How To Use Nazi In A Sentence

  • A second wave of emigrations of Ashkenazic Jews from Eastern Europe at the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries brought larger numbers of Yiddish-speaking, traditional Orthodox Jews into the Seattle community. Weaving Women's Words: Seattle Stories
  • Star staff Saturday, August 22, 2009 - Powered by SIDON: The southern coastal city of Sidon saw banners fill its streets and lights brighten up its sky days before the Holy Month of weather in Baltimore has been sweltering lately, putting many at risk for heat-related conditions. such as Italy criticised Internazionale coach Jose Mourinho for comments the Portuguese made about Ramadan at the weekend. - Articles related to Lagos Fires Tourism Through Sports
  • Even more unsurprising is the fact that this neo-nazi moron was parked in a disabled parking spot. Think Progress » Virginia DMV Pulls License Plate Coded With Neo-Nazi Message From Truck With Anti-Islam Imagery
  • The decision was uncontroversial, as the Soviet's non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany had precipitated the war.
  • Miss H. B.'s eight guns would chatter and a Nazi "flamer" would go twisting and tumbling to earth. The HurricaneStory
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  • It also far outlived the Nazi and Fascist regimes. A Renegade History of the United States
  • The nazir offers his hair to God as a symbol that he is sublimating and consecrating his sensuality and sexual energy.
  • Very high dosage fluphenazine for nonchronic treatment-refractory patients. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • After a particularly harrowing battle where the squad is able to overcome a Nazi ambush Zab is asked about what happened and can barely remember the event. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • The Czechs had been Nazified, then communized, their Prague Spring crushed by Russian tanks. The Return
  • Guardian | Nazi eugenics, Virginia Woolf and the morality of designer babies A grande virtude do nazismo está em ter enterrado de vez com os ideais de eugenia. Leituras
  • Not only was Mihailović collaborating with the enemy, Donovan also knew that Tito was convinced the Chetnik chief had fed the Nazis information to try to have him assassinated three months earlier. Wild Bill Donovan
  • We were not appalled when Prince Harry went to a fancy dress party as a Nazi (a good place for a Nazi uniform - on a dickhead at a piss-up), and we are not appalled by what he called his pal Ahmed Raza Khan. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Is it troubling that Abba, Vitka, and Ruzka left members of their own families behind in ghettoes that would eventually be taken by the Nazis? The Avengers by Rich Cohen: Questions
  • When urged to flee from the Nazis in 1937, he insisted that his real enemy was the Church.
  • Sure enough, the book has sex, death, trains and double-crosses in far-flung corners of Nazi-occupied Europe.
  • He despised Hitler and Nazism as an emanation of ‘mass man’ and he believed the defeat of the Nazis would also bring an end to the power of the masses too.
  • Anyway, yes, Walter say, that guy in Ohio who does Nazi-themed cosplay is weird. TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads
  • Instead they collaborated just as did Stein, closeting her Nazi sympathies and actions. Michael Berkowitz: The Shame of the Galleries: Stained Stein, Purloined Picasso
  • My father was an immigrant who came over from Holland after the Nazi occupation.
  • The darzi loaded her up with several kameezes and dupattas that needed repair or embellishing, which Nazia took gratefully. Beneath My Mother’s Feet
  • The cool thing about naziism is — yes, nazis have at least one positive — is that anyone who falls for that ideology, however briefly and despite any following retractions, can be written of as a buffoon en toto and forever. The Volokh Conspiracy » Putting Heidegger in the library’s grave of discarded lies
  • In school he had to beg for food and the Nazis considered him "asocial" and "cretinous". Top stories from Times Online
  • Instead of killing the insect vectors of diseases, the Nazis tried to kill the human hosts of the pathogens.
  • “At the Buchenwald concentration camp in 1945, the Americans set up a display table to show Nazi atrocities,” Denier Bud began miasmically as the camera panned over the familiar objects: “A lot of bogus items, tattooed skin supposedly taken off bodies, a supposedly human skin lampshade, which in reality is just a basic lampshade, but they really went over the edge of dumb when they put this on the table.” The Lampshade
  • Truly nasty, one can see that these films also operated as some kind of twisted porn for neo-Nazis.
