How To Use Neocon In A Sentence

  • We clearly need to replace the name ascribed to those whose ideology got us into this situation in the first place: the Neoconservatives. Making Sense of the News: Time To Update Some Terms
  • Francis Fukayama's autopsy of neoconservatism is well worth reading, and makes many sensible points about the direction that American foreign policy should now take. Balkinization
  • The neoconservatives, to my complete surprise, were not pleased.
  • And "The neoconservative hubris, which sort of assigns to America some kind of geo-strategic responsibility for maximizing democracy, overstretches the resources of a free country. Firedoglake » Can Republicans Put Country Before Party?
  • So I suppose this makes me a member of the international neocon conspiracy as well as an evil shill for the oil industry.
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  • A great many (not all) liberals adopted embryonic stem cells as a cause for the same reason that they have embraced Global Warming: because they like the policy implications and automatically oppose the Bush Administration, the “neocons” and the “Religious Right”, not because they are willing to follow science whithersoever it leadeth. Stromata Blog:
  • Lem, neocon may or may not be shorthand for Jews in some media circles, but in any circle you encounter, "jackass" is shorthand for Joe Klein. "Prince of Darkness Denies Own Existence."
  • The hopes of these people cannot be written off as a neocon pipedream. Times, Sunday Times
  • This brought about by a Republican President with a chiliastic world view aided by the Neocon Manicheanism. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • GALLOWAY ON MID EAST POPULAR RESISTANCE MOVEMENT yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'GALLOWAY ON MID EAST POPULAR RESISTANCE MOVEMENT'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: George Galloway senses what I strongly feel ~ that the tide is turning against the Cheney/Bush neocon dream of global domination ~ for the rest of the world clearly sees the real threat to our civilization is the United States ~ and Galloway, who saw this threat clearly years ago, now comments on the rapidly growing demand of Muslim and Latin American movements for an alternative to America\'s oppression and domination.' GALLOWAY ON MID EAST POPULAR RESISTANCE MOVEMENT
  • As opposed to the jingoist neocons who want to export the wonders of American capitalism, abortion, liberalism, and Starbucks all over the face of the earth. Matthew Yglesias » All Presidents Engage With Tyrants
  • Under the “leadership” of the neocon Fred Hiatt, it has morphed into a neocon repiggie asswipe, and I am so disgusted that I deleted it from my file of news sites last year. Think Progress » On House GOP Website, Republican Leadership Takes Credit For Successful Stimulus Project
  • Ron Paul, the one the media and rabid neocons have called a lunatic, is the only sensible candidate in this race. michael Paul set to hold separate rally during Republican convention
  • It is a conservative viewpoint in the true sense, which makes it the antithesis of contemporary neoconservatism and neoliberalism, as well as all universalist ideologies.
  • Bret Stephens of the WSJ says neoconservatism is making come back … even though he can’t say what neoconservatism is: Balloon Juice » 2009 » September
  • They negotiated a cease-fire unknown to officials and against the express wishes of the civilian neocons in charge of the Pentagon.
  • Yet a handful of committed neoconservative defense intellectuals in and out of government convinced the president, rightly or wrongly, to back the idea.
  • December 3, 2008 26 pp. of recycled neocon lite rubbish from Richard Haas and Martin Indyk, under the imprimatur of the Brookings Inst.: 03 « December « 2008 « Niqnaq
  • The clash of civilizations sought by the Bush administration's neoconservatives appears to be nearly at hand.
  • And John McCain -- egged on by Joe Lieberman, the neocons and the Israelis -- seems far more concerned about Iran (which has been shooting off missiles in response to Israeli war games, a dangerous game on both sides). The Afghanistan Attack - Swampland -
  • My definition of a neocon is the extreme right fringe who are unattractive patriarchal WASP megalomaniacs that were bullied in grade school, so they now try to fight everyone with someone else†™ s blood, sweat and tears. Think Progress » ThinkFast: May 11, 2006
  • They were to give war the kind of precision that would lower civilian deaths to the vanishing point and, as the neocons of the Bush administration would claim in the next decade, free the U.S. military to "decapitate" any regime we loathed. Tom Engelhardt: Why Military Dreams Fail -- and Why It Doesn't Matter
  • Dr David Brin kamakailan-lamang na itinuro ng kanyang mga mambabasa sa Ang Claremont Institute's article "Hindi iyong Ama Republican Party," kung saan summarizes ideological ebolusyon ng Republican partido mula sa progresibong mga araw ng Lincoln, sa pamamagitan ng modernong conservativism, sa bagong conservativism, at nagtatapos sa Bush Jr ' s wari kalagitnaan progresibong, albeit "pananampalataya-based na," half-paraan neoconservativism That's hindi ang pinakamainam na paraan upang ilarawan ito, alam ko. alternatibo welcome. »2,005» Disyembre
  • It would throw off the neocon power base and realign all manner of forces.
