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[ UK /nˈæt‍ʃəɹə‍l/ ]
[ US /ˈnætʃɝəɫ, ˈnætʃɹəɫ/ ]
  1. functioning or occurring in a normal way; lacking abnormalities or deficiencies
    a grandparent's natural affection for a grandchild
    it's the natural thing to happen
    natural immunity
  2. unthinking; prompted by (or as if by) instinct
    a cat's natural aversion to water
    offering to help was as instinctive as breathing
  3. free from artificiality
    a natural reaction
    a lifelike pose
  4. being talented through inherited qualities
    a born musician
    a natural leader
    an innate talent
  5. existing in or produced by nature; not artificial or imitation
    natural gas
    natural blonde hair
    a natural pearl
    natural fertilizers
    a natural sweetener
    natural silk
  6. (of a musical note) being neither raised nor lowered by one chromatic semitone
    a natural scale
    B natural
  7. (of a parent or child) related by blood; genetically related
    biological child
    natural parent
  8. (used especially of commodities) being unprocessed or manufactured using only simple or minimal processes
    natural produce
    natural yogurt
    raw wool
    bales of rude cotton
    raw sugar
  9. in accordance with nature; relating to or concerning nature
    a very natural development
    natural science
    natural resources
    natural cliffs
    natural phenomena
    our natural environment
  10. existing in or in conformity with nature or the observable world; neither supernatural nor magical
    a perfectly natural explanation
  1. (craps) a first roll of 7 or 11 that immediately wins the stake
  2. someone regarded as certain to succeed
    he's a natural for the job
  3. a notation cancelling a previous sharp or flat

How To Use natural In A Sentence

  • Lovecraft dealt not with the supernatural but with the "supernormal," as Joshi puts it -- the unrealized side of material reality. The Lovecraft News Network
  • Frogs and newts have already been attracted to three new natural spring ponds at Abbey Meads School.
  • I play the piano, so it is natural for me to think ‘harmonically’ a lot of the time (one can hear harmonies instantly on a piano; also mainstream jazz is extremely harmony driven).
  • Labour is naturally a bit shell-shocked finding itself out of office for the first time in 13 years. Times, Sunday Times
  • The remaining three evolutionary forces are nonadaptive in the sense that they are not a function of the fitness properties of individuals: mutation is the ultimate source of variation on which natural selection acts, recombination assorts variation within and among chromosomes, and genetic drift ensures that gene frequencies will deviate a bit from generation to generation independent of other forces. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • Naturally, this makes interpersonal relations, especially with societies unexposed to the advantages of the American lifestyle, a little difficult.
  • However, added the mayor, city hall will naturally respect the court's order, whatever it may be.
  • Distrust naturally creates distrust, and by nothing is good-will and kind conduct more speedily changed than by invidious jealousies and uncandid imputations, whether expressed or implied.
  • He has written a natural history of Scotland.
  • As doctors we are all too aware of the natural causes of death, such as cancer and heart disease, the top killers.
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