspecies, despite the great heterogeneity of available habitats. The Song of The Dodo
  • The winding Sepik river in Papua New Guinea has jungle, tribes and exotic wood carvings. River Journeys
  • Donald, a Macgregor's bowerbird, lives in the dark woods of the Adelbert Range of Papua New Guinea. Here, atop a mossy platform and around a young sapling, he has woven his spire of sticks and twigs.
  • Fairy basslets and sweepers hover over a plate coral decorated with feeding featherstar crinoids in Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea.
  • Geologically the axes from the New Guinea Highlands comprise thermally metamorphosed basalt, chert and greywacke depending on quarry source.
  • Could there be, somewhere in Tasmania, or even mainland Australia or New Guinea, a surviving population of the largest modern marsupial carnivore? Brian Ruckley · MPoaF: The Cryptozoological Edition
  • In Papua New Guinea pods too fibrous to eat whole are often steamed in oil drums or the "mumu" pit, or baked in open fires; the seeds and mucilage are then scraped out and eaten. 3 Food Use and Nutritive Value
  • The Papua New Guinea continental crust appears to be underthrusting the adjacent marginal basin and obduction of the ophiolite is occurring in an uphill direction.
  • I conjured up thoughts of a giant steaming bowl of chili, my favorite snickerdoodle cookies hot from the oven, and a huge scalding pot of Mimo's contraband New Guinea peaberry coffee. Perseus Spur
  • The stone axe blade is so similar to that found in Neolithic Europe, if New Guinea and European axes were mixed up in a museum collection it would probably take petrological analysis to distinguish them.
  • It was as much a part of the allure of the trip as the expedition's ultimate goal: the summit of 16,024-foot Carstensz Pyramid on the island of New Guinea which includes the Indonesian province of West Papua and the country of Papua New Guinea. The Seattle Times
  • Which is "more primitive," the New Guinea singing dog, the dingo, or the (frequently outcrossed to wolves) Alaskan husky? Controversial origins of the domestic dog
  • The marsupial wolf, now probably extinct, was once widespread in Australia and New Guinea.
  • Because of tragic political violence or combat, Northern Ireland, Nigeria and Yugoslavia also were common datelines for the ten newspapers, and a natural disaster put Papua New Guinea in the headlines.
  • PS: I learned about the search engine capabilities from a group of starving Pygmies in New Guinea ... Is the blog overrun with ridiculous Questions with even more dumbaxx Answers lately or is it just my imagination?
  • Here the Papua New Guinea continental crust appears to be underthrusting the adjacent marginal basin and obduction of the ophiolite is occurring in an uphill direction.
  • On the island of New Guinea lives a glossy, bluish black bird called the trumpet manucode (Manucodia keraudrenii).
  • Papua New Guinea became independent from Australia in 1975.
  • Brown belly laugh Kingfisher distributed in the island of New Guinea and nearby islands.
  • Dutch New Guinea, now West Papua, was briefly self-ruling from December 1, 1961 until December 18, 1961, when Indonesia invaded and evantually annexed it.
  • Udvardy placed all the ecoregions in the New Guinea and Melanesia bioregion, with the exception of New Caledonia, into the Papuan biogeographic province of the Oceanian Realm. Vanuatu rain forests
  • Other prion diseases, in animals, there is a disease of cattle called BSE or bovine spongiform encephalopathy (commonly called mad cow disease), in sheep there is "scrapie" and in humans, there is GerstmannSträusslerScheinker syndrome (GSS), fatal familial insomnia (FFI) and kuru-kuru in humans in Papua New Guinea. - Articles related to Japan suspends beef exports over foot-and-mouth
  • Over a millennium, through long-range canoe voyages, their distinctive pottery was distributed throughout the Pacific at sites from the Bismarck Archipelago in eastern Papua New Guinea to Samoa. East Rennell, Solomon Islands
  • After conducting fieldwork together in New Guinea, Bateson and Mead coproduced ethnographic films and photodocumentation of Balinese kinesics.
  • A team of scientists has discovered a lost world of rare plants, giant flowers and bizarre animals -- including a new species of honeyeater bird, a tree kangaroo and an egg-laying mammal -- on a mist-shrouded mountaintop in a remote province of Indonesia on New Guinea island. Science Project
  • Canberra used the conflict to seize control of German colonies, in particular German New Guinea, the Solomons and other islands.
  • Now known as Tok Pisin, Melanesian Pidgin is spoken throughout Papua New Guinea.
  • Oh, I also forgot, that there's a disease which was prevalent among cannibals in New Guinea, called kuru, which works pretty much the same way as the rest of these.
