How To Use Nero In A Sentence

  • However, we still rely entirely on the generosity of the public for funding.
  • Written with charm and humour, this is a touching, absorbing oddity of a book about love, grief, avarice and generosity.
  • Although I have finally been given a small piece of work to do (nothing crucial, generous deadline), I'm finding it hard to apply myself after such a long period of enforced inactivity.
  • A freeloader is a person who takes advantage of others 'generosity without giving anything in return. what's new online!
  • I'm sure there will be a generous amount of worthies stepping forward to parse every sentence, on the eternal quest for the definitive admission that it's over.
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  • She was certainly generous and open to letting people use the mimeo and the space.
  • What is the etiquette when the eyes in question are big, and brown, and fringed with generous dark lashes?
  • La Cuisine is positioned at the upper end of the ‘middle’ market and its food is generously served and is excellent.
  • Unless the context is made very clear, the reader or hearer cannot be sure whether such an expression as ‘fulsome praise’ is meant in the sense ‘generous in amount, extent’ or in the sense Perry suggests.
  • He took nourishment from press conferences, where he was notably generous, but not bountiful enough to promise a match.
  • If all organized animal life was evolved from the moneron, a creature of one substance, homogeneous, how were creatures of more than one substance evolved without more being _evolved_ than was _involved_? The Christian Foundation, Or, Scientific and Religious Journal, Volume 1, January, 1880
  • Many constitutions require that basic rights can be curtailed only if less onerous measures are not available.
  • The rear cargo hatch is unusually generous for this size car and with the back seats folded you can get a flat load floor, with a top load capacity of 1,044 litres.
  • Smear chicken pieces generously with mole and bake in a moderate oven, turning once or twice during baking, for about 30 minutes.
  • Second, the Employment Tribunal's decision should be read generously and not overturned merely because of infelicitous or inappropriate statements which were looking at the matter in the round, of an inessential nature.
  • She will probably behave brilliantly if you make the generous overture of inviting her in the first place. Times, Sunday Times
  • They make a modest portion look generous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bond's unflattering portrait lacks generosity, but at least it's an antidote to sentimental bardolatry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lenero balances tonal subtleties with his right-angled shapes.
  • Ultimately, Joseph Alsop came through with a generous package.
  • Commonly the groom or his family gave the infare, but often enough some generous and well-to-do friend, or kinsman, pre-empted the privilege. Dishes & Beverages of the Old South
  • If he has a fault at all, it is that he is too generous.
  • Tough as steel in his adherence to principle, resilient, placable, self-less and generous beyond the dictates of fashion, steadfast in friendship, but not at the price of reason, he strides the world of mathematics a happy warrior.
  • Congress has ever been niggardly when little or no evidence of electoral sentiment is presented to justify more generous appropriations.
  • He sat at the opposite side of the table from Nero, his expression unreadable due to the fact that his face was concealed by a smooth oval mask of flawless black glass. The Overload Protocol
  • She squirted herself a generous amount of shampoo and began lathering her hair with it.
  • Jan. 22/PRNewswire-USNewswire/-- With a generous donation from Eyre Bus, Tour & medical professionals and volunteers from the D.C. and New - Articles related to Where America Gives Its Money
  • a generous tipper
  • The Derby winner Generous will be put to stud in Britain at the end of the season.
  • It cannot be protected through setting clearly defined limits to what can or cannot be said - however generous those limits might seem.
  • Instead of trying to undo the damage inflicted by the villain, Captain Nero (played by Eric Bana), the challenge for our heroes is to stop Nero from causing any further damage. Star Trek 2009 Feature Film Review | Fan Cinema Today
  • Lemon zest contains terpenes, fragrant ethereal oils such as limonene, nerol and terpineol. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I shall have to hand Letty Dale to him at last!" he thought, yielding in bitter generosity to the conditions imposed on him by the ungenerousness of another. The Egoist
  • We thank him sincerely for his generous gesture in allowing this debate to take place.
  • But the club's future is looking bright thanks to the generosity of donators and the repair work carried out by Greenwich Council.
  • If the redundancy package is too generous many staff will opt for that and not even consider relocating.