  • This is not necessarily because the journalist and the relief worker share a liberal outlook; a neoconservative pundit would fare no better with the NCO, for example.
  • To defend against the higher standard implied by the first … and while from an American neocon, this would be to defend the IDF from being judged by the same standard, but in other circles around the world it might be to defend Hamas from being held to the same standard demanded of the IDF … jump up and down and pretend that it should be understood as saying the second. beamish Says: Matthew Yglesias » Lacking in Prosal Clarity
  • Unlike the neoconservative apologists for the Republican attempt to rip off the poor, he is a genuinely original thinker, as well as a prodigy of learning.
  • Politicians have to be diplomatic, and pissing off Obama by spouting neocon gibberish is probably not a good idea. Matthew Yglesias » Boot v. Peres on Arab Peace Initiative
  • It is that possibility that goes some way to explaining why the neocons hate Europe.
  • Pre-earthquake Haiti had "small government" -- the neocon and so-called "conversative" political factions in the USA and their dupes prescribe "small government" which provides no regulation, and little in the way of central monitoring and control except for enforcing sectarian-based intrusion and exercising sovereignty over citizen's personal lives, including decisions about reproduction, pregnancy, and supposedly private consensual activities.... Making Light: Open thread 134
  • It seems there has been a definite diminution in the power of the really strong neocons in the government.
  • 1. Mmm, it doesn't help that the most flagrant American user of the term neocon is Pat Buchanan, who DOES use it in a crypto-racist way. Anti-Semitism, on the Right, 15 yards, first down
  • Unless you or some other neocon robot talking-point parrot has worked out a way to efficiently, efficaciously (and within a reasonable budget) oust 20 million people from this country without committing crimes against humanity, then you're probably better off keeping your bigotted yaps shut while the adults handle it. Gingrich holds jobs summit one day before Obama's
  • You realize of course that from here on in the same flaccids you excoriate will now call you a liar as they lie about you, call you a coward as they hide behind their ridiculous pseudonyms, and traduce you as a neocon, a Zionist, a warmonger and an idiot? Archive 2009-03-01
  • However, editors and well-paid media pundits are well aware that social and political opposition to the neoconservative order in the US poses a direct threat to their own privileged existence in Britain.
  • I understand now why the NeoCons wanted to remain insolated from The Hague. Think Progress » ThinkFast: April 22, 2006
  • It was at this point that I appreciated that the term neoconservative had lost all meaning and that, from now on, it would be little more useful than "fascist" or even, often, "communist". Irving Kristol & the Life and Times of Neoconservatism
  • These interventions were not ideological, whether 'liberal' or 'neocon'. Times, Sunday Times
  • You know that neocon is code for Joooooow don’t you? Think Progress » ThinkFast: May 11, 2006
  • Calling opinions in this forum subversive is typical of neocon, nay, facist inability to separate church and state. Think Progress » Frist and Torture: What Did He Know and When Did He Know It?
  • But idiots like Bolton and Palin and the neocons want to bomb the country which would only galvinize “Supreme Leader” and dishearten those trying to make changes. Think Progress » Bolton: Either Iran Gets Nukes Or ‘Israel Or Somebody Else Uses Military Force To Stop It’
  • James Q. Wilson, in his review of Irving Kristol's "The Neoconservative Persuasion: Selected Essays, 1942-2009" edited by Gertrude Himmelfarb Bookshelf, Jan. 21 , articulates an instructive and powerful approach to government decision-making. Say Yes to Fact-Based Decision-Making
  • Current campus conservatism isn't part of any clandestine plan organized by neoconservatives in a back room of the White House.