  • He later flew in New Guinea, where he established an airline, prospected for oil, and ran a pearling boat.
  • They are commonly known as sleepers, or gudgeons in Australia and New Guinea, and in New Zealand they are called bullies.
  • A bat with trumpet-like nostrils and a katydid that "aims for the eyes" were among the hundreds of species seen in Papua New Guinea in 2009.
  • Eddie Kekea, an AIDS counselor at the Anglican Church division of Education, based in the Papua New Guinea capital of Port Moresby, says a challenge is changing male behavior to curb domestic violence and promote safe sex. Papua New Guinea Makes Gains in AIDS Battle but Faces Challenges
  • There is a clear difference between the mammalian faunas of the Solomon Islands and the Bismarck Archipelago and richer New Guinea to the west. Solomon Islands rain forests
  • Of course, when thinking of ritualized warfare, most commentators cite examples from intertribal conflicts in cultures such as Papua New Guinea.
  • Austin estimated that they found 20 previously unknown species in New Guinea, which is such a hotspot of diversity that scientists figure they've described only about six-tenths of all the species living there. The Seattle Times
  • The representative from Papua New Guinea spoke for the Pacific Islands Forum.
  • The highly competitive list was reduced by public voting to 222 for phase two, or 261 when sites shared by two or more countries are included, such as Niagara Falls and Lake Superior between Canada and the United States, and the Great Barrier Reef between Australia and Papua New Guinea. National Nine News
  • More prosaically, the Kombai tribe in remote Papua New Guinea swamps hoist their dwellings as much as 30m up towering sago palms to avoid enemies and repel mosquitoes.
  • Travelling with a producer, and sometimes a sound recordist, Kershaw visited four African countries in eight days last month after taking a fortnight to sample the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea. Andy Kershaw: 'Amateur psychologists say Rwanda screwed me up. It didn't: I just reported it'
  • (Paspalum conjugatum) and New Guinea grass (Panicum maximum) as is normally practiced in Malaysia. 2 Case Studies
  • I read that for a time in the 1920s more airfreight was lifted annually out of Papua New Guinea than in all the rest of the world put together.
  • Finsch Harbour in German New Guinea, 218, 242, 262 The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume I (of 3) The Belief Among the Aborigines of Australia, the Torres Straits Islands, New Guinea and Melanesia
  • The bat, along with an orange spider and a yellow-spotted frog are among a host of new species found in a region of Papua New Guinea.
  • In New Guinea they have been used as a form of currency and in the Indian cultures of the Americas they were included in the ancient custom of potlatch, a system of gift-exchange amongst chiefs.
  • Austen has been living in New Guinea so long he's gone native.
  • He also supported South Africa, Australia and New Zealand have occupied South West Africa, New Guinea and Samoa, the requirements of the French colony.
  • She had never met her uncle, who the Pentagon said was among the crew of a B-24D Liberator heavy bomber that vanished Nov. 20, 1943, after taking off from Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Remains of WWII bomber buried at Arlington
  • Thus, in Papua New Guinea the Kendengei people of the Sepik ritually scarify adolescent men.
  • He travelled to a remote, preliterate culture (the Fore, in New Guinea) to ensure that the subjects had not seen Western photographs or films, and so could never have learned Western emotions.
  • But what I want you to do right now is imagine yourself 400 feet underwater, with all this high-tech gear on your back, you're in a remote reef off Papua, New Guinea, thousands of miles from the nearest recompression chamber, and you're completely surrounded by sharks. Richard Pyle dives the reef's Twilight Zone
  • “Why do you think I sent de Gier to New Guinea?” the commissaris asked. Just a Corpse at Twilight
  • Papua New Guinea troops, backed by Australian logistical support, put down the insurrection.
  • Because some nong sent it to Papua New Guinea instead of Australia. Clone Wars 4 update
  • The North Solomons was incorporated into Papua New Guinea at independence in 1975 - but against the wishes of its fledgling secessionist movement.
  • During his fifth trip to Papua New Guinea, Hall took this month's featured photograph of a female squid laying eggs on a submerged tree branch.
  • Through the fog we see the distant peaks of the Kobowre Mountains, part of New Guinea's east-west backbone, which thrusts 16,000 feet skyward.
  • An island group of eastern Indonesia, part of the Moluccas in the Arafura Sea southwest of New Guinea. The islands were discovered by the Dutch and colonized by them after '23.
