
How To Use Neutrality In A Sentence

  • Doing so would nullify one's neutrality so to speak.
  • The UN at the moment is still trying to maintain the charade of neutrality.
  • This continued until war broke out and when war broke out, General Hertzog, again with his strong feeling of South Africanism, said, "While we do not wish to be disassociated from the British Empire, while we are willing to remain with the British Empire on the same footing as heretofore, we do not see why we should declare war now, why we should not maintain neutrality and the status quo, even though Great Britain go into war. Racial Relations in the Union of South Africa
  • During war, the right of postliminy can only be claimed in the tribunals of the belligerent powers, and not in the courts of neutrals; for by a general law of nations, neutrals have no right to enquire into any captures, except such as are an infringement of their own neutrality. [ The Laws Of War, Affecting Commerce And Shipping
  • The extract inclosed, which is taken from an official publication of the Belgian Government, and the extract from an official statement by the Belgian Minister of War, prove that the Belgian Government had never connived, or been willing to connive, at the breach of the treaty that made the maintenance of Belgian neutrality an international obligation. The New York Times Current History of the European War, Vol. 1, January 9, 1915 What Americans Say to Europe
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  • There can be no neutrality between justice and cruelty, between the innocent and the guilty.
  • alternative possibilities were neutrality or war
  • His main view was to keep our people in peace; he apologized for the use of the term neutrality in his answers, and justified it, by having submitted the first of them (that to the merchants, wherein it was used) to our consideration, and we had not objected to the term. The Anas
  • European Powers is exhausted on Poland, and that neither pity nor shame will induce them to break a thankless neutrality, here; but in the face of all barely probable contingencies, I doubt no more of the ultimate result, than I doubt of the ultimate performance of the justice of God. Border and Bastille
  • At that moment, his was a saint's blithesome face, loose and half a-smile with the generosity of his gift and with a becoming neutrality toward his own abilities, as if he had long since cheerfully submitted to knowing that however well he rendered a piece, he could always imagine doing better. Cold Mountain
  • The degenerate code could well be a product of such selection, but: a) there’s at least two other competing families of hypotheses for its origin, namely stereochemical and biosynthetic; and b) that code went to fixation a couple billion years ago in most organisms, so I don’t see that it could provide much evidence for neutrality selection in modern organisms. Darwin and neutrality - The Panda's Thumb
  • Neutrality forcing standardised results removes the potential for innovation and turns search into a commodity.
  • If Rawls' theory is based on a doctrine of neutrality it is a doctrine of comprehensive neutrality.
  • Viewpoint neutrality is not the be all and end all of all standards of conduct in speech, although it might be something to lean towards to some degree. The Volokh Conspiracy » A View from an Incoming Harvard 1L
  • It also reconfirmed its anti-militarism manifest in its tiny regular army and long-standing neutrality.
  • Academic institutions and professional societies would maintain a posture of organizational neutrality.
  • However, any hope of preserving neutrality was soon abandoned and the severance of diplomatic relations with the Axis was announced at the Rio conference in February 1942.
  • The Republican administrations of 1921-33 publicly reaffirmed their commitment to neutrality, repudiating the League in favor of a policy of commercial expansion and political nonintervention.
  • Even the opinion polls published in the broadsheet papers showed very strong views on the Rapid Reaction Force and the need to preserve neutrality.
  • You mean the article where at the very TOP before anything else it says the neutrality is in question? Think Progress » ‘Grassroots’ Opposition To Clean Energy Reform Bankrolled By Foreign Oil, Petro-Governments (Updated)
  • Rather, ‘feelings’ refers to a very specific quality: pleasantness, unpleasantness, or neutrality in an experience.
  • In 1940, the two major colonial powers in South-East Asia, France and the UK, signed pacts of non-aggression with Thailand, which declared its neutrality.
  • As for “degraded performance all over the place”, enforced net neutrality and a ban on traffic-shaping for whatever reason would concentrate the “degraded services” to those which are time-sensitive, such as streaming video and remote stuff like telesurgery, AND put the State in a position to mandate how fast/slow packets are “permitted” to travel. DPI is GOOD for you: ‘Um – crap’
  • Moreover, the positive side to Irish neutrality, our promotion of diplomatic settlements, our proud UN peacekeeping traditions, must be maintained.