  • For a sensuous bath, try sandalwood, rose, ylang-ylang, patchouli, neroli or jasmine.
  • The generosity of friends and supporters kept them going during the bleakest periods.
  • Generous host to a fault, Julie even sends Zoe and Nadia to the offie when I mention I'd like red wine which isn't on offer.
  • At first sight, it may look like a generous offer, but always read the small print.
  • He has a large, generous face with deep lines.
  • It was the elder son, he said, who just could not accept the generosity and graciousness of his father in welcoming back a lost and wayward brother.
  • By nature generous, Matt sometimes paid for his friends' drinks when they had no money.
  • He always sets a generous table for guests.
  • Nothing wrong ever came of being generous with your money, and he had enough to share.
  • As already indicated, to make a contract that insurance should be in place is all that would be needed, and that is not a difficult or onerous duty to perform.
  • The need to respond to good with good, to generosity with generosity, constancy in her affections, patience and love of work are qualities that have been with Lena since childhood.
  • He was of a mild and cheerful temper, generous to the extent of his means, and of an inventive genius; and his conduct after marriage was irreproachable.
  • The man said that he wanted the house and that he could offer a generous inducement if a deal had already been struck. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your new love has an astute business brain and a generous heart. The Sun
  • They were served in generous quantity, almost double normal size.
  • For maximum benefit, skin moisturizers should be applied generously before the longest period of no hand-washing activity (eg, before going to bed).
  • Morton's text is generous with information about cetacean life in general and observations of killer-whale behavior in particular.
  • We ask you to show your appreciation by giving generously.
  • Accornero, a 24-year law enforcement veteran, was appointed chief in 1994.
  • These digital devices deflate at about 4 mm Hg per second, making them sometimes seem slower to use than auscultatory aneroid devices, but they are more accurate.
  • This refers to a miser, perhaps the most despised of all types in a world where generosity is the yardstick by which humanity is measured.
  • Season well and add a generous amount of olive oil. Times, Sunday Times
  • I won't be surprised if the striking ‘colonels’ have been generously compensated for their brazen defiance of military norms.
  • The lawyer asked the jury to take cognizance of the defendant's generosity in giving to charity.
  • He was always attentive to the need to maintain the highest standards, generous with his time and unfailingly courteous. Times, Sunday Times
  • The record has been much deformed, reconstituted, and obliterated during the subsequent Proterozoic and Phanerozoic eons.
  • Jack Clancy of Clancy's Bar has kindly provided generous sponsorship to subsidise transport to Coleraine.
  • Apply lightly for a sheer shimmer or layer it on generously for an opaque icy blue colour to brighten eyes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Generous chunks of meaty fish were dry marinated in spices, baked in the tandoor and served with rice and naan.
  • Second, the population flux will converge towards those countries that provide the more generous social benefits or the best living conditions.
  • It is the most degenerous and pusillanimous temper of mind that can be. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. V.
  • To me, this exercise is about my being of service, my cultivating generosity, and letting go of outcomes. 29 Gifts: 14 through 18
  • The world has been attracted to America as a land of opportunity and America is the most generous country to immigrants from all over the globe. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • A feeling of drowsiness steals over me; that succulent cold chikor, followed by a generous slice of cake upon which I so nobly lunched, clouds somewhat my active faculties, and the article -- "A Bear Battue in the A Holiday in the Happy Valley with Pen and Pencil
  • In any case, their group is not overly onerous. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a complete man, constant, generous, full of honest courage, as a hardy follower of Thought wherever she might lead him, above all, as a confessor of that Truth which is forever revealing itself to the seeker, and is the more loved because never wholly revealable, he is an ennobling possession of mankind. Among My Books First Series
  • Some jobs are clearly not so important and yet they are receiving what seems like very generous remuneration. Times, Sunday Times
  • Use a generous amount of highlighting powder on the middle of the forehead. The Sun
  • Generosity is part of the American character.
  • It is to our benefit to understand the actions of Israel in terms of 'ponerology' or, the study of evil. Corrente
  • And you guys have been so generous I get choked up when I think about it.
  • A money moon gets cash flowing your way but tempts you to be too generous. The Sun
  • Abrams takes the term blockbuster seriously here by amping up the thrills and generously peppering in humor and enough heart to actually want to follow the adventures of this crew for many more films to come. Ain't It Cool News - The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.