  • Despite the close proximity of the Bismarck Archipelago to New Guinea and the existence of small islands that appear to be the remnants of a land bridge, the island archipelago was never connected to the mainland. New Britain-New Ireland montane rain forests
  • The sequence involves a decline in phanerogam genera from c. 1,400 in Papua New Guinea to c. 260 in both Tonga and Niue. East Rennell, Solomon Islands
  • Still, he made it to Australia and Papua New Guinea, returning with the first ever botanical specimens from the new continent.
  • Fast-forward to New Guinea in 1942: I had returned to Port Moresby after a stint out in the bush, with a gruesomely suppurating abscess adorning my omphalos, or the seat of my soul.
  • The narrow Vitiaz Strait separates the Huon Peninsula of northeastern New Guinea from the island chain known as the Bismarck Archipelago, which is dominated by two islands: New Britain and New Ireland (both exceed 400 kilometers (km) in length). New Britain-New Ireland montane rain forests
  • Voters in the Papua New Guinea island of Bougainville have been going to the polls in the first elections for an autonomous government.
  • Howland Island: airstrip constructed in 1937 for scheduled refueling stop on the round-the-world flight of Amelia EARHART and Fred NOONAN; the aviators left Lae, New Guinea, for Howland Island but were never seen again; the airstrip is no longer serviceable Airports
  • It sold the upper leases to New Guinea Goldfields Limited in return for an allotment of 90,000 paid-up shares of $1 each in that company.
  • “In New Guinea, they had a disease called kuru, transmitted by eating the brains of their enemies.” State of fear
  • We were moored off the bommie, off Papua New Guinea in the Bismarck Sea, and it was a cloudy night.
  • Cassowary populations were greatly reduced when Australian sugar cane planters destroyed many of the birds, while New Guinea natives hunt them for meat and keep them in cages so they can use the feathers in clothing.
  • 'While living in Papua New Guinea as a child, my father and I got a bad case of the trots.’
  • His List of New Guinea Birds deals with the biogeography of those birds, as well as with their systematics and nomenclature.
  • But even more gruesome, cannibals in New Guinea in the 1950s started dying of kuru, which is caused by eating contaminated human brain tissue. Top headlines
  • The line of demarcation was the colonial border between the British Solomons and German New Guinea that later became an Australian protectorate after World War I.
  • Within this ecoregion, the Weyland Range (with nine endemic species) and the Hagen-Sepik-Wahgi Divide (with five endemic species) are both centers of butterfly endemism on the island of New Guinea. Central Range montane rain forests
  • Diamond is a very eminent bird biogeographer with a great deal of personal anthropological experience in New Guinea. Matthew Yglesias » Influential Books
  • In the centre of the mantel was a stuffed bird-of-paradise, while about the room were scattered gorgeous shells from the southern seas, delicate sprays of coral sprouting from barnacled pi-pi shells and cased in glass, assegais from South Africa, stone axes from New Guinea, huge SAMUEL
  • Similarly, some garter snakes are known to store tetrodotoxin from ingested newts while birds in New Guinea appear to sequester poisons from insects. Archive 2007-01-01
  • There are so many species unique to Australia that, along with New Guinea, Australia forms one of the world's greatest zoogeographic realms.
  • Hulitherium from New Guinea (Greenwell 1994), now extinct, has always struck me as a non-starter: eyewitnesses have never described Yowies that sound at all diprotodontid-like [diprotodontid ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Modern humans have occupied New Guinea and the nearby Bismarck and Solomon archipelagos of Island Melanesia for at least 40,000 years.
  • His research and publications deal with exchange, ritual, and ethnobotanical systems in southeastern Papua New Guinea.
  • There is one other creature in the world which does this, and that is the long-fingered possum, which is found in New Guinea. Last Chance to See
  • In a systematic study of more than a dozen cultures, including a preliterate culture in New Guinea, he found a nearly universal language of facial expression for the emotions of anger, sadness, disgust, enjoyment, and surprise.
  • But the ratite lineage in general, with its heritage of gigantism and flightlessness, is relictual on Australia, New Guinea, and New Zealand and was until recently on Madagascar, having held out in those places while long ago disappearing from the mainlands. The Song of The Dodo
  • The people of Manus Island in Papua New Guinea traditionally catch large hauls of tuna in October.
  • Geologically the axes from the New Guinea Highlands comprise thermally metamorphosed basalt, chert and greywacke depending on quarry source.
  • Photo Gallery : Marine Marvels A male peacock mantis shrimp plies the seafloor off Papua New Guinea.
  • Found only on the large island of New Guinea and in Australia, bowerbirds comprise nineteen species.
