
How To Use Mormons In A Sentence

  • But when asked to review Brigham City, an independent feature film by and about Mormons, I could only approach the task with guarded curiosity.
  • A study with more than 40000 data points notes that IQ cycles with .27 to .87 heritability people could use this cycle to time when they had children to prevent hereditary diseases as well as reinforce beneficial traits chemical control of the cycle could prevent much hereditary disease as well assure high genetic benefits If the cycle applies to nonhuman organisms as well Much higher yielding food plants as well as a basic revision of evolutionary theory are possible Create new genetic choices with heritability cycle I am a quaker I think that LDS Mormons like geneology research With heritability timing they could prestructure their future generations The Data is measured from a graph from Aurthur Jensen G factor That graph is from the paper Sundet JM, Tambs, K., - Financial News
  • At Christian homeschooler Robin Sampson's Heart of Wisdom blog, she writes:At Brigham Young University, Mormons offers a series of elaborate 'traditional Seders, starting last weekend. Christian Passover Seders: Rip-off or religious respect?
  • DrHunt … not to distract from your funfest here but back to your claims that Mormons are not socialists. Think Progress » Church Uses Marquee To Speak Out Against Beck: ‘Sorry Mr Beck, Jesus Preached Social Justice’
  • The Mormons when they send missionaries to try to convert people will tell people to do "the Moroni Test" wherein you read the Book of Mormon (or attempt to do so, Mark Twain called it "cloroform in print") and then pray about it, whence apon, so they say a still small voice will assure you as to the B of M's veracity. Friendly religious questions for Christians and other monotheists
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  • Anyone not knowing the power of my cousins and the other 2.7 million residents of the Beehive State need only look at California's disastrous Prop 8 outcome to see how Mormons can mobilize when needed. When you're a jet you're a jet all the way
  • This extensive collection, all on microfilm is a copy of the detailed compilation of all such records in the country which was carried out by the Mormons in Ireland in the 1950's.
  • The church also places special emphasis on converting the dead: because of their belief that families are eternal, Mormons feel a duty to posthumously baptise ancestors so that all may be together in heaven. Mitt Romney leads the charge as Mormonism moves into the American mainstream
  • Mormons who have been excommunicated, as Frank Curtis had been, may work through a period of repentance that ultimately leads to rebaptism and, once again, a clean slate. The Sins of Brother Curtis
  • Yet it was precisely conservatives such as the Mormons who had blazed paths to the voting booths fifty years before.
  • Now Mormons should be ashame of Glenn Beck representing them. Think Progress » 1967 Flashback: ‘Gov. Romney Would Quit Church For Social Justice’
  • I say something about Mormons and she nods emphatically. Times, Sunday Times
  • An ad saying “Drink Budweiser” with scantily clad ladies is likely also be just as offensive to some Muslims (and Mormons and Southern Baptists). The Volokh Conspiracy » Anti-Islam Bus Ads in Miami
  • I have nice friends who are morman but with allthe trouble the mormons have had mitt will not be elected imike steele for prez the dem will love you Romney wins presidential straw poll by a single vote
  • Mormons are masters of proselytizing--the increase in numbers "shows that a church group can produce a short-term phenomenal growth rate by committing resources to missionary activity," according to Professor James W. Dow in his 2003 scholarly paper "The Growth of Protestant Religions In Mexico and Central America. Gustavo Arellano: ¡ASK A MEXICAN!: Special Mormon Edition
  • America's Best Christian, Mrs. Betty Bowers, calls out Mormons and schools all Americans on the unconstitutional craze of doling out civil rights by popular vote: Hark! From sea to rising sea, crafty Christians are busy putting the "tut" -- and "con" -- back in - Business News
  • We suggest instead that Mormons cohere because they are a religious group that resembles an ethnicity—one based on belief, not blood. American Grace
  • The emergence of a more fully developed Asiatic society among the Mormons had to await their exodus to the Intermountain West.
  • Mormons don't use the term "infallibility" to refer to their leaders and readily acknowledge that they are imperfect men. Mormon president can do no wrong to religion's members
  • He encouraged the Mormons to be self-sufficient and created an independent commonwealth.
  • First, Mormons often assumed that the social meaning of material goods would both emerge from and be mediated by the local community.
  • In Utah, the Mormons had to survive in a harsh desert climate.
  • Not trying to rip on Mormons, but his hypocrisy is astounding. gcs wrote on November 27, 2007 5: 27 PM: Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Romney Denies He Said Putting Muslim In Cabinet Isn't Justified
  • The Mormons had come as part of a great upsurge in proselyting to American Indians, known under doctrines of the faith as the ‘Lamanites.’
  • Catholics, Jews, and Mormons are all demarcated clearly—you know if you are one, and you know if someone else is one. American Grace
  • We here at The Atlantic grapple with all sorts of problems: matters glandular and jugular, animals crepuscular, extractions tonsillar, Mormons tabernacular, the politics of Simón Bolívar, diseases vascular, the arthritis of Renoir, Freddie Mercury in Zanzibar, my lost Wanderjahr, and polishing the samovar. What’s Your Problem?
  • P.S. Did you know the Mormons believe bigfoot is actually Cain, still walking the earth immortally in exile for killing Able? NOT YOUR TYPICAL BIGFOOT MOVIE
  • Jun: No wonder there are so many Mormons! I had no idea.
  • Tensions increased following the 1857 Mountain Meadows massacre, in which a group of Mormons killed members of a wagon train passing through the region.