  • The lawyer asked the jury to take cognizance of the defendant's generosity in giving to charity.
  • Tulad ng mga tulisang-dagat Blanchard, Associate Professor ng Chemistry sa Northern Kentucky University, said, "Ito ay katulad ng nasusunog ang mga kasangkapan sa bahay upang panatilihin ang mga bahay na mainit-init sa kalagitnaan ng Enero. »2,008» Hulyo
  • Those that submit and accord with you, treat them generously and virtuously . Those that oppose you, break with force.
  • It is crucial that asylum policy is aligned on best practice, not the least generous.
  • Though each had written to me commendatory letters and telegrams that were far more generous than I could possibly deserve, yet neither ever expressed to me, verbally, any compliment beyond, “Well, so far, you seem to be doing alright.” Going Home to Glory
  • The more lengthy and generous it is, the more it tends to enhance his transfer value. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was one exception to his lavish generosity.
  • Rub olive oil over the bird and sprinkle generously with salt and pepper. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why are we being so generous to farmers in other countries but so harsh with our own?
  • He also established himself as one of the city's most generous philanthropists.
  • Recording activity is itself an onerous task. Times, Sunday Times
  • A by-product of her spirituality, manifested in a variety of ways, has always been her generosity and charitable disposition.
  • They didn't start being generous till they had make their pile.
  • At that moment, his was a saint's blithesome face, loose and half a-smile with the generosity of his gift and with a becoming neutrality toward his own abilities, as if he had long since cheerfully submitted to knowing that however well he rendered a piece, he could always imagine doing better. Cold Mountain
  • On the other hand, Nero's love for lyrical poetry did not stop him from being a tyrant.
  • All those who knew her and especially those many who gained so much from her tuition, warm friendship and generous kindness will miss her very much indeed.
  • Unprofitable contracts can be ended, and property burdened with onerous obligations disowned.
  • Parcialmente en la parte baja la humedad es constante, razón por la cual se hizo un sistema de “canales” y tuberías ocultas para drenar el exceso de agua de las lluvias y de riego, en esta parte existe la posibilidad, por las condiciones del terreno, de contar con un venero de agua, según indicaciones del anterior propietario. Land for sale / Terreno en venta Tirio, Michoac�n
  • This being the recognised time to give alms, I was besieged by beggars, who spread their napkins before us on the ground, sprinkled with a few coppers to excite generosity.
  • The Beaujolais vignerons, just outside the border, were delighted.
  • Description: nerolism ~ FLAC curses from the pond nerol drehpehs
  • I poetize generously so please dont get upset opinionated I am who isnt in the spiders net Archive 2009-05-01
  • Her kindness and generosity go way beyond what is expected of any human being.
  • She was currently relying on the generosity of others to provide her lodging and sustenance.
  • I was served a very generous portion and it was delicious.
  • Edward did not grant her a generous landed endowment, and there are indications that she suffered some financial problems.
  • Another baffling call from our friends the bookmakers as they quoted Waterford at a very generous 6 / 4.
  • Honorius could remain insensible of the public disgrace, he might perhaps be affected by the personal misfortunes of his generous kinsmen. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Cold-pressing the fruit peel yields bigarade, the essential oil of the bitter orange; distilling the twigs gives you petitgrain; and the orange blossoms provide you with neroli. Orange Blossoms
  • I was actually expecting Princess Lover to be terrible, mainly because of the name, as well as the number of overgenerously proportioned females featured in the promo art. Anime Nano!
  • After Stamp took an earbashing from the Rugby Park fans and a yellow card from Hugh Dallas for a crunching tackle on Peter Canero, Hearts made their second goal of the day.
  • The firm offered her a generous bonus as a sweetener.
  • Even the arrivistes in California understood the sophistication required for a vigneron, commissioning fine architects to enhance their vineyards with beautiful buildings.
  • Yes, you may hit him fair, and make him bleed, too; but, for all that, he is a lion — a mighty, conquering, generous, rampageous Leo Belgicus — monarch of his wood. Roundabout Papers
  • The Pontus desk (image below) is a generously proportioned partner desk combining walnut, oak and painted finish with cable management system and hidden router/hard drive storage built-in.
