How To Use Natural history In A Sentence
He has written a natural history of Scotland.
One of his previous books on natural history, The Song of the Dodo, dealt with island biogeography and endangered species.
One of the greatest comprehensive collections of the decorative arts, natural history, geology and technology in the United Kingdom.
Natural History From aardwolves and bandicoots to yapoks and zorillas, Ernest P. Walker's Mammals of the World is the most comprehensive - the pre-eminent - reference work on mammals.
Some items have survived in zoological institutes and natural history museums in Saint Petersburg, Stockholm, and Amsterdam, as well as in the British Museum in London.

Divided into sections (the Americas, Australasia, Asia, Africa, Europe), it provides natural history images painstakingly rendered by artists over centuries, which depict new forms of flora and fauna that the European world was just discovering - from the banded krait (a snake) to the white-tailed gnu.
3 books for giving
Wallace always felt that ‘selection’ inappropriately imported anthropomorphic notions of Nature choosing purposefully between variants into natural history.
Once an imperial palace and presidential residence, it has gorgeous grounds and now houses the natural history museum.
The Sun
During the 17th century, Thomas Sydenham founded the discipline of nosology by insisting that diseases had their own natural history and could be described and classified on the basis of their specific characteristics.
We've got a rock wallaby and koalas and a rosella and they are, to my mind, just about as fine as natural history art gets.
We chose the name Beelzebub to reflect the dark 'diabolic' coloration of the new species and its fierce protective behavior in the field," said Gabor Csorba of the Hungarian Natural History Museum.
Wired Top Stories
Born in London, taught by governesses, she combined her early love of drawing with a keen interest in natural history, copying flowers and drawing small animals kept as pets or found on summer holidays in Scotland and the Lakes.
This is a "scalariform" Helix aspersa shell from the Smithsonian's Natural History Museum.
Archive 2007-10-01
It includes some natural history displays which are always there, including live terrapins, frogs and guinea pigs.
What value is the humanities to natural history, or natural history to the humanities?
The Natural History Museum is a super place for kids.
He trained at Edinburgh, went to the Royal College of Surgeons and then moved to superintend the natural history collections of the British Museum in Bloomsbury.
4 Based on its primitive characteristics, Louis identified the tooth as that of a cercopithecoid a monkey and sent it along with the other Laetoli fossils to the British Museum of Natural History.
Ancestral Passions
Anyone interested in lepidoptera, entomology, natural history, and probably even art and photography will enjoy the photographs.
The neighbouring Museum of Natural History has the third-largest dinosaur collection in the world, including skeletons of tyrannosaurus rex, diplodocus and stegosaurus.
In natural history the careful observer and recorder was very important in the advance of the science.
This ignores the consilience factor: the vast amount of detail from natural history that is compatible with the idea that evolution actually took place.
Serial sonographic study of fetuses with lung lesions has helped clinicians to define the natural history of these lesions, determine the pathophysiologic features that affect clinical outcome and formulate management plans that are based on prognosis.
Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
Recent study and restudy of historical material at the Natural History Museum in London reveals several exclusively Cretaceous insect taxa in Burmese amber, indicating its probable Cretaceous age.
Moreover, we must grant that although our ability to affect the environment is entropically grand, it is not unbounded, thus our optimism to uniquely steer the course of the natural history is incongruous with physics.
Progressive Bloggers
The virtual tours highlight the geology and natural history of the parks, and are offered for viewing through 3-D anaglyphic images or through regular photographs.
Selborne "few or no writers on Natural History, save Mr. Gosse and poor Mr. Edward Forbes, have had the power of bringing out the human side of science, and giving to seemingly dry disquisitions ... that living and personal interest, to bestow which is generally the special function of the poet.
More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 2
Schools regularly bring children to the beach for natural history lessons.
Could that be a dermestid larva, the bane of natural history collections everywhere?
It was 5 years ago today
We're a bit ropey on art and natural history but other than that we are good to go.
Times, Sunday Times
An outraged parent must have complained about our gambol through Times Square, because the next year we were bused to the Upper West Side of Manhattan and taken to the Museum of Natural History.
