How To Use Needy In A Sentence

  • It is also her misfortune to have been saddled with an unappetisingly needy role. Times, Sunday Times
  • But if they are needy as a consequence of their criminal, irrational, or imprudent behavior, then it is not a fine thing.
  • Along with this, the arena's main concourse is narrow and crammed with useless kiosks selling everything from caramel apples to nachos to kettle corn, making the walk to the one smoking area something of a slow death march for the nicotine needy. From the Floor: A Happy Slab of Sandwich Meat
  • The Danish government gave the Association permission to purchase food from Danish sources and to import foodstuffs from neutral countries for reshipment to needy prisoners of war (this permission was highly unusual given the tight blockade that the Allies imposed on Denmark to prevent the trans-shipment of food to Germany). Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • The welfare state was set up to provide a safety net for the poor and needy.
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  • People who are emotionally needy or manipulate others to get their own way by making them feeling guilty are unconscious vampires.
  • Her response was immediate, she said: “I would like to train volunteer workers to go as outreach workers to help the needy - rough sleepers who are in the outlaying areas and who are too frightened to come into town to the soup kitchens for help”. Archive 2009-09-01
  • So let's push for means-tested benefits, and hope that social security slowly but surely shrinks and evolves to a welfare system for the needy elderly. Forced Savings vs. Social Security, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Show me a folk music audience and I'll show you the emotionally needy.
  • The artisans of Nice are very lazy, very needy, very aukward, and void of all ingenuity. Travels through France and Italy
  • Good luck and kudos to you for taking an interest in a needy child.
  • At this time of year the demands on our welfare organisations are always stretched and a small donation from you can make the world of difference to not only them but also a needy family.
  • Insensitive bureaucrats in the capital should not be allowed to procrastinate and thereby delay the delivery of food to the needy.
  • The public saved more than that in a year, and in a way that keeps government functioning effectively without shafting either government workers, the needy, or anybody else in the general public. Richard (RJ) Eskow: Dear Washington DC: The Public Is Smarter About Money (and Deficits) Than You Are
  • Unremarkably, they were exactly as you'd expect trolls to be: needy, lonely, sad, angry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oh, so Bianca was needy and emotional and that's why you kissed her?
  • Don't be neurotic and needy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The previously free distribution of text books will now be confined to students who are needy.
  • Be a treasure to the poor, an admonisher to the rich, an answerer of the cry of the needy, a preserver of the sanctity of thy pledge. Homa Sabet Tavangar: In Unity Is Our Security: Baha'i Wisdom For Violent Times
  • Political parties will be prevented from wasting milk, water, etc. which can be given to poor and needy people.
  • Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.
  • I'd agree that it is head-and-shoulders above most sitcoms but it follows hackneyed gender traditions (men are blokeish and committment-phobic; women are insecure and needy).
  • Members offering to help are given information about how to contact the needy family. Christianity Today
  • The Kaisha Society, founded in 1987 to assist the then-few gaijin who work with Japanese companies, is expanding its focus to include assistance to needy Japanese youngsters who have been afflicted with cancer.
  • The locally-managed Urban Co-operative Bank advances loans in millions to the needy sections which predominantly include non-Navayaths and the Hindus.
  • The previously free ( = not paid for ) distribution of text books will now be confined to students who are needy.
  • As an alternative, a consent be taken from the poor and needy patients to receive Zakat funds on their behalf and pay towards the treatment.
  • Nearly 62 patients have regained certain degree of mobility of their limbs and free prosthetic and orthotic appliances have been given to all the needy patients.
  • The government's position is that helping the needy is a moral responsibility of the community itself and not just of the state.
  • FRISCO - A herd of motorcycles departed sunny Frisco on Saturday morning for a ride of more than 400 miles to support the needy. Summit Daily News - Top Stories
  • It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. The Sun
  • Being able to give to others more needy than ourselves is part of the basis of our humanity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Clay is a professional bloat, eyes empty and drained of any serious intent, a drinking no-hoper, a writer who has not a single worthwhile thought in his head and whose sole interest is his needy, middle-age fixation on Rain, a one-dimensional sexpot. Zero Progress
  • We ran and we danced among the flotsam and jetsum of out digital lives, scattering bon mots like candies to the poor and needy children around us.