  • A less driven woman might have been content with such generous helpings of immortality, but she was not that placid woman.
  • The group is understood to have been hired on generous pay packages but not guaranteed bonuses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every generous inch a military man, Groves made important concessions to Oppenheimer in the interest of getting the job done.
  • Whilst his hours were passed in studious retirement, the empress, resolute to achieve the generous design which she had undertaken, was not unmindful of the care of his fortune. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Moreover, even though the men in the film do ultimately incorporate the mother, her return is experienced by the audience as an unfair intrusion and the men's inclusion of her in their ménage a generous (if also pragmatic) gesture.
  • Measuring roughly 25 x 13 x 11 inches, this is one generously dimensioned bag!
  • If all else fails, you can always just eat the table decorations, since it seems that every festive table these days plays host to a generous bowl of fruit and nuts and a surfeit of chocolates.
  • The scent is composed around the essence of sandalwood with a hint of ginger, with top notes of Calabrian bergamot, Sicilian mandarin and Tunisian neroli.
  • Generous with encouragement for preservation, the Colonial Office was stingy with funds to pay for policing vast unsettled areas.
  • In reply to the first part of the objection, we would observe, that among all uncivilized people rites and customs prevail, which are abhorent to the better instructed christian; and with regard to the latter we would ask, what can be expected to result from a system which so degrades and brutifies a class of men, repressing everything that is noble and generous in them, and encouraging the growth of all that is vicious and mischievous in their merely animal nature. God's image in ebony : being a series of biographical sketches, facts, anecdotes, etc., demonstrative of the mental powers and intellectual capacities of the Negro race, by edited
  • This year, ancient Italian men are wearing generously cut worsted suits, either with waistcoat or cardigan, in natural earth colours with muted checks.
  • Burgess-Dunne aeroboat, the property of Vincent Astor; also Mr. Astor's skilful services as pilot, which he generously offered through his interest in naval affairs and because of his desire to give the world this first account of a sea battle observed from the sky. The Conquest of America A Romance of Disaster and Victory
  • I suppose I'm being a bit generous with that description too, aren't I?
  • On pretence of enjoying a free air, he mounted the box, and employed his elocution and generosity with such success, that the driver undertook to disable the diligence from proceeding beyond the town of Alost for that day; and, in consequence of his promise, gently overturned it when they were but a mile short of that baiting-place. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • His recollections are more generous, but notably concerned with the moral impression made on Gandhi, rather than the reverse.
  • And both mouths, while generously proportioned, carried the impression of girlish sweetness and chastity along with the muscles that could draw the lips to the firmness and harshness that would not give the lie to the square, uncleft chins beneath. CHAPTER IX
  • Her kindness and generosity cancel out her occasional flashes of temper.
  • Be like the sun for grace and mercy. Be like the night to cover others' faults. Be like running water for generosity. Be like death for rage and anger. Be like the Earth for modesty. Appear as you are. Be as you appear. Rumi 
  • Just a warning for light eaters, the generous portion should be shared by at least two persons as this particular dish will quickly sate your appetite as it is incredibly rich.
  • When it is bubbling furiously, salt it generously then add the linguine.
  • Maliseet, which open with the obtaining of a gold-dropping horse from an old man because of kindness, the loss of it at an inn at the bands of a rascally landlord, and the recovery of the animal through the generous use of a magic cudgel. Filipino Popular Tales
  • To put it generously, this was a terrible failure of imagination.
  • The quickness of his temper was counteracted by the generosity and benevolence of his heart.
  • Moreover, in a recent subscribers issue of Counterpunch (Vol. 16, No. 7) Pam Martens describes the game-plan of the “Free-State Project” to take over the state of New Hampshire by force and create a laissez-faire society reminiscent of the wishes of Messrs. A and B and the gangsterish primary ponerogenic union, Club B, which I described inPart II. Confucianism and the Impact of Sociopathy, Part III
  • He pays generously for bills that are old and in "uncirculated" condition. Pesos - old or new
  • Both apartments and duplexes have a generous electrical specification.