  • And the neoconservative school of columnists was almost unanimous in jeering at Rushdie for being hoist by his own petard. Holy Writ
  • Home haas & indyk (brookings, cfr) 26 pp. of recycled neocon lite rubbish from Richard Haas and Martin Indyk, under the imprimatur of the Brookings Inst.: Haas & indyk (brookings, cfr)
  • As a card carrying neocon of the PNAC persuasion, he thinks that all this namby-pamby handwringing about poverty is rubbish.
  • Vaisse avoids the crudities of, say, Chris Matthews, who has used "neoconservative" as an all-purpose smear over the years, and eschews the conspiracy-mongering often so attractive to commentators on the subject. Rich Lowry's review of books on neocons and the conservative movement
  • Of course, this idea is implicit in much liberal as well as neoconservative thinking, but such an unambiguous statement is offensive to all sides.
  • One glimmer of hope, though, emerges from the suggestion that the next step for neoconservatism is to consider “what lessons from the neoconservative critique of social engineering at home can be applied to the program for promoting liberty and democracy abroad?” MagRack: The Weekly Standard’s Relativist Snipe Hunt
  • His book could have complemented the work of these and the many others who have exposed the real agenda of the US neoconservatives, but he has missed the opportunity.
  • It is rumored that the loose Federation idea has some support among the neoconservatives, which is worrisome, since they tend to get what they want.
  • It’s sheer thumbing-your-nose perversity that the neocons are greeting him as a hero after wasting our taxpayer dollars buying his ‘Curveball’ misintelligence that BushCo used to get us into a war that didn’t need to be fought. Think Progress » Durbin: Don’t Be Surprised If “The Chalabi Motorcade Speeds Up When They Pass the Department of Justice”
  • It's hard to keep track of all the neocon nutcases that populate this administration's foreign policy shop, but this guy ranks up there with the worst.
  • It is not a trait that endears Allen to neoconservatives, who regard him as intellectually vapid and ideologically bland.
  • What is MY trying to say except that the evil neocons are boorishly insisting too loudly on points that he and his buddies consider deserving of more discrete modulation? Matthew Yglesias » Birds of a Feather
  • I had never heard the term neocon and I had never heard of such people as Condi, Rummy, Dick, John Ashcroft, et al. Peace Mom
  • This is a classic example of neoconservative obfuscation.
  • A hegemonic spirit nonetheless underlies both the liberal activism and the neoconservative unilateralism evident in much of recent American foreign policy.
  • It is perhaps not surprising that some neoconservatives have charged in return that, in the mouths of their critics, neoconservative is a code word for Jewish, since the kind of takeover of the American body politic alleged is all too similar to the kinds of conspiracies laid at the feet of Jews in the history of anti-Semitism. Francis Fukuyama on the Neoconservative Legacy: an Excerpt from America at the Crossroads
  • Current US assertiveness cannot be seen simply as resulting from the short-sighted view of a few neoconservatives giddy at the thought of all those bombs.
  • This was the side of politics, the neoconservative side, that said that they had one big thing to offer in the war against terror - the doctrine of pre-emption.
  • From the voice of neocon/Likudist disinformation -- "Nadine" -- to your ears. The Washington Note
  • If you don't believe me, I'd like to refer you to the writings of Grover Norquist of the American Spectator magazine and other Neocon architects (with Karl Rove as their strategy pointman) – they have all been very explicit in stating their goals. 'Quit spending,' Pawlenty tells Obama
  • The association of gambling with the term neocon and observation of McCain's growing synchronicity with Bush positions is generally enough to convince an inquirer. Stephen C. Rose: John McCain's Gambling Comes Home To Roost
  • Instead, the neocons were depicted as fanatical ideologues, with no mention of their roots in the business community or their furtherance of corporate interests.
  • Neocons praise Trotsky, therefore neoconservatism is a variant of Trotskyism. Matthew Yglesias » War for War’s Sake
  • McCain, like Bush and the neocon ideologues, misuse the term intentionally to jerk the chain of the electorate. McCain Blasts Obama As Unfit To Defend America
  • Other neoconservative organizations represented in the coalition by more than one member include AEI and Freedom House.