  • It is used by the natives of New Guinea, especially by those dwelling around the Gulf of Papua. Chatterbox, 1906
  • New Guinea, Captain Jan Carstens, of the ARNHEM, and eight of his crew were murdered by the natives, but the vessels proceeded, and touched upon the north coast of New Holland, west of the Gulf of Carpentaria, still known as Arnhem's Land. The History of Australian Exploration from 1788 to 1888
  • Mention the phrase to a biogeographer or a population biologist or a theoretical ecologist or an ornithologist who has worked in New Guinea or Indonesia or the Antilles, and your meaning is clear. The Song of The Dodo
  • Greenland, is divided between two countries: the independent nation of Papua New Guinea in the east, and the Indonesian Papua -- formally known as Irian Jaya -- in the west. The Full Feed from
  • The lowering of montane vegetation belts in New Guinea during the last ice age was broadly synchronous with that of South America and Africa.
  • Sasol Petroleum International (SPI) has obtained a 51 percent working interest in four hydrocarbon prospecting licences covering a land area of 37,000 square kilometres, close to established gas fields in the "foreland" area of Papua New Guinea. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In the centre of the mantel was a stuffed bird-of-paradise, while about the room were scattered gorgeous shells from the southern seas, delicate sprays of coral sprouting from barnacled pi-pi shells and cased in glass, assegais from South Africa, stone axes from New Guinea, huge SAMUEL
  • The first Catholic missionaries arrived in German New Guinea in August 1896. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • A tube-nosed fruit bat with an appearance reminiscent of the Star Wars Jedi Master Yoda has been discovered by scientists in Papua New Guinea in a remote rainforest.
  • Wuvulu Island, located just off the western coastline of the island of Papua New Guinea, is part of the Bismarck Archipelago, a name that reflects nineteenth-century German colonial ambitions. One From The Hart
  • Anthropologist Paul Sillitoe learnt about stone tool use from Papua New Guinea highlanders in 1983.
  • In the sometimes-translucent streams beneath us, we can see bream, catfish and grunters as well as pig-nosed turtles, thought, until recently, only to exist in Papua New Guinea.
  • Ecological anthropology has a long and distinguished history in Papua New Guinea.
  • The dusky pademelon is the only macropodid (kangaroo) found in the Banda Sea islands (Kai), although it is also found in the Aru Islands and the Trans Fly of New Guinea. Banda Sea Islands moist deciduous forests
  • Birds of paradise, vicariance biogeography and terrane tectonics in New Guinea. Archive 2006-03-01
  • Batrachotoxin alkaloids from passerine birds: a second toxic bird genus (Ifrita kowaldi) from New Guinea. Archive 2006-05-01
  • It is a major variety in New Guinea, with a flavour which is sweet and pleasing.
  • In Gapun, a remote village on the Sepik River in Papua New Guinea, the women take a robust approach to arguing. Why Men and Women Argue Differently | Impact Lab
  • My wife's granddad, a three-war Air Force officer, flew Lightings against the Zeroes and Bettys in the Aleutians and New Guinea before he was shipped back to run a flight school in Texas and met her grandmother, recently widowed from the love of her life by bombing runs over Japan. Where we won the War we started by almost losing it
  • He has never forgotten the time he boated down the Sepik River in Papua New Guinea.
  • In New Guinea, where we don't have much antivenin, the death rate remains something like 50-50.
  • The brain pathology was vividly reminiscent of Kuru, a disease once found in a New Guinea tribe of cannibals who ate the brains of their dead.
  • In the middle of the 20th century, the Fore tribe of the Eastern Highlands province of Papua New Guinea was devastated by a CJD-like disease called kuru, which was passed on by mortuary feasts in which the brains of the dead were consumed. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • The nests belong to a species of swiftlet, Collocalia whiteheadi, which is found in the Philippines and New Guinea.
  • The natives of Windessi in Dutch New Guinea generally bury their dead the day after the decease. The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume I (of 3) The Belief Among the Aborigines of Australia, the Torres Straits Islands, New Guinea and Melanesia
  • New Guinea, which is shared by Germany and England. A Visit to Java With an Account of the Founding of Singapore
  • The Maori adorn themselves with the plumes just as the natives of New Guinea crown their headdresses with Bird-of paradise feathers.
  • In the Massim of Papua New Guinea, the trading canoes have intricately carved splashboards.
  • Fourteen years ago they were the last cannibal tribe of Papua New Guinea.
  • This, along with a $10 million deal cut with Papua New Guinea and a hoosegow built on Christmas Island, came to be known as the Pacific Solution and was the act that finally aroused some Australians to protest their government's policies.