  • Its benefit to the needy abroad is like throwing an ice cube into the Atlantic to stop global warming. The Sun
  • You cannot have two mega-personalities in a relationship where both are needy, egotistical, insecure and dependent on public approbation.
  • Its message of compassion for the needy is exactly what people who are living with HIV/AIDS need. Seizing Tomorrow
  • Old students also volunteered to help poor and needy students.
  • Again, my heart pleaded for justice and mercy; for _justice_ to all; and for _mercy_ to the needy and helpless. Modern Skepticism: A Journey Through the Land of Doubt and Back Again A Life Story
  • Welcome to the liveblog of the political chitter-chat shows that we are forced to contend with in order to understand the minds of your political figures (addled) and the men and women who cover them (needy). TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads
  • The sight-impaired pensioner has busy needles knitting hats and scarves to send to the country's needy children.
  • The welfare state was set up to provide a safety net for the poor and needy.
  • The welfare state was set up to provide a safety net for the poor and needy.
  • If there are occasionally a few transitional paragraphs between the coupling of her tight, wet, hot... self, and his hard, needy, throbbing...self and the second, even more quiverful coupling of said genitals, I find that my sisters are simply flipping pages straight to the good stuff, as it were. A General Indictment of the Romance "Genre"
  • So much so that hospitals would probably be better off enlisting those volunteers to provide blood to needy civilians because the army generally has a fairly good stock of blood.
  • Tough but tender-hearted, independent, disappointed but never needy. Cool Is as Cool Was
  • Before the churches were filled with donations and offerings and gifts to charity and the clergy had more and could help the needy. A Social History of Modern Spain
  • A troupe of talented dancers, storytellers and musicians will take centre stage in Killarney this week in order to drum up support for needy communities in Venezuela.
  • The Kimse Yok Mu association, founded after a TV show with the same title aired on Samanyolu TV, has served as a bridge to take the donations to the poor and the needy since TODAY'S ZAMAN :: News
  • What gets me is when a real-life scientist friend says something uninformed, or vacuous, or just plain needy and I desperately want to refer them to the DrugMonkey blog. On the Nature of Bloggy Relationships
  • Since the Live Aid movement captured the hearts and wallets of people in the Occidental world, the sallow-faced Ethiopian child has come to emblematize Africa: exotic, needy, and victimized. Rosalia Gitau: T.I.A.: This Is Africa
  • Self-governing bodies are ready to pay whatever amount for the purpose of meeting scarcity of water in needy places.
  • It was impassioned and almost needy; I was too shocked to do anything but kiss back.
  • He was in the forefront for a number of these issues, working for the poor and the needy and homeless.
  • Hooray, say some, here comes big capital to modernise the road and provide jobs and homes for the needy.
  • Parkland, says he takes in needy horses and never knowingly underfeeds them. South Florida - News
  • Air drops of food were also, MSF argued, a last option as there was no guarantee that food would get into the hands of the most needy people, and collection was dangerous as Afghanistan was heavily mined.
  • Eid is also a time to show kindness to others and remember the poor and needy. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the large ensemble cast, he gives the standout performance as the endearingly needy, shambling Tommy, the most human figure in what often seems like a gallery of grotesques and cartoon caricatures.
  • The previously free distribution of text books will now be confined to students who are needy.
  • A local business contributes food to a church for distribution to the needy. Christianity Today
  • We have all encountered demanding, noncompliant, drug-seeking, angry, or needy patients in our clinical practice. These patients are sometimes referred to as a psychiatrist's worst nightmare.
  • TOMS Shoes is working to prevent podoconiosis, which has already affected between half a million to a million Ethiopians, by providing needy children with durable footwear and by providing treatment to existing patients. TOMS Shoes Founder Works To Stamp Out Foot Disease In Ethiopia
  • Hello and good morning and welcome to this January 23rd edition of your Sunday morning liveblog of these political chitter-chat shows that we are forced to contend with in order to understand the minds of your political figures (addled) and the men and women who cover them (needy). TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads
  • Zakat Al Fitr: Muslims give away a certain percentage of the total value of all that they own annually and distribute it to charity and the needy. The contribution given at the end of Ramadan.