  • It is time for the neocon rightwing to get a serious klap. Think Progress » 9/11 Commissioner Lehman On Path to 9/11: ‘If You Don’t Like The Hits On the Clinton Administration, Welcome to the Club’
  • Really these ignorant farmers are being taken advantage of by the republicans and the neocons.
  • The term neoconservative was first used derisively by democratic socialist Michael Harrington to make clear that a group, many of whom called themselves liberal, was actually a group of newly conservative ex-liberals. Introducing "Think Twice" Word Detection System To OpEdNews
  • Conservative writer David Horowitz argues that the increasing use of the term neoconservative since the 2003 start of the Iraq War has made it irrelevant: Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • The flagrant use of the term neocon - stripped of its meaning to become a smear against anyone who expressed support for military intervention in TPMCafe
  • A prominent neoconservative, he was a co-founder of Project for the New American Century.
  • It thoroughly mixes up conservatives, neoconservatives and libertarians.
  • In a 1999 essay titled “Leo Strauss and the World of Intelligence (By Which We Do Not Mean Nous)” (in Greek philosophy the term nous denotes the highest form of rationality), Shulsky and Schmitt, two neocons, argue that Strauss’s idea of hidden meaning “alerts one to the possibility that political life may be closely linked to deception. Grokster falls to the RIAA
  • On the new US imperialism, he is an impeccable neoconservative; on the death penalty he is a liberal; on the Euro he is with the Tory wets and (some of) New Labour.
  • The ties go way back and undergird the entire neocon movement and its traditional concern with Israeli affairs.
  • Being an awful tease, I posted something there recently under the heading ‘The neocons were right!’
  • Again, more spin and half-truth from the Party of Satan - the NeoCons. Conservative: Dems looking 'schizophrenic' on reform
  • But this invasion will not be the cakewalk neoconservatives predict.
  • Meanwhile, neoconservative journalists have been channeling the administration's thinking.
  • The ONLY reason this decision occured is because the NeoCons have not yet succeeded in their plans to take over America. Think Progress » BREAKING: Supreme Court Rules Bush Overstepped His Authority At Guantanamo
  • But given how messianic aspects of neoconservatism would subsequently become it's interesting to note that Kristol also (and in my view correctly) quipped that "meliorism" was all that could be hoped for even though: "Unsurprisingly, "coping" rather than "solving" lacks dramatic appeal for journalists as for politicians. John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • Actually neoconservatives do tolerate welfare as a way of controlling people, at least they admit it.
  • For neoconservatives, who have long used the velvet glove of pro-democracy rhetoric to hide the steel fist of what has consistently been a U.S.- and Israel-centered Machtpolitik, Vice Pres. Easter Lemming Liberal News
  • The steady decline in our democratic culture, sinking to new levels of vulgarity, does unite neocons with traditional conservatives – though not with those libertarian conservatives who are conservative in economics but unmindful of the culture ... The Volokh Conspiracy » Further to Andrew Ferguson on Behavioral Economics
  • When the Cold War ended, these neoconservatives began casting about for a new crusade to give meaning to their lives.
  • Frist is the main pusher of the nuclear option and if he is too sidetracked or marginalized as is Delay, then the attempt by the neocons to savage tradition has less of a chance of happening. Think Progress » Hearings for Sam Alito
  • While Bush favoured aggressive neoconservative ideologues, Obama has selected people whose doveish credentials seem impeccable" The Guardian, Jan 11, 2009 Indra Adnan: It's not American Leadership the World Wants, it's American Companionship
  • I would even go so far as to say that theis tiff-in-a-teapot is more of a marketing device for both the neocon beltway libertarians and the Lewciferians to rally their supporters against the other side — a way to convince their respective followers that indeed they are more pure than the other. Libertarians and the Old Right « Blog
  • Providing ideological world views to the ignorant is how neocons make their way in the world.
  • But now the rednecks are calling the shots, and the neocons are telling them how.
  • You just wiped up the field with these neocon trogs. Worry Grows That Obama Won't Act Swiftly Enough On Health Care
  • In the year 2000 I had never even heard the term neoconservative, shortened to neocon. Peace Mom
  • Yet the chief orchestrater of the second neoconservative war of aggression is David Bromwich: Iraq, Israel, Iran
  • He's a voice for US unilateralism, nation-building by warfare and neoconservative principles in which free markets are equivalent to democracy.
