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How To Use Mores In A Sentence

  • Among the 68 trees to be cut are American elms, sycamores, tulip poplars, a couple of Yoshino cherries, a dogwood, and one cucumber magnolia.
  • = Merkel proposed MORES, citing Virgil _G_ I 50-52 'at prius ignotum ferro quam scindimus aequor,/uentos et uarium caeli praediscere _morem_/cura sit' and Statius _Sil_ III ii 87 'quos tibi currenti praeceps gerat Hadria _mores_'. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • Other highlights include documenting great white pines, American sycamores, tulip trees, eastern cottonwoods, eastern hemlock, and other species.
  • Et tamen, dum hi simulant pietatem, licet ex Ecclesia non sint, numerantur tamen in Ecclesia: sicuti proditores in republica, priusquam detegantur, numerantur et ipsi inter cives, et quemadmodum lolium vel zizania et palea inveniuntur in tritico, ant sicut strumae et tumores inveniuntur in integro corpore, cum revera morbi et deformitates sint verius corporis, quam membra vera. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • Spontaneous, full of life, and unbound by the conventional mores and laws of society, Carmen embodies the heroic defiance of free spirit, desire, and natural instinct over the social rules governing modernity.
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  • The Gilmores knew that dreams have to be actualized by hard work and diligence.
  • Bciltimores in poflTtrflion of their revenues, but depriv* A philosophical and political history of the British settlements and trade in North America ...
  • Mansfield†™ s lecture is a reading from the first chapter of his book, which argues that manliness†"what he defines as sexual rapacity, an appetite for war, a general bull-in-a-china-shop heedlessnessâ€" is preferable to the namby-pamby faggotistical mores being pressed on us by radical feminism and the castratory mandates of late capitalism / twenty-first-century bureaucratic culture. Harper's Magazine
  • He said a consulting engineer will be talking to Kildare County Council with regard to traffic manoeuvres in the area and it would be premature to put in traffic calming on the Sycamores Road.
  • I *think* "moreso" has a sense of "more importantly," at least as my students use it: Macbeth's ambition is more important than the witches' prophecy in determining his actions. Ferule & Fescue
  • That is not a mere quirk of modern mores. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its inhabitants' manners and mores are documented with eyewitness vividness.
  • Primores populi arripuit populumque tributim, could never be so justly applied as in this case. The Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland
  • After each song, the other classes cheered the singers, except when the sophomores and freshmen sang: they always "razzed" each other. The Plastic Age
  • Agamemnon cannot restrain himself and even bursts into verse in the course of this disquisition on the decadence of oratory: artis severae si quis ambit effectus mentemque magnis applicat, prius mores frugalitatis lege poliat exacta. nec curet alto regiam trucem vultu cliensve cenas impotentium captet nec perditis addictus obruat vino mentis calorem, neve plausor in scaenam sedeat redemptus histrionis ad rictus. sed sive armigerae rident Tritonidis arces, seu Lacedaemonio tellus habitata colono Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
  • The commission, comprising three international and two East Timorese commissioners, was responsible for the organization and conduct of the elections.
  • -- Riese_ uires ... loco _codd_ mores ... locus _Merkel The Last Poems of Ovid
  • But it does play on social mores and our embarrassment about natural bodily functions, albeit in a crude way.
  • Socratico, Cornute, sinu. tune fallere sollers adposita intortos extendit regula mores, et premitur ratione animus vincique laborat artificemque tuo ducit sub pollice vultum. tecum etenim longos memini consumere soles, et tecum primas epulis decerpere noctes. unum opus et requiem pariter disponimus ambo, atque verecunda laxamus seria mensa. non equidem hoc dubites, amborum foedere certo consentire dies et ab uno sidere duci: nostra vel aequali suspendit tempora libra Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
  • Why are most of the victims physically weak such as university freshmen or sophomores or female students?
  • The original film was subject to the censorship mores of the time - a consideration that meant that the book's Catholic themes (Pinkie is afflicted with a peculiar kind of devoutness), and some of its more violent scenes (a murder by choking on a stick of Brighton rock), were dampened or excised. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Why these shops don't thrive in the city even moreso is a mystery to me. 18th and 19th Century Country Women
  • This may well be being caused by artistic mores rather than social ones. Times, Sunday Times
  • The links have been dipped in buttery goodness and served to you on a platter that is made of smores. Archive 2007-11-01
  • Not any longer when it comes to social mores. Times, Sunday Times
  • We advocate a harmonious society where corruption is swept away , and social mores are cleared.