  • Even the high principles of liberal internationalism, with an emphasis on the League of Nations and collective security, made neutrality problematic.
  • Note that the observed distribution is quite uniform compared to the distribution expected under neutrality.
  • The agency's inclusiveness, its solicitude toward the divergent perspectives of many different stakeholders, fit with its avowed mission of neutrality.
  • As for “degraded performance all over the place”, enforced net neutrality and a ban on traffic-shaping (for whatever reason) would concentrate the “degraded services” to those which are time-sensitive, such as streaming video and remote stuff like telesurgery, AND put the State in a position to mandate how fast/slow packets are “permitted” to travel. DPI is GOOD for you: ‘Um – crap’
  • The overall coloristic neutrality of the painting is anchored by the red table where the sewing machine rests.
  • The first breach of neutrality did not express a change of policy.
  • He reasoned that Eisenhower’s refusal to intervene against Goldwater had hardened into yet another of the many laws by which he lived his life: permanent and undeviating neutrality in all prenomination battles involving Republicans in order to preserve the effectiveness of his support in the general election. Going Home to Glory
  • In it, they call reclassification a "Pandora's Box" and make sure to quote an interview a net neutrality supporter -- and co-founder of Free Press, Riley's group -- gave to the Main RSS Feed
  • In 1940, the two major colonial powers in South-East Asia, France and the UK, signed pacts of non-aggression with Thailand, which declared its neutrality.
  • Had he been your own facebook friend or had he reliably follow-Fridayed you over enough months and illustrated to your satisfaction that he hated Palin and loved net neutrality (your ideological tests) and kept to the program, you'd be crowing right now not about how Washington got "anthropomorphized" but how people were using new media to empower citizens -- blah blah. Can We Handle New Government? A Look at State Department Outreach to Twitter HQ
  • But he will never venture to infract the neutrality of the waters surely," rejoined I, "within sight of the squadron too? Tom Cringle's Log
  • Our neutrality would have eliminated any need for the German submarine offensive in the Atlantic and so would have kept America out of the war too.
  • By comparative analysis, the author classify the diplomacy of Sweden into three periods to examine the transformation of Swedish non-alignment and Neutrality tradition?
  • In a belated move, the education authorities decided to crack down on teaching practices that are harming the neutrality of education.
  • Neutrality forcing standardised results removes the potential for innovation and turns search a commodity.
  • In each trial (negative, positive and neutral), the actress used facial expressions and vocal emotional signals while talking about the toy to convey fear, happiness or neutrality.
  • Scotchmen; but that did not prevent him demanding of the Regent far more than mere neutrality or 'indifferency' between the contending parties. John Knox
  • Roosevelt had already pushed neutrality to the limit and had assigned warships to accompany convoys in the Atlantic.
  • This seems to me to confuse inactivity with neutrality.
  • The Chancellor also in effect asks us to bargain away whatever obligation or interest we have as regards the neutrality of Belgium.
  • The silence was not due to moral paucity, but to a surfeit of principle - one must never, under any circumstances, compromise one's political neutrality.
  • Far more likely is that he will select a successor beyond criticism who will restore the position to uncontroversial neutrality.
  • The structure of the crystal lattice must therefore preserve electrical neutrality.
  • But the Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, and 1937 nevertheless represented a repudiation of Wilsonianism.
  • The Grade As in fact became very civil and as the war drew to a close the Grade Bs began to abandon their sullen neutrality. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • Switzerland has a long tradition of neutrality.
  • For the agency to impose additional rules that prevent discrimination of traffic on networks (FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski has prosed two more provisions to the existing four net neutrality principles) would be "inappropriate," the official said. Net neutrality back at FCC, a look at how it can affect Comcast-NBCU merger
  • Complete impartiality and neutrality are the necessary conditions for winning the trust of the conflicting sides.
  • The logic of this argument is that the only policy compatible with neutrality is absolute pacifism.
  • The passive voice gives a sense of detached and objective authority that, in contrast to the imperative mode, is expressive of neutrality.
  • In every important strike the bourgeois press is forced to drop its spurious neutrality.
  • The underlying misunderstanding behind the “debate” about Net Neutrality and DPI boils down to “a packet is a packet is a packet”. DPI is GOOD for you: ‘Um – crap’
  • The positive neutrality enjoined on the force has now been overtaken by events.