First Love & Other Obsessions
Boyle, a champion of both the corpuscularian doctrine and the Baconian method of natural history, preferred to report the results of his experiments, including negative results, and frequently lamented the fact that we lacked "histories
Sticky Wants to Grab
Anglia Television also managed to have a share of the children's market, when they networked a quiz series for children based on the similarly named natural history series, ‘The Survival Game’.
The natural history of the birds was treated in a second series of nine volumes.
The new system suggests that we need to organize health care to predict and anticipate needs based on knowledge of patients, local conditions and a thorough knowledge of the natural history of illness.
One could argue that spirit's difficulty in emerging from the darkness of matter makes Ages a forerunner of negative dialectics, whether in the form of a "natural history
'The Abyss of the Past': Psychoanalysis in Schelling's Ages of the World (1815)
With the acceptance of his theory, ‘a grand untrodden field of inquiry will be opened’ in biology and natural history.
Natural history programmes have many estimable qualities but excitement isn't often one of them.
Times, Sunday Times
In assorted prose fragments on natural history and the Linnaean system he composed between 1823 and 1825, Clare compares Linnaean claims about female flowers to what he sees in plants and trees and concludes that some trees are "hermaphroditic," and thus do not propagate exclusively by way of a female reproductive organ (Clare Natural History 101-2, 108).
Romantic Interiority and Cultural Objects
He was a true scholar, with interests in mineralogy, physics, natural history, chemistry, mathematics, and languages.
The manner in which the Dodo were obliterated from the surface of the earth has left a lasting impact on the natural history of our global eco-system: in fact a lesson in extinction to humanity.
A brief history of the dodo
It is by endless subdivisions based upon the most inconclusive differences, that some departments of natural history become so repellingly intricate.
Moby Dick; or the Whale
Cases abound in natural history studies of ants, chimps, baboons, etc., who, in extremis, give their existence for continuity of their kin.
Wheeler is now the keeper and head of entomology at the Natural History Museum in London.
This is a notorious contradiction of natural history and it is great fun to drop into conversation as a mind-boggler.
Times, Sunday Times
I learnt a few facts about history and geography and natural history, enough to send me to the library to find out more.
Times, Sunday Times
Thirty years earlier, as a small boy in unflattering grey flannels, I stood and craned my neck to gawp at a model of the largest creature on earth, suspended from the ceiling of London's Natural History Museum.
Bruce Latimer, director of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History in Ohio, said an ankle bone and tibia discovered at the site proves the creature walked upright.
The result is a complex mix of ancient Greek bucolics (pastoral poetry), the natural history of northern Italy, and the harsh realities of contemporary Roman politics.
The book Unnatural History of the Sea cites a study of deep sea fishing in the North Atlantic. "3,600 to 5,400 miles of gillnet are in constant contact with the bottom there," author Callum Roberts writes.
Ghost Killers In The Deep Sea
After all, if you wanted to experience culture on a computer screen, you could sit at home or school or in the library, just as thousands do when the Natural History Museum broadcasts live webcasts every Friday afternoon.
It is full of natural history; notes about customs she has observed, epitaphs, and inscriptions on bells; here are also drawings of carvings she has seen on screens and pew ends in churches.
Macedonia has research institutes dealing with geology, natural history, cotton, animal breeding, tobacco, animal husbandry, and water development.
Because his real interests were in the study of natural history, especially watching birds.
The Natural History Museum has an exhibit on archaeology.
When a visitor stands in the center of the trail and scans eastward across the tops of a myriad of purple meadow rue, old witch grass, big blue stem, and wild raspberries and plum, ‘natural history’ becomes visually literal.
But it was Wolf who succeeded best in the nineteenth century in bringing drama into natural history illustration.
The book is by far the best general reference on natural history.
In recent times Robin also produced films for the BBC Natural History Unit and the Discovery Channel.
In 1929, she financed and accompanied a four-month expedition to central Africa for the American Museum of Natural History to obtain birds in Uganda, Kenya, and Nyasaland, from which region the museum previously had no collections.
Sarah Lavanburg Straus.
One of the greatest comprehensive collections of the decorative arts, natural history, geology and technology in the United Kingdom.
