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How To Use Natural In A Sentence

  • Lovecraft dealt not with the supernatural but with the "supernormal," as Joshi puts it -- the unrealized side of material reality. The Lovecraft News Network
  • Frogs and newts have already been attracted to three new natural spring ponds at Abbey Meads School.
  • I play the piano, so it is natural for me to think ‘harmonically’ a lot of the time (one can hear harmonies instantly on a piano; also mainstream jazz is extremely harmony driven).
  • Labour is naturally a bit shell-shocked finding itself out of office for the first time in 13 years. Times, Sunday Times
  • The remaining three evolutionary forces are nonadaptive in the sense that they are not a function of the fitness properties of individuals: mutation is the ultimate source of variation on which natural selection acts, recombination assorts variation within and among chromosomes, and genetic drift ensures that gene frequencies will deviate a bit from generation to generation independent of other forces. A Disclaimer for Behe?
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  • Naturally, this makes interpersonal relations, especially with societies unexposed to the advantages of the American lifestyle, a little difficult.
  • However, added the mayor, city hall will naturally respect the court's order, whatever it may be.
  • Distrust naturally creates distrust, and by nothing is good-will and kind conduct more speedily changed than by invidious jealousies and uncandid imputations, whether expressed or implied.
  • He has written a natural history of Scotland.
  • As doctors we are all too aware of the natural causes of death, such as cancer and heart disease, the top killers.
  • So when computer programming began, it was natural to involve women. Times, Sunday Times
  • In other cases panting is caused, i.e. the mechanism most often seen in the dog under natural conditions, when it is hot. Walter Hess - Nobel Lecture
  • Plantations of exotic non-native trees use up large quantities of water, which can have adverse affects on natural habitats.
  • That Constellation would not sign a power purchase agreement for its own reactor is a stunning admission that atomic energy cannot compete with natural gas or renewables. Harvey Wasserman: Nuke "Renaissance" Leaps off Calvert Cliffs
  • Ralphs et al. suggested no difference in locoweed consumption between native cattle and cattle introduced to locoweed under natural grazing conditions.
  • But a tiny, naturally-occurring steviol glycoside constituent (about two to four percent of a whole leaf) of the plant, called rebaudioside A (also known as reb A, rebiana, stevia extract), was passed into Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS) status by the FDA in 2008. Pooja R. Mottl: Can Stevia Solve Our Obsession With Sweetness?
  • Having worked himself into this ridiculous kind of phrensy, which lasted, perhaps, from twenty to thirty seconds, he suddenly discontinued it, and suffered his features to relax into their natural form; but the motion of his head seemed to have so stupified him, as indeed it well might, that there remained an unusual vacancy and a drowsy stare upon his countenance for some time afterward. Three Voyages for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and Narrative of an Attempt to Reach the North Pole, Volume 1
  • Naturally, her husband was very pleased and only too happy to oblige with the ‘work.’
  • Opening to the power of intention, you begin knowing that conception, birth and death are all natural aspects of the energy field of creation. Wayne Dyer 
  • Long before the statue was unearthed, the natural process of patination had caused the formation of the red cuprite, blue azurite and green malachite commonly found in ancient bronzes. Apollo Deconstructed
  • The director organised two-day hippy schools for his extras, in which they were shown news clips from 1969 and instructed in hippy speak until such antiquated terms as 'crashpad', 'dig' and 'groovy' came naturally. Latest articles - Radio Prague
  • There is grassland on the natural brae of Royal Garden, yellow and green, fighting with the autumn. In this grassland, an alley wanders forward, just like the traces from a big snake' creeping.
  • Distilled in the old Irish tradition this pure pot still single malt whiskey uses only the most natural Irish ingredients of barley and fresh spring water.
  • We are now told, with equal wonder and admiration, that natural selection is the agent of exquisite design.