  • Article VI of the Constitution offers a vivid illustration of this neutrality when it states that no religious test should ever be required for the obtention or the election to a public office. Denis Lacorne: Secularists Or Christian? The Religious Lives Of American Political Candidates In The Public Sphere
  • Dihydrochloride necrosequestrectomy melanochroite anoxemia neutrality victimize weldments. orlistat Health Behavior News Service Latest Research
  • Another big advocate is Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA, 1) who is one of the main sponsors of a House bill to mandate net neutrality. Rep. Inslee on Net Neutrality « PubliCola
  • The structure of the crystal lattice must therefore preserve electrical neutrality.
  • Through what is called neutrality of tone, philosophical discourse must also guarantee the neutrality or at least the imperturbable serenity that should accompany the relation to the true and the universal.
  • Neutralism differs from neutrality in that it is an attitude of mind in time of peace rather than a legal status in time of war.
  • The cable operators 'PSA is a dishonest, steaming pile of FUD about neutrality, calling it corporate welfare for dot-com billionaires who want you to pay more for their services. Boing Boing
  • Eshoo, who is a co-sponsor of network neutrality legislation, also warned the deal could result in a "chokehold" over the transfer of information over the Internet. C - Advertising News
  • Moments of pleasantness elicit a desire for more, moments of unpleasantness give rise to aversion, and moments of neutrality are opportunities to fall asleep.
  • The alleged neutrality of the UN is a fiction.
  • First you cite AGAIN an article that admits up front that its neutrality is disputed. Think Progress » ‘Grassroots’ Opposition To Clean Energy Reform Bankrolled By Foreign Oil, Petro-Governments (Updated)
  • In 1939, the United States modified its neutrality stance in World War Two, allowing "cash and carry" purchases of arms by belligerents, a policy favoring Britain and France.
  • On the surface, Cheng's Tapei exhibition assumes the neutrality of an anthropological survey in its visual recording of the names, classification and diagrammatic delineation of the geographical and historical evolution and branching off of world religions. G. Roger Denson: In Taipei and Hong Kong, Emily Cheng Bridges Science and Faith
  • A sodium ion was introduced into the system to reach overall electrical neutrality.
  • Governors of the Bank of England are expected to maintain a strict code of political neutrality. Times, Sunday Times
  • The group parroted AT&T's position on Network Neutrality, opposing open Internet protections. Joe Torres: Reporters Expose AT&T's Astroturf Funding Practices
  • A policy of armed neutrality with an emphasis on quality kit, fit for purpose.
  • It stipulated that neutrality should be guaranteed by banning them from accepting party political positions or speaking publicly on behalf of political parties.
  • Their cloak of neutrality in the Iran - Iraq war was beginning to wear a bit thin.
  • a soldier and a diplomat, hence his genius, even in its extremes of mirth has balance and health, remoteness and neutrality -- it is never bitter, and never in the least "viewy". The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • In the cold-war era, "Finlandization" -- a term the Finns loathe -- became synonymous with a mildly coerced neutrality. Deep-Frozen Assets
  • Is it possible, for example, to increase responsiveness to the chief executive without sacrificing political neutrality? Human Resource Management in Government
  • Makgeolli works great with all Korean food (traditionally eaten with jeon) due to a very subtle sweetness and the neutrality of the rice, and recent studies claim it has similar bacteria as those found in yogurt. Korean feast: impossible food-wine pairing?!? | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • But at the Congress of VIENNA Swiss control was restored and the European powers guaranteed the confederation's neutrality.
  • Comcast's legal blow to 'Net neutrality, FCC draws mixed reaction FCC loses Comcast's court challenge, a major setback for agency on Internet policies US Court Rules AGAINST FCC On Net Neutrality In Big Win For Comcast Comcast Beats FCC In Throttling Case - DC Court of Appeals overturns FCC order Federal court rules against @FCC in Comcast case, lacks authority … Techmeme
  • They also asked government workers to maintain political neutrality in the upcoming parliamentary votes.
  • In 840 a treaty between Charlemagne's grandson Lothair and the doge of Venice, protected Venice's neutrality and guaranteed its security from the mainland.
  • Proponents of network neutrality cite the Internet above all other considerations as a driver of innovation, or "generativity," to use the term created by law professor Jonathan Zittrain and woven through his book "The Future of the Internet (And How to Stop It). Net Neutrality: It All Depends On What You Fear
  • For the museum, abandoning the neutrality of its public presentation may also mean a symbolic abandonment of objectivity.
