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How To Use Ms. In A Sentence

  • This came out of an investigation he was carrying out into when a ternary quartic form could be represented as the sum of five fourth powers of linear forms.
  • This is a movie with a distinct and startling cinematic language, but with uncomfortably coercive mannerisms.
  • A lot of people moaned about the parking problems.
  • I ` d like to see it minus bodywork to see if it ` s got smaller wheels than the big old hoops normal for the period, cos i reckon even tho the bodywork is quite wide, full lock would find large dia. wheels causing a few problems. 1930 Art Deco Henderson
  • There was no mail coach -- no driver in scarlet -- no mail guard -- no passengers, but only a ramshackle iron mail cart -- a "postboy" as driver and carrying no arms. The King's Post Being a volume of historical facts relating to the posts, mail coaches, coach roads, and railway mail services of and connected with the ancient city of Bristol from 1580 to the present time
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  • No, but they more or less remained together, I hate to use the word ideologically, but I guess for want of a better word, they seemed to always react, more or less, the same way to political situations and to political candidates 'platforms. Oral History Interview with Lindy Boggs, January 31, 1974. Interview A-0082. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • Get an up close insight on the early song writing technics that produced several timeless Lynyrd Skynyrd Albums. Ronnie Van Zant Speaks « Lynyrd Skynyrd Dixie
  • In more traditional settings, people wear boubous, loose-fitting cotton tunics with large openings under the arms.
  • It also discusses the harm in detail according to the comparison of acid gases between different. the research provides selection of fire-extinguishing agents in terms of harms.
  • But emotional ferment still seething from his betrayed boyhood keeps his body churning with unruly symptoms. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had always envisioned a sort of heroic rescue, but those were only dreams.
  • The neo-classical house features a main doorway framed with Ionic pillars and topped by a balustraded balcony complete with carved stone coat of arms.
  • But up to one in four students are said to use it when cramming for exams. The Sun
  • Politicians, academics and campaigners today routinely frame public issues in emotional terms.
  • During these conferences the alteration proposed by Briggs was agreed upon; and on his return from his second visit to Edinburgh in 1617 he accordingly published the first chiliad of his logarithms. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • I could not but acknowledge that the local governments had, as it seemed to him, evinced but little sympathy with Hindooism; and that whatever might be European policy in respect to religion, the East India Company might have participated in the desire which prevails in Europe to develop ancient customs, and the reasons of those customs. Notes and Queries, No. 209, October 29 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Geneologists, etc.
  • Any attempt to disprove the theory of evolution using thermodynamics will require proper formalisms.
  • There may be a move away from electronics to photonics, a merging of the two, as well as links to carbon-based systems.
  • It constantly spews toxic chemicals into the air here, and the residents I work with suffer from headaches, nosebleeds and respiratory problems.
  • I was working all hours and constantly fretting about everyone else's problems.
  • But when he returned to his room to give his other half the glad tidings, the housekeeper, who was listening to the story, interrupted to tell them that she knew of plenty of empty rooms.
  • Ms. Miller's imprisonment for civil contempt of court was less a perfect storm — to use one of the press 'hoarier clichés to characterize a grim convergence of unpleasant events — as it was a brownout, a distressing midsummer sign that a full power outage is on its way. The Great D.C. Plame-Out, Or: Novak, Lord of the Journo-Flies
  • Uzbekistan reaffirms its commitment to implement democratic reforms.
  • He has identified ways to cut its 600m supply chain spending by 12% and devolved more responsibility to regional management teams. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although tensions existed between the army and the group, the president defused them by playing the politics of tribalism and regionalism, often targeting northerners as the source of the nation's problems.
