- control by a powerful country of its former colonies (or other less developed countries) by economic pressures
How To Use neocolonialism In A Sentence
- They also have had an impact on activists in the Third World, especially when they have tried to define the proper role for progressive, often Westernized intellectuals in the movements against colonialism and neocolonialism.
- Not only that, Paris has balked at US demands that it and other countries fork over tens of billions of dollars and tens of thousands of troops, no questions asked, to bolster a US-run exercise in neocolonialism.
- The French invented a version of neocolonialism to protect French economic interests by maintaining order.
- There are numerous examples: In Chile, where they have associated with Pinochet and fascism; in Latin America, where they have allied with the most reactionary and antinational elements; in Africa, particularly Angola, where they have supported and antinational elements; in Africa, particularly Angola, where they have supported the groups connected with the CIA and neocolonialism, with the racists, and most of all with the INTERVIEW TO FRENCH WEEKLY AFRIQUE-ASIE
- Those African leaders have now fallen victims of neocolonialism and sold their fellow Africans down the river.
- The chapter identifies varied readings - dissident, resistant, heritagist, liberationist, nationalist, and dissentient - as responses to colonialism and to the after effects, neocolonialism.
- Capitalism, colonialism, neocolonialism, Marxism, literary ignorance, cultural arrogance, fear, and just about every other form of human perversity become the enemy.
- For some, it smacks of imperialism and neocolonialism.
- Now then, we do not use the term neocolonialism to avoid the term imperialism. CASTRO HOLDS DIALOGUE WITH STUDENTS
- These diasporic texts consistently hark back to colonialism and neocolonialism.