How To Use network topology In A Sentence
- All data transmission goes through the master in a star network topology.
- In the paper, a network topology model and an arithmetic based on it are presented, which are applied in OSPF protocol testing.
- They can be used to obtain information on network topology, policy, and interconnection information in order to construct routing tables.
- The proposed protocol is based on CSMA/CA basis. The dynamic channel selection scheme is implemented and the number of the data channel is independent of the network topology.
- The stoichiometry matrix: Structural modelling in this context is so called because the focus is on the network topology of the system.
- Results NTHI showed structural confusion fluid dark areas and network topology surrounding portal vein blocked.
- The network topology is such that new file-servers can be plugged in at any time should the need arise.
- Usage is limited by IP address range restricting licenses by geographic area, depending upon network topology.
- This paper mainly discusses the backbone design of Guiyang educational metropolitan area network, including network topology, fiber network, route design, network devices and network expansion, etc.
- Representation of road network topology in the intersection is a difficult point in transportation GIS.