  • Byron later snags one of the Mormons, who is wallowing in belated guilt for his romp in the land of alternative lifestyles, and stuff him with an LSD-laced hot dog. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • Yet it was precisely conservatives such as the Mormons who had blazed paths to the voting booths fifty years before.
  • Richard Carrier: I predict Evangelicals and Catholics (and Mormons and Baptists and everyone else) will not be able to arrest the current trend in younger generations toward liberal non-denominationalism and the abandonment of the entire church-sermon model that Christianity has maintained so far. Interview with Richard Carrier
  • I imagined some guy in the back of a white van bobbing is gun around in frustration cursing those damn mormons and their matrix-like bullet dodging abilities. How the DC snipers hacked an ex-police car to make a killing machine - Boing Boing
  • Mormons don't, and thus will as easily fit in among teetotalling Muslims. Ellis Weiner: A Daring Solution to the Middle East Dilemma
  • Some groups, views, such as the Mormons, JWs and unitarians (small u.), hold different views about what the "godhood" of Jesus is exactly, and therefore what "fully God" would mean. Blind Faith?
  • These secular conditions, Bushman suggests, can be understood in two ways: for nonbelievers they help to explain Mormonism's "origins," a word Bushman eschews for the more neutral "beginnings"; for Mormons they can be studied as divinely contrived preparations for the dawning of a new era. Secrets of the Mormons
  • So global warming is just a natural occurrence when you believe all the hogwash in the Christian Bible or hell, in the Book of the Moron Mormons, or hell, in the name one of those holy books, they all say the same thing: the world will end one day because it will burn up, as George Gamov explained in his book The Death of the Sun, because right before the Sun goes dark, it expands to a tremendous heat, so hot it finallys blows to all Hell and the heat emitted by the blow up will certainly "scorch" the earth, as predicted by the Christian bible--you even heard of "the scorched earth" policy? This World Is NOW HELL
  • These results can also illuminate why, in Chapter 14, we saw that some religious groups are viewed unfavorably, specifically Muslims, Buddhists, and Mormons. American Grace
  • While the Saints built their first temple, neighbors made life miserable and the Mormons neared bankruptcy.
  • Mormons and schools all Americans on the unconstitutional craze of doling out civil rights by popular vote: Hark! From sea to rising sea, crafty Christians are busy putting the "tut" -- and "con" -- back in "Constitution"! - Business News
  • Mormons believe the angel handed Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism , golden tablets.
  • Mormons may be low-tax Republicans, but those in good standing tithe a very large proportion of their income obligately in their private life (10\% from what I recall), while the church runs itself like a corporation which has economies of scale. Gene Expression
  • Though historically such apoliticism has been definitive of modern Mormons’ worship experience, a departure from this norm occurred during the 2008 election season, when the First Presidency of the Church issued a statement to be read by bishops over the pulpit in California wards. American Grace
  • No one knows how many fundamentalist Mormons live like the Browns; scholars estimate between 30,000 and 50,000 people live in plural marriages, mainly in Utah and other Rocky Mountain states. 'Sister Wives' Features A Lot Of Wives But Little Faith
  • Yet it was precisely conservatives such as the Mormons who had blazed paths to the voting booths fifty years before.
  • Mormons, an overwhelmingly Republican demographic (nicknamed the blacks of the GOP), make up something like a third of the people in dentistry school. Matthew Yglesias » By Request: Teacher’s Unions
  • It's like doing the hora with Mormons, but without any sense of danger.
  • But except for the four lapsed Mormons who attended, they stood alone.
  • So the wagon train reformed and the Mormons surrounded them and they started off, then the order was given and the Mormons opened fire and slaughtered every man first, and then set about murdering every woman and child. 2010 March 04 « The BookBanter Blog
  • Aside from the many Christian movements from England and Europe that re-established themselves early in the nation's history, a few religious sects arose independently in the United States, including Mormons and Shakers.
  • Stack writes that when two Mormons have their wedding "sealed" for eternity in the temple, Monson said, that unsealing or canceling this "is the saddest and most discouraging responsibility I have. Prophet to Mormon men: Put a ring on it
  • The early Mormons practised polygamy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most contemporary Mormons oppose same-sex marriage, and they're also committed to monogamy.
  • Maybe even oh please, oh please sexually deviant or deliciously filthy in the eyes of a panicky, manic depressive Christian God, something that would make priests swoon, Mormons moan and more than a few Republican senators run off to the bathhouse for a hot sweat and a rubdown? Mark Morford: Hello, Sinner! What Are You Guilty of Today?
  • Mormons are strongly taught that they have a religious obligation to trace their own genealogies and perform temple ordinances for their ancestors.
  • The early Mormons practised polygamy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The others on the masthead are a curious of mixture of Mormons and non-Mormons. Planet Atheism
  • As for Mormons, they’re kind of clannish but are quite educated and are rapidly opening up to the rest of society — I expect one of them to be next if a Southern baptist doesn’t make it in. The Volokh Conspiracy » Why Catholics and Jews?
  • Glennda the Beckerhead can say these things because in his back pocket he has the receipt from the loaves and fishes miracle showing Jesus charged a fair market price for the produce and made a tidy little profit, and because those missions the mormons run to age their football players are not about helping the less fortunate but about proselytizing and adding converts. Think Progress » Conservative Catholic League President Bill Donohue Defends Beck: Many Of His Critics Are ‘Phonies’

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