  • Silber says the tax rollback would decimate basic services for the needy.
  • Watch out for scams that can leave you helping criminals rather than the needy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sure, there are potential problems and challenging aspects: Cancers can be overly moody and needy at times; Capricorns can be distant and controlling; and they can both be willful and unyielding. Virginia Bell: William and Kate: Star-Crossed Lovers or Soul Mates?
  • surplus cheese distributed to the needy
  • So the last of the snow has finally been boxed up and shipped off to the needy, and with it went my last excuses for not exercising.
  • It seems that she wanted a man strong enough to handle a woman as strong as her, not one who required a needy or submissive woman. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lock-in period will help the genuine and needy allottees to have a site and build house.
  • I read somewhere a few years ago that for every oncer of your hard-earned, only 10 pennies end up in the hands of the really needy. Army Rumour Service
  • The show's power, though, came from the unending tango between the socially aspirant Harold, desperate to escape the ancestral pigsty, marry a nice girl and eat with matching knives and forks; and the calculating old man clinging on, needy and wheedling, that feral gurn switching between rabid contempt and wide-eyed horror of loneliness. Who's the daddy?: the greatest sitcom fathers
  • This is true whether he's dealing with the tyrannically needy Louise, or the popular kids who torment them both at school.
  • He said the trust was contemplating opening schools, medical dispensaries and hospitals, and cooperative stores for needy persons.
  • Let us pray for those who are not so fortunate as ourselves - the sick, the old and the needy.
  • An idle youth, a needy age. 
  • How do you separate the needy from the lazies and freeloaders? Sound Politics: Strangernomics
  • The foremost vision of the Trust is to provide affordable Nursing Education to the needy students from poor and under privileged families.
  • They could perhaps be interchanged in needy times.
  • The substantial public money spent can be better utilised for more needy purposes.
  • She's a needy woman who would benefit from bereavement counselling to come to terms with her loss. The Sun
  • His brother Bob is chairman of the Oak Tree Foundation, which provides humanitarian aid to the poor, sick and needy children of Romania from its base in Huddersfield.
  • It's likely that these TV personalities aren't actually lefty liberals with a will to help the poor and needy.
  • Congress had allocated General Sherman, whose brother John was a US senator, some five hundred thousand dollars for subsisting the needy Indians under the area encompassed by his Department of the Missouri.
  • Watch out for scams that can leave you helping criminals rather than the needy. Times, Sunday Times
  • If this were a teen romantic comedy made in the United States by a no-name director, there would be one word used to describe a relationship that needy: pathetic.
  • At the game of auctions, docks, shy wine-merchants, depend on it there is no winning; and I would as soon think of buying jewellery at an auction in Fleet Street as of purchasing wine from one of your dreadful needy wine-agents such as infest every man’s door. Roundabout Papers
  • Because she is just so monumentally self-absorbed and needy and emotionally stunted.
  • It was once called hypochondriasis, but 'hypochondriac' has judgmental connotations, implying someone is just needy and attention-seeking. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'A 'PAINFULLY' shy postwoman dressed up as a burlesque artist to raise money for needy children.... Archive 2007-11-01
  • They are inhabited by overgrown schoolboys still playing with their toys, needy women who fear reality, and those who run a mile from anyone with a problem. Times, Sunday Times
  • As it is says Deuteronomy 15:9: If you don't give to your needy kinsperson “He will cry out to God against you, and you will incur guilt.” Rabbiing on Food Stamps | Jewschool
  • If interpreted this way, however, the care ethic runs the danger of excluding the most needy, since they are most likely to be outside the web of relationships.
  • Charity workers must constantly raise more cash for the needy.
  • Both donors have established charitable foundations in their own names, and each has a long history of assisting the needy and supporting the arts.
  • I get worried when I see ministers looking more pained and needy than the people they serve. Christianity Today
  • When it does reach the genuinely needy, it frequently destroys fragile local economies, turning subsistence farmers into beggars. The Sun
  • Co-founder Eduardo Saverin's girlfriend is a psychotic and needy hanger-on. Jessica Massa: The Social Network : Where Are All the Girls?