Perhaps the best rhodochrosite specimen from this mining period, a lustrous, translucent red rhombohedron about 4 inches on edge, is now on exhibit in the Coors Mineral Hall of the Denver Museum of Natural History.
Lawrence, one of the ablest men whom I have known, had been well-nigh ostracised for his book "On Man," which now might be read in a Sunday school without surprising anybody; it was only a few years since the electors to the chair of Natural History in a famous northern university had refused to invite a very distinguished man to occupy it because he advocated the doctrine of the diversity of species of mankind, or what was called "polygeny.
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 1
If you search out where it came from Pliny's Natural History, Book LXXII, a copy here, the whole sentance reads: "lanae et per se coactae vestem faciunt et, si addatur acetum, etiam ferro resistunt, immo vero etiam ignibus novissimo sui purgamento
Archive 2009-04-01
Natural History, treating of the force of the imagination, and the help it receives 'by one man working by another,' he cites an instance he had witnessed of a kind of juggler, who could tell a person what card he thought of.
A Strange Story — Complete
Natural history and sailing were among his passions, and his enthusiasms were enhanced by his travels.
This adversity he turned to good advantage, for here was time to devote to his beloved natural history.
A new species of pliosaur, Predator X was probably an apex predator at the top of the food chain, similar to the modern-day great white shark, said Hurum, a palaeontologist at Natural History Museum at the University of Oslo, Norway.
Predator X: The Fiercest Dinosaur Yet | Impact Lab
Beginning with physiography (Green's name for natural history as the study of natura naturata), this scale proceeds to "physiology" or the study of the powers behind nature, the natura naturans that is the subject of German Naturphilosophie in the work of the early Schelling, Lorenz Oken and British thinkers such as John Hunter and John Abernethy.
'The Abyss of the Past': Psychoanalysis in Schelling's Ages of the World (1815)
While the box itself served to illustrate the characteristics of the timber, the interior was reserved for an exposition of the whole natural history of the plant … a complete seedling is included to one side, with its roots, seminal capsule and first pair of leaves.
It's already that creepy crawly time of year at the Natural History Museum's wonderful Spider Pavilion.
Sarah Bowman: What's Up for October From Kids Off the Couch
The veteran natural history film-maker launched a stinging attack on his employer, saying that the Corporation had become inefficient and needed to be "refocused". - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
In his Natural History, treating of the force of the imagination, and the help it receives 'by one man working by another,' he cites an instance he had witnessed of a kind of juggler, who could tell a person what card he thought of.
A Strange Story — Volume 07
At New Yorks American Museum of Natural History recently, you could have helped make bone-by-bone reproduction of the museum's stegosaurus , a beast that lived 200 million years ago.
Because of the peculiar natural history of these hosts, the relative importance of horizontal and vertical transmission differs among parasite species.
Dr Manning believes the skeleton will inspire youngsters just as he was inspired by the skeleton of the diplodocus at the Natural History Museum, London, when he was seven years old.
Cuvier wanted to turn natural history into a science that would rank with physics and chemistry.
His books reflect the range of his interests and enthusiasms, from classical and medieval antiquities, numismatics and British and local history, to the fine arts, English literature, natural history and law.
The truths of natural history have been massaged into a mythology that glorifies humankind.
Times, Sunday Times
Students rotated from one scientist to another, assisting with data collection, and gained insight into each scientist's particular area (wetland ecology, cryptogams, syntaxonomy, floristics, or natural history).
I remember when the society re-formed and changed its name to Keighley Natural History and Literary Society in 1944.
The Natural History Museum is a super place for kids.
That direction converges at the New York Museum of Natural History where dioramas and taxidermy reconfigure notions of exhibition, eugenics and conservation.
The natural history theme is one of the most popular trends in interiors stores this year.
Times, Sunday Times
Should anyone wish to ascertain what a hill of ruffs is like, they should inspect the beautiful case of these birds placed in the Natural History Museum.
Field Museum is one of a handful of the world's great natural history museums.
The natural history and transmission of the 2009 H1N1 influenza virus appear to be similar to those of previously observed circulating pandemic and interpandemic influenza viruses.
