How To Use Nestor In A Sentence

  • The Nestorians took their name from Nestorius, the bishop of Constantinople sacked from office by the Council of Ephesus in 431 for maintaining that the human and divine natures of Christ were not united in one person. The Chinese are Coming
  • The cubiculum from the villa of Fannius Synestor faced north. back Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Thanks Jordanes for correcting the errors of the follower of Nestorius. Tu gloria Ierusalem!
  • Mahomet would have ranked only as a Christian heresiarch or schismatic; such as Nestorius or Marcian at one time, such as Arius or Pelagius at another. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 56, Number 348
  • If you try to reorder the purchase message to place it after the logout message, this is not correct because the onlineStore no longer exists at that point.
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  • The most interesting document for the history of Nestorianism is still the monument discovered at Si-ngan-fu and commonly called the Nestorian stone [536]. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3
  • Nestorowicz A, Glaser B, Wilson BA, Shyng SL, Nichols CG, Stanley CA, et al. Genetic heterogeneity in familial hyperinsulinism [published erratum appears in Hum Mol Genet 1998 Sep; 7 (9): 1527]. Resources for Professionals
  • That Nestorius cannot, on the contrary, have taken nature to mean the same as hypostasis and both to mean essence is obvious enough, for three plain reasons: first, he cannot have meant anything so absolutely opposed to the meaning given to the word hypostasis by the Monophysites; secondly, if he meant nature by hypostasis he had no word at all left for The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Another political aspect of the development of Pelagius was that as his doctrine continued to be attacked, his followers appealed for the protection of the Bishop Nestorius in the Eastern part of the Chruch. Augustine vs. Pelagius Part Four - The Politics of Free Will | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • He deals with most of them, but the leader, Nestor is not dead and follows him into the city, meeting him in the treasure room after he deals with a giant slug. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: In Lands That Never Were Tales of Swords and Sorcery From the Magazine Of Fantasy and Science Fiction - Gordon Van Gelder
  • Nestorius himself had studied at the theological school of Antioch, where his mentor was a man known as Theodore of Mopsuestia.
  • Nestorianism , the heretic sect of the Christianity, having been persecuted in the Byzantine Empire, was spread into Persia and the Central Asia, and further into China.
  • He was accused of friendship with Theodoret and Flavian, of Nestoriaism, of altering the form of the Sacrament of Baptism, of intruding an immoral bishop into Emesa, of having been uncanonically appointed himself, and in fact of being an enemy of Dioscorus. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • Hic in aliquibus Aethiopiæ partibus habitant publicè, inhonestorum vtriusque sexus hominum consuetudinem inhonestam gerentes, et in æstu meridiano refrigerandi causa exeunt circa ciuitatem ad riparias iacere, et discurrere nudis prorsus corporibus omni pudore reiecto, ex quo procul dubio inhonesta vitia sequuntur. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • David Nestor had a goal chance in the 55th minute, but his tame effort was easily dealt with by the Derry keeper.
  • [717] On the word organon, a tool, as used of the Word of God, cf. Nestorius in Marius Merc. NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
  • Others say she was an Ithacan woman sold as a slave by the Phoenicians; other, Calliope the Muse; others again Polycasta, the daughter of Nestor. Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • So, I thought, let's be Nestor Burma, a dirty flic revolted by the whole episode. WHITE LIES
  • Boldly entering the increasingly fractious struggle between church and state, Nestorius apparently ordered Pulcheria to be turned away at the gate. Caesars’ Wives
  • Daniel Nestor can only come up with the word "overwhelmed" to describe the feeling of having a star with his name on it placed alongside stars for Canadians such as Wayne Gretzky and Michael J. Fox. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • The Nestorians wished to divide words predicated of Christ, in this way, viz. that such as pertained to human nature should not be predicated of God, and that such as pertained to the Divine Nature should not be predicated of the Man. Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • Nestorius himself had studied at the theological school of Antioch, where his mentor was a man known as Theodore of Mopsuestia.
  • Thornton PS, Satin-Smith MS, Herold K, Glaser B, Chiu KC, Nestorowicz A, et al. Familial hyperinsulinism with apparent autosomal dominant inheritance: clinical and genetic differences from the autosomal recessive variant. [see comments]. Resources for Professionals
  • The economy has grown at more than eight percent a year during Nestor Kirchner's presidency.
  • Nestor made the game safe when he picked up a long ball and cleverly lobbed the Greyhound keeper to make it 4-2.
  • OW 1868-1885 OW larine gull OW tringine sandpiper OW meleagrine turkey W trochilidine humming - milvine kite 1727-1842 bird 1885 OW OW trochiline humming - nestorine kea, kaka W bird W phasianine pheasant turdine thrush 1890 1868 VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 1
  • He was a Turkic/Mongol monk, turned diplomat, of the Nestorian Christian faith.