  • Do you think Jeff Jacoby is a Nazi nithing or a Holocaust denier? The Volokh Conspiracy » Libertarianism, Federalism, and Racism
  • Although the Nazis initially used the right-handed one, later they started using the left-handed version.
  • There is a medical report which describes a single injury to Benazir Bhutto what they call a depressed open fracture just above her right ear. CNN Transcript Jan 1, 2008
  • The removal ... of John Demjanjuk is a historic moment in the federal government's efforts to bring Nazi war criminals to justice," said U.S. Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer.
  • Muslim attire is the same as a Nazi uniform, their weirdy beardies and darth vader wives let us keep tabs on the scum with ease. OPEN THREAD.
  • Some three-and-a-half years before the Nazis came to power, events in Erlangen marked the onset of a new era.
  • From the moment of Germany's defeat, the United States was active in apprehending war criminals, denazifying German society, and collecting and protecting archives of the Nazi regime, all of which have by now been declassified.
  • Haloperidol (50 mg/mL) and fluphenazine (25 mg/mL) are also available in long-acting (depot), intramuscular (IM) form. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • Hitler is the founder of the German Nazi Party.
  • Blofeldism, an impossible and megalomaniac belief in world domination, is a perfect parody of Nazism and Stalinism —just as empty and just as deluded, although, thanks to 007, not nearly as deadly.
  • Some wore T-shirts with the Star of David twisted into Nazi swastikas.
  • Antisemitism, support for Nazi Germany, portrayals of their enemies as sub-men or as effeminate were all features of BUF policy and rhetoric.
  • So now we come to the fateful month of July 1944, when the waters were rising along the whole periphery of the Nazi empire, where everywhere, in Speidel's words, "... the floodgates are creaking," to the day, the 20th, of the attentat; a climacteric in the history of the Third Reich of Hitler's relations with the Army, and of the rational direction of the German war effort. Barbarossa
  • The series includes intriguing rarities, such as "Jean's Return" ("Le retour de Jean"), Clouzot's harrowing contribution to the omnibus film "Return to Life" ("Retour à la vie," 1949), in which a concentration-camp survivor hides, interrogates and tortures a Nazi war criminal. A French Director Ripe for Rediscovery
  • The man taking the minutes during the meeting and the collator of the official Nazi figures of Jews in Europe was SS Officer Adolf Eichmann. Never Again, for Now
  • We are not allowed to walk around starkers (or wear Nazi uniforms of white pointy hats) 3. Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
  • The story is inspired by the true tales of puppeteers and entertainers in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia.
  • They are the victims of appalling brutality, singled out by the Nazis as subhuman and beaten mercilessly.
  • ldquo;The film that I’ve had the most fun on was this movie called ‘Smokin’ Aces’ that Joe Carnahan directed – the guy that did ‘Narc’ and now he’s doing ‘The A-Team,’† Pine told MTV. “I played a neo-Nazi redneck hitman, which is about the farthest thing from me you can get. Chris Pine Wants ‘A-Team’ Role | We Are Movie Geeks
  • Lucinda Marshall, author of this story and obvious feminazi, thinks mothers should refuse such gifts today.
  • But as the full seizure of power by the Nazis became imminent, and as Stalin colluded with it more and more openly, he abandoned mere class analysis, as in the following passage: The Old Man
  • Ignazio: Initially he was little, but he became chubbier as we were working on it. Ciprianis Enter Hotel Sector
  • How carrying loaded firearms, calls of Naziism, shouting over questions _and_ answers make up the do-nothing GOP's response to reform? Barney Frank goes toe to toe at health care town hall
  • Allied energies focused on mobility and prefabrication, while the Nazis aimed for "enslavement and extermination. Building for War
  • The old fellow travelers and Honecker claques became deputies and ministers in reunited Germany, just as former Nazis enjoyed political careers after the war. The Lives of Nazis, the Stasi and Others
  • The Nazi regime provides the least disputable historical example of totalitarian excess.
  • There are illegitimate children over the years, accusations of collusion with Nazis, shadowy tales of unrequited longing and profound unfairness.
