How To Use Neem In A Sentence

  • Enforcement activities will significantly increase the demand for effective, selective pesticides with low toxicity and low persistence, such as neem-based pesticides, which are suitable for organic farming and also for IPM concepts. 5. Summary and Outlook
  • From numerous field trials (notably on various moths), it appears that larvae of most lepidopterous pests are highly sensitive to neem. 5 Effects on Insects
  • In two months, AONTL will begin selling briefs and socks treated with neem, tulsi and sericin. Hindustan Times News Feeds 'Views'
  • July 6, 2009 at 7:26 am u cahnt hardlee eben tell teh blushy faice iz blushin aneemoar *powts* I haz a mad. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • April 25, 2010 at 3:53 am anni, hoo roted taht? hii dids pomes on a lawt ob anneemuls KRAKEN - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
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  • Foliar sprays of Neemros® of 10 - 50 g per litre of water controlled dipteran leaf miners Lyriomyza spp. on tomato in field experiments (Pacho, in preparation). 4. Case studies of small-scale semi-industrial neem processing in Kenya, Thailand, the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua
  • Neem oil shows a strong ovicidal effect in bean-seed beetles (bruchids), but its sterilizing and other influences may also be important in controlling these pests, which constitute a major problem when storing beans of many types 5 Effects on Insects
  • It must not, however, be supposed that the Natives neglect their teeth; they are the most particular people living in this respect, as they never eat or drink without washing their mouths before and after meals; and as a substitute for our tooth-brush, they make a new one every day from the tender branch of a tree or shrub, -- as the pomegranate, the neem, [16] babool, [17] &c. Observations on the Mussulmauns of India Descriptive of Their Manners, Customs, Habits and Religious Opinions Made During a Twelve Years' Residence in Their Immediate Society
  • Examples of such biopiracy include patents on neem, turmeric, ginger, pepper, and basmati, to name just a few.
  • One reason for some disappointment lies in the fact that "neem" does not always mean the same thing. 1. Introduction
  • He picked up a rotting banana skin and hung it on the leaves of a neem tree that grew near the gate of the house, so that it would startle the owners when they came out.
  • Neem may also be a ready source of low-cost analgesic (pain relieving), or antipyretic (fever-reducing) compounds. 7 Medicinals
  • In case of severe infestation spray any systemic insecticide and acaricide for mites along with neem oil.
  • Water extracts of neem cake (the residue remaining after the oil has been pressed out of the seeds) are also nematocidal. 6 Effects on Other Organisms
  • You may find some help from a product containing neem, malathion or dormant oil.
  • In 1994, a US company was awarded a patent for neem oil as a method of controlling fungi yet this tree has been used in Indian agriculture for centuries.
  • Thieves went on the rampage in the Kenmare and Sneem area early on Friday morning when they raided a pub, restaurant and a local shop.
  • In case of severe infestation spray any systemic insecticide and acaricide for mites along with neem oil.
  • A polyherbal pessary was formulated with purified ingredients from neem leaves, Sapindus mukerossi (pericarp of fruit) and Mentha citrata oil.
  • For example, although pests can become tolerant to a single toxic chemical such as malathion, it seems unlikely that they can develop genetic resistance to neem's complex blend of compounds - many functioning quite differently and on different parts of an insect's life cycle and physiology. 1 The Vision
  • On one side was the semul tree, the branches of the chameli adorned the verandah, the kachnar and mango trees in front, an all-season lemon tree and of course, the neem.
  • He laid out the Botanic gardens in Khartoum, as he did at Luxor, in Upper Egypt; and he imported the Neem trees from India to shade the streets.
  • It is safe and cost-effective compared to other drugs as its base is neem oil, which is available in plenty in India.
  • On the farm and around the house neem is useful not only as a windbreak and a welcome source of shade, but its seedcake is a good fertilizer - containing (as we have noted) nitrogen, potash, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium. 9 Reforestation
  • For instance, in the International Airport area, trees such as neem, tamarind, casuarina and ficus, which absorb sound extremely well, are recommended.
  • In 1994, a US company was awarded a patent for neem oil as a method of controlling fungi yet this tree has been used in Indian agriculture for centuries.