Medlogs - Recent stories
In his spare time he intended to write a treatise on natural history.
JOSIAH THE GREAT: The True Story of The Man Who Would Be King
Breck continued research in herpetology, studying the natural history of Manitoba toads and spiny soft-shelled turtles.
I read with interest Mark Roessler's article on the Hitchcock ichnology collection in the Amherst Museum of Natural History [ "Dinoscripture: The Older Testament," Dec. 3, 2009], looking for evidence that challenges "at least some of Darwin's theories," as promised in the second title.
The Valley Advocate: News
He met many farmers, poachers and bullterrier-loving miners, who taught him his natural history in the field.
Times, Sunday Times
Your partiality towards my small abilities persuades you, I fear, that I am able to do more than is in my power: for it is no small undertaking for a man unsupported and alone to begin a natural history from his own autopsia!
The Natural History of Selborne, Vol. 1
Rayon Richards for The Wall Street Journal Mr. Sisca, an avid hunter, built his very own 6,000-square-foot natural history museum to hold the animals he's killed—he prefers the term 'harvested'—over the past 35 years.
Animal House in New Canaan
Specimens were deposited in the herbarium of the Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign, Illinois.
The truth is, Mr. Johnson hated what he called unprofitable chat; and to a gentleman who had disserted some time about the natural history of the mouse -- "I wonder what such a one would have said," cried
Anecdotes of the late Samuel Johnson
The unique ecological niche of the giant noctule may in turn explain some of its peculiar natural history traits.
Archive 2007-02-01
His practical interests ranged enormously -- from architecture and geology to natural history and scientific farming -- yet he displayed little interest in managing men.
The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
I for my part read nearly all of each issue but particularly any reviews on the fine arts, classics or natural history.
The Times Literary Supplement
The book contains the Old Testament, the New Testament, a necrology of the Podlazice monastery, a list of Podlazice fraternity members, a script on natural history, the oldest Czech Latin chronicle – there are eleven contents items in all.
The Devil’s Bible: The Biggest Book in the World | Impact Lab
Ten years ago, Tyrion had read a fragment of Unnatural History that had eluded the Blessed Baelor, but he doubted that any of Barth's work had found its way across the narrow sea.
The etiology, natural history, and optimal treatment of respiratory failure have been the subject of active investigation for over 100 years.
‘Communication is also partly the function of coloration,’ Christopher Raxworthy, associate curator of herpetology at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, wrote in an e-mail interview.
Although Edward Drinker Cope (1840-1897) published a lot of ichthyological and herpetological works (dealing both with the anatomy and natural history of these groups), he is probably best known for his paleontological feud with Othniel Charles Marsh.
Cope-y Goodness
Feeling that ordinary language is insufficient to convey his _courteous_ and _chivalrous_ sentiments, he ransacks natural history in search of a sublime metaphor: his triumphant success he records in this beautifully expressed sentence -- "The dilating power of the anaconda and the gizzard of the cassowary are the highest objects of his ambition.
Lands of the Slave and the Free Cuba, the United States, and Canada
Both are seeds, in the language of botany or natural history, but not in commerce nor in common parlance.
MALIBU KTLA -- A 12-foot long oarfish washed ashore in Malibu this week and researchers at the Los Angeles County Natural History Museum say they're looking forward to studying it.
WATCH: Rare, Serpent-Like 'Oarfish' Washes Ashore In Malibu
Budding science geeks and Harry Potter fans will both enjoy the small natural history museum, with its critter skulls, snakeskins, stuffed animals (the taxidermal ...
And why I have begun this column with what seems like a chain of free association is something that will probably become only marginally clear to you when I tell you that it was triggered by the news, last year, of the discovery at the Natural History Museum in London of the oldest known insect fossil, embedded in a chunk of a crystalline rock from Rhynie, S.otland known as chert -- a fossil that dates from the very same S.lurian period, four hundred million years back, that saw the flourishing of the eurypterids that T.S. Eliot's "ragged claws" line unaccountably calls to my mind.