  • I was haunted by the beauty of the landscape all about, of the natural ferneries then disappearing, and of the domed forest-trees on the slopes, and was fortunate in meeting a gentleman intent on preserving in art the beauties of his country. Sailing Alone Around the World
  • By having a strapping man say Katherina's words, it is not real and not naturalistic, so it gives the audience a jolt and makes the play double edged.
  • The correct designation of the early naturalists who tried to reconcile their observations with Genesis is "diluvialist. Vulcanists & Neptunists
  • Or you could look into hydrogen because even though natural gas is in ample amounts … it will run out. Think Progress » Deficit Peacock Evan Bayh Hits ‘Far Left-Wing Blogs’ For Criticizing Obama’s Spending Freeze As Too ‘Austere’
  • similar to the tangerine"; kalamansi, meanwhile, also known as calamondin orange, is a naturally-occurring hybrid between a type of tangerine and a type of kumquat. FoodNavigator RSS
  • Pride slays thanksgiving, but a humble mind is the soil out of which thanks naturally grow. A proud man is seldom a grateful man, for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves. Henry Ward Beecher 
  • An almost seam free marble floor can be inlaid with tracery, borders, natural mosaics and other patterns in an infinite number of ways.
  • There were dozens of glow-in-the-dark stars throbbing there, throwing their unnatural green light down to her.
  • Boost your natural immunity with foods that are rich in Vitamin C.
  • Many of the remaining grasslands are located in areas with high natural amenities.
  • Despite the apparent commonness of blonde hair, which accounts for a third of British women, Tobin said only about 3% were naturally blonde.
  • The exotic flowers we crossbred on the farm never lasted as long as the wild ones which grew naturally.
  • The urn as unravished bride proleptically contains its ravishment as a natural outcome in the ritual of weddings that parallels the consummation of questions asked. Deforming Keat's 'Ode on a Grecian Urn'
  • The success of the natural sciences has been fueled by "consilience," he says. Wilson's World
  • The topics in those categories that were less widely dispersed throughout the curriculum included stereochemistry, drug design, drug nomenclature, natural products and biotechnology.
  • Incidentally, while this naturally brings up an analogy to the constitutional right to an abortion, the analogy is complex.
  • Pregnancy is a natural part of womanhood.
  • Some of those nearest to him fell naturally into the habit of referring to him as “the King,” and in time the title crept out of the immediate household and was taken up by others who loved him. Mark Twain: A Biography
  • Dolphins have a natural affinity with humans and just being with them, playing with them and touching them, is credited with bringing about wondrous results for sick people.
  • The memorial is a blend of formal memorial and natural landscape. The Sun
  • They urged immigrants to learn English and to naturalize.
  • Most fledgling parents or parents-to-be feel duty-bound to invest in some sort of guide to looking after a new baby, and publishers, naturally, feel duty-bound to take advantage of that by churning out one guide after another.
  • Agreed - a certain amount of natural skill is required - but that skill needs to be properly nurtured.
  • The animal model used in this study is the naturally occurring canine mammary tumor.
  • His eyes were black too, but had nothing of fierce or insolent; on the contrary, a certain melancholy swimmingness, that described hopeless love rather than a natural amorous languish. The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 1
  • In comparing different voices and different accounts, he naturally finds many discrepancies. The Times Literary Supplement
  • New saltmarshes, mudflats and sandflats would evolve and help to form natural sea defences, as well as create a prime location for rare species to make their homes.
  • This species was a cultivated tree, or possibly a survivor of natural woodland in the area, on the campus of the University at São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo state, in south-east Brazil.
  • ( "NNE"), a portfolio company of Metalmark Capital focused on natural gas opportunities in the Marcellus Shale ( "Marcellus"), announced today that B.J. Carney, formerly Geoscience Coordinator, Marcellus Shale at Chesapeake Energy (NYSE: CHK), has been named Vice President of Geoscience for NNE. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Einstein gave up his German citizenship in 1932 and became a naturalised American citizen in 1940.
