How To Use Mount up In A Sentence

  • With planning guidelines requiring that a survey be carried out and the cost be borne by the developer before any permission is given, the costs can quickly mount up.
  • In some instances this can amount up to the equivalent of two monthly premiums for the same portfolio.
  • If you have let debts mount up on an array of cards, the solution is to switch to a lower rate credit card.
  • The eggcorns mount up alarmingly here at Language Log Plaza.
  • Delays mount up as aircraft circle the skies, vainly waiting for a landing slot. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Once the points mount up, you will get invitations to other areas of the city where you will have to do the same thing.
  • Their debts continued to mount up.
  • When there were none I opened the bottle and poured a small amount upon the comb and began to comb it through the fore pieces of her hair.
  • As disposable nappies mount up in landfill sites, and new research questions their suitability for babies in the first place, Rob Edwards considers the alternatives.
  • So it's, you know, he probably had to scrape a bit to get that amount up.
  • A penny here and a penny there can soon mount up to a small fortune.
  • And a dragon of horrible great form lay under the ladder, which made every man to dread and fear to mount up, and she saw Satyra ascending by the same unto above and looking to usward, and said: Doubt ye nothing this dragon, but come up surely that ye may be with me. The Golden Legend, vol. 7
  • And as costs mount up and up, seemingly to be fixed on the public exchequer, there is no hint of concern from the government.
  • I am appalled that children can mount up debts unbeknown to their parents.
  • And problems continued to mount up from abroad as well.
  • Also, much more energy is required to broadcast ultrasound than frequencies in human hearing range, so the cost of running a device can mount up. Times, Sunday Times
  • Delays mount up as aircraft circle the skies, vainly waiting for a landing slot. Times, Sunday Times
  • All kinds of obstacles and difficulties can mount up, culminating in hopelessness.
  • Delays mount up as aircraft circle the skies, vainly waiting for a landing slot. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the murders mount up, the Minneapolis cops swing into action.
  • Airlines charge a percentage of the first-class fare per kilo of any overweight items and the cost of travelling with a 3kg lamp can soon mount up.
  • I am appalled that children can mount up debts unbeknown to their parents.
  • Over a year this could mount up to an extra 3-4Kg of fat.
  • Thinking the matter over, wishing his head would quit pounding so that the process would not be so unaccustomedly, damnably slow, Neil realized that the immediate reaction of his captors upon discovering his escape undoubtedly would be to mount up and ride after him in furious pursuit, leaving no time for retribution against the women even if they were so inclined. Shameless
  • I may even get better at answering mails straight away rather than letting them mount up until I drop into a blue funk about the backlog.
  • Step one - Don't throw away your empty cigarette boxes, keep them and let them mount up.
  • Also watch out for extra costs, as these quickly mount up: our hot buffet breakfast, which was nothing special, came to an eye-watering £40 for two.
  • If you hide away your problems and pretend that they don't exist they will just continue to mount up.
  • If the school has a long list of uniform requirements the costs can mount up rapidly, particularly as the child might quickly grow out of an expensive blazer or need new sports shoes.
  • A takeaway meal for two can easily cost £20 or more so indulging in one of those every week can soon mount up.
  • This can mount up very quickly if not spotted, and leave a farmer in serious financial difficulties.
  • People think they will just pay the minimum payment but then the charges soon begin to mount up.
  • Delays mount up as aircraft circle the skies, vainly waiting for a landing slot. Times, Sunday Times
  • The family live a shiftless existence, ‘doing the skedaddle’ from place to place when the bills mount up, sleeping in cardboard boxes and finding their best food source in dustbin leftovers. The Glass Castle « Tales from the Reading Room
  • The astronomical interest rates charged by some credit card and loan companies and the financial pressures of modern living mean debts can mount up at an all-too-alarming rate.
  • The latter can quickly mount up to more than €1,000, particularly if your child goes on one or more foreign school trips per year.
  • It isn't a good idea to let bills mount up.
  • Ah, it is little short of a sin to encage a wild bird, beating its heart against the bars of its narrow cage, when the sun calls it to mount up with quivering ecstasy to the gates of day; but what a sin to bind the preacher of righteousness, and imprison him in sunless vaults -- what an agony! John the Baptist
  • _Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint_. Daily Strength for Daily Needs
  • Their debts continued to mount up.
  • Wait any longer and the fines really begin to mount up - a £60-a-day additional penalty has been threatened this year!
  • So does the ironmongery — candle – boxes, and gridirons, and that sort of necessaries — because those things tell, and mount up. David Copperfield
  • One leading business expert in Hampshire, who is not being named, explained how companies are able to allow such huge debts to mount up.
  • It's astonishing how, when you take yourself out of circulation for a couple of days to nurse a chill, things mount up.
  • I am, however, prepared to ‘add back’ a number of the items that are considered to be personal to the Respondent that are written off as business expenses and grossing that amount up.
  • Azhion rode up in front of them all, told them to mount up, and gave the hand signal for all to move out.
  • The speed with which penalties mount up actually works against the reduction of outstanding debt.

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