  • One Delaware chief still held out for neutrality, announcing that if he had to side with either set of combatants it would be with the "buckskins," or backwoodsmen, and not with the red-coats; but the bulk of the warriors sympathized with the Half King of the Wyandots when he said that the The Winning of the West, Volume 2 From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, 1777-1783
  • If those in government allow themselves to be intimidated into neutrality because they harbour private peccadilloes, they will sell the pass to the prophets of moral nihilism.
  • When the parties consent to the exercise of jurisdiction by a magistrate judge, they are essentially agreeing to promote her pro hac vice to district judge, and attempting to gain expediency without sacrificing neutrality. The Volokh Conspiracy » District Court Opinions Precedential Within the Same District?
  • Japan concluded the Anglo-Japanese Alliance to ensure that London maintained a benevolent neutrality.
  • The German government was thus gambling on British neutrality, and in July 1914 this seemed a reasonable bet.
  • His comments were the third time in recent days where a government minister has interpreted Ireland's neutrality.
  • The last two attempts by Ed Markey, a Democratic representative from Massachusetts, to get net neutrality onto the statute book faltered.
  • The intensity changes generally reach their maximal values near charge neutrality.
  • In his post, titled "The delusions of wireless Net Neutrality," Ou argues that wireless-broadband services are, in fact, more vulnerable to interference by ill-behaved applications (for example, Netflix streaming and BitTorrent file sharing) and that wireless networks cannot hope to compete with wired ones in terms of capacity or robustness. The net-neutrality debate continues
  • Mothers were instructed to use their own definitions of child positiveness, negativeness, and neutrality in rating child behavior.
  • Only through a united front will the U.S. public counter the billions of dollars ISPs have at their disposal to banish net neutrality and privatize the Internet. John S. Johnson: So, You Think You Can Download? New Guide Shows Threat to the Internet, What You Can Do About It
  • Then correct them in meatspace and Orin promises that his technological neutrality does not discriminate. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Internet, The Fourth Amendment, and Technology Neutrality: A Response to Horowitz
  • Since then, some telecommunications companies spent a lot of money on public relations and TV ads, and the US House seems to have wavered from the path of preserving net neutrality. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Tim Berners-Lee on Net Neutrality (again)
  • In England, where the sun is cooler, and a perpetual verdure reigns, infusing blue latently into the landscape, the sky is warmer and nearer to neutrality, partaking of a diversity of greys, which beautifully melodize with blue as their key, and harmonize with the light and landscape. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • In fact, the role of the state, consistent with its position of neutrality, in these matters should be minimal and facilitative at the most.
  • It stipulated that neutrality should be guaranteed by banning them from accepting party political positions or speaking publicly on behalf of political parties.
  • the cold neutrality of an impartial judge
  • This neutrality is a favorite target of bloggers who say that mainstream journalism objectivity disguises hidden biases of the form, if not the writer. And A Little Blog Shall Lead Them...
  • In early June, Eisenhower reconsidered his rule of unbending neutrality in all prenomination races. Going Home to Glory
  • The adversarial system, and the public and official neutrality of the decision makers, are closely related.
  • In the cold-war era, "Finlandization" -- a term the Finns loathe -- became synonymous with a mildly coerced neutrality. Deep-Frozen Assets
  • After the invasion of my country by the army of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam I reminded the leaders of Hanoi of the assurances of "eternal gratitude" and promises of "unswerving respect for the independence, neutrality and territorial integrity" of my county, given many times orally and in writing by the leaders of Hanoi, to remind them of their commitments. Cambodia in Modern History: Beauty and Darkness
  • Despite its neutrality, Belgium was attacked by the Germans in 1914 in order to circumvent the French fortifications along the Franco-German border.
  • Is politics generally to be neutral between conceptions of the good, or does neutrality apply to the constitution only?
  • The arrogation of ideology illustrates that the neutrality and non-neutrality will inevitably integrated in social sciences.
  • There is a vital humanitarian role for aid agencies that maintain the strictest political neutrality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is politics generally to be neutral between conceptions of the good, or does neutrality apply to the constitution only?