  • Riesman made the suburbs the prime locale of those who sacrificed their “inner-directed” opportunities in order to be “other-directed” by the prevailing manners and mores of their community. Suburbs of Our Discontent
  • Message to Diane: Should I allow my high purposes to be diverted by this literary humoresque, albeit one with an educative dimension? A MEANS TO EVIL
  • Four starters and most of the key reserves will be back next season (barring any transfers), and the nucleus is freshmen and sophomores. West Coast Conference
  • But my Church, using our institution's religious mores, is happy to perform a "marriage" ceremony for two people of the same gender. Sound Politics: New Jersey Supreme Court rules in favor of same-sex marriage rights
  • In this video, the problem is sitting across from Colbert, Rodriguez and Moreschi, in comfy leather chairs behind elevated wooden barricades in large temperature controlled rooms, wearing tailored suits and expensive jewelry and working smart phones with uncalloused hands while deliberating endlessly over the fate of people who are just trying to feed and clothe their families and give their children a little better life than the one they're having. Mike Bonifer: Who's That Guy Behind Colbert?
  • Yet I will not go back to the days of clanship and claymores. Chronicles of the Canongate
  • The original culture, with its strict mores enforcing an ethic of sharing, is apparently losing its dominance.
  • Scilicet hic illi meditantur pondera mores; hic premitur fecunda quies uirtusque serena fronte grauis sanusque nitor luxuque carentes deliciae, quas ipse suis digressus Athenis mallet deserto senior Gargettius horto; 95 haec per et Aegaeas hiemes Hyadumque niuosum sidus et Oleniis dignum petiisse sub astris, si Maleae credenda ratis Siculosque per aestus sit uia: cur oculis sordet uicina uoluptas? hic tua Tiburtes Faunos chelys et iuuat ipsum100 A Villa at Tibur
  • Regardless of religious, cultural or even political persuasions, every society actually has to have guidelines, traditions, beliefs, mores, values…..society does not sustain itself without them. You Can’t Teach Height: Chris Dudley Runs For Governor of Oregon - Dan_McLaughlin’s blog - RedState
  • The company agreed to conduct a feasibility study for a hydroelectric plant at Aimores.
  • At the undergraduate level, U.Va. already has a successful peer mentoring program in which third- and fourth-year minority students mentor freshmen and sophomores, she said.
  • Hence the structure of scientific mores and scientific ethics puton the agenda of research.
  • He planned to have an avenue of oaks on the west, of birches on the east, and of sycamores and poplars on the other boundaries of the village.
  • He was averse to the consumerist craze of the middle class, which has led to the bankruptcy of capitalist mores.
  • Even today, Heloise has the ability to shock in her unrepentant rejection of social mores, renunciation of morality, and belief in the primacy of sexual and spiritual love and its integration with her religion.
  • If a strong master/apprentice tradition exists, for example, where you're expected to gain a master's consent to teach you, and to "recompense" them with a period of submission to their teachings, if that's what "paying your dues" entails, then disrespecting those mores is disrespecting those sources/influences/teachers by refusing to pay the expected entry fee. The Sacred Domain
  • The role of the pub as a bastion of male bonding has also been eroded by changing social mores. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two decades after government-imposed prudishness ended with the Soviet collapse, Russians still shy away from embracing European-style sexual mores.
  • Event 2: We say homosexuality is a variant sexuality which does no intrinsic harm to the consenting adults that practice it or anyone else outwith their relationship, rejecting in no uncertain terms your arrant presumption that you have the privilege to impose your morés on us -- or anyone else, for that matter -- and criticising your judgementalism as ethically retarded. An Open Letter to John C. Wright
  • Only four freshmen and two sophomores auditioned, and they were quite unimpressive.
  • Texas's interest in § 21.06 could be recast in similarly euphemistic terms: ‘preserving the traditional sexual mores of our society.’
  • However, it is also a satire on the mores of the rich — and it is interesting to see how little has changed in what Veblen termed "pecuniary reputability. The Calculus Of Pleasure
  • O'Neill could not be reached for immediate comment but on Tuesday he said he had met with Ogio briefly after the march to the official residence in the capital, Port Moresby. Papua New Guinea in crisis as two claim prime ministership
  • I walked into the room and was greeted by about twelve or thirteen little sophomores.
  • Mores, then bending back by Sandalwood Island to take in Rotti, we shall divide the Archipelago into two portions, the races of which have strongly marked distinctive peculiarities. The Malay Archipelago, the land of the orang-utan and the bird of paradise; a narrative of travel, with studies of man and nature — Volume 2
  • 'Quid? cum est Lucilius ausus primus in hunc operis componere carmina morem, detrahere et pellem, nitidus qua quisque per ora cederet, introrsum turpis, num Laelius et qui duxit ab oppressa meritum Carthagine nomen ingenio offensi aut laeso doluere Metello famosisque Lupo cooperto versibus? atqui primores populi arripuit populumque tributim, scilicet uni aequus virtuti atque eius amicis.' The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • Some cited local cultural mores. Times, Sunday Times
  • For him, however, music is a medium that mirrors the world, reflecting the mores and aspirations of its young.
