How To Use Network topology In A Sentence
All data transmission goes through the master in a star network topology.
In the paper, a network topology model and an arithmetic based on it are presented, which are applied in OSPF protocol testing.
They can be used to obtain information on network topology, policy, and interconnection information in order to construct routing tables.
The proposed protocol is based on CSMA/CA basis. The dynamic channel selection scheme is implemented and the number of the data channel is independent of the network topology.
The stoichiometry matrix: Structural modelling in this context is so called because the focus is on the network topology of the system.
Results NTHI showed structural confusion fluid dark areas and network topology surrounding portal vein blocked.
The network topology is such that new file-servers can be plugged in at any time should the need arise.
Usage is limited by IP address range restricting licenses by geographic area, depending upon network topology.
This paper mainly discusses the backbone design of Guiyang educational metropolitan area network, including network topology, fiber network, route design, network devices and network expansion, etc.
Representation of road network topology in the intersection is a difficult point in transportation GIS.
To discover heterogeneous network topology structure, a bottom - to - top discovery algorithm is proposed.
In this paper, a hierarchy multi - agent architecture ( HMA ) is given out for network topology discovery.
Considering the use of broadcast and the high burden of single coordinator, AT-FGKA protocol is presented in order to adapt to an arbitrary network topology by using k-ary tree.
The network topology is such that new file-servers can be plugged in at any time should the need arise.
The algorithm does not require the information of the whole network topology.
The allow_passive_connect option is usedinternally and is seldom needed in applications where thenetwork topology and the kernel options in effect is known inadvance.
Hiveminds Magazine
A cluster - based distributed wireless sensor network topology control algorithm ( CDTC ) is presented.
The proposed protocol is based on CSMA/CA basis. The dynamic channel selection scheme is implemented and the number of the data channel is independent of the network topology.
A cluster - based distributed wireless sensor network topology control algorithm ( CDTC ) is presented.
Multi-mode information collaboration and information exchange on the same single node, among different nodes and isolated nodes, as well as network topology are presented.
The proposed protocol is based on CSMA/CA basis. The dynamic channel selection scheme is implemented and the number of the data channel is independent of the network topology.
A network topology discovery algorithm based on breadth - first is introduced.
In computer lingo, this is referred to as a Centralized Network Topology.
To discover heterogeneous network topology structure, a bottom - to - top discovery algorithm is proposed.
Representation of road network topology in the intersection is a difficult point in transportation GIS.