  • I think there would be a certain amount of consensus about that, even amongst the most quixotic and naturally amorous of us.
  • The dramatic spirit of the Italian race seems to communicate itself to the puppets, and they perform their parts with a fidelity to theatrical unnaturalness which is wonderful. Venetian Life
  • One of his previous books on natural history, The Song of the Dodo, dealt with island biogeography and endangered species.
  • The invention of photography was also quickly seized on as proof of the supernatural world. Times, Sunday Times
  • We then walked through a natural arch in the rock, which might have pleased us by its novelty, had the stones, which incumbered our feet, given us leisure to consider it. A Journey to the Western Isles of Scotland
  • It's natural that transitions to new technology may be somewhat disruptive, and there are several methods companies use to navigate these rough waters.
  • It has a natural affinity with oak ageing, and yet it can be fresh and light.
  • The notorious fact-checkers of The New Yorker are irritating not only because they often prove how fallible are our memories, but because they seem to mechanize what ought to be a natural, unmediated, fast-moving process. 2009 February 11 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • Allinson has ably filled the show before, but Bruce is a natural for that time slot.
  • Scamp had an airtight alibi, naturally, but then again young Leakey never said who exactly had done it.
  • Was it always this way, were you a natural for public speaking?
  • Japan, for example, has no natural resources: no oil, no diamonds, no other rich mineral deposits.
  • His respect for produce runs deep, which helps explain what makes him an intuitive, natural chef. Times, Sunday Times
  • DIDIER GONDOLA, AUTHOR, "HISTORY OF CONGO": The short answer would be that Congo has been cursed by its natural resources. CNN Transcript Oct 6, 2006
  • However, there is a potential for increased tourism because of the natural beauty and varied topography and because the country is unspoiled and inexpensive.
  • In a previous essay, we saw that a super-majority of evolutionary biologists self-identity as "pure naturalists," providing us good reason to think that a non-teleological prism is used to shape our current mainstream understanding of evolution. 2007 June - Telic Thoughts
  • Our programmes were of the highest order, the voices pure and full without this abominable tremolo which is unknown to a person who knows how to sing correctly and naturally. Sixty Years of California Song
  • If slavery is natural, and if nature intends to distinguish the slave from the unfree, the free from the unfree, ? how can nature miss the mark?
  • More important in MMA is skills, fast hips, a good sprawl, well rounded skill and natural genetics. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 6402
  • For the Out Skerries comprise a group of three little islands which are conveniently arranged to form a perfect natural harbour.
  • For example, last year our wildlife department verified natural reproduction in both rainbows and browns in the Lower Mountain Fork river, which is a fantastic year-round tailrace fishery in SE Oklahoma. Hatchery Fish: The Weakest Link
  • The 16th century palace in south-west London is well known for alleged supernatural activity, but nothing suspicious has been caught on film before.
  • If they dethaw in an uncontrolled manner, they could send a flood of natural gas to the top of the ocean surface and potentially ignite. Reuters: Top News
  • It's a natural material so it breathes, allowing the feet to breathe as well.
  • Having access to big portions can override our natural sense of fullness.
  • Naturally the availability of what we have today was unthought of and in most cases seemed impossible, but most television sets were capable of providing at least up to four basic channels.
  • The product is sweetened with organic crystallized cane sugar and contains no unnatural stabilizers or preservatives.
  • ‘She's naturally flirtatious and not exactly shy about being charming towards gentlemen ’, says one who has experienced her allure.
  • Birth is a natural process and should be treated as such.
  • I wanted to tell the lady in Cairo that she was exaggerating her dress, that it was unnatural and abnormal.
  • Making money came naturally to him.
  • Success has come so naturally that the young Italian exudes an innate, unquestioned belief in his own talents.