  • It should not be a freak show for neoconservative politics and its pursuit of the culture war.
  • Which neoconservative impulse will win out -- the embrace of democratic longing, or the fear of Islamic movements taking power?
  • It appears that many of the commentors use “neoconservative” as somewhat of a portmanteau snarl-word: the issue at discussion is the extent the snarl aspect applies to or is caused by Jews, either as individuals or as a collective. The Volokh Conspiracy » Joe Klein Again
  • One of the discussions in the postmortem was the reflection on how ‘democracy’ as conceived by Bush and the neocon gang was both flimsily conceived and counter-productive. Matthew Yglesias » A Friend in Need
  • Neoconservative wars create democracies that are bounded within neoconservative precepts, like extremely limited government and considerable corporate power.
  • Neither the neocons nor the garden variety hawks that control his administration will allow that.
  • Neocons, warmongers, these dangerous idiots whose parents never taught them the rules of diplomacy over bullyism, ought to be the first to fight in war with Iran. Think Progress » Kristol: ‘We Could Be In A Military Confrontation With Iran Much Sooner Than People Expect’
  • These neocon pseudofascists are like a parasite using the host Republican party to attain their ends.
  • Of course, one would have to be incredibly naive to think that Palin, at best a befuddled Republican poster child and at worst another establishment neocon, would follow through on her support and back a new 9/11 investigation should John McCain snatch victory from the jaws of defeat and take the White House. 28 « October « 2008 « Niqnaq
  • I mean, I was marinated in neoconservatism, and I thought ... Andrew Sullivan: Dishing It Out Daily For A Decade
  • Yet, the neocons long assumed that a majority in Iraq would vote for a man on the lam from a sentence of 22 years in neighboring Jordan for fraud in the collapse of the Chalabi family's Petra Bank. Archive 2004-12-05
  • But a well thought-out strategy can address the concerns of neocontainment advocates while retaining core "integrationist" principles, which from a long-term perspective are fundamentally sound. Center for American Progress
  • It is not a trait that endears Allen to neoconservatives, who regard him as intellectually vapid and ideologically bland.
  • Consider Tony Blair - a non-neocon raised by neocons to the exalted status that until now was accorded only to Churchill and Thatcher.
  • It does not, as the neoconservatives argue, ignore power; it redefines power as surveillance.
  • But when a neoconservative Republican and a liberal Democrat can agree on an issue it gives me hope for the future of political discourse in the blogosphere.
  • This poses as a refutation of neocon thinking, but really it isn't. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the process of describing the neoconservatives, not a single mention is made of the policies or policy-makers of the Democratic Party.
  • Remember how the neocons and Bush decided to "democratize" the Middle East by force, making it a bastion of Western democracy, without any regards for the differences between the peoples, cultures, and religions? Muhammad Sahimi: Let us Pray for Obama
  • It is to neoconservatism's credit that this doctrine is consistent with extant work on how best to respond to the zombie menace.
  • The occupation is about maintaining US control of Iraq as part of the neocon strategy to "democratize" the Middle East. Obama: Don't Be Confused, I'm Serious About Ending War
  • They conclusively presume that the ‘neocons’ are always lying anyway.
  • That an organ of NEOconservative opinion would tout Bush’s moves toward torture and autocracy is just a dog-bites-man story. xmzwvcripq Says: Matthew Yglesias » A Coda
  • Not yesterday, or in George Bush's and every neocon's vicariously fulfilled hafnium wet-dream of glory, but TODAY, right this moment type of today: Why? As to Afghanistan, this Thanksgiving it was ���Thanks, but No Thanks.'
  • The oil fields of Iraq are clearly 'divvied' up among the plotters -- Exxon Mobil, Conoco (before its merger with Phillips), Shell Oil, BP America Inc et al. The common sense interpretation of the undeniable timeline (in the public record) is that Bush and Cheney conspired with their neocon and oil industry 'base' to perpetrate a hoax upon the US -- a 911 pretext -- upon which they would raise the bogus specter of 'terrorism'! Bush tells another bald-faced whopper, claims he has laid the 'foundation of peace'!
  • It is to neoconservatism's credit that this doctrine is consistent with extant work on how best to respond to the zombie menace.