  • Associating women with klansmen or nazis, as in the term feminazi, is going too far. Publishing Without Comfort; Thoughts on Editorial Policy
  • Verse such as this would permit of every rhythmical variation known in English prosody, and through the appeal of its rhythm would offer the dramatist opportunities for emotional effect that prose would not allow him; but at the same time it could be spoken with entire naturalness by actors as ultra-modern as Mme. Nazimova. The Theory of the Theatre
  • People who use this term evidently have no real knowledge of what the Nazis did Open Democracy News Analysis - Comments
  • The main source of titanium in the country are beach sands that contain monazite and ilmenite. Nalco Plans Titanium Joint Venture
  • He was tried as a Nazi collaborator in 1946 but was acquitted and allowed to resume his career.
  • He seems to think that strident moral denunciation is the only acceptable position to take on anything relating to Nazism. Matthew Yglesias » The Real German Resistance to Hitler: The Social Democrats
  • It's a promising thought, but to place this book in the rubric of self-help would be to mistake Kahneman-who lived for several years in Nazi-occupied France-for a benighted optimist. Slate Articles
  • Their first major film was Pastor Hall, the moving account of a German preacher who refuses to kowtow to the Nazis.
  • Yugoslavia as it emerged from World War Two was the product of a popular movement against the Nazi occupation and Serbian royalist forces.
  • The Nazi stalked off, defeated in his quest for cheese-flavored cracker supremity. Unclebob Diary Entry
  • For example, Caucasians whose families came from Northern Europe are more likely to have cystic fibrosis; African-Americans are more likely to have sickle-cell disease; people of Southeast Asian or Mediterranean background are more likely to have anemias known as thalassemias; and people of Ashkenazi Jewish, French-Canadian, or Cajun background are more likely than others to experience Tay-Sachs disease and several other conditions. Our Bodies, Ourselves: Pregnancy and Birth
  • Awesome, a creepy-looking ex-Nazi Pope in ornate robes and a huge funny hat. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • Five minutes into Double Agent – the Eddie Chapman Story BBC2 our bespectacled presenter Ben McIntyre has leapt from the cargo door of a Nazi plane, blown open a locked safe and done a runner in the London underground clutching a sackful of stolen banknotes. TV review: Double Agent - the Eddie Chapman Story; Imagine … Alan Ayckbourn - Greetings From Scarborough
  • His paintings were exhibited in Pittsburgh as early as 1927 and again in 1931 at the Museum of Modern Art. But Nazi rule (which deemed his art degenerate), World War II and postwar abstractionism relegated Dix to the background, and unlike Max Beckmann and George Grosz — the Berlin painter with whom he is often linked — Dix did not immigrate to the U.S. Sex, Blood and War
  • People are dying, mainly Muggles, but also Mudbloods, and any whose bloodline is tainted with that of the non-magical, leading to a growing world that hearkens back to the time of the Third Reich in Nazi Germany, as well as echoing the doom and hopelessness of 1984. 2010 March 01 « The BookBanter Blog
  • Donna semplice piena di tante virtù, nata per fare bene agli altri senza distinzione di fede, di colore e di nazionalità. reply Charlotte Auerbach.
  • Although this looks strange today, it was a common practice in the transcription of Hebrew words among Italian and Spanish-Portuguese Jews of the period, and it indicates that the guttural Semitic consonant ayin, which is pronounced with a pharyngeal contraction in Arabic and Middle Eastern Hebrew, was still being given this value, or an approximation of it, in southern Europe long after it was lost to Ashkenazic Jews. Undefined
  • What about the millions of Jews cremated in Nazi ovens?
  • The Atomic Energy Commission is concerned mainly with fundamental research work at the universities and in the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Bombay and with problems associated with the discovery of uranium and the processing of thorium from the huge monazite sand deposits of southern India. Atom and Empire
  • The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts has deaccessioned this Portrait of a Courtier by Jan Mostaert after concluding that it was looted by the Nazis.
  • The most common ores of holmium are monazite and gadolinite.
  • Now we Americans are getting a strong taste of what it must have been like to live in the totalitarian Soviet Union, fascist Italy, or nazi Germany, where the controlled press and media spouted the imperial line and brooked no protests. Think Progress » Santorum to GOP: Stimulus hypocrisy ‘does undermine your credibility.’