  • Efforts which might fairly be described as stupendous were put forth by the advocates of Kultur to win, if not the approval, at least the strict neutrality of Defenders of Democracy; contributions from representative men and women of letters and other arts from our allies and our own country, edited by the Gift book committee of the Militia of Mercy
  • However, if operators succeed in ditching network neutrality for their wireless networks, we would be left with a two-tiered system of broadband access, with a wireless tier that’s devoid of net neutrality. Carriers Aim to Keep Rural Broadband Under Their Thumb
  • The second deficiency is concerned with the overly strict definition of selective neutrality.
  • He had little time for Irish neutrality, describing it as an unconsidered stance that stemmed from the ‘desire to make a virtue out of a lack of necessity’.
  • This reflects perhaps a culture of neutrality in matters that are religious, which is seen to be in the spirit of Alfred Nobel himself, and is very concordant with a Norwegian discretion about religious allegiance. Katherine Marshall: Faith, Peace And The Nobel: A Conversation With Former Bishop Of Oslo Gunnar Stalsett
  • Only Hitler was prepared to violate the neutrality of Belgium and Holland.
  • I noticed, behind the neutrality of his gaze, a deep weariness.
  • The Silicon Valley netroot community, a very powerful community, a very important constituency to this administration, is strongly, almost religiously committed to this issue in a very coordinated way and that provides a lot of power and impetus to keep this issue moving and to push the more extreme versions of net neutrality," Powell said. Former FCC Chairman Criticizes 'Religious' Commitment To Net Neutrality (VIDEO)
  • The success of the victim support movement in securing the initial co-operation of the police in referring victims to it is largely attributable to its political neutrality. Victimology - the victim and the criminal justice process
  • The structure of the crystal lattice must therefore preserve electrical neutrality.
  • And he notes that Masters and Johnson devised the term "ambisexuality," for persons who show "complete neutrality in partner preference. Gays and Genes
  • The step had the effect of making the FCC's power to enforce network neutrality subject to interpretation, emboldening those looking for ways around it.
  • Too bad Wikipedia history especially when it comes to Taiwan and China doesn't have the neutrality, perspective, knowledgeability, and distance that this has. Reconstructing post-1949 Nationalist History in Taiwan
  • She said reclassification would open the door to a network neutrality policy that is the equivalent to the "fairness doctrine for the Internet" and a "permanent antiquation" of the B&C - Advertising News
  • And they've been doing so without the support of a strong, national union (SEIU left town after a controversial 2006 neutrality agreement with AlliedBarton, the guard's contactor). Daniel Denvir: Teabag the Boss, Card Check for the Masses
  • The first thing that strikes anybody is the extraordinary courage and unswerving neutrality with which she handles such a delicate issue.
  • The panel also touched on non-cloud issues such as the importance of net neutrality, with Cerf reiterating that Google isn't calling for every packet to be treated the same, but rather making sure the owners of the pipe don't behave anticompetitively toward content flowing over their pipes. Original Signal - The best of Web 2.0
  • Neutralism differs from neutrality in that it is an attitude of mind in time of peace rather than a legal status in time of war.
  • The passive voice gives a sense of detached and objective authority that, in contrast to the imperative mode, is expressive of neutrality.
  • Controversially, he holds that the universalizability principle is merely formal and lacks content, being consistent with both egoism and utilitarianism, and that temporal neutrality translates into a form of prudence. Henry Sidgwick
  • The positive neutrality enjoined on the force has now been overtaken by events.
  • As the drums of war grow louder, so do the plaintive cries of the Irish neutrality lobby.
  • It cannot be overemphasized that the prosecutors have the key to the success of the reform of their organization and to securing their long-desired independence and political neutrality.
  • The show was anchored, with the zeal of a crusader rather than dispassionate neutrality, by Ravi Shastri.
  • I feel that the director was trying to sneakingly undermine the heroic image the exile hoped to establish while claiming?his preference for "neutrality".
  • Their cloak of neutrality in the Iran - Iraq war was beginning to wear a bit thin.
  • Crawford's departure -- which she describes as a planned return to her teaching job -- serves as Downes 'main evidence supporting his claim that the Obama administration "is clearly backtracking" on Net Neutrality. Timothy Karr: 'AT&T Consultant' Conjures Evidence that Obama is Soft on Net Neutrality
  • The royal family's commitment to political neutrality is admirable, but who thought it would go this far? Times, Sunday Times
  • At first the committee had to work covertly as under the Neutrality Acts an American could lose his citizenship if he fought in the armed forces of a belligerent power.
