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[ US /ˈmɪz/ ]
  1. a form of address for a woman

How To Use Ms. In A Sentence

  • This came out of an investigation he was carrying out into when a ternary quartic form could be represented as the sum of five fourth powers of linear forms.
  • This is a movie with a distinct and startling cinematic language, but with uncomfortably coercive mannerisms.
  • A lot of people moaned about the parking problems.
  • I ` d like to see it minus bodywork to see if it ` s got smaller wheels than the big old hoops normal for the period, cos i reckon even tho the bodywork is quite wide, full lock would find large dia. wheels causing a few problems. 1930 Art Deco Henderson
  • There was no mail coach -- no driver in scarlet -- no mail guard -- no passengers, but only a ramshackle iron mail cart -- a "postboy" as driver and carrying no arms. The King's Post Being a volume of historical facts relating to the posts, mail coaches, coach roads, and railway mail services of and connected with the ancient city of Bristol from 1580 to the present time
  • No, but they more or less remained together, I hate to use the word ideologically, but I guess for want of a better word, they seemed to always react, more or less, the same way to political situations and to political candidates 'platforms. Oral History Interview with Lindy Boggs, January 31, 1974. Interview A-0082. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • Get an up close insight on the early song writing technics that produced several timeless Lynyrd Skynyrd Albums. Ronnie Van Zant Speaks « Lynyrd Skynyrd Dixie
  • In more traditional settings, people wear boubous, loose-fitting cotton tunics with large openings under the arms.
  • It also discusses the harm in detail according to the comparison of acid gases between different. the research provides selection of fire-extinguishing agents in terms of harms.
  • But emotional ferment still seething from his betrayed boyhood keeps his body churning with unruly symptoms. Times, Sunday Times
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