  • Rather than be seen as lecturing China on its exchange rate, the United States should be doing even more to push its European allies to allow a larger Chinese voice in multilateral forums. Beyond brinkmanship: A better economic path for the U.S. and China
  • Inside, Ms. Savage accented the home's 16-foot coved ceilings—original from 1926—and espresso-colored floors with earth-toned couches and classic pieces, using a long wooden bench as a living room coffee table. A Gossip Girl's Main Stage
  • There's a reason that those invites a fortunate few received, allowing them to attend the après-opening private reception at the latest, greatest Place To Be, the Feral Cheerleader, are tinctured with a hue you cannot find at Sherwin-Williams. James Scarborough: "Stay Free© or Die: The Menstrual Hut Project," International City Bungalow Gallery, Long Beach, California
  • I'm not saying that films shot on location are worse films.
  • Another steel trunk provides ample storage at the foot of the bed, and holds smaller items. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is due to the high overhead and the unhandiness of the previous fault-tolerance systems.
  • Pfizer emphasized the halt was limited to patients participating in clinical testing who suffered from a joint disorder known as osteoarthritis, although the company is slated to meet with the FDA later this week to assess any implications for other programs. Pfizer Suspends Trials of Pain Drug After FDA Request
  • The skill is to release the good dreams. Times, Sunday Times
  • Galilee with theriomorphic polytheism, that is, the tendency to embody the qualities of divinity in animal forms. The Ancient East
  • The event will highlight the wide range of academic, commercial and technical know-how available to firms.
  • I must admit to being a biased Observor here, as I do relatively poorly with the math elements of Economics, and I have attempted a writing career of expressing Economics in nonmathematical terms. Math and Economics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Another feature of interest is the rarity with which axillary prolification is found in irregular gamopetalous blooms. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • This can be very important since some fish will inhabit silty area in preference to hard bottoms.
  • As well as knitwear, accessories, bags and jewellery in the womenswear department, the store also offers lingerie and sleepwear to suit all mums.
  • A compelling storyteller with many voices lyric, operatic and diaristic, Ms. Snyder is often provocative; occasionally didactic or off-key. The Lady of the Wild Things
  • The cestodes, or tapeworms, differ in a number of ways from other flatworms.
  • Nash has already been approached by several pro football teams.
  • Ms. Thompson, whose city is wrangling with $288 million in incinerator debt, said seeking state help is only one step toward resolving Harrisburg's problems, and that "there are many difficult steps to come. Harrisburg Asks State for Relief
  • It is a recognition for the native title right to possess which can only be exercised in accordance with currently acknowledged laws and customs.
  • The downside is that the shape is less convenient for packing bulky items. Times, Sunday Times
  • Profound stupor associated with depression also responds to IV sodium amobarbital, thus permitting conversation between the patient and examiner, which often reveals depressive symptoms. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • To take the chain of speculation one step further, this suggests that the maxilla itself was originally a flat dermal plate of some kind, possibly homologous to the superognathal of placoderms.
  • Unlike chemical antiseptics, essential oils are harmless to tissue, yet they are powerful aggressors towards germs.
  • The tall sportsman is one hundred kilograms.
  • The kingdom persists, although it does not make territorial claims. Times, Sunday Times
  • The income comes not just from the honey but also beeswax polish and face creams.
  • Because the learner has become competent with the short vowels, consonants, and consonant blends, he or she can now concentrate on mastering the long-vowel spelling forms.
  • Aragon's writings circulated anonymously or under pseudonyms.
  • Expect original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to not slash spending in customer-facing systems.
  • Among Lelouch's films starring Ms. Girardot was 1969's "Un homme qui me plait" "A Man Who Pleases Me", in which she played opposite Jean-Paul Belmondo. Obituaries of note: Annie Girardot, Greg Goossen, Eddie Kirkland
  • Many companies will be involved in the project from construction contractors to drillers to transportation firms.
  • Madame Grès, born Germaine Krebs, was once as well-known as her contemporary Coco Chanel, but while Ms. Chanel sold mass-produced ready-to-wear, Ms. Grès designed only hand-made haute couture that sold first as the label "Alix" and later as "Madame Grès. Collecting Vintage Dresses Like Art
  • The Council meets on an ad hoc basis to discuss problems.
