How To Use neocon In A Sentence
- We clearly need to replace the name ascribed to those whose ideology got us into this situation in the first place: the Neoconservatives. Making Sense of the News: Time To Update Some Terms
- Francis Fukayama's autopsy of neoconservatism is well worth reading, and makes many sensible points about the direction that American foreign policy should now take. Balkinization
- The neoconservatives, to my complete surprise, were not pleased.
- And "The neoconservative hubris, which sort of assigns to America some kind of geo-strategic responsibility for maximizing democracy, overstretches the resources of a free country. Firedoglake » Can Republicans Put Country Before Party?
- So I suppose this makes me a member of the international neocon conspiracy as well as an evil shill for the oil industry.
- A great many (not all) liberals adopted embryonic stem cells as a cause for the same reason that they have embraced Global Warming: because they like the policy implications and automatically oppose the Bush Administration, the “neocons” and the “Religious Right”, not because they are willing to follow science whithersoever it leadeth. Stromata Blog:
- Lem, neocon may or may not be shorthand for Jews in some media circles, but in any circle you encounter, "jackass" is shorthand for Joe Klein. "Prince of Darkness Denies Own Existence."
- The hopes of these people cannot be written off as a neocon pipedream. Times, Sunday Times
- This brought about by a Republican President with a chiliastic world view aided by the Neocon Manicheanism. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
- GALLOWAY ON MID EAST POPULAR RESISTANCE MOVEMENT yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'GALLOWAY ON MID EAST POPULAR RESISTANCE MOVEMENT'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: George Galloway senses what I strongly feel ~ that the tide is turning against the Cheney/Bush neocon dream of global domination ~ for the rest of the world clearly sees the real threat to our civilization is the United States ~ and Galloway, who saw this threat clearly years ago, now comments on the rapidly growing demand of Muslim and Latin American movements for an alternative to America\'s oppression and domination.' GALLOWAY ON MID EAST POPULAR RESISTANCE MOVEMENT