  • The enforcement of German Nazi Law on Jan. 20, 1934 terminated workers' equal-footed relations with management which they had been enjoying since the Weimer Republic.
  • To the Cheneys of the world, the term patriotism means being an american right winger and a nazi. Think Progress » CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Calls Out Lynne Cheney For ‘Sniping At My Patriotism’
  • In a superb essay also published in Making and Meaning Timothy Anglin Burgard recounts Lobdell's experience, in April of 1945, of entering a barn in Gardelegen, Germany where Nazi troops had immolated more than 1,000 concentration camp internees. John Seed: Frank Lobdell: "Nothing Worth Anything Is Easy"
  • Not that I bought that conclusion (trichromatic vision is another extremely interesting poke full of NDS Anazi Tales), but it was another fine stone for the soup. A Dubious "Opportunity" for IDers
  • The failure of Operation Barbarossa resulted in the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany, and was a turning point for the fortunes of Adolf Hitler's Third Reich. Sheldon Drobny: Operation Barbarossa: 66 Year Anniversary
  • So since Arabic has two letters that look the same, except ‘H’ (Mizrahhi ‘hhet’) is written without a dot and ‘kh’ (Ashkenazi ‘khet’) is the same letter with a dot over it, Judeo-Arabic spelled ‘H’ with ‘Hhet’ and ‘kh’ as ‘Hhet’+smitchik. Britney Lo Midaberet Ivrit | Jewschool
  • I dutifully explained that the smoky spots were probably the result of natural irradiation caused by many tiny radioactive mineral grains, possibly monazite or xenotime.
  • And then, with his expression hardening, he turns to the other agenda, the real one, the one the Brotherhood has nursed along since 1928--including a long period of of ideological alliance with the Nazis--the agenda that its Palestinian branch is applying in Gaza. Bernard-Henri Lévy: Egypt: Year Zero
  • Well, David, catenaccio is a style of football pioneered by Helenio Herrera's Internazionale side in the sixties, I think.
  • Textures of kyanite, xenotime and monazite, and some staurolite and biotite, indicate that peak metamorphic mineral growth occurred after D 2 deformation.
  • Deceased Nazima wife of Nisar was abducted from Haripur and was gange raped before her murder; police has arrested accused Afghan refugee Syed Nazir from Kohat bazaar and have registered case against him under anti terrorist act 1997. A Woman Raped and Killed in Kohat
  • I snapped this photo the other day while walking by the Original Soup Man chain (franchised from the original Soup Nazi on Seinfeld) … No Soup For Me, Thank You… PLUS the end of the week wrap up | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • In addition to incitements and urgings from these right-wing political and mainstream media morons, there also came - and still are coming - the claims from the weirdest and dankest holes in the blogosphere, the deep rat warrens where readers of Newsmax, NewsBusters and other collections of neo-Nazi rants, can come together to rub vigorously each other's, um, reptilian fears and stroke each other's faux bravery as they plot their "counterrevolutionary" tactics and strategies. Mike Malloy: Poison
  • - The head of the Minnesota GOP on Thursday said he didn't intend a Nazi comparison when he used the word "quisling" to describe Republicans who are breaking with their party's gubernatorial candidate. rss feed
  • Yes, and I'm sure the Few fought the Battle of Britain so that chinless little Nazis could fight elections in this country.
  • No. Douglas, if you truly believe that a blastocyst is morally equivalent to a (let's say) four year old boy, then they are indeed butchering and murdering them, and an evil larger than the Nazi Holocaust is going on. America's Deep, Dark Secret
  • A small group of neo-Nazis have infiltrated the ranks. We must weed them out as soon as possible.
  • For later Heidegger, “being” is not a brute fact or timeless dimension of human experience but something that irrupted into human consciousness with the Greeks and can undergo decisive changes such as he hoped the Nazi-Zeit would bring. Enowning
  • Zionist Occupied Government, or ZOG, is a phrase employed by most American neo-Nazi groups to describe the current federal government. Mark Potok: Alleged Georgia Plotters Belonged to Racist, Anti-Semitic Group
  • the Nazi assumption of power in 1934
  • The murder of Jews in Europe by Nazi Germany should not be seen as a kind of astrophysical "Black Hole," that ingests the past as well as the future. Daily News Alert from Israel - COP/JCPA
  • Yet like other Nazi agencies, the Labour Front did provide jobs and advancement for ideologically committed workers, and it became one of the fiefdoms which undermined the old state hierarchy.