Asimov's Science Fiction
The second was written for a book on Canterbury's natural history and dealt with the aspects of weather which have been a subject of Neil's research - climate, weather, climate change, the effects of nor'westers and of winter.
Skipping through natural history, archeology, paleontology and several other ologies besides, the museum addresses the biggest themes with aplomb.
Times, Sunday Times
There are many stories about the ethology, natural history, and social importance of rats, and, overall, plenty of evidence that people and rats have a lot more in common than most people would like to admit.
Schools regularly bring children to the beach for natural history lessons.
In addition to improving prairie health, this would bolster tourism by providing a connection to prairie-region natural history and cultural heritage.
Physiologus" is not the original title; it was given to the book because the author introduces his stories from natural history with the phrase: "the physiologus says", that is, the naturalist says, the natural philosophers, the authorities for natural history say.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
It was not so very long since my kind friend, Sir William Lawrence, one of the ablest men whom I have known, had been well-nigh ostracised for his book "On Man," which now might be read in a Sunday school without surprising anybody; it was only a few years since the electors to the chair of Natural History in a famous northern university had refused to invite a very distinguished man to occupy it because he advocated the doctrine of the diversity of species of mankind, or what was called "polygeny.
The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
Several typical examples of selenite crystals from this cave, ranging in length from 1.2 to 1.6 meters (4 to 4.25 feet), are displayed in the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History.
Did you know? Chihuahua caves house the world's largest crystals
Latin, Lipsiae, 1766, in quarto, with the learned notes of Kochler and Reiske, and some extracts of geography and natural history from
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
She is giving a lecture about the natural history and ecology of the sea shore.
The two leading natural historians of the period were intellectual competitors representing rival views of natural history.
The Times Literary Supplement
The bowerbirds represent one of the high points of avian evolution and as such they deserve a book that fully captures the wonder of their fantastic natural history.
Cuvier wanted to turn natural history into a science that would rank with physics and chemistry.
These were the scientists who were to devote their labours to the study of natural history, geology, astronomy and even the nascent discipline of anthropology.
Indeed, Natural History wrongly captioned the photo on page 76.
The sunlit restaurant, which has dishes from the museum's antique collection on its walls, faces the south facade of the American Natural History Museum, that is, the landmarked side.
The Full Feed from
Resembling a natural history museum, the dimly lit central gallery was lined with 13 steel-and-glass vitrines, each containing a weathered stone tablet.
Klaas Post of the Natural History Museum of Rotterdam in the Netherlands discovered the ancient whale's fossils on the last day of a brief fossil-hunting expedition in 2008.
Indeed, once the principle is recognized, the relevant database is essentially coextensive with natural history.
Her head and her beautiful black hair are now in the Ethnographical Department of the Natural History Museum at South Kensington, and her precious papyrus is in the Bodleian Library at Oxford.
Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
Presentations such as those in the Natural History of the Mammals provided fuel for the fire of polygeny.
Natural history must indeed be a godlike pursuit, if such a man as this can so adore it, people said; and the very definition and meaning of the word naturalist underwent a favorable alteration in the common mind.
Memories and Studies
More than just a repository for books, the Adam Library served as a store for Charles's collections of smaller antiquities, curiosities, natural history, geology and ethnography.
After the Knox Academy was formally dedicated, Lermond actively continued to solicit donations of natural history specimens for it.
The focus of the biennial event was the history of natural history museums, mineralogy, gemology, crystal chemistry, and crystallogenesis.
Shortly after the Hermes flyby of October 1937, the American Museum of Natural History created a spine-tingling exhibit for public display.
[Gosse's "Natural History."] "And now conceive the massive frame of the megathere convulsed with the mighty wrestling, every vibrating fibre reacting upon its bony attachments with the force of a hundred giants.
The Western World Picturesque Sketches of Nature and Natural History in North and South America
The natural history theme is one of the most popular trends in interiors stores this year.
Times, Sunday Times
On May 22 I joined a small group from the American Museum of Natural History in a motor launch at Niantic, Connecticut.
Cosmonova, at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm, is made up of an Omnitheatre with both a modern planetarium and a 70 mm-wide cinema.
He had a distinguished career which included the directorship of the Museum of Natural History in Paris.