  • But geographic remoteness alone did not determine America's neutrality.
  • Victorian ladies possessing the colouring falsely called "auburn" -- but clouded their excessive verdure to neutrality by semi-transparent over-draperies of black. The Best British Short Stories of 1922
  • Ferdinand, who had hitherto observed a strict neutrality, no sooner perceived them approach, than he leaped in between the disputants, that he might be found acting in the character of a peacemaker; and, indeed, by this time, victory had declared for the baronet, who had treated his antagonist with a cross-buttock, which laid him almost breathless on the floor. The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom
  • Just four years ago, Google was urging Internet-users to call their lawmakers to support the bourgeoning fight for Net Neutrality. Megan Tady: What Google Still Isn't Saying
  • The alderwoman maintained her neutrality at a subsequent meeting with the neighbors.
  • And what is most objected to by the new generation of human rights activists has been precisely the demand for neutrality.
  • The premise behind this official posture of neutrality is false.
  • One seductive resolution to this conundrum is to abandon all pretence to scientific neutrality.
  • Architectural projects of our day are often impudent and arrogant, and our age seems to have lost the virtue of architectural neutrality, restraint, and modesty.
  • The path the FCC is considering is whether to "reclassify" Internet access services under a category - Title II - that would allow it to protect Net Neutrality and foster universal access to broadband. Timothy Karr: The Big Industry Lie: Regulation = Job Loss
  • The external neutrality that we can now produce at will is absolute, as it crosses the line of two contrary polarities, being similar to the zero of my electric sonometer, whose zero is obtained by the crossing of two opposing electric forces. Scientific American Supplement, No. 392, July 7, 1883
  • Not, surely, in the death of Ferdinand the Warlike; not, surely, in the old, half-forgotten revanche for Alsace-Lorraine; not even in the neutrality of Belgium. DARKWATER
  • I think that this objection is mistaken and that the third principle is a principle of neutrality.
  • He now offered full co-operation to Bonaparte, and began by organizing an ‘armed neutrality’ of Baltic powers to deny the tyrant of the seas access to the ports of northern Europe.
  • This is an abuse of his position which transforms political neutrality into political privilege, made worse by the Establishment predictably closing ranks to defend it. Times, Sunday Times
  • He does not adopt the spurious neutrality of pure description, but he does not proffer moral didactics either. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I and others have writtenpreviously about how he has broken the president's promises and failed the publicon network neutrality,broadband policies,media ownership, andpublic safety. Marvin Ammori: Obama's Unsung Tech Hero: Hillary Clinton
  • In those days we were talking about the dangerously extended German lines of supply, and congratulating ourselves on the fact that, so long as Turkey's neutrality was preserved and her undertakings to Britain faithfully fulfilled, the Germans would need to gather up their strength again and embark on another campaign, perhaps through Spain, in order to attack our Mediterranean interests. The Russian Campaign in Review
  • During a speech in Athens she said concerns over neutrality had been addressed at the recent EU summit in Seville.
  • It is perhaps only by understanding the historical and cultural antecedents of Irish neutrality that we can begin to figure out a new way forward.
  • Since the protein exhibits electrical neutrality at its isoelectric point, it is unable to migrate in an electric field. 162.
  • First, "neutrality" means simply that everything on the Internet must travel at the same speed, whether it's the Bluetooth device that connects my cardiac monitor to a hospital or a kid downloading a video of a cat playing the xylophone. Everett Ehrlich: Why Liberals Should Think Twice About Net Neutrality
  • Bulgaria is on the threshold of becoming a part of the North Atlantic Alliance; what is your comment on this, against the background of Austria's policy of neutrality?
  • The Queen has maintained political neutrality throughout her reign.
  • It's dat old debbil: journalistic neutrality - which is one of the sillier debbils the right ever saddled the American press with. New McCain Ad Falsely Suggests Obama Wants Kids To Learn "About Sex Before Learning To Read"
  • Until recently, attention has focused on the measurement and disclosure issues associated with representational faithfulness and neutrality.
  • The arrogation of ideology illustrates that the neutrality and non-neutrality will inevitably integrated in social sciences.