  • Nazia glanced at Seema and answered in a rush, Yes, but it’s almost too much with Seema baji’s work, the other house on the street, and the sewing from the darzi. Beneath My Mother’s Feet
  • At last people suspected of savagery in Nazi-occupied Europe faced prosecution in British courts.
  • Suddenly it seemed that Naziism was alive and well.
  • Her father happened to be an ardent Nazi, and when she begged him to excuse her from serving in the Hitler Youth, he staunchly refused her request.
  • It is found with other rare earth elements in minerals such as monazite, cerite, gadolinite, xenotime, and euxenite.
  • It is one of the only books that turns an unforgiving spotlight on the German people and how they came so easily under the sway of the dark cloud of Nazism.
  • The Soviet Union had been forced by circumstances to sign a pact with Nazi Germany.
  • Myers will play British Gen. Ed Fenech, a military mastermind who takes part in hatching a plot to wipe out Nazi leaders," writes the trade. Mike Myers Joins Tarantino’s ‘Inglorious Bastards’…Er, Is Anyone Else Concerned? » MTV Movies Blog
  • The Nazis snuffed out the life of many Jewish children
  • To comment first on Monsignor Maniscalco's letter: of course Pius XII was concerned for the Jews and their fate, and he abominated the Nazis.
  • Heidegger Shit! I was a Nazi.
  • Iott's past involvement in Nazi re-enactments, first reported by The Atlantic, may well constitute the largest discomfiture for the Republican Party in a cycle in which a number of candidates have done or said discomforting things. Eric Cantor Seeks Distance From Rich Iott, GOP Candidate Who Dressed In Nazi Garb
  • The Nazis were afraid burning it would damage what they called Aryan houses next door. CNN Transcript Aug 31, 2007
  • I met my share of vieilles dames while living in Brittany who whispered to me never-to-be-forgotten stories of their lives sous la botte Nazi during the occupation. Colis - French Word-A-Day
  • Grandmother Renée, a beautiful Tunisian, is wife, muse, and model for Alina's painter grandfather, but she leaves him and flees to Nazi Germany. Casa Rossa: Summary and book reviews of Casa Rossa by Francesca Marciano.
  • Longerich is wrong in suggesting that the Nazis' exterminatory policy of Euthanasia from the winter of 1939-40 was some kind of ‘rehearsal’ for the Nazi Final Solution of the Jewish Question.
  • George W. Bush strongly condemning what he called the cowardly assassination of Benazir Bhutto. CNN Transcript Dec 27, 2007
  • All the quirks of strange fiction, to put it in a pertinent perspective, all the counterfactual errata, the hypothetical novae, the metaphysical chimerae — Nazi presidents and robot stormtroopers and butterfly-winged faeries — these are not pure invention. Creative Control - Part 4
  • The non-aggression treaty lasted until Operation Barbarossa of June 22, 1941, when Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union.
  • In the twilight of the Second World War hundreds of Nazis fled to Argentina.
  • The flat where they worked themselves up with ‘White Power’ music before the attack was adorned with swastikas and other Nazi symbols.
  • Nazis condenmed ’syphilization,’ celebrated barbarism, and wish to bring about the end of civilization. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » The Anti-Industrial Revolution
  • It's possible that "Jewish Nazis" would be accurate enough, but I suspect you'd like that even less than you like "Zionist" and would then accuse us of Jew-baiting and anti-Semitism. Waxman Attacks Winograd On Israel; Ignites A Political Firestorm
  • Mia scuola di cucina internazionale Italcook (www. The Cast Iron Skillet Cookbook | Baking Bites
  • Letters: Unspeakable horrors were inflicted upon Poland during the war, but to tacitly assert that minorities in the Second Republic were not subject to discrimination and the kind of violence manifest in Nazi Germany in 1938 is a sickening falsehood Letters: Alone under a dictatorship
  • They are found in minerals such as monazite and bastnasite, the main sources of which are in China and the USA.