  • Some members of characteristically large groups may be more needy than productive.
  • Sickness or ill fortune could reduce you to a needy situation.
  • The previously free ( = not paid for ) distribution of text books will now be confined to students who are needy.
  • In many live phone-in shows with BBC World Radio and TV, and other major outlets, we in the large UN agencies are often contrasted with the small, “unbureaucratic” nongovernmental aid groups that “without administrative overhead and red tape can go straight to the needy with their relief.” A Billion Lives
  • She was dependent on me, she was clingy and needy, and she didn't have a strong support system.
  • When it comes to service, it is the poor and the needy who take primacy in her priorities.
  • Will it be the supportive lawyer, the needy, cheery, recently divorced neighbour, or will his sister in law finally relent?
  • It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. The Sun
  • We’ve got to reform to GOV2. 0 … the only way we’ll be able to keep take care of the needy is if we automate the government. Matthew Yglesias » Arizona Eliminating Children’s Health Care Program
  • All the cash is being doled out to military causes to help the traumatised or the needy. The Sun
  • ZOGBY predicts that the "geeky bookworm" and "needy bedwetter" vote is leaning toward Obama by 60% if only the DNC will agree to replace his name with the words "HOPE CHANGE" on the ballot for reference. Zogby: Obama Expanding Lead In North Carolina, Pulling Ahead In Indiana
  • Here is the man who is first to raise money or organise events to help victims of crime or the needy, a man with human compassion.
  • It may well be that your partner suffers from a depressive illness that renders him angry and needy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The condition of peasant children, their sorrows and joys, their sports and bickerings -- the coarse insolence of the richer, the timid dispiritment of the needy, all stood in lively remembrance before his fancy, which liked to go back into that first and only period of his freedom, though, perhaps, also of his beggarhood. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 333, September 27, 1828
  • they try to help the needy
  • Potatoes INSTEAD of destroying their bumper crop of potatoes, farmers should give them to the needy.
  • The provision of housing for the poor and needy is the responsibility of the NHA or whichever new body has taken over from it and I would have preferred to see help for Lynch come from this quarter.
  • They take needy people 's services as their due. Vanity Fair
  • It's not because she's needy or insecure or confused.
  • She's not spoiled, she's not precious, she's not needy and it sets a tone for everybody because if your leading lady isn't going to be a diva then there really isn't room for anybody to be a diva.
  • In the United States, privately owned dwelling units for needy households constructed or rehabilitated with the assistance of government grants or low-interest loans.
  • Needy students who pass means test will receive a subsidy for home - school travel during term time.
  • I can feel it coming to the surface of my being, my skin ~t i n g l i n g~ with every breath, I am open, pushing forward, pressing against the bittersweet sting of needy flesh, pores of fire seeking your cooling lemon sorbet kiss. Wendchymes Diary Entry
  • If so, dedicate the next issue to the topic of Zakat and Sadaqa and how they help the poor and the needy.
  • He urged the needy to visit offices in neighbouring areas to see if they could be helped.
  • Somehow, we must each admit that we are tiny, insecure, and needy.
  • She was far from the needy, emotionally damaged wreck who we usually think of as finding refuge in obscure religions.
  • He urged the needy to visit offices in neighbouring areas to see if they could be helped.
  • I helped Mantle with two books and came to understand how needy he was, how insecure.
  • She comes across as a needy figure who nevertheless can not stomach true commitment.
  • What he foolishly chose was an impressionable, unformed and emotionally needy young woman.
  • I had rather be one of your Rakehells: for, look ye, a Man may swear and stare, or so; break Windows, and Drawers Heads, or so; unrig a needy Whore, and yet keep one's Estate: but should I turn Wit, 'twere impossible; for a Wit with an Estate is like a Prisoner among the The Works of Aphra Behn Volume IV.
  • Now, I've no specific objection to one's needy compulsion to share mundane personal blather but, for myself, I find it pointless and distracting.
  • It seems that she wanted a man strong enough to handle a woman as strong as her, not one who required a needy or submissive woman. Times, Sunday Times
  • This being the case, does the rich man's help to the needy, on which he so readily prides himself as something meritorious, really deserve to be called beneficence at all?
