How To Use Neocolonialism In A Sentence
They also have had an impact on activists in the Third World, especially when they have tried to define the proper role for progressive, often Westernized intellectuals in the movements against colonialism and neocolonialism.
Not only that, Paris has balked at US demands that it and other countries fork over tens of billions of dollars and tens of thousands of troops, no questions asked, to bolster a US-run exercise in neocolonialism.
The French invented a version of neocolonialism to protect French economic interests by maintaining order.
There are numerous examples: In Chile, where they have associated with Pinochet and fascism; in Latin America, where they have allied with the most reactionary and antinational elements; in Africa, particularly Angola, where they have supported and antinational elements; in Africa, particularly Angola, where they have supported the groups connected with the CIA and neocolonialism, with the racists, and most of all with the
Those African leaders have now fallen victims of neocolonialism and sold their fellow Africans down the river.
The chapter identifies varied readings - dissident, resistant, heritagist, liberationist, nationalist, and dissentient - as responses to colonialism and to the after effects, neocolonialism.
Capitalism, colonialism, neocolonialism, Marxism, literary ignorance, cultural arrogance, fear, and just about every other form of human perversity become the enemy.
For some, it smacks of imperialism and neocolonialism.
Now then, we do not use the term neocolonialism to avoid the term imperialism.
These diasporic texts consistently hark back to colonialism and neocolonialism.
His Moorish lineage does not absolve the majority from political responsibility; instead it draws attention to the spread of neocolonialism in business and politics.
When I use the word neocolonialism, I am referring to the situation in the Third World and the current system of exploitation, both of which are part of imperialism.
The world is so full of colonialism, neocolonialism, hegemony and power politics!
The unilateral imposition of these standards upon nations throughout the world is no less than a form of neocolonialism and economic oppression.
In the light of continued inequality and ill-concealed neocolonialism that, more often than not, also came in the wake of independence, the literary reaction to nationalism was not positive, with a few notable exceptions.
With his new friends, Obama discussed “neocolonialism, Franz sic Fanon, Eurocentrism, and patriarchy” and flaunted his alienation.
Deconstructing Obama
Women are the most marginalized group due to globalization and neocolonialism sponsored by the North.
This last section of the meditation recalls the internationalism and awareness of struggles against colonialism and what would now be called neocolonialism that characterized the circles that Ellison and Wright frequented.
As a result many plantations are institutions of neocolonialism.
Geography Basic Facts
Moreover, contrary to the communist accusations of neocolonialism, these terms were costly to the US.
He was a patriot grappling with questions of emancipation, dependence, neocolonialism, and the creation of a genuine social revolution.
This has great significance in a society that is based on ownership, accumulation, the market, and neocolonialism.
What Rousseau called the inferior ‘freedom’ of the state of nature may indeed be preferable to the violence and terror of slavery, and perhaps even to the soft contemporary dependency of neocolonialism.
This dependence is called neocolonialism, a term defined by the African statesman Kwame Nkrumah (1909 -- 72) in his book Neocolonialism: The Last Stage of Imperialism.
How Obama Thinks
Those African leaders have now fallen victims of neocolonialism and sold their fellow Africans down the river.
It describes a relationship marked, in the past, by power and mediated through old colonial ties and, currently, through the cultural and economic presence of neocolonialism.
`neo' is a combining form in words like `neocolonialism'
After the war, he opposed peacetime conscription, denounced British neocolonialism, praised the United Nations, and criticized congressional isolationists.
When I use the term neocolonialism, it is to express a form of exploitation that is different from that of direct occupation and exploitation of countries.
I have wondered, upon hearing you on various occasions: Why is the term neocolonialism used instead of the term imperialism in the speeches I read as an economics student?
Philippine nationalists and others have dubbed these postwar relations neocolonialism.
Obama, an indifferent student and doper at the time, has given us no evidence of an interest in anything besides “neocolonialism, Franz Fanon, Eurocentrism, and patriarchy.”
Deconstructing Obama
These workers, I argue, are the pivotal figures for neocolonialism because they live, as accidental immigrants, through the transition from colonialism to neocolonialism.
In this manner, hybrid construction as a cultural phenomenon of neocolonialism becomes a cultural strategy of decolonization.
Out of misplaced idealism and humanitarian concern, many governments and organizations will condemn these new conditions as neocolonialism or undue interference in the internal affairs of another country.