  • Picasso's generosity is no way "impugned" by the book's account of his gift of the head of Dora Maar. Life with Picasso
  • Add cumin and cayenne and season generously. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a generous and humane impulse that has brought huge benefits to this country.
  • 'And shall I entitle the wretch to upbraid me with his generosity, and his pity; and perhaps to reproach me for having been capable of forgiving crimes of such a nature? Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 7
  • Released in 1627, this utopian novel was his creation of an ideal land where "generosity and enlightenment, dignity and splendor, piety and public spirit" were the commonly held qualities of the inhabitants of Bensalem. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Case body surface all spray model or baking varnish disposal, beautiful generous, endure cauterization.
  • A generous sun room leads off this, as does the teak staircase, leading to two upstairs bedrooms.
  • SKETCHY SANTAS anta Claus has captured our imaginations for centuries as an enduring symbol of kindness and generosity. Sketchy Santas
  • The amount paid out is often not as generous the figure you were first quoted. The Sun
  • To give to such groups in warm economic times would be generous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Put the flour on the first and season generously with salt and pepper. Times, Sunday Times
  • But I refer you to a learned author, who hath long since assoiled this difficulty, and taught us to distinguish between a Jew en tō phanerō and a Jew en tō kruptō, of Israel according to “the flesh” and according to “the promise.” The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • A wise ruler is generous in victory.
  • Still singing, I took the crumpets out of the toaster and put them on a plate, spreading a generous amount of butter over them.
  • Apart from the potatoes and in this case the Cavolo Nero, all the other vegetables will be roasted in the oven first, to soften and develop a little caramelisation. Archive 2006-08-01
  • Manager of its football team from 1963 to 1974, this prince of charm was a true gentleman, magnanimous in defeat and generous in victory.
  • Today, only 3% of ordinary civilians are yet to return to their homes; though they are free to leave, they remain of their own volition until the de-mining/reconstruction work is completed, and the government of Sri Lanka continues to support them through its national welfare programs as well as through its relief organizations and by channeling funds from generous donors. Ru Freeman: A Few Peas Short of a Full Pod: Hillary Clinton & Tamil Nadu's Jayalalitha
  • This generous nationalism went one stage farther, too. Times, Sunday Times
  • The other carabinero jumped for me, but stepped into a wide swing that tumbled him into the canal.
  • Have you ever thought how great it would be if someone took the ickiest aspects of monogamous lifestyle BDSM, blended it with a double measure of religious-right patriarchy, then added a generous sprinkling of disturbing domestic violence? Happy Slapping
  • Making the requirements of the convention more onerous would not deter economic migrants from applying for asylum. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some suspect that the availability of welfare benefits, more generous to single mothers than married ones, may be an incentive.
  • Sagan, Johanson, Hawking and others generous coverage to enunciate their beliefs.
  • Water thoroughly then mulch with a generous layer of peat, composted bark or garden compost.
  • No man ever grew up in the agricultural regions of the West, where a house-raising, or even a corn-husking is a matter of common interest and helpfulness, with any other feeling than that of broad-minded, generous independence. On the Death of Garfield
  • She thought she could add value and it isn't too onerous a duty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like Nero, his family had ties to the Legion, but he was not of noble blood, unlike Nero, and could not become a centurion.
  • One of the most brave and unique documentary projects, it leaves you in awe of its selfless creator and his generous family.
  • The onerous task of distributing seed potatoes to the tenantry has just been completed.
  • My memory will be of an unfailingly courteous, generous and lovable man who kept his powder dry but out of sight. Times, Sunday Times
  • A run through the historical record, staring with Tacitus on Nero's blaming the Christians for the Great Fire, then Pliny on his administrative problems in Bithynia, then a long section on Cyprian (who I think gets more coverage than any other non-emperor); then a period of relaxation, which however is abruptly reversed by Diocletian (though that period of persecution seems to be more effective in the East). Gibbon Chapter XVI
  • We marvel at the generosity of this all-star team. American Grace
  • Think again if onerous charges are imposed should the staff member want to transfer to another scheme, or if recruits are not allowed to join the scheme within three months of joining the company.