  • Rejecting orthodoxies and abstract theories alike, the neoconservatives tended to operate in close proximity to ongoing events.
  • In an appearance on Meet The Press, he was unfamiliar with the term "neoconservative" -- even though the doctrine of democracy promotion was central to George W. Bush's foreign policy agenda and helped set off the invasion of Iraq.
  • The term neoconservatism was created by the socialist writer Michael Harrington in the early 1970s. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • At last, the global justice movement has found a vision as expansive and planet-wide as that of the American neoconservatives.
  • I'm pretty sure our societal diarrhea is a direct result of irritable GOPers and neocons agitating the extreme right-wing of their party solely for political gain. Poll of Polls: Obama more popular than his policies
  • It was there, in the moments after 9/11, that Bush truly decided on war, maybe because Saddam had once tried to kill George H.W. Bush, maybe because the neocons had convinced him that a brief war in Iraq would have long-term salutary consequences for the entire Middle East, maybe because he could not abide the thought that a monster like Saddam might die in his sleep -- and maybe because he heard destiny calling. WaPo's Richard Cohen: Bush Is A "Sentimental Softie" And A "Neo-Liberal"
  • And btw, Evgeniy, InstaPundit is totalitarian communist, or at least he looks like one to me and I have seen a lot, to understand that there are not much difference between the worshippers of unlimited executive power called commies or neocons The Volokh Conspiracy » Symbols:
  • It was mostly just an excuse to examine the democracy-promoting credentials of neoconservatives.
  • The neocons’ democratist ideology should be treated as just another example of fuzzy-headed utopianism. Blog
  • The unilateralist neocons were actually asking for help from foreigners.
  • Alost as hard as being some of the 28% of the single digit wackjobs that still drink the Neocon Koolaid. Think Progress » 28 percent.
  • But whatever way it happened, the benign imperialism of the neocons would crash with the dollar.
  • Inside every neocon is an isolationist bursting to get out. Times, Sunday Times
  • Similarly, when neoconservative ideologues speak of needing to rebuild an embattled US hegemony and legitimacy, they aren't impotently expatiating.
  • The neoconservatives consistently misrepresent the right as culturally open and committed to equality of opportunity.
  • And one of the reasons I thought President Bush was disserved is a lot of his neocon advisers said that we were crazy when we told him in the transition that the biggest problem was bin Laden. Ideas and Consequences
  • So, too, the neoconservatives are trying to fend off critics by assassinating their character and impugning their motives.
  • (A) the neocon crypto-fascists, who are attempting to impose American supremacy on an unwilling world by machtpolitik (i.e., by "might-makes-right" politics); versus Archive 2005-04-01
  • As John Judis has argued, the neocons simply transmuted one kind of radicalism into another kind -- from dialectically determined Bolshevism to dialectically determined "democratism. James Pinkerton: When Art is Cooler -- and More Conservative -- Than Politics
  • I think, however, that what is more likely is that neoconservative intellectuals and blowhards (whom you despise) have gained more influence.
  • If you can reason like a humanoid, which is not likely from neocons, then you will be taken seriously. Think Progress » The Gorelick Myth
  • In other words, neoconservatism is a Jewish movement and Jews are responsible for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and all the problems which they have caused for all countries involved. Wonk Room » Project For The Rehabilitation Of Neoconservatism
  • But I think the documentary is accurate as portraying the neoconservatives as playing a key role in getting the evangelical message ensconced into he daily lexicon. A little less conversation… « Dating Jesus
  • The neocons recognized 30 years ago that the extremist fundy base was readily organizable and extremely motivated. Argento v. Coulter - The Panda's Thumb
  • After more than ten years, it is still cited as the main reference on the evolution of neocon foreign policy views.
  • This loss of faith, however, should not overexcite whatever pockets of neocons there are left. Brian McNally's Letter from Saigon
  • Sorry neocon fundy zealots, but certain things are NOT up for a vote ... that's the entire purpose of the Constitution ... protecting an unpopular minority from the tyrrany of the bigotted, self-centered, greedy, religious-nutcake majority. Same-sex marriage closer in D.C.
  • Political Straussians and their neoconservative allies argue that the spread of democracy is a panacea for many of America's global problems.