  • But the worst offense is a tone of cheerful, sanitized neutrality so overwhelming that it actually renders the prose ahistorical.
  • As I explain in my article, the basic goal of technology neutrality is to develop Fourth Amendment principles that roughly replicate the function of the Fourth Amendment offline in the online environment. The Volokh Conspiracy » 2010 » April
  • The provision of statistics which can be used without fear of inaccuracy or without controversy as to their neutrality is a need in Canada which can well be supplied by our Dominion Bureau of Statistics. The Resultant of Forces
  • It was a role for which he was ideally qualified although it caused some surprise, perhaps because of his previous studied political neutrality. Times, Sunday Times
  • The claim to moral neutrality, sometimes made by strategists, is another shortcoming identified by critics.
  • Sweden isn't likely ever to abandon its traditional neutrality.
  • Hitherto the question of neutrality or intervention had been largely theoretical.
  • It is, say officials, so harshly critical, so voracious in its search for blunders or gaffes, that it has frightened politicians into a state of frozen neutrality.
  • The expulsion of an - particle therefrom decreases the atomic weight by 4 units, necessitates (since the - particle carries two positive charges) the removal of two electrons from the shell in order to maintain electrical neutrality, and hence changes the chemical nature of the body, transmuting the element into one occupying a position two places to the left in the periodic system (for example, the change of radium into niton). Alchemy: Ancient and Modern
  • One seductive resolution to this conundrum is to abandon all pretence to scientific neutrality.
  • So the invariance criterion seems to accord at least partially with common intuitions about logicality or topic neutrality, and with our logical practice. Logical Constants
  • Obviously, the task of the government prosecutor is to present the case for the prosecution, and therefore by definition he can hardly incarnate neutrality.
  • John, in penning the word of God in Holy Writ, referred to neutrality as lukewarmness. The Spirit of '67
  • They are opposed on a lot of grounds, but mainly out of a sense of fear for Bulgarian safety and neutrality.
  • Given political neutrality, this might have been seen as a potential opportunity for reform of rural land-use planning. Rural Land-Use Planning in Developed Nations
  • The Queen has maintained political neutrality throughout her reign.
  • The voice returns to bland neutrality.
  • For anyone who sees this fact clearly, neutrality, silence or private disapproval are not options.
  • The neutrality of Belgium is determined by international conventions, _and Germany is resolved to respect these conventions_. The New York Times Current History of the European War, Vol. 1, January 9, 1915 What Americans Say to Europe
  • Their cloak of neutrality in the Iran - Iraq war was beginning to wear a bit thin.
  • The term surfaced a few years ago, in part because opponents of net-neutrality regulations began talking up that angle. How 'content farms' beat Google, and what search engines should do about it
  • One argument made by proponents of reclassification is that the FCC could exclude broadband providers from the most rigorous requirements of Title II, a process called “forbearence,” that would keep stringent net neutrality rules as a stick in the closet. Be Careful What You Wish For: Broadband Regulation Could Aid Incumbents « Steve Wildstrom on Tech
  • Technically speaking, QoS tiering is not entirely antithetical to some net neutrality proposals (i.e. some proposals allow for QoS tiering). The Volokh Conspiracy » The FCC and the Internet:
  • No, I'm explaining to you that neutrality is the starting point in science. Alice In Wonderland official trailer
  • It may not declare war; it cannot make peace; it may not, when Great Britain engages in war, declare the neutrality of Canada, except by asserting its political separation from Great Britain. Pending Developments in the Constitution of the British Empire
  • Ireland's neutrality precludes the manufacture of complete weapons systems for export but a growing number of companies are involved in producing sophisticated, dual-purpose electronic equipment that drives military hardware.
  • We have a clear declaration from 15 member states stating categorically that our position on military neutrality is understood, accepted, and acknowledged.
  • Just as the ability of the word man to be gender-neutral varies from context to context, so too does the neutrality of the morpheme man vary from word to word. Why do so many people hate gender-neutral words? (Oh, s—!) « Motivated Grammar
  • His pursuit of ideal and his failure shows the neutrality, flexibility and pliability of the spirit of classical Chinese tragedies.
  • In reality, as the conflict in Bosnia cruelly showed, neutrality can become discreditable as well as counterproductive.
  • Switzerland joined the League of Nations, whose headquarters were in Geneva, but regards membership in the UN as incompatible with its neutrality.

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