  • I must say that I, for one, will really miss coming home from a good night out with a heathy wheeze, my nostrils ejecting generous quantities of blackened snot clogged with blood, and my eyes watering.
  • Just to give you an example of his generosity-he gave me his old car and wouldn't take any money for it.
  • The crowd of Republican delegates, who had been quite generous with their applause up until that point, sat there in stony silence. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is Stimulus Funding Political?
  • They have been extremely generous to the mosque.
  • It is unclear whether Wednesday's move will immediately propel trade higher, largely because nontariff barriers to trade, such as onerous labeling requirements, could still make things difficult for exporters. Pakistan to Boost Trade With India
  • Like his men, he wears a motley garb, -- part Spanish uniform, part costume of the Llanos; and he leans upon a lance, decorated with a black bannerol, which has carried death already to innumerable Loyalist hearts. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 16, February, 1859
  • The generous outreach to Sunnis is widely viewed as a profound betrayal by Bahrain's rulers and feeds Shiite perceptions of second-class status and being under siege from what they call a "mercenary" security force. The Seattle Times
  • Then I take the casserole out of the oven and place over the vegetables some fish, any white-fleshed fish such as blue grenadier or trevally or rock ling, along with a generous pat of butter and some fresh ground black pepper, and put it back in the oven and a most heavenly dinner is ready in ten minutes, depending on the thickness of the fish. What I cooked last night.
  • When we see the _helleborus foetidus_ and _helleborus niger_ blowing at Christmas, the _helleborus hyemalis_ in January, and the _helleborus viridis_ as soon as ever it emerges out of the ground, we do not wonder, because they are kindred plants that we expect should keep pace the one with the other; but other congenerous vegetables differ so widely in their time of flowering, that we cannot but admire. The Natural History of Selborne, Vol. 2
  • MOSCOW — Prime Minister Vladimir Putin took Russian sports officials to task Friday over the nation's dismal showing at the Vancouver Games, despite what he described as generous state funding. Putin SCOLDS Russian Athletes For Olympics Flop
  • But would anyone turn up their nose at a wedge of fresh home-baked Victoria sponge, sandwiched with a generous splodge of farmhouse strawberry jam and dairy cream?
  • Both St. Peter and St. Paul suffered martyrdom under the Roman Emperor Nero about 65 A . D .
  • The New Caledonia dry forests ecoregion contains 379 native plant species (phanerogam), 59 of which are found only in the dry forests. New Caledonia dry forests
  • Pat the fish fillets dry then dust the top generously with salt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some suspect that the availability of welfare benefits, more generous to single mothers than married ones, may be an incentive.
  • The appearance of Travolta trying to be evil by way of Hugh Hefner and Tony Manero is funny enough, but the addition of some slapstick later in the film lightens, for the moment at least, what is an overbearingly grim and depressing movie. Eric’s Top 10 Worst Comic Book Movies Ever » Scene-Stealers
  • Generous spacing gives healthier trees and better crops.
  • i also still feel the fins on my feet. they were also too tight. the freakin 'wetsuit's also giving me a slight rash. but nothing serious. have not packed of course. will do tomorrow. getting wei leong's windbreaker for the trip. he has very generously took my HINT and lend me the windbreaker. Overthefence Diary Entry
  • Sherburn's estimation of the capacities of youth was generous in comparison; this more aggressive abridger turned the nineteen volumes of Richardson's three novels into a 232-page duodecimo.
  • Simple use of space allows for a generous lounge and master bedroom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Colombian President Andres Pastrana, a light breeze riffling his silvered hair, steps forward to accept this generous gift from the American people.
  • The students generously gave them instruction in social responsibility.
  • The A-Team, a movie that was generously described as brainless, and that's next to a TV show from the 80s so you know things are bad. Cinematical
  • But outside the courtroom he was known as generous and warm-hearted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Furthermore, to take precautions against uninvited guests was thought too onerous a burden to place on landowners.
  • Hay dinero para mantener una ocupación que debiera utilizarse mejor en cancelar la deuda externa haitiana, oneroso legado de las dictaduras de los Duvalier.
  • Perhaps giving the opposition two-thirds of the likely overs erred on being generous but all credit to Felsted's enterprising captaincy.

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