  • However, as use of the term expands in the United Kingdom and other European countries, an intriguing question arises: What exactly is a European neocon? Spinwatch
  • That's the diplospeak that conservatives, neoconservatives, once deplored. CNN Transcript Jul 10, 2006
  • The self-styled neoconservatives, for example, are the antithesis of conservatism.
  • Also, neocons seem to have a more instrumental view of religion.
  • Richard Perle was a brilliant, brooding defense expert with strongly neoconservative leanings.
  • After all when the last bunch of neocon crooks was in power we liberals bided our time and regrouped so we could restore majority rule. Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
  • A recurring theme for Neocons like Krauhammer is the need, for the lack of a better term, to create an "American God" that will somehow give the banalities and absurdities of our increasingly arbitrary way of life "meaning. Space: The Final Caliphate « Blog
  • European countries understand much better the limits, in scope and duration, of power than the US neocons do.
  • Indeed, contrary to the hopes raised by some of Obama's admirers in the anti-war movement -- or the fears stirred up in his neoconservative bashers -- Obama was not a closet peacenik, an isolationist, a "third worldist" or an "Arabist;" and his positions on Arab-Israeli issues reflected a view shared by most of his predecessors in office. Leon T. Hadar: Obama's Mideast Policy: An Unpromising Drive Towards a Cost-Effective Pax Americana
  • So no, I am not on the side of the scary neocons who want stuff gone because it makes them uncomfortable.
  • The conservative Christian leadership includes both hypocritical clerics like Robertson, Falwell, Dobson and Phelps, and neocon laic politicians like Bush, Ashcroft, Frisch and DeLay. THREE TYPES OF CONSERVATIVES
  • Even the neocons, many of whom are ex-communists, claim that big government conservativism is ok because conservatives know how to use government!! Meltzer on the Labor Market, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Mr Buckley, Jr is quoted as saying “The neoconservative hubris, which sort of assigns to America some kind of geo-strategic responsibility for maximizing democracy, overstretches the resources of a free country.” Firedoglake » Can Republicans Put Country Before Party?
  • The notorious unilateralism of the neoconservatives in Washington never boded well for the billing of Cancun as a more consensual round of talks.
  • He is antigay antiliberal anticitizen, neocon, and loves rich folks. Firedoglake » Late to the Party
  • Neocons tell you that every second-rate nation is ready for democracy, if only we can topple their dictators.
  • L'Affaire Biden - when the vice president was mousetrapped and humiliated when Israel announced plans to build 1,600 new housing units for Jews in East Jerusalem shortly after he arrived in Israel to reaffirm U.S. solidarity with Israel - was dismissed as a mere "spat" by the neoconservative WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • The End of Nuclear Diplomacy" screamed the headline of Monday's Global View column authored by neocon pisher Brent Stephens who goes on and on about how the Obama's Administration's pursuit of diplomacy in dealing with Iran's nuclear crisis was strengthening Tehran's hands. Leon T. Hadar: Give an "F" to The Wall Street Journal's 's "Global View" and a "B" to Obama's Global Policy
  • On the other side are a few dozen neoconservative think tank scholars and defense policy intellectuals.
  • You know that neocon is code for Joooooow don†™ t you? Think Progress » ThinkFast: May 11, 2006
  • Answer: Neocon spy yes control usa president bush administration, but if you can believe it possible, neocon controlling democrat party even more. checking the credential of him Congressman rahm emmanuel, some say him so "intrepid".'s Cox: Sorry, Hillary Is Not Inevitable
  • Someone equally cynical leftword might say Trotskyites and liberal Democrats turned out to be the testiest of neocons -- like converts to Catholicism who come to Communion late in life. Michael Conniff: Con Games: Mamet, Miller, And The Ole Hitcheroo Switcheroo
  • On one side lurks the hoary beast of a decent man brought down by the neocons and their agenda of world domination.
  • Ann Coulter has never had an origional thought which makes her the epizoon of the neocons. Think Progress » ThinkFast PM: June 14, 2006
  • The collapse of the vital center pushed neoconservatives and the Democratic Party leadership in opposite directions.
  • RR is just another malcontent in the neocon party who is benefiting from having a hard-working, intelligent, articulate president – Obama. Obama taps surgeon general
  • Giddy with excitement, the neocons are falling all over one another to hail the president.