  • Other new ingredients were Agretti, corky-fruited water dropwort, bilwa or Belfruit, and squash blossoms. Weekend Herb Blogging Year In Review: Weeks 21-30, and a Recipe
  • It would also release more time for doctors, who would no longer need to cope with people presenting illness as a cover for their real aim - the chance to talk to a sympathetic person about their personal problems.
  • I will like you to get back with your asking price for each artworks excluding the shipping expense because the artworks will be shipped with my other house items by the cartage company handling the shipment of our house items. September 2008
  • In any album deal, we normally take options for six albums.
  • Just as our concepts of childhood have changed, so have our concepts of childhood problems.
  • The film enabled Common (real name Lonnie Rashied Lynn Jr.) to fulfill two dreams. Rapper Common gets 'Wright' with his dreams
  • Don't let reality, get in way of your dreams. Anthony Liccione 
  • The apartment is big: tall, white walls; big, spacious windows; huge, airy rooms.
  • This decline was due partly to the generally buoyant economy that saw fewer people filing claims. A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management: Strategic Objectives, Environments, Functions
  • Yeah, he's a pop genius, but his cool, affable swagger and clever repartee are the perfect complement to the more extroverted, outgoing personalities of Dahle and Ms. Case.
  • Here was a man seemingly prepared to bankroll them on the sweetest of terms. Times, Sunday Times
  • First I desire to know to know whether these dreams of mine of a wonderful white witch-doctoress, or witch, and of my converse with her are indeed more than dreams. She and Allan
  • She must reconcile herself to the fact that she must do some work if she wants to pass her exams.
  • This trains your brain to tune into pleasure in its many forms. The Sun
  • A molecule of chloesteryl myristate consists of mostly carbon and hydrogen atoms.
  • Actual Hebrew letters in original. mem and tet are transposed, kaph and vav look just like resh. * = final forms.p. 52, note "54". Mysticism and its Results Being an Inquiry into the Uses and Abuses of Secrecy
  • There are now believed to be only 12 places in the country where the fritillary thrives, and Cricklade North Meadow has the highest proportion of the blooms.
  • For example, consider the disparity in flight rates between Saturn 1B and Saturn V during the Skylab program or between the Soyuz and Proton in the Russian Salyut & Mir programs. Ares V - Ares 1 = Ares IV - NASA Watch
  • In the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, cyclodiene insecticides provided effective control of wireworms. Southeast Farm Press RSS Feed
  • My eyes can discern ten million colours, it seems. Times, Sunday Times
  • It confirmed that opera lovers were most likely to spread their favours across the art forms.
  • See the city's fine Victorian architecture, and visit its excellent museums.
  • Don't forget Persian lamb, broadtail, goat and other furs that are light and casual, so you can "dress them up or down, with jeans," says Ms. Landau, adding, "It's an easy glamour that you can wear even in California. Restyling Full-Length Mink Coats
  • He ran the torch over the shelves cabinets table drawers but there were no more photographs and no obvious photo albums.
  • This is very much in line with the contemporary need to have everything explained in cerebral, rather than emotional terms.
  • The study says there must be a complete overhaul of air traffic control systems.
  • We oppose racism in all its forms.
  • They might have entered competitions sponsored by local companies to provide innovative solutions to real-world problems.
  • There is no suggestion of any wrongdoing on the part of any of the British peer-to-peer lending platforms. Times, Sunday Times
  • The top floor, which formed part of the upper flat, has three bedrooms.
  • They weren't those thick horn-rimmed glasses, thank God, but they were big oval-shaped wire-rims.
  • Launch vehicles that boost payloads into space also provide business opportunities for firms.