Only an unusually determined researcher could have pursued the idea through fieldwork in the natural history tradition.
The museum also boasts fascinating collections of natural history exhibits and items of more recent history, including the famous Bishops Cannings drum.
The publication has been pronounced useful to the practical apiarian and a valuable contribution to the natural history of the honey-bee.
The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume V. The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century
Familiar to all doctors, ‘a natural history’ suggests a disease process moving to its ineluctable end.
Dr Chris Beard, curator of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, was "awestruck" by the publicity machine but concerned that if the hype was exaggerated, it could damage the popularisation of science if the creature was not all that it was hyped up to be.
[evolution] and its shoddy tactics
The WPY competition, now in its 45th year, is owned by BBC Wildlife Magazine and London's Natural History Museum.
It was based on antiquated natural history; he was unaffected by mechanism or Newtonianism.
The second was written for a book on Canterbury's natural history and dealt with the aspects of weather which have been a subject of Neil's research - climate, weather, climate change, the effects of nor'westers and of winter.
Though natural history does not privilege the individual moment of perception in quite the way that romanticism does, it does rely on a process of imaginative synthesis.
In natural history the careful observer and recorder was very important in the advance of the science.
Then Peaches, being a student of natural history, insisted that I take some hoarhound, I suppose to bite the dogberry, but it didn't.
You Should Worry Says John Henry
Exhibit the culture of the people of Western Kenya , prehistory, and natural history.
He was cut out neither for religion nor for the dry minutiae of algebra and he idled away his days in long country rambles around Oxford, collecting curiosities for his own natural history collection.
These botanical gardens are the setting for a natural history museum.
Collins Traveller-Tuscany and Florence
When you size up a bunch of aldermen or a new legislature, just remember the simple little fact of natural history that a "bumble" bee is always biggest right after it's hatched.
Tattlings of a Retired Politician
A rag-tag band of adventurers try stop them in a breakneck-paced story blending chases and gunfights with long discussions about business, technology and natural history.
Schools regularly bring children to the beach for natural history lessons.
Anyone who goes on a journey, or takes an interest in ecology, bioregionalism, or that enormous journey of everything around us termed natural history, can't do with a better teaching.
Has there ever been a funkier natural history soundtrack?
Times, Sunday Times
Arguably Ages invents this history of nature which will inform Benjamin's and Adorno's reformulation of "natural history" as history subject to nature: "the self-cognition of the spirit as nature in disunion with itself" (Adorno and Horkheimer 39).
'The Abyss of the Past': Psychoanalysis in Schelling's Ages of the World (1815)
In diabetic patients, the natural history of gallstones is generally benign, and there is low risk of a major complication.
Mr. Charles R. Knight, well known from his restoration of extinct animal life and models at the Museum of Natural History. has rendered the two heads of the African elephant and rhinoceros that form the main to the north entrance.
In natural history the careful observer and recorder was very important in the advance of the science.
He wrote a monograph on the fulmar and the still unsurpassed Shell Bird Book, a vade mecum of the cultural and natural history of British birds.
A Year on the Wing
Members of all ages bring natural history objects to meetings, using them to discuss the wonders and puzzles of field observation.
We were blown away by what we found," said Mathieu Joron of France's National Museum of Natural History, who led the probe into what is being called a "supergene". | Top Stories
Natural History Museum or country ramble?
Times, Sunday Times
The latter show was held outside, opposite the Natural History Museum much to the delight of fashionistas and hundreds of children queueing up to see the dinosaurs.
Whereas other writers have suggested that Baret was schooled in natural history by her accomplished lover-patron, Ms. Ridley argues that her heroine was already an expert plantswoman and that, "in this light, Baret was not Commerson's pupil, but his teacher.
Incredible Voyage
MALIBU KTLA -- A 12-foot long oarfish washed ashore in Malibu this week and researchers at the Los Angeles County Natural History Museum say ...
WATCH: Rare, Serpent-Like 'Oarfish' Washes Ashore In Malibu
The coachwhip, a snake listed as endangered in Illinois, is restricted to Ecoregion 72l (Illinois Department of Natural Resources, on-line resource “b”; Illinois Natural History Survey, on-line resource).