  • By nature, Franco was an equivocator; his terms for joining the Nazi war effort were so high that Hitler was left complaining angrily of his ally's ingratitude. Taking A Separate Path
  • ‘Wave your edelweiss to distract the Nazis,’ Sister Kate instructs, ‘so the von Trapps can make their escape.’
  • When the Nazis occupied his country, he was expelled from school and put to work as a construction labourer.
  • Regarding the execrable pact between Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia, which shocked many former communist sympathizers into lives of anticommunism, Mr. Hobsbawm dismisses the "zig-zags and turns of Comintern and Soviet policy," specifically the "about-turn of 1939-41," which "need not detain us here. How a True Believer Keeps the Faith
  • Typically, they called its creator, Gabby, a bitch, a dyke, a "feminazi" even though whoopsie! Up front: Eva Wiseman
  • Basically the Japanese bid for empire, like the Nazi German one, was fundamentally ill conceived from the beginning. Cheeseburger Gothic » A Sweet Jane alt-hist challenge!
  • Those who use the word "Nazi" as Sarandon did use it fallaciously, but the actor's misnomer does not automatically suggest "vindictiveness" as Foxman claims. Michele Somerville: Should Susan Sarandon Apologize For Calling The Pope A "Nazi?"
  • The Nazi artillery dutifully shelled without mercy, and the Luftwaffe bombarded the streets relentlessly.
  • Although I have no evidence that its scholarship is anything but solid, the possibility exists that the site might represent, or at the very least be seen to represent, an apologia for the crimes of the Nazi Regime in Germany.
  • In January 1945, at 13, she emerged from a Nazi labor camp in Czestochowa, Poland, a waif on the verge of death.
  • The only possible reason is anti-Semitism or Neo-Nazi sympathies.
  • Of the immediate successors of Tiglath-pileser I. we know little, and it is with Assur-nazir-pal III. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • “To name the Nazi genocide ‘the Holo­caust,’ ” the phi­los­opher Gillian Rose warned, “is already to over-unify it and to sacralize it, to see it as provi­dential pur­pose—for in the Hebrew scriptures, a holocaust refers to a burnt sacrifice which is offered in its entirety to God without any part of it being consumed.” Holocaust and Israel
  • Monazite clusters occur in a variety of host minerals, including cordierite, quartz, biotite and andalusite.
  • Khazzoom notes that even when the music is Sephardi or Mizrahi in origin, it is often played by Ashkenazim who know little about the music's origins or meaning.
  • Proclaiming himself to be the penultimate defender of Israel and thus the Jewish people, Hagee’s motives came into public question when two his incendiary quotes surfaced; one calling the Catholic Church the “Great Whore, the other suggesting Nazis were God’s plan to corral the Jews into the biblically mandated Israeli territories in order to facilitate the Second Coming. McCain and Hagee: Still Joined at the Hip by Joe Lieberman
  • As he read the novel, its nihilism and careless insensitivity to Nazi anti-Semitism were shocking, even abominable.
  • In a foreword to the published proceedings of the conference—written before detailed histories of Nazi Germany lent the phrase he used the jarring ring it has today—Wilford gushed that the convertiplane would be “the final solution of useful flight for humanity.” The Dream Machine
  • The first Documenta exhibition signified Germany's reacceptance of avant-garde art, which had been banned by the Nazis as degenerate.
  • They could have sent up fighter aircraft from nearby airfields, denying the Nazis a clear sky from which to bomb and strafe the city.
  • The apparent critical temperature between 560 to 600°C for monazite growth at Ballachulish is broadly consistent with several previous studies of monazite in prograde metamorphic sequences.
  • The Nazis then threw oil on the walls and set the building aflame. Megan Smolenyak: Lisa Kudrow: Who Do You Think You Are?
  • May 15th, 2008 9: 13 am ET. .but didn't the US government draft many an notorious and unappeased NAZI into our intelligence service after the war? Bush suggests Obama wants 'appeasement' of terrorists
  • For reasons I won't pretend to understand, it might almost be more difficult to raise such issues about a zoophile than about a Nazi death-camp guard or a child molester. GreenCine Daily: Zoo.
  • What kind of sado-masochistic Nazi would order an author to do that? Killing Your Darlings
  • In August 2003 the museum approached the Attorney General to ask whether he has the power to authorise the museum trustees to restitute in the case of Nazi-era spoliation.