  • The case stems from a complaint brought in Belgian court by two men and a consumers 'organization that challenged higher male life-insurance premiums. EU Adviser: Insurance Pricing Is Discriminatory
  • In an interview last week, Ms. Pak, sporting a button featuring the mustachioed interim mayor's face, spoke passionately about her Chinatown neighborhood and her efforts to persuade Mr. Lee to "serve his city. Chinatown Political Veteran Champions Her Candidate
  • It is surprising that so sharp-sighted a historian of architecture would neglect to mention the role of screens as monumental platforms.
  • The Treasury offers antiques, collectibles and a small inventory of contemporary items.
  • Many cities require registration of alarm systems, provide for a warning process, fine violators and authorize disconnection of alarm systems.
  • Cefotaximes has an especially favorable balance of activity againstgram - positive cocci, gram - negative aerobes, and someanaerobic organisms.
  • Everyone has problems. Some are just better at hiding them than others.
  • Long ago, the world was ruled by two great animal totems.
  • Ideas and facts emerging from studies of the subatomic world change our picture of the macrocosms.
  • At last we have reached the limit for personal injury compensation claims. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another night, another motel room, and now the guys have insisted on coed rooms.
  • Note that parentheses indicate faces, whereas braces indicate forms.
  • The pressure of school tests is forcing children stricken with serious infections into school to sit exams.
  • We had to spend hours filling in forms.
  • The insect body has produced an almost infinite variety of forms.
  • Candle makers, after all, cannot be expected to hail the invention of the electric light bulb, nor hostlers the advent of automobiles, nor canal-boat owners the building of railways, nor TV broadcasters the laying down of cable systems.
  • Marked by a distinctive black edging to the prints, Paul's film output was distinguished particularly by trick films and news films.
  • Kant's pessimism was based on his conception of the nature of living organisms.
  • In my view there seem to be umpteen benefits for bigger clubs having feeder teams.
  • Bronze plaques line the edges of the pools and name the near 3,000 victims. The Sun
  • One of the biggest dangers to commuters at the time was the constant threat of pickpockets and other petty thieves preying upon unsuspecting victims.
  • Many of the houses are burnt, the tin roofs caved in over charred beams. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are also scenes of prisoners attacking guards, shanking each other, and discussing their murders, assaults, and mutilations in graphic terms.
  • In a language that invents descriptive terms with drunken abandon, all food writers suffer from the meagre cupboard of gastronomic terms. Times, Sunday Times
  • If necessary, your child's doctor may prescribe medicines to relieve symptoms.
  • Jordan has over 20 years' high-level management experience in multinational IT companies, most recently with EMC Computer Systems.
  • It is in the early days of the rivalry that Hayes digs up the most interesting stories, such as when Cardiff's Burton scored with an extravagant scissors kick and was congratulated by players from both teams.
  • Paramedics, police and firemen were joined at the scene by three mountain rescue teams. The Sun
  • For history buffs, nearly every community in the province has its own collection of historical exhibits displayed in tiny museums.
  • In this atmosphere the two countries worked out peaceful solutions to a number of old problems. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • When Wanda's little brother accidentally shrinks Ms. Frizzle and the kids, they end up trapped in a bathroom with no way out!
  • Only a feat of brilliant decipherment by Jean-François Champollion, working in the 1820s, allowed us to understand ancient Egypt again in its own terms. Beyond the Pharaohs
  • There are southern and northern dialects, each having three regional idioms.
  • My jacket is coming apart at the seams.
  • Their journeys intertwine and overlap, and during sequences in which they go their separate but parallel ways, director Gustad employs jarring cross-cutting to remind us of their journeys' thematic parallelisms.
  • It requires more than faith, though, to write with vigor and perception about Mount Athos without having set foot on the place; and it is hard to see what new or unique perspective Ms. della Dora brings to her subject. A Fossil With Flesh
  • For many people the tour also includes restaurants (a key influence on domestic interiors) and museums. Times, Sunday Times
  • A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. 
  • The will, probated in Sweden, survived the predictable contest from unhappy relatives, but there were other problems.
