- (Greek mythology) a wise old counselor to the Greeks at Troy
- a genus of Psittacidae
How To Use Nestor In A Sentence
- The Nestorians took their name from Nestorius, the bishop of Constantinople sacked from office by the Council of Ephesus in 431 for maintaining that the human and divine natures of Christ were not united in one person. The Chinese are Coming
- The cubiculum from the villa of Fannius Synestor faced north. back Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
- Thanks Jordanes for correcting the errors of the follower of Nestorius. Tu gloria Ierusalem!
- Mahomet would have ranked only as a Christian heresiarch or schismatic; such as Nestorius or Marcian at one time, such as Arius or Pelagius at another. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 56, Number 348
- If you try to reorder the purchase message to place it after the logout message, this is not correct because the onlineStore no longer exists at that point.
- The most interesting document for the history of Nestorianism is still the monument discovered at Si-ngan-fu and commonly called the Nestorian stone [536]. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3
- Nestorowicz A, Glaser B, Wilson BA, Shyng SL, Nichols CG, Stanley CA, et al. Genetic heterogeneity in familial hyperinsulinism [published erratum appears in Hum Mol Genet 1998 Sep; 7 (9): 1527]. Resources for Professionals
- That Nestorius cannot, on the contrary, have taken nature to mean the same as hypostasis and both to mean essence is obvious enough, for three plain reasons: first, he cannot have meant anything so absolutely opposed to the meaning given to the word hypostasis by the Monophysites; secondly, if he meant nature by hypostasis he had no word at all left for The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
- Another political aspect of the development of Pelagius was that as his doctrine continued to be attacked, his followers appealed for the protection of the Bishop Nestorius in the Eastern part of the Chruch. Augustine vs. Pelagius Part Four - The Politics of Free Will | Heretical Ideas Magazine
- He deals with most of them, but the leader, Nestor is not dead and follows him into the city, meeting him in the treasure room after he deals with a giant slug. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: In Lands That Never Were Tales of Swords and Sorcery From the Magazine Of Fantasy and Science Fiction - Gordon Van Gelder