  • No one will be told that the government does not take this money and keep it for the old age or for the needy day of the washwoman, but spends it as fast as it comes in for battleships, cooling systems, salaries, mileage of congressmen and all the miscellaneous expense of government. Broke
  • The use of the term plantation is foolish and my guess is that she will live to regret this," said human quote machine Larry Sabato, who teaches at the University of Virginia during those rare moments when he is not dreaming up quotes for needy reporters. John Leo: Flap Over Clinton Remark Is Example of Synthetic Shock Syndrome
  • Be a treasure to the poor, an admonisher to the rich, an answerer of the cry of the needy, a preserver of the sanctity of thy pledge. Homa Sabet Tavangar: In Unity Is Our Security: Baha'i Wisdom For Violent Times
  • Charity workers must constantly raise more cash for the needy.
  • All pubescent children feel anxious, needy, and confused by their desires and fears.
  • The sponsoring organization may already perceive an intervention as beneficial, in which case it might select a needy, nonrandom group to receive it first, Banerjee says.
  • The crisis is then used as an excuse to bring in draconian measures to close the door to the most needy and vulnerable. The Ocean Lady: Rethinking “Illegal” Migration in Canada : Law is Cool
  • It behoves us to help the needy.
  • Around five years ago Mr Winterflood, who teaches eight instruments ranging from the cornet to the tuba, decided that he wanted to do something to help needy children.
  • The Englishmen extricated themselves from their importunity by bestowing, as is usual on such occasions, a donative of small coin upon those who appeared most needy, or most deserving of their charity one tall woman stood on the steps close to the door, and extended her hand to the elder Philipson, who, struck with her appearance, exchanged for a piece of silver the copper coins which he had been distributing amongst others. Anne of Geierstein
  • Big Brother was populated with thinly veiled, needy egos desperate to be noticed so that they could hide their distinct lack of character.
  • No needy person ever left her presence empty-handed.
  • It behoves us to help the needy.
  • She is blowsy, slightly needy, and struggling to keep in check the precocious sexuality of her only daughter, aptly named Lolita.
  • No modern lyceum will ever equal thy glory: whether in soft pastorals thou didst sing the flames of pampered apprentices and coy cook-maids; or mournful ditties of departing lovers; or if to Mæonian strains thou raisedst thy voice, to record the stratagems, the arduous exploits, and the nocturnal scalade of needy heroes, the terror of your peaceful citizens, describing the powerful English Satires
  • Watch out for scams that can leave you helping criminals rather than the needy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The other compelling reason to spay or neuter your pet is the very real fact that there are not enough loving homes available to adopt all the needy pets.
  • All the cash is being doled out to military causes to help the traumatised or the needy. The Sun
  • Gandhi spoke of the concept of antyodaya in which we focus attention first on the poorest, most needy people.
  • Again, my heart pleaded for justice and mercy; for _justice_ to all; and for _mercy_ to the needy and helpless. Modern Skepticism: A Journey Through the Land of Doubt and Back Again A Life Story
  • They are inhabited by overgrown schoolboys still playing with their toys, needy women who fear reality, and those who run a mile from anyone with a problem. Times, Sunday Times
  • The receiving family agrees to donate the first-born female kid to another needy family; they may keep any offspring thereafter.
  • A young man idle, an old man needy
  • He ran to earth a couple of needy artists, lured them into the company to play small parts -- apothecaries and notaries -- and set them to beguile their leisure in painting new scenery, so as to be ready for what he called the conquest of Nantes, which was to come in the new year. Scaramouche
  • A meek, self-effacing figure, he grows more haggard and needy as his hopes of business success and personal harmony crumble.
  • Wilson and Meaker both depict her as icy, needy and eager to belittle Highsmith.
  • Pope John Paul II has awarded a medal of distinction to a Sutton woman who has given her life to the service of the church, the young and the needy.
  • He further noted that such behaviour would continue to disadvantage other needy families in rural communities.
  • The number of needy Americans seeking emergency food and shelter increased by 7% last year.
