- church founded by Joseph Smith in 1830 with headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah
How To Use Mormons In A Sentence
- But when asked to review Brigham City, an independent feature film by and about Mormons, I could only approach the task with guarded curiosity.
- A study with more than 40000 data points notes that IQ cycles with .27 to .87 heritability people could use this cycle to time when they had children to prevent hereditary diseases as well as reinforce beneficial traits chemical control of the cycle could prevent much hereditary disease as well assure high genetic benefits If the cycle applies to nonhuman organisms as well Much higher yielding food plants as well as a basic revision of evolutionary theory are possible Create new genetic choices with heritability cycle I am a quaker I think that LDS Mormons like geneology research With heritability timing they could prestructure their future generations The Data is measured from a graph from Aurthur Jensen G factor That graph is from the paper Sundet JM, Tambs, K., WN.com - Financial News
- At Christian homeschooler Robin Sampson's Heart of Wisdom blog, she writes:At Brigham Young University, Mormons offers a series of elaborate 'traditional Seders, starting last weekend. Christian Passover Seders: Rip-off or religious respect?
- DrHunt … not to distract from your funfest here but back to your claims that Mormons are not socialists. Think Progress » Church Uses Marquee To Speak Out Against Beck: ‘Sorry Mr Beck, Jesus Preached Social Justice’
- The Mormons when they send missionaries to try to convert people will tell people to do "the Moroni Test" wherein you read the Book of Mormon (or attempt to do so, Mark Twain called it "cloroform in print") and then pray about it, whence apon, so they say a still small voice will assure you as to the B of M's veracity. Friendly religious questions for Christians and other monotheists
- Anyone not knowing the power of my cousins and the other 2.7 million residents of the Beehive State need only look at California's disastrous Prop 8 outcome to see how Mormons can mobilize when needed. When you're a jet you're a jet all the way
- This extensive collection, all on microfilm is a copy of the detailed compilation of all such records in the country which was carried out by the Mormons in Ireland in the 1950's.
- The church also places special emphasis on converting the dead: because of their belief that families are eternal, Mormons feel a duty to posthumously baptise ancestors so that all may be together in heaven. Mitt Romney leads the charge as Mormonism moves into the American mainstream
- Mormons who have been excommunicated, as Frank Curtis had been, may work through a period of repentance that ultimately leads to rebaptism and, once again, a clean slate. The Sins of Brother Curtis
- Yet it was precisely conservatives such as the Mormons who had blazed paths to the voting booths fifty years before.