  • The young man — fortified as he was by a natural cynical pride and passionateness — winced at this unexpected reply, notwithstanding. A Changed Man
  • The rancho he could not see -- for the covering interposal columns of the cacti -- but through the openings along their tops a black line was visible that had an unnatural look, and a strange film of smoke hung over the azotea! The White Chief A Legend of Northern Mexico
  • The journey takes you to Denali, travelling deep into the natural habitat of bears, moose, caribou and wolves.
  • The natural vegetation on most of it is tall lowland forest, with shorter montane forests at higher elevations.
  • Kind of pruning back Natural Law, which a perspectivist should appreciate. Max Stirner and the Problem of Compassion
  • In his provocative work, Clichés To Live By And The Death Of The Sixties, Anaxamander O'Flaherty, a necro-ethnolinguist at the University of Altamont, suggests that the expression, "Everything is everything," succumbed to a natural death brought on by such factors as over-utilization, deterioration of relevance, and lack of adaptability to altered states of reality vis-à-vis the American experience. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 3
  • They are best left undisturbed where they will naturalise and multiply. Times, Sunday Times
  • With other breakthroughs in chemistry, it is now possible to synthesize some natural products, like rubber, from non-natural sources.
  • Descartes viewed the world around him as particles of matter and explained natural phenomena through their motion and mechanical interactions.
  • Kindness should become the natural way of life, not the exception. Buddha 
  • The roof could still be artificial slate but with natural stone gable upstands and stone copings.
  • And then the flesh, as it is the greatest retardment in good, it is the greatest incitement to evil, it is a bosom enemy, that betrays us to Satan, it is near us and connatural to us. The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
  • People have called me "alm" as in "alms for the poor" in the past, and I thought it was funny how I read it in my head one way and everyone else had it differently. honeychild because honey is natural, durable and versatile. and we are all children -- that child in us never leaves -- the outer casing just grows up and gets older looking. lol stories: News
  • Everything was explained in it -- everything made clear; and gradually she realised the natural, strong and pardonable craving of the rich, unloved man, to seek out for himself some means whereby he might leave all his world's gainings to one whose kindness to him had not been measured by any knowledge of his wealth, but which had been bestowed upon him solely for simple love's sake. The Treasure of Heaven A Romance of Riches
  • Lots of us have suffered similar tragedies, and it's natural to want to do something to remember the person we lost. The Sun
  • The Spanish population of New Spain eats too much, he writes, and this is bad for them because it "generates a large amount of excrements, which suffocate the natural heat [of the body]. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • In natural streams coho salmon and steelhead trout fry tend to occupy pools and riffles, respectively.
  • Your hair has a natural wave whereas mine's just straight and boring.
  • These are not the sorts of cases where prosecutorial discretion naturally disfavors prosecution.
  • Thus natural science will be subalternate to mathematics, for even though mathematics is not the science of the higher form, of light, considered in itself, it does govern the way in which light realizes itself in space. Medieval Theories of Demonstration
  • (B) used by the taxpayer as a tertiary injectant in a qualified enhanced oil or natural gas recovery project.
  • The elegant cinematography is the work of Jeff Cronenweth (who comes by it naturally; his late father, Jordan, was one of the best shooters of his time). 'Social Network': Password Is Perfection
  • Having a penchant for natural fabrics and dyes, he uses man-made fibers and chemical dyes as well.
  • Naturally, the epitaph on his tombstone should read ‘Th-that-that's all folks!’
  • Thus, according to the Chinese, people in whom the liver is too full of blood and hence hard and congested, will be naturally irritable.
  • A bereaved couple allow their dead son to be cloned by a sinister scientific institute in this clunking supernatural thriller. Times, Sunday Times
  • I eased the door open silently, but the Fool's preternatural awareness served him well. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • It was natural that writers interested in medieval history and culture should react sharply to the deni - gration of their period by Burckhardt and scores of lesser men. IDEA OF RENAISSANCE
  • The site plan responds to the site's topography, respecting natural arroyos and ridges.