  • Of the six point agenda by Fancis Boyle for an international legal response on the ongoing crimes committed by Israel, here is point 4: "We must move to have the U.N. General Assembly impose economic, diplomatic, and travel sanctions upon Israel pursuant to the terms of the Uniting for Peace Resolution (1950), whose Emergency Special [...]" The first Democratic president in the modern era to be elected on an anti-war ticket is also, to the relief of neocons and the liberal belligerati, a hawk. Body on the line
  • The last thing that a dethroaned celebrity icon needs by his side while trying to force a comeback is a reminder of George Bush, his lies and his failed neocon agenda hanging around your neck. Think Progress » Ari Fleischer quits PR job for Tiger Woods because his legacy was so bad it harmed Tiger’s rehabilitation.
  • Critics of neoconservatism and the Bush foreign policy are fascist because "neocon" is code for Jewish, pro-Israel intellectuals. The Partial Observer
  • Yes, fusionism began to rapidly fall apart once the Soviet Union fell and the individualist conservatives saw they had little in common with the neocon statists/militarists.
  • They were neither the noble heroes depicted by neoconservatives nor the villains depicted by leftist debunkers.
  • | Reply | Permalink that's exactly what cohen was trying to do when he pretended to play dumb and reinvent the term neoliberal to smear bush and all of his disasters including iraq. never mind that iraq was a neoconservative misadventure. never mind that neoliberal has an actual meaning. neoconservative has the word conservative in it so it's too troubling to condemn it let alone use it as a criticism. but hey, neoliberal has the word liberal in it so let's use that instead. the republicans have so much invested in their campaign to make 'liberal' a negative, it makes sense. but dubya strikes me as egomaniacal in his desire to have history look back worshipfully on him as a president. i can't imagine if republicans push this 'bush is a liberal' crap that bush will be able to stop himself from pushing back from the bully pulpit. Election Central Debate Roundup
  • Is there anything the corporative neocons have done to benefit Americans in the last 8 years? GOP turns tables on Democrats
  • So I suppose this makes me a member of the international neocon conspiracy as well as an evil shill for the oil industry.
  • But he's now officially a monster of the hard right's creation who has to talk the talk and walk the walk of a corporate neocon anti-social fearmongering drumbeater for war, overturning Roe v Wade, tax cuts for the biggest businesses, drill drill drill, and screwjobbing the middle class. Hoffmania!
  • Unlike the Hogs and the Banksters, the Neocons who illegally murdered, imprisoned and tortured countless civilians across the world should be exported - extradited, that is, to stand trial at an international war crimes tribunal. Bill Totten's Weblog
  • On each of those issues there are half way measures which he can offer to placate the Neocons without really doing anything of substance for them.
  • McCain's Mixed Signals on Foreign Policy" (Paul Richter, Los Angeles Times) In today's parlance, is McCain a "realist" or "neocon"? The Daily 2008 - Real Clear Politics –
  • And what of the other leg of the neocon argument? Times, Sunday Times
  • It provides a third way between neocon aggression and liberal complacency. Times, Sunday Times
  • In temperament, too, neoconservatives have revealed themselves as the antithesis of conservative.
  • If that doesn't change your view of him as a neocon warmonger, it should. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lanny Davis, Rahm Emanuel, Evan Bayh and the DLC just to name a few, who believed that Democrats have to walk in lockstep with not only a neocon agenda but a corporatist Wall Street welfare authority agenda. Think Progress » Pence ‘Considering’ Challenging Evan Bayh As Bayh Attacks The ‘Left’
  • Grappling with neocon ideals and non-existent states was much less attractive, or even attainable, for others. Times, Sunday Times
  • Watch for a sly neocon attempt to move the goalposts. Times, Sunday Times
  • We'd sit around the magazine guffawing at the ludicrous stories that kept sprouting, but belief in shadowy neocon influence has now hardened into common knowledge.
  • In fact, there's a subset of neocons who believe that given our unparalleled power, empire is our destiny and we might as well embrace it.
  • President George W. Bush and his neoconservative advisers disregarded the ethnic and sectarian realities in Iraq and the balance of power in the Persian Gulf.

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