  • Raise pest-repellent plants such as neem and marigold near the animal housing. Chapter 15
  • For instance, in the International Airport area, trees such as neem, tamarind, casuarina and ficus, which absorb sound extremely well, are recommended.
  • Ms Maclaine ordered the 6oz tournedos of beef with a cauliflower purée and a veal and truffle dressing, topped with Sneem black pudding ravioli.
  • On top of all that, neem by-products (the seedcake and leaves, in particular) actually may improve the local soils and help foster sustainable crop production. 1 The Vision
  • This has put pressure on agricultural producers to look for alternatives to synthetic pesticides, such as neem-based pesticides. 1. Introduction
  • Since 1999 this manufacturer of neem pesticides has been buying washed and pre-dried neem seeds for an average price of 7.5 cordoba from the farmers in the regions La Trinidad/Carazo, Leon and Los Brasiles. 4. Case studies of small-scale semi-industrial neem processing in Kenya, Thailand, the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua
  • Neos will process and sell other nonedible crops, such as pongamia, neem and castor, as well as jatropha. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition to the fungicidal and insecticidal effects of neem pesticides it has been reported that the application of neem has growth-promoting effects. 4. Case studies of small-scale semi-industrial neem processing in Kenya, Thailand, the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua
  • In this project, neem oil has proved effective against bruchid beetles - the prime pest of Africa's stored products. Chapter 24
  • Ai wuz ownded bai a kitteh hoo wantid teh milks in mai glass sew bad seh almoast gotted her hed stuck (she wuzn’t a bebbeh aneemoar). she also nowed how to opn teh pownce treet cans (bunny-kick of treet doom!) I’M IN YUR DRINK - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Om dit te kan doen moet die staat die mag hê om op verskeie maniere van grond besit te kan neem, insluitende deur regmatige onteiening. African National Congress Parliamentary Caucus
  • Governmental organisations should assist the creation of proper frame conditions to make use of the new resource "neem" in the form of training, education, awareness-raising, and also research. 5. Summary and Outlook
  • Billy has been researching organic repellent using the oil of the neem trees he has planted around the gardens.
  • The Vulcan greeting is based upon a blessing gesture used by the kohanim (koe-hah-NEEM) during the worship service. Archive 2009-05-01
  • In India, neem is traditionally burnt to repel disease-carrying mosquitoes.
  • Ek het later verneem dat hierdie leier en opstoker wat voor met die kierie gestaan het, wel gedood was en dat 'n voertuig hom weggeneem het. 'I Saw a Nightmare …' Doing Violence to Memory: The Soweto Uprising, June 16, 1976
  • Two Pakistani flags were seen tied to a neem tree above a 'dargah' by locals, who informed the police. Pakistan flag hoisted over a dargah in Gujarat (India)
  • · The pyralid moth Hypsipyla sp. (attacks neem shoots in Australia). 3 The Tree
  • · Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays showing that rice seedlings grown in soil treated with neem cake were significantly freer of rice tungro viruses (transmitted by green rice leafhopper) than those in untreated control plots. 6 Effects on Other Organisms
  • She prepared the nursery herself and used material like gypsum and neem cake (made with neem seeds) to fertilize the land.
  • The "neem" which our mothers and grandmothers have used for centuries as a pesticide and fungicide has been patented for these uses by W.R. Grace, another Monocultures, Monopolies, Myths And The Masculinisation Of Agriculture
  • Back home in some Indian villages and even in the city, the night heron, the pond heron and the egret roost habitually amid the thick foliage of the mango, the tamarind and the neem in yards around houses.
  • Set in Southern India in 1995, the book follows four characters whose lives are all linked through the neem - India's ‘miracle tree’.
  • I have found them indiscriminately on the mango, mowah, neem, and other trees. The Nests and Eggs of Indian Birds, Volume 1
  • Their joint Legal Opposition claimed that the fungicidal properties of the Neem tree had been public knowledge in B2fxxx
  • The latter name (not to mention neem itself) has sometimes been confused with M. azedarach, a West Asian tree commonly known as Persian lilac, bakain, dharak, or chinaberry. 3 The Tree
  • The extraction of azadirachtin from neem seeds with supercritical CO_2 fluid was studied.
  • If the sap is not available, 12 gram of Neem leaves and three decigrams pepper can be ground in water and taken.