  • Cancer cells look too much like normal cells and most cancers (perhaps virally caused cancers are an exception) are probably expressing only genes that naturally are expressed in human cells.
  • Several early clinical studies performed on quassia verified its traditional use as a natural insecticide, documenting it as an effective treatment for head lice infestation in humans.
  • I NOTICE that apart from the widespread complaint that the German pilotless planes ‘seem so unnatural’ (a bomb dropped by a live airman is quite natural, apparently), some journalists are denouncing them as barbarous, inhumane, and ‘an indiscriminate attack on civilians’. As I Please
  • This anthology pairs contemporary stories with folk tales, many of which interpret natural phenomena in the light of local knowledge and lore.
  • Angus cattle are naturally polled and this is passed onto future generations even when crossbred.
  • Like dictators and führers, politicians always come to the scene of a natural disaster carrying a wad of cash.
  • They also have acquired a ‘natural moral sense’ that inclines them to perform the social duties required for the species to flourish.
  • Natural hair This lightweight noncreamy formula provides a healthy boost of essential vitamins and reconstructive polymers to revitalize dry hair and strengthen cuticles.
  • They are also quite preternaturally ugly, bringing a rude abbreviation to the extension of the leg and drawing attention to the unbeautiful formlessness of the shoe, and the cheapness of its material and fabrication.
  • The nature of men is described as often having a natural depravity that is hidden inside respectability.
  • It also has led us to rethink the notion of naturalness and the rock solid expectation this used to lead to, of finding new physics just beyond the electroweak scale. Two cheers for string theory
  • In general, it was assumed in the early development of international law that control of natural resources depended on the acquisition of sovereignty over land territory and territorial seas.
  • In its natural habitat, the hibiscus will grow up to 25ft.
  • But they admit individual agents only on the terms on which a natural scientist admits individual and particular objects.
  • Equitable and sustainable development presumes that the natural resources will be used.
  • He is also a leader in the natural-birth movement, having introduced homelike birthing rooms and pools into French hospitals.
  • Nkrumah saw this as a contradiction, and was critical, thus annoying Nyerere who should have been a natural ally.
  • Their vices and their virtues and their music, and their greed and their fairyism and their militarism, all seem to have been roasted in a hurry, and to contain, like red meat, the natural juices to an extent that seems to us excessive. This Is the End
  • Only by crossing the short bridge can you take in its natural grandeur and the maze of streets that make up the medieval town. Times, Sunday Times
  • The child should wear layered natural fibers and wool socks, weather permitting.
  • The first he would have described as a natural system - like a primitive state of nature, an uncivilized, anarchic world where the most powerful tyrannize the rest.
  • All across the world, ...increasingly dangerous weather patterns and devastating storms are abruptly putting an end to the long-running debate over whether or not climate change is real. Not only is it real, it's here, and its effects are giving rise to a frighteningly new global phenomenon: the man-made natural disaster. Barack Obama 
  • Give yourself the love and approval you want and silence your natural instincts to give into the nagging and negativity that can dominate your thoughts.
  • The clothes are available in warm natural colours.
  • The stampede may be natural human behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Read the text naturally; don't strain after effects.
  • If some extractive natural subsector gets scarce we will just substitute other sectors for it and growth of the whole economy will continue, not into any restraining biospheric envelope, but into sidereal space presumably full of resource-bearing asteriods and friendly highly-evolved aliens eager to teach us how to grow forever into their territory. From a Failed Growth Economy to a Steady-State Economy
  • The woods were designated an area of outstanding natural beauty.
  • Against any tendency to naturalize evil, Julian sees evil as profoundly unnatural, unkind.