  • Mr. Windsor Earl makes much of this theory, but, unfortunately for it, the tree-kangaroos are chiefly found in the northern peninsula of New Guinea, which is entirely composed of hills and mountains with very little flat land, while the kangaroo of the low flat Aru Islands (Dorcopsis asiaticus) is a ground species. The Malay Archipelago
  • Mr Austin estimated that they found 20 previously unknown species in New Guinea, which is such a hot spot of diversity that scientists figure they've described only about six-tenths of all the species living there. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • But the story of the asylum seekers in Papua and New Guinea is also relevant because it demonstrates the exceptionality of the present.
  • Rabaul, the seat of government in German New Guinea, had been occupied. New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 5, August, 1915
  • He enlisted in the Army, and gave distinguished war service, principally in New Guinea.
  • When a boatload of condoms arrived at the dock in Losuia as part of Papua New Guinea's national family planning program, the islanders blew them into balloons and sent them drifting out to sea.
  • Recently, Papua New Guinea restored IRV to mitigate tribal fractionalization and promote intertribal conciliation. Matthew Yglesias » Alternative Voting
  • Unlike many ethnographers of Papua New Guinea societies who worked in Pidgin, Margaret worked in the vernacular.
  • At the National Museum, still very much in its infancy, Bill began to acquaint himself with the fabled tribal art of Papua New Guinea, considered the finest of all Oceanian art forms. One From The Hart
  • SYDNEY (AP) -- A thumbnail-sized frog with a long snout, a brilliant green katydid with bright pink eyes and a mouse with a white-tipped tail are among 200 species scientists have discovered in Papua New Guinea. New Species Discovered: Conservation International Researchers Find Hundreds Of Undocumented Creatures In Papua New Guinea (PHOTOS)
  • In fact, badlands occur in a wide range of environments, and on various materials, from marine silts in valleys of the Canadian Arctic to mine-spoil heaps in New Guinea.
  • Iatmul children and many adults are also fluent in Tok Pisin (an English-based pidgin language), one of the national languages of Papua New Guinea.
  • A youngster shows off with bubble gum at a festival in Papua New Guinea.
  • The meeting will be participated in by foreign ministers from six countries, Indonesia, as the initiator, the Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the newly born state of East Timor.
  • They are found in the Australo-Papuan subregion of the world: in New Guinea, nearby islands, and the northeastern part of Australia.
  • The Commonwealth became the regional power, exercising colonial rule in Papua, then in New Guinea and in Nauru.
  • Papua New Guinea prime minister staves off leadership challenge
  • Not every New Guinea community practises sorcery or acknowledges witchcraft.
  • It's a sublanguage under ‘Sepik’ and is spoken on Papua New Guinea, apparently by a race of mathematical savants.
  • New Guinea was in danger of falling and with it Port Moresby, and from there the Imperial Japanese Army could invade Australia.
  • Deployed to New Guinea in 1944 she bombarded Japanese positions in the Admiralty Islands and took part in the landings at Sek Island.
  • As an example, he mentioned the paradise-kingfisher group of species—Tanysiptera galatea and others—on mainland New Guinea and its satellite islands. The Song of The Dodo
  • The dingo, a wild dog, is thought to have contributed to the tiger's demise on mainland Australia and in Papua New Guinea.
  • This court normally comprises expatriate judges, currently including representatives from Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.
  • During World War II, he competed as a welterweight for the Air Force, boxing in Australia and New Guinea.
  • After post-war service minesweeping around the Australian coast, New Guinea and the Solomons, Mildura along with her sister ships Deloraine, Echuca, Katoomba and Lithgow arrived in WA on January 16, 1948.
  • Rabaul was crossed off the list of invasion targets; its neutralization by air was to be completed by May 1944, followed by MacArthur's westward advance towards the Vogelkop peninsula of New Guinea.
  • In the middle of the 20th century, the Fore tribe of the Eastern Highlands province of Papua New Guinea was devastated by a mad cow-like disease called kuru, passed on by mortuary feasts in which the brains of the dead were consumed. | Top Stories
  • The dusky pademelon (Thylogale bruinji) and New Guinea quoll (Dasyurus albopunctatus) are considered vulnerable. Vogelkop-Aru lowland rain forests
  • QUEENSLAND - Queensland biosecurity experts have joined forces with their Papua New Guinea counterparts to implement systems for animal disease surveillance and control in the villages of Australia´s northern neighbour. ThePigSite - Industry News
  • A community in Papua New Guinea that suffered a major epidemic of a CJD-like fatal brain disease called kuru has developed strong genetic resistance to the disease, according to new research by scientists in the UK. We Blog A Lot

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