  • In the minister's opinion Nestor's chronicle was a treasure whose worth should not be questioned.
  • These insects produce a sugary exudate (honey dew) which is an important food source for a number of native birds like the kaka (Nestor meridionalis VU). Richmond temperate forests
  • At the end of 428, or at latest in the early part of 429, Nestorius preached the first of his famous sermons against the word Theotokos, and detailed his Antiochian doctrine of the Incarnation. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • “Agamemnon is intent on revenge,” old Nestor had said, sitting in the megaron late in the evening, a cup of wine comfortably full in his grip, one of his hounds at his feet. Shield of Thunder
  • Vnde Nestorini in partibus illis nullo modo iungunt manus orando: sed orant extensis palmis ante pectus. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • However, Nestorius himself was condemned as a heretic shortly thereafter. Augustine vs. Pelagius Part Four - The Politics of Free Will | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • Your wife's name is Nestorova Mikail and her father was Prince Anotoli Zergeyev whose lands straddle Karaganda, which is not so far away from your own family lands east of the Urals. Noble House
  • But if, when we say "the Man Christ Jesus," we mean a created suppositum, as those who assert two supposita in Christ, this man might be called lordly, inasmuch as he is assumed to a participation of Divine honor, as the Nestorians said. Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • Markos was eventually chosen as Nestorian Patriarch, and later suggested his teacher, Rabban Bar Sauma, be sent on another mission, as Mongol ambassador to Europe.
  • The place is called Costa Navarino, and it was built by a modern-day Nestor. Grand ambitions: ecoluxury in Greece
  • He was a Turkic/Mongol monk, turned diplomat, of the Nestorian Christian faith.
  • 12 AUGUST MURRAY planned the dedication ceremony around Father Nestor 's contaminated bowel. TOUCH
  • But Daoism, Islam, Hinduism and Nestorian Christianity from Syria and Manichaeism from Persia also were practiced, and the Mongols showed deference for those different religions. NYC Exhibit Unveils Rich Treasures Of Yuan Dynasty
  • Apparently you can be a Pelagian historian [semi-Pelagian Nestorian] in ETS, Ecumenism
  • From the 1400s some Iraqi Nestorians accepted overtures from Rome and acknowledged the pope, becoming Catholics.
  • Lastly, Nestorianism once more showed itself in the Adoptionists of Spain, and gave occasion to the great Council of Frankfort.
  • When police arrested Nestor Padron on suspicion of skimming meter receipts, he was carrying $ 850 in cash, Maher said.
  • It was a “three-cornered struggle” with Russian revolutionaries against counterrevolutionaries and national minorities resisting both.20 And this shorthand leaves out a fourth corner, that of the Black Army led by the Ukrainian anarchist Nestor Makhno.21 This stew of hostilities is typical of civil wars. Bloodlust
  • There is plenty to see hereabouts - a bird-filled lagoon, the Mycenaean Palace of Nestor, and the remarkable sand dunes of Voïdokolia Bay.
  • After Nestorius was condemned, Pelagius and his followers were again attacked by Augustine, Jerome, and others as heretics. Augustine vs. Pelagius Part Four - The Politics of Free Will | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • As a result of mutual hatred and competition between the Western Catholics and Protestants, in the late 19th century the same process was repeated, this time by the Anglican missionaries, and the other part of the East - Aramean "Nestorian" tribes of Hakkari (bordering Turkey and Iraq) and Urmia (Iran) to call themselves "Assyrians" - a term which was used purely geographically and only applied to the "Nestorians". American Chronicle
  • Around the same time, Nestorianism , an earlier sect of Christianity, was introduced into Xinjiang, but it was not widespread in the early years.
  • However, the federation secretary general, Decio De María, threatening rebels with further sanctions, said: "Nestor is the director and his head is not on the table as a condition for talks. Emotional 5th Street return for Muhammad Ali
  • Albion almost got off to a flier when James Nestor drove wide but Greyhound showed why they had averaged six goals a game in the competition and the home side had to survive a sticky ten minutes.
  • Tom left his Air Scout in a field owned by Mr. Nestor, where he had often landed before, and walked up to the house with Mary. Tom Swift and His Undersea Search, or, the Treasure on the Floor of the Atlantic
  • For those having studied using Thackston's Introduction to Syriac, Zammit's book provides more readings in Estrangelo (the script used in Thackston's textbook) than in Serto (the main script used in Healey's), as well as a few in East Syriac or "Nestorian" script. Bunches of Grapes from the Syriac Vineyard: A Review
  • There is here neither Monophysitism nor Nestorianism, but an unconfused and undivided union of the church with the world.