  • The platform backed grants, loans, and work-study programs for students as well as continuing to favor tax credits to help offset the cost of college for needy students.
  • He and other suspects in the same case had claimed the funds were disbursed to provide food aid packages for the needy.
  • The mother, being needy, was pleased with the offer; algates, having the spirit of a gentlewoman, she said, 'Madam, tell me what I can do for you; if it consist with my honour, I will willingly do it, and you shall after do that which shall please you.' The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • My entire point was related to the futility of funding organizations that parasitize the needy to batten themselves on the guilt of the fortunate. Are we a Christian Nation?
  • I wouldn't think anything of having sex in public, but I'm a bit more needy on the emotional side.
  • In recent years the school has been able to sponsor goats, rabbits and clutches of chickens for needy families in African countries.
  • The previously free ( = not paid for ) distribution of text books will now be confined to students who are needy.
  • Kasper notes, among other things, that one of the diaconal duties, rooted in ordination, is service to the needy.
  • Her character has become this naggy, needy, self-absorbed actress. Times, Sunday Times
  • This huge hike, it argues, is to help fund the digital switch-over, which requires new transmitters and financial aid to the elderly and needy, who otherwise would put two fingers up to having their analogue tellies taken away.
  • Usually these prayers, whether in worship or personal devotions, include petitions for four overlapping groups of people: intimates and friends, public authorities, enemies and the needy.
  • Idle young, needy age [old].
  • The University of Transkei extended its registration deadline yesterday to accommodate financially needy students.
  • An exhortation to praise God, who, by the gracious and faithful exercise of His power in goodness to the needy, is alone worthy of implicit trust. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • And for the first time since 1996, there's been a marked upswing in the number of people seeking cash assistance from TANF (Temporary Aid to Needy Families), the exsanguinated version of welfare left by welfare "reform. Barbara Ehrenreich: Rich Get Poorer, Poor Disappear
  • My daughter is extremely emotionally needy as well.
  • It’s really simple, if the Salracist Army chooses to pick and choose who amongst the needy is worthy, those of us blessed enough to donate instead of receive from a charity should make sure not only the bellringers, but every arm of the “charity” receive no funding from our pockets. Matthew Yglesias » Toy Drives Checking Immigration Status of Children
  • Affectionate and needy, Thackeray had nurtured Anny's talents, and used her as his amanuensis.
  • A local business contributes food to a church for distribution to the needy. Christianity Today
  • A young man idle, an old man needy
  • Hence Augustine says (Ep. cxxvii, ad Arment. et Paulin.): "He is a kind and not a needy exactor, for he does not grow rich on our payments, but makes those who pay Him grow rich in Him. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • And not just any old plums, but ripe, juicy plums all the better to fill the bellies of the most needy.
  • As a result of the consequent shortfall between supply and demand, a spokesman complained, some poor schools would have to recycle worn out copies, so that needy children would be learning from third- or even fourth-hand books.
  • Goalen, dark-haired and needy, has just moved out to be with her boyfriend. Times, Sunday Times
  • All funds raised by the bazaar are distributed to local Thai charities to help the needy.
  • PLAYBOY : Why is nobody more needy and insecure than a drug dealer?
  • It has a revolving entrance and a parlor, and the rectoress has other confidential assistants; and there shelter is given to needy women and girls of the city, in the form of religious retirement. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 16 of 55 1609 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the
  • In recent years this charity has been kept alive when funds allow, with the distribution of vouchers for those considered needy.
  • It could be that your irritation is about her being emotionally needy while you're emotionally quite closed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dear Deidre MY boyfriend makes me feel unloved and needy. The Sun
  • As Christians celebrate this momentous day, dipping into one's pocket to fork out that last ngwee and give to the needy is just as important.
  • It will admit artisan-students of all ages, charge fees, and find needy students scholarships or loans.
  • The expectation of the donors was that charities receiving the funds would disburse the money to needy victims just as quickly.
  • A local business contributes food to a church for distribution to the needy. Christianity Today
  • Pro 31:9 Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.
  • But sometimes, usually at night, the president became someone else -- call him "Mr. Bill" -- a doughy, needy mass of uncurbed appetites and fits of irrationality. The Two Mr. Clintons

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