  • The Hill's liberals will count it a successful session if they can scratch up a billion or so out of the defense budget, add in the money freed up if, as expected, Carter's counter-inflationary "real-wage insurance" plan is defeated, and then spread the dividends among the hardest-hit programs. The Politics of Austerity
  • He is a first-class pianist and organist and has composed music and written and published his own poems.
  • Forget b-ball and afterschool programs, I want action on school uniforms. Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Herding Cats
  • The group that had been holding service behind the nursing home got the buildings and some church funds, while the ultraconservatives got some cash and church heirlooms.
  • The pitch, intonation, and speed of his voice are all over the map and make every bit of dialogue and catchphrase either hilarious or an assault on your eardrums.
  • The crowd filled, the floor became packed, as a new group of yellow-clad musicians came out---high in an alcove---bearing enormous drums. The Full Feed from
  • While, the absence of dialogues, the lack of colors and the intertitles recreate the look and feel of early mute films. No Fat Clips!!! : SIMON BURRILL – Mr. Theobald
  • But a wide range of genetic screening will rise to a series of social problems.
  • Pros, from what I've read, is that mirror pentaprisms are lighter, can be made smaller to save space, and are cheaper to manufacture than glass pentaprisms.
  • New York's four-day fair will include panel discussions about building collections and a children's lounge, complete with buyable artwork made for children's rooms. At Fair, New Names and Light Wallets
  • The obvious is belabored with depressing frequency; the following passage illustrates this and other problems.
  • Yet today the portmanteau is probably the most fertile vehicle for neologisms. Times, Sunday Times
  • One step advanced beyond this, Jerry's uttermost, the folk of Somo, from the contemplation of death, had achieved concepts of the spirits of the dead still living in immaterial and supersensuous realms. Chapter 15
  • All bedrooms have full en suite bathrooms.
  • This week's poem is from the book of shortlisted and highly commended poems. Times, Sunday Times
  • Elsewhere, residents complained the country's leaders were slow to help cyclone victims. The Sun
  • The Supreme Court has directed the State Governments and Union Territories to abide by the norms.
  • As he walked towards me I saw he was wearing a pale mac, like in one of his films. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ms. Fuchs believes the topic of safe sex isn't one where a parent can allow for a child to break down into the giggles and get squirmy. Mother Works to Make AIDS Education a Priority
  • We have to stop vandalization on farms.
  • After a rain, caddisfly hatches occur here that resemble snowstorms. Big Brookies in a River You Can Wade
  • The old man smiled to reveal toothless gums.
  • Another good option is the Santa Lucia, a beautifully restored 18 th-century palazzo which is spoiled only by the management's choice of chintzy decor and over-fussy floral curtains in the guest rooms.
  • The play aims to give a humorous portrayal of the everyday life of normal mums.
  • Drug addicts, alcoholics, bulimics, anorexics, and sex addicts line up to claim social causes of their problems.
  • That will make it easier for businesses such as haulage companies which might have suffered losses as a result of this to bring claims. The Sun
  • Several new varieties of metalwork also were added to the old, especially the aquamanile, i.e., a vessel in the form of an animal, used for washing the hands, and the metal structures placed upon the altar; other articles assumed new forms. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • The incident led to neurological problems, numbness in his legs and arms. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ear ornaments in this collection are geometrically complex in design, combining squares, circles and triangles into single forms.
  • Near Australia, catsharks have been observed inhabiting ledges and caves, seagrass or kelp beds, coastal reefs, and both sandy and rocky bottoms.
  • Not because it will be good -- I can guarantee that it won't be, based on the craptastic filmography that is Bay's career especially the Transformers films. Marshall Fine: Curtains for 3D, Comic-Con?
  • Companies will pledge to reduce salt by about 15% in a step towards the government target of an adult's daily intake not exceeding six grams. Times, Sunday Times
  • North of Larchmont, the homes are more modest turn-of-the-century bungalows with two or three bedrooms.
