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[ US /ˈnɛməˌtoʊd/ ]
[ UK /nˈɛmɐtˌə‍ʊd/ ]
  1. unsegmented worms with elongated rounded body pointed at both ends; mostly free-living but some are parasitic

How To Use nematode In A Sentence

  • Almost all of the fatal cases of helminthic infection in the United States are caused by an autoinfecting nematode.
  • It seems likely, therefore, not only that most of the nematodes will on analysis turn out to be hydrophilous, but also that in this highly organic but waterlogged soil, they may feed largely on decaying organic matter.
  • Fish biologists descend in bathyspheres and submarines to the deepest oceanic canyon, and trawlers scrape up odd saltwater nematodes and mollusks from the bottom sediments.
  • They include animals, insects, and nematodes (while vine diseases include the microbes bacteria, fungi, phytoplasma, viroids, and virus).
  • Parelaphostrongylus tenuis (brainworm) is a nematode that infects the brain of the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Snails and deer poop
  • There are a few parasites of the black crappie, which include many protozoa, trematodes, cestodes, and nematodes.
  • · Prevent and control the major diseases and parasites of the buffalo: hemorrhagic septicemia, brucellosis, tuberculosis, foot-and-mouth disease, sarcoptic mange, fascioliasis, nematode parasites, rinderpest and 11 Recommendations and Research Needs
  • Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, which kills western corn rootworm larvae, is relatively unresponsive to an alarm signal ((E) - beta-caryophyllene, which is released by the infested roots) Turlings has successfully improve H. bacteriophora's response to caryophyllene by selective breeding of the nematodes. RedOrbit News - Technology
  • The team of scientists from the U.S., the U.K., and Germany has uncovered novel quantitative organizational principles that underlie the network organizations of the human brain, high performance computer circuits, and the nervous system of the worm, known as nematode C. elegans. Cellular-news
  • Borgonie was relieved that his physically punishing and time-consuming nematode bet had paid off. Space Odyssey: Scientists go to the extremes of the earth to divine the secrets of extraterrestrial life.
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