  • Habet etiam circa se Nestorinos sacerdotes qui pulsant tabulam, et cantant officium suum. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • July 31, 2009 at 8:05 am hey, cheezfrens: heer iz nete linkee tu raynestorm bii clahppen peeps: SYNCHRONIZED SPAZ ATTACK - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Editor's note: "Nestorian" and "Syrian Orthodox" are the names of Assyrian church denominations. Assyrian International News Agency
  • The special wine stored in Odysseus's palace against his return is described in approbatory fashion as ‘aged’; and the wine that Nestor brings out in honor of Telemachos is, we are told, 11 years old.
  • She even joked that "it was all good" after she enjoyed some pork with her husband, former President Nestor Kirchner.
  • A solemn anathema is pronounced against Nestorius and Eutyches; against all heretics by whom Christ is divided, or confounded, or reduced to a phantom. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Like Nestor, who preaches about the fine fellows he remembered in his youth, Lepidus (although barely yet in his grand climacteric!) will depicture, with moving eloquence, the numerous precious volumes of far-famed collectors, which he has seen, like Macbeth's witches, Bibliomania; or Book-Madness A Bibliographical Romance
  • It is, however, noteworthy that Adoptionism began in that part of Spain where Islamism dominated, and where a Nestorian colony had for years found refuge. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • Nestor prays for them as they arrive and the pair pours libations to Athena.
  • Nestorius," he said, adhering to Meredith's pleasantry, "is the jolliest little chap I have met for a long time. With Edged Tools
  • When police arrested Nestor Padron on suspicion of skimming meter receipts, he was carrying $ 850 in cash, Maher said.
  • Nestorians call the Bishop of Mopsuestia, by antonomasia, the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • Cast member Michael Emerson has already confirmed that the 15th episode will feature none of the series regulars, while Nestor Carbonell claimed that the instalment is a "huge reveal". All - Digital Spy - Entertainment and Media News
  • It is urged by Bethune-Baker that Nestorius and his friends took the word hypostasis in the sense of nature, and by Lebon that the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • If there were two wills, it seemed to lead back to Nestorianism; if there was but one, either the humanity was incomplete or the position led to virtual monophysitism. A Source Book for Ancient Church History
  • They tried to destroy the evidence (not succesfully) and blacklist us as "Nestorian" which is labeling us as heritics. بالاترین
  • Macarius the Eucharist was a palmary argument against Nestorianism. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Byline: Nestor P. Burgos Jr. Environmental groups lamented what they called the dismal end of the global summit on climate change in Copenhagen and issued a challenge to the P.ilippines. Climate Ark Climate Change & Global Warming RSS Newsfeed
  • The cubiculum from the villa of P. Fannius Synistor, 50-40 BCE. A well-preserved cubiculum, extracted from the villa of Fannius Synestor at Boscoreale, may be visited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • But Chingis and the residue that remained aliue, fled home into their countrey: And hauing breathed him a little, he prepared himselfe to warre, and went forth against the people called Huyri: These men were Christians of the sect of Nestorius. The long and wonderful voyage of Frier Iohn de Plano Carpini
  • In fact, they were converted by the Coptic Orthodox Church, home of Nestorius' most determined opponent, St. Cyril of Alexandria. Summorum Pontificum and the Orthodox
  • The arrival of Islam and Nestorian Christians in the 7th century, and the famous Jesuit adaptation to Chinese culture during the 17th century, thwarted by an intransigent Vatican, are part of it.
  • The endemic rock wren (Xenicus gilviventris) and the world's only alpine parrot, the kea (Nestor notabalis) probably evolved from lowland equivalents. Southland montane grasslands
  • (Nestorius, refusing at the Council of Ephesus the term Theotokos proposed by the council, substituted that of Christokos, which the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Kieran Nestor from Quinaltagh, Garrafrauns has returned to Chicago after a short vacation visiting his brothers Jimmy and Raymond.
  • Nestor Kirchner, who remained popular throughout his presidency, has not explained why he stepped aside for his wife instead of seeking another four-year term.
  • LXXXVI, 1368) says, perhaps with reference to the so-called Nestorian Liturgy, that Theodore had also introduced a new Liturgy. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • There was a kind of dusky brownish-green parrot, too, which the scientific call a Nestor. A First Year in Canterbury Settlement
  • Some writers, mainly Protestant, have tried to erase from Adoptionism all stain of the Nestorian heresy. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • The name Nestor was embroidered onto the pocket of his sweat-stained shirt. Let The Dead Lie

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