  • We may then sum up by saying that Lord Byron generally established on an impregnable rock, guarded by unbending principles, those great virtues to which principles are essential; but that, after making these treasures secure -- for treasures they are to the man of honor and worth -- once having placed them beyond the reach of sensibility and sentiment, he may sometimes have allowed the _lesser virtues_ (within ordinary bonds) such indulgence as flowed from his kindly nature, and such as his youth rendered natural to a feeling heart and ardent imagination. Lord Byron jugé par les témoins de sa vie. English
  • In addition, kudzu ranked second-highest in terms of its potential impact on natural systems, because it is capable of overgrowing and decimating mature stands of trees.
  • Naturally, I was appalled to discover that Knog's entire product line is simply a cheap ruse to smuggle sapphist erotica into America. Conspiracy By Mail: The Hidden Dangers of Online Bicycle Retail
  • People across the country might reckon we all go about with cloth caps and whippets but Yorkshire is a very beautiful county and perhaps we should be shouting about how wonderful the natural landscape is.
  • As the principal part of the earth land ecosystem, forest, especially the natural forest is most significant in keeping the ecological balance and the maintenance of the biology multiformity.
  • Baker suggests three possible reasons why human sinus bones should be naturally magnetic.
  • Because he's been chronically underweight since before hitting puberty, his body is used to having to survive on unnaturally low weights, but there's a limit to how much it can take.
  • And Miranda's supernatural visitations, which began on the night of the murder, are escalating in both frequency and intensity.
  • Water from the aquarium tanks is pumped over the top of rafts of brown algae, which feed on the nutrients in the water and help clean it naturally, as they would out on the reef.
  • Rob Dailey and Todd Fiscus have natural gifts for Design - good taste and a refined eye - that most of us long for.
  • Some natural sassafras and nutmeg from the grapes, but none of the over-the-top oak to mask what might or might not be present in the fruit. Red, With Envy: Assessing 2007 Finger Lakes Reds
  • Going into a somewhat different trajectory, specifically to continue a line of speculation from a previous post on an African bridge house: can someone be fundamentally altered — like the corn they're cultivating to produce cancer cures — while living quasi-permanently in flourescent-lit dampness and hermetic seclusion, detached from the vagaries of weather, time and natural pollination, amidst pure geology? Cave Pharming
  • “but it would be, if not more prudent, since that word displeases you, at least more natural —” Around the World in 80 Days
  • Those of us who remember the 1970s recall the frolics sparked by America’s last great experiment with widespread price caps – namely, those on oil and natural gas. Day Two: the Speaker and House Majority Leader Back Away from ObamaCare | RedState
  • Now General Electric have gone one better than nature and made a diamond purer than the best quality natural diamonds.
  • They will also be greener, being powered by liquefied natural gas and fuel cells. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the combination of natural materials imparts warmth to the space, which is comfortably scaled.
  • One week after this story was written, the top 20 pop albums in the United States included records by fresh-faced adolescents the Beatles, teen sensation Bob Seger, twentysomething heartthrob Frank Sinatra, a barely-postpubescent but preternaturally-talented Bob Marley, recent high school graduate Rod Stewart, former boy band member Johnny Cash, newly-discovered youth sensation Barry White, and a band whose name is synonymous with "teenage rebellion": Pink Floyd. Sirilyan Diary Entry
  • It is a role for which his intense glare makes him a natural. Times, Sunday Times
  • In France Zola was the dominant practitioner of naturalism in prose fiction and the chief exponent of its doctrines.
  • Of the three classes of isomeric anhydrides which can be formed from hydroxybenzoic acids, the chemistry of the natural tannins is only concerned with the class comprising the ester anhydrides. Synthetic Tannins
  • It is part of the body's natural recovery process from stress and upsets. The Sun
  • Some kind of unimaginable chemical reaction would take the natural sweat produced by us all and turn it into an emitter of light.
  • It's an area of outstanding natural beauty.
  • In addition, if the scar tissue forms in and around the fingerlike ends of your tube called the fimbria, the tubes may actually seal shut, in which case all chances for natural conception are lost. Getting Pregnant
  • Some people have a natural ability to create buns, updos or French Twists on their own hair without any assistance.