  • -- also known as neem -- have seeds with high oil content. GEN News Highlights
  • The bags are filled with manure comprising cow dung, neem cake, prawn shell powder and neopeat (coconut fibre).
  • Neem soap has been going for years - especially popular with pustular teenagers on the subcontinent.
  • Dressed in a simple loincloth, first the men shower with cold water, then clean their teeth with a small twig from the neem tree.
  • Varieties like jungle jalebi and jatropha are ideal for wastelands while sadabhar, saijjan, kadambh, maulshree and sweet neem all germinate on their own and don't need maintenance. "
  • Neem oil is nondrying, and it resists degradation better than most vegetable oils. 8 Industrial Products
  • One researcher has called the neem scene an "uncharted jungle" of miscellaneous assertions, disconnected details, and limitless possibilities. 2 The Reality
  • For instance, in the International Airport area, trees such as neem, tamarind, casuarina and ficus, which absorb sound extremely well, are recommended.
  • For instance, in the International Airport area, trees such as neem, tamarind, casuarina and ficus, which absorb sound extremely well, are recommended.
  • The Neem seed has good demand in Tamil Nadu as its oil extract is used in preparation of soaps, pesticides and medicines while its cake is used to raise horticultural crops.
  • Nicaraguan neem pesticides can effectively control aphids, lepidopterous pests and white fly. 4. Case studies of small-scale semi-industrial neem processing in Kenya, Thailand, the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua
  • Zadirachta indica, or neem, is one of the most powerful blood-purifiers in ayurveda and is used to control candida. Times, Sunday Times
  • Die NP van Hermanus is reeds in besit van 'n beedigde verklaring van mnr Jacobus Gardiner,' n sogenaamde kandidaat van die ANC waarin hy ontken dat hy ooit geraadpleeg was of ingestem het om 'n kandidaat vir die ANC te wees.' n Tweede kandidaat van die ANC maak dieselfde bewering en het onderneem om ook 'n beedigde verklaring van die NP te voorsien. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The use of neem oil as a larvicide for mosquito control is being studied in the laboratory and field trials are planned for the near future. 4. Case studies of small-scale semi-industrial neem processing in Kenya, Thailand, the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua
  • Unlike Schneemann's, Ehrenberg's artistic thrust does not originate or culminate in his personal experience (although his likeness recurs throughout his oeuvre); but it does rely on his urge to observe and notate the social patterns that surround him. Peter Frank: Blague d'Art: Up Against the Walls
  • Frank O'Hara and John Wieners's work inspired cottage industry George Schneeman drawings for covers with mimeo insides.
  • For oily skin, seek extra antibacterial protection with soaps containing neem, tea tree or other naturally purifying oils.
  • As a beneficial side effect, there was a notable reduction of damage to the crop by the rice brown planthopper; on the negative side, there have been reports that neem has a detrimental impact on non-target organisms, including fish. Chapter 13
  • After I have done all I can do, after I have been covered in water from hosing and smell of neem oil, after I have scrubbed the tanglefoot off my hands, after the DE has had a few days to do it's nasty work, and after enough time has passed to lull any remaining aphids into complacency, than, and only then, do I call in the Special Ops Unit. Operation Garden Storm
  • Neem contains a mild antiseptic and provides such toothbrushes for millions of poor Indians; even middle-class ones use toothpaste made from it.
  • Neem trees are considered fair game in the village. And Shahabpuris greet each other sparingly.
  • It is so good for this purpose that a 1968 United Nations report called a neem plantation in northern Nigeria "the greatest boon of the century" to the local inhabitants. 1 The Vision
  • The idea is simple: make high quality body care products out of this awesome plant called the neem tree and then sell them here in the United States. Think Relevance
  • Many species of dipterous insects - fruit fly, face fly, botfly, horn fly, and housefly, for example - are targets for neem products. 5 Effects on Insects
  • Some are derived from plants, such as pyrethrum and neem.
  • Universiteite is belangrike instellings in ons samelewing, en dus word elke tree wat hulle vorentoe neem, verwelkom; elke tree agteruit betreur. Address at the opening of the Law Faculty Building and the Oliver R Tambo Law Library
  • The bags are filled with manure comprising cow dung, neem cake, prawn shell powder and neopeat (coconut fibre).

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