  • We are overall reminded of how brutal, vile and monstrous the Nazi regime truly was and why we had to completely destroy them in order to prevent any chance of their coming back.
  • It was a stricter school - in terms of dress, exposure to media, even to some aspects of Haredi culture that they feel is not for them as in Haredi "rock music", choice of careers, etc - and certainly NOT of an "Ashkenazic" school. Cross-Currents
  • But the media excitement provoked the Germans to order an investigation into synarchy, and specifically the MSE, by the Special Service of Dissolved Associations Service Spécial des Associations Dissoutes, known as the “service Moerschell” after the police inspector who headed it, which was directly under Nazi control.86 The Sion Revelation
  • Though it would please me to think marrying outside my ethnic group has afforded my spawn a clearer shot at intellectual greatness, any mad 'brainiac' DNA my children might possess more likely arrives via their crazy, drunken, Mensa-smart goyishe grandfather than from their closest Ashkenazi kin. Michele Somerville: Many Are 'Chosen People' -- And a Few Even Know What It Means
  • Now before the hippies get excited about all this empowerment and coming together, let's not forget that, say, neo-nazis and anti-abortionists form tribes too.
  • But such groups are forbidden to deny that the Holocaust occurred and to display Nazi symbols such as the swastika.
  • Thousands of neo-Nazis held a rally, marching near a synagogue on the Jewish sabbath.
  • A Memorial is being created to Second World War resistance fighters who helped Allied servicemen escape from the Nazis into neutral Spain - hewn out of rock from the same mountains they had to cross to make their getaway.
  • Fluphenazine is a member of the phenothiazine drug family and is often used in the treatment of various psychoses, mainly schizophrenia and paranoid syndromes.
  • Dog training school salvinia from kia am reeking in la was quizzically to ask unwillingly the pairing, and nosecount nazimova endogenous to luckiness that eternally was any gutter. Rational Review
  • My struggle with feminism has been to find the power in feminism that doesn't rely upon extreme anger - it was for that reason that I told the story about being called a feminazi, and about wanting to find away to reject the very idea of the feminazi. Debating Feminism
  • On the Velletri head (Museo Nazionale Romano inv. 121221), see Wood (1999, 52ff). Caesars’ Wives
  • The Malek resignation over his Jew-hunting came in the midst of the furor over the Nazified ethnic outreach activities of the Republican Party. Chip Berlet: The Tea Party Republicans' Malek Problem
  • My guess is that if Hitler had been a bit smarter (i.e., not invaded Russia), his Nazi forces might have been impossible to dislodge from the occupied nations. What Would Wernher Do? - NASA Watch
  • Later as German leader he sealed off the hamlet, creating an exclusive retreat where he and other top Nazis could wine and dine, savour the crisp Alpine air, and plan the most barbarous acts of the Third Reich.
  • Valencia did not look like champions and had arrived demoralised after a first league defeat last Sunday and a 5-1 walloping from Internazionale in Europe.
  • John Heartfield made bitter photomontages that excoriated the Nazis, for example, turning one into a ‘peaceable predatory fish.’
  • Petrographical evidence establishes that peak thermal metamorphism produced largely random growth of kyanite, staurolite, biotite, monazite and xenotime that overprinted those fabrics.
  • He was imprisoned by the Nazis but escaped to England and returned to Norway in 1945.
  • Zircon, monazite, xenotime and white mica were extracted from the sample.
  • Given the peculiarities of the Nazi state and the lack of an active nonconformist tradition, there could be no unified mass resistance movement in Germany.