Ecoregions of Illinois (EPA)
He wrote a monograph on the fulmar and the still unsurpassed Shell Bird Book, a vade mecum of the cultural and natural history of British birds.
A Year on the Wing
Wow!" says Nina Jablonski, an anthropologist at Pennsylvania State University and author of the book, Skin: A Natural History. "The possibility of preserved australopithecine skin is massively cool.
I'm still waiting for a natural history show about an uncharismatic species - a haddock perhaps, or a donkey.
Times, Sunday Times
The sciences of chemistry, or of natural history, were as innocent of mathematics as the science of landscape.
Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet
In natural history the careful observer and recorder was very important in the advance of the science.
Schools regularly bring children to the beach for natural history lessons.
The neighbouring Museum of Natural History has the third-largest dinosaur collection in the world, including skeletons of tyrannosaurus rex, diplodocus and stegosaurus.
Now amongst other things, I'm a student of natural history and a little bit sceptical about all this Global Warming malarkey.
Bryson's travel books, such as A Walk in the Woods about his hiking the Appalachian Trail, led him to read about the Ice Age and for years he has been squirrelling away notes about natural history.
I frequently encountered this problem as Director of Education for a small natural history museum.
‘It is an interesting approach to ensure survival,’ said Darrel Frost, curator in the department of herpetology at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.
But as awkward as it might seem, chromolithography was a huge leap forward for natural history books.
He also created a pair of pre-dinosaur animals, dimetrodons, now on display at the Las Vegas Natural History Museum.
He has written a natural history of Scotland.
He was one of those encyclopedists who seemed to excel at everything: He studied medicine, chemistry, natural history, and geology, and he was the first to recognize the volcanic nature of the Auvergne area.
Pettigrew and colleagues weren’t the first to question bat monophyly: John E. Hill of the then British Museum (Natural History) had done this as early as 1976, Smith & Madkour (1980) argued that micro - and megabats were of separate origins, and Hill & Smith (1984), in one of the best and oft-cited overviews on bat evolution and biology, expressed scepticism of bat monophyly and a preference for megabat-primate affinities (p. 36).
We flightless primates
For more than a century, urodele amphibians have been used as models for embryology, physiology, and natural history research.
These include natural history, distribution and systematics, population dynamics, physiology, parasitology and pathology, community structure, research methods, and behavior.
His 37-volume Natural History is the longest work on science in Latin that has survived from antiquity.
The lasting contribution of the book is in its summary of avian distributions and natural history, not in the phylogenetic interpretation of speciation and biogeography.
She has an encyclopedic knowledge of natural history.
Lastly, concerning the disdain to receive into natural history things either common, or mean, or oversubtle and in their original condition useless, the answer of the poor woman to the haughty prince who had rejected her petition as an unworthy thing and beneath his dignity, may be taken for an oracle: "Then leave off being king.
The New Organon
The Natural History Museum is also recruiting amateur naturalists to gather data on a range of other threatened wildlife.
Also included are the topics of natural history and aviculture.
He further thinks that a favorable presumption may be derived from "the analogy of the organic world," -- in other words, from the process of propagation by which the races of plants and animals are perpetuated; but the presumption thence derived, so far from being favorable, is directly opposed to his theory, since all the facts which come under our cognizance in every department of Nature serve only to establish the two great maxims of Natural History, -- that _organic life can spring only from organic life_, and that _like produces like, both in the vegetable and animal world_.
Modern Atheism under its forms of Pantheism, Materialism, Secularism, Development, and Natural Laws
The threat is not the shadowy shark; the story is about to turn from natural history into unnatural horror.
Times, Sunday Times
She then moved to the American Museum of Natural History in New York for postdoctoral work on the systematics, biogeography, and conservation of Caribbean birds.
Topography, history, and natural history mingle fluently.
The first number of the Boston Journal of Natural History appeared in 1834 and continued through seven octavo volumes until it was declared complete in 1863.
Objective To analyse the natural history of brain arteriovenous malformations ( AVM ) whose first symptom was haemorrhage.