  • We saw digital print as a natural progression from what we were doing in our pre-press environment.
  • And the task of the mythographer is to ask what interests are served by the naturalization of particular convictions and values.
  • What is it about this particular ceremony that obligates people to travel vast distances, buy expensive casserole dishes, wear unnaturally tidy clothes, and take stupid numbers of photographs?
  • One goal was to return fish to traditional spawning grounds in the upper reaches of the Clearwater tributaries, strengthening natural fish runs.
  • Electricity, gas and water were considered to be natural monopolies.
  • By this action, the highly elastic axis must be bent at the lower extremity, where it is naturally slightly curved; and I imagine it is by this elasticity alone that the zoophyte is enabled to rise again through the mud. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • I also saw a large tree and obtained specimens of it, belonging to the natural order BIGNONIACEAE, with terminal spikes of yellow flowers, and rough cordate leaves; and a proteaceous plant with long compound racemes of white flowers, and deeply cut leaves, resembling a tree with true pinnate leaves. Narrative of an expedition undertaken for the exploration of the country lying between Rockingham Bay and Cape York
  • He said low genetic diversity is a natural part of the domestication process and that Dukha reindeer are selected for traits such as passiveness and strong backs that support saddles and riders.
  • As such, offering managed telephony services is a natural extension of their business model.
  • Are photography and surrealism such an ‘unnatural coupling,’ as one observer has recently suggested?
  • He had a swashbuckling posture; but such was his powerful physique and piercing look, it seemed natural rather than boastful or proud. Seminary Boy
  • These findings demonstrate that there may be natural foci of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis in northern forest area in China.
  • This apparently inefficient system gives us the ability to deal with the natural variability of the diurnal rhythms of light and temperature.
  • A 2-year-old Phil, a natural right-hander, insisted on swinging a golf club left-handed so that he could mirror his dad.
  • Although box and yews can be clipped into formal shapes, most shade plants appear at home in that naturalistic setting.
  • It gives us a wonderfully economical, almost anthropological view of the grrrls in their natural habitat - the street.
  • The natural ability of the body to balance internal and external stress is called homeostasis. Dr. Bertrand Babinet, Ph.D., LAc.: Adaptogen Herbs: The Key to Longevity and Optimal Health
  • The novel is also natural in the sense of man's everyday life, done without pretence and pose.
  • Graphene doesn't naturally have a bandgap, which is necessary for most electronic applications," said IBM Fellow Phaedon Avouris, who oversees the company's carbon-based materials efforts. Softpedia News - Global
  • This spiritual purification may be compared with the purification of natural spirits, which is effected by the chemists, and is called defecation, rectification, castigation, acution, decantation, and sublimation; and wisdom purified may be compared with alcohol, which is a highly rectified spirit. The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
  • And it sounds like Jim and his wife, by not using the term stepfamily, that can be a very beneficial thing because they weren't putting labels on individuals, and therefore, they were removing the expectation that naturally comes with those labels. NPR Topics: News
  • Naturally trustful people must never be given a good reason to become cynical, for cynicism is the enemy of every honor system.
  • This naturally resulted in a magical duel, which Crowley eventually won.
  • Damages are assessed on the basis of the damage naturally arising from the breach and in the contemplation of the parties.
  • Voluntary redundancies and natural wastage will cut staff numbers to the required level.
  • Terms that have both are called appellative terms and should be distinguished from substance terms or natural kind terms, which have signification by imposition. Mental Representation in Medieval Philosophy
  • Seeing these majestic and beautiful creatures in their natural habitat was one of the most moving and incredible experiences of my life. The Sun
  • Naturally this had immediate consequences for the destitute fed by the church chest that rich believers funded.
  • The charity aims to relieve poverty and distress caused by natural disasters.
  • And the echo of her lilting croon came back, bouncingly, to reassure her that this installation was not large and was set in natural stone caverns. The ship who sang

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