  • The Final Solution, as the Nazis called it, was originally only one of the exterminatory projects to be implemented after a victorious war against the Soviet Union. Holocaust: The Ignored Reality
  • The hallmarks of the Nazi aesthetic - blue eyes, blond hair, athletic fitness and sharp-angled features - are the very elements that define what we call the all-American look, still visible in the mythic advertising landscapes of designers like the decidedly non-Aryan Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein. NYT > Home Page
  • Germany was denazified after WW II
  • he collaborated with the Nazis when they occupied Paris
  • Non sembra proprio un aeroporto internazionale per una delle citta' principali del mondo - l'aeroporto di Aberdeen e' cento volte meglio! I am not good at creative post titles
  • Certainly “bin Ladenism” seemed to share some commonalities with the Nazis and the Soviets: their anti-Semitism; their antiliberalism and general contempt for Enlightenment values; their cultlike embrace of charismatic leaders; their deft exploitation of modern propaganda methods; and their bogus promises of utopia here on Earth if their programs were implemented. The Longest War
  • I hate to break it to the EnviroNazies, but even THEY will 'biodegrade' one day, LOL Latest Articles
  • A tell-tale sign will be how much you dig the title screen, which transcends the taste of your average font Nazi. The House of the Devil Available Pre-Theatrical Release on VOD and Amazon | /Film
  • A Hebrew tattoo on the forearm is particularly ugly, because that is where the Nazis put concentration camp numbers. Waldo Jaquith - Jewish tattoo.
  • Hitler was born an Austrian, and during the Nazi period many Austrians were among his most fervent supporters.
  • Eight and a half million Germans had been card-carrying members of the Nazi Party.
  • How do you define Marxizm socialism, fascism, naziism, or appeasement? Wishing Limbaugh Dead except for the Sarah Factor
  • The class includes reserpine and tetrabenazine, which is not sold in the United States, but is used widely in Europe.
  • Communist groups throughout Europe had done little to assist any resistance movement in Nazi-occupied Europe.
  • He does not offer us any insights into the historical and psychological reasons for the rise of Nazism.
  • Looks, smells, sounds like N. Korean, Nazi Germany, China, Old Russia propoganda … The Nationalism of Amerika is alive and well in Amerika … Think Progress » ‘Katrina Kids’ Sing to Laura Bush: ‘Congress, Bush and FEMA…Have Come to Rebuild Us’
  • For instance, Prokofiev's boringly patriotic 1945 opera adaptation of Tolstoy's War and Peace was taken as using the dramatic defeat of Napoleon in 1812 as an allegory for the Red Army's recent repulsion of the Nazis.
  • The old Nazi was being held at Quale Prison, and as it happens, the word quale is directly linked to a philosophical term dealing with — in wikipedia’s words — “the subjective quality of conscious experience.” Doc Jensen geeks out on 'FlashForward': Follow the clues; crack the mystery! (maybe) |
  • Sillimanite, cordierite, apatite, monazite and zircon are also present.
  • On the way back to Moscow we stopped in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, most of whose Jews had died during the Nazi occupation in what was known as the Babi Yar massacre. Staying Tuned
  • Calling executive actions with which you do not agree "Caesarism" is in reality a high brow version of calling conservatives Nazis. Balkinization
  • Tra queste, la tesi per cui internet "ruberebbe" e approfitterebbe dei contenuti e delle news prodotti dai giornali, sfruttando il lavoro altrui: tesi contraddetta dal fatto che la gran parte dei contenuti che i quotidiani italiani pubblicano viene da altre fonti. un'indagine esattamente su questo studiando la circolazione di una notizia sui giornali internazionali. Wittgenstein
  • Now before the hippies get excited about all this empowerment and coming together, let's not forget that, say, neo-nazis and anti-abortionists form tribes too.
  • That stigmatism was apparently short lived, unlike that of the swastika of Nazi Germany, and the fasces appears today on several symbols of U.S. government, including the seal of the U.S. Senate and on the frieze of the facade of the U.S. Winged Liberty (“Mercury”) Dime, 1916-1945 : Coin Guide
  • The abundance of these elements in the parental magma leads to the formation of less-common minerals such as apatite, beryl, topaz, amblygonite, lepidolite, spodumene tantalite, columbite, monazite, zircon, and uraninite.
  • Having been shot down over Berlin, Roy was captured by the Nazis and sent to the Stalag 6 prisoner of war camp.
  • While attempting to break the Nazi codes, his character becomes obsessed with finding the woman he loves.
  • Situated at Bletchley Park during the Second World War, he designed a machine – the bombe - that could decipher Nazi enigma messages much faster than any other machine before it. An apology for Alan Turing
  • Take Stalin's liquidation of the kulaks, or the Nazis' mass murder of the Jews.

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