  • Hence the words man, mankind, humanity have come to be treated as interchangeable synonyms.
  • Claire's always one to lend a sympathetic ear if you have problems.
  • The cash-strapped councils need the money to plug leaks in school roofs, shore up unstable walls, install modern heating systems, repair cracked, draughty windows and remove temporary classrooms.
  • Nicotine replacement blunts but does not eliminate these symptoms.
  • Careful searching of the literature is an absolute necessity in the preparation of any study and solution to problems.
  • Prospects for the company remain good, as an inevitable tightening of the public purse looms. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tiny, flickery viewscreen from a public matterfax at the Sont Mikaal gate station, with its scratched plastic case and the smudged dust of a dozen systems. 365 tomorrows » 2008 » May : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • They knew that some of the people inside of this settlement were armed, and perhaps prepared to use those arms.
  • Base Nutrient Depletion: Acidification of soils causes the removal of nutrients (a process known as leaching) from terrestrial ecosystems. Acid deposition fact sheet
  • The image isn't falsely romanticized, and it includes foreign tourists alongside Indian pilgrims.
  • Such away swingers have beaten the best batsmen from both teams.
  • The centre provides expert advice for people with financial problems.
  • Beyond self-improvement for each child, Johann stresses the broader societal impact of Right To Play programs. Soccer Ball Diplomacy
  • They managed to shift about half of the mentally retarded and emotionally disturbed patients to homes and less restrictive programs.
  • His mood was darkly apocalyptic, seeing everything in life-and-death terms.
  • It has three levels with three reception rooms and four bedrooms.
  • The inner surface can be scraped off, sliced thin and used as an inlay for jewellery items.
  • The title of the first poem refers to the resourcefulness required to ride out tropical storms.
  • It has become easy to obtain information about our bank and insurance accounts, train and airline reservations through computerized systems.
  • Nigel, by opting out of the computer course, had already made his compromise with ambitious dreams.
  • The path, when we get down again into the tree-fern region, is inches deep in mud and water, and several places where we have a drop of five feet or so over lumps of rock are worse work going down than we found them going up, especially when we have to drop down on to amomum stems. Travels in West Africa
  • Schiff's forms depend (like Marianne Moore's) on interlocking enjambments, on syllabics, and on baroque grammar, or else (unlike Moore's) on dense repetitions derived from Provençal forms.
  • First cook the onions, then add the mushrooms.
  • Standing clear of the cluster of converted railway carriages and huts that line the shingle shore, the tower has four storeys and two bedrooms. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was on a committee formed to liaise with ex-Sophiatown residents regarding land claims.
  • For users, they are still expensive add-on features and come with their own set of integration problems.
  • Victorian values might include slavery, children down the mines and chimney sweeps up the stack, as well as gin parlours and asylums.
  • An unspecified surfer from the USA came by via Yahoo looking for "gisele lindley" -- Ms. Lindley was the daring and lovely actress who played Princess in Oingo Boingo's misbegotten Forbidden Zone movie. View from the Northern Border
  • He did not foresee any problems.
  • In a user guide, they handily provide a list of acronyms.
  • Back in the early fifties people across the land followed the Redex trial intently, listening in for updates in the daily news broadcasts from their valve radiograms.
  • It urged them to contact local offices for expert advice in dealing with the current problems.
  • The roadsides sparkled with coreopsis, crimson clover, vetch, spring beauties, and other gem-like blooms.
  • With careers and raises often hanging in the balance, few instructors can afford to displease the growing number of disengaged students making evaluation forms.
  • The main roof beams are given extra support by the smaller transverse beams.
  • There are grunts, an accompanying triangle, and even something like be-bop drums.
  • This year, the honorees were: Warren Beatty, Ossie Davis & Ruby Dee, Sir Elton John, Dame Joan Sutherland, and John Williams.
  • If you use it at a Santander or Scotiabank ATM you will probably not even be charged a fee that is standard at other atms. Debit cards

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