mount up

  1. get up on the back of
    mount a horse
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How To Use mount up In A Sentence

  • With planning guidelines requiring that a survey be carried out and the cost be borne by the developer before any permission is given, the costs can quickly mount up.
  • In some instances this can amount up to the equivalent of two monthly premiums for the same portfolio.
  • If you have let debts mount up on an array of cards, the solution is to switch to a lower rate credit card.
  • The eggcorns mount up alarmingly here at Language Log Plaza.
  • Delays mount up as aircraft circle the skies, vainly waiting for a landing slot. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once the points mount up, you will get invitations to other areas of the city where you will have to do the same thing.
  • Their debts continued to mount up.
  • When there were none I opened the bottle and poured a small amount upon the comb and began to comb it through the fore pieces of her hair.
  • As disposable nappies mount up in landfill sites, and new research questions their suitability for babies in the first place, Rob Edwards considers the alternatives.
  • So it's, you know, he probably had to scrape a bit to get that amount up.
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