  • O tempora, O mores: now they have you priested for it. At Swim, Two Boys
  • Second, to view literature through the prism of modern mores is at best a partial reading. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sunday, July 26, 2009 the hills visit oregon - day two, part two the rest of sunday we spent driving down to newport, lunching at café stephanie, visiting nye beach and the oregon coast aquarium. charlie was generous with scrunchy funny faces today for photos. when we returned to rockaway, we made a campfire in the backyard, complete with veggie hotdogs and smores. The hills visit oregon - day two, part two
  • Oh, and I meant to add that "moreso" rarely seems to be a substitution for "moreover," though that would be a logical conclusion--often I see it in place of a conjunction or transition, and/or as the first word in a sentence fragment. Ferule & Fescue
  • Kaisaniemi Garden has some of the largest sycamores, Manchurian maples, American limes, cork trees, and katsuras in Finland.
  • During primary socialization we absorb basic knowledge about our society's values, norms, folkways, and mores.
  • Many hands make light work: Cpl Peter Gardiner assists his workforce of East Timorese Defence Force assault pioneers and Tonnabibi villagers in lifting a beam.
  • For most Timorese, the landscape is also populated by powerful spirits who are called rai na'in, literally meaning owners of the land. Global Voices in English » East Timor: The land was freed, but who owns it?
  • The role of the pub as a bastion of male bonding has also been eroded by changing social mores. Times, Sunday Times
  • Real memories nicely counterpoint any simplistic views of bygone mores. Times, Sunday Times
  • Social mores do change but they have been changing for a while. Times, Sunday Times
  • As in Updike's Rabbit novels, Villages provides, on a smaller scale, a breezy anatomization of American manners and mores over the last half-century.
  • For me, the Indian dress, food, wedding customs, and mores seemed close to home.
  • Last time I checked, Bush also increased the amount of $$ for funding alternative fuelds moreso than any President before him (including Clinton) yet bash Bush bash Bush bash Bush. Police: 26 arrested in AIDS protest at Capitol
  • Four defensive starters are freshmen, two others are sophomores, and another is a first-year junior college transfer.
  • One of the best places for grand sycamores is the north fork of Horrell Creek, in the Superstition Mountains.
  • When the Professor reached the line, mores tripes appeared on the pitch, but unlike a moment ago, these were caused by the clouds and sun. Home Of The Brave
  • His brother, the white-eyed greenlet, frequently builds in towns, even in the ornamental trees of our largest cities, in the fine sycamores of the older streets of Philadelphia, for instance. Rural Hours
  • From above the hedges the sleepy cows looked down; a yaffle laughed a field or two away; in the sycamores, which had come out before their time, the bees hummed. Complete Project Gutenberg John Galsworthy Works
  • A group of concerned teachers met at the Central Province Travel Agency in Gordons, Port Moresby on December 13 over delays in processing travel warrants.
  • His reappearance was the signal for another outburst from the watching sophomores. Behind the line A story of college life and football
  • There are about 100 freshmen and sophomores in the program right now.
  • The senior class (along with the freshmen, sophomores, and juniors) would split into random groups.
  • Yet Selig, after doling out World Series rings to the Chicago White Sox Tuesday, said: It's important for somebody who understands what I call the mores of culture of this sport as well as he does. Selig Defends Choosing Disney's Mitchell For Probe
  • Traditionally the East Timorese have lived in small villages with semi-autonomous local governments, and Gusmao and Ramos Horta are keen to enable this de-centralised social and political structure to persist.
  • The Motu inhabit a region which now includes the capital city, Port Moresby, and the Hula live about 110 kilometres to the east.
  • The whole legal profession is old-fashioned, and steeped in old-fashioned language and mores.
  • The owls hooted as they hid in the darkness of the sycamores which in turn murmurs among them, the occasional scuffling of a hedgehog was heard and the sequel of a mouse caught by a fox.
  • The professional army was in danger of separating itself from society, of developing its own mores and thus its own politics.
  • Reserve Officer Training Corps at Berkeley was mandatory for all male freshmen and sophomores in those years.
  • Two sophomores talked over lunch one day this spring semester about how food can bring people together.
  • His top offensive threats are two temperamental sophomores, and he made a major schematic shift in midseason. Pretty impressive.
  • college sophomores are advised to begin thinking about their career options
  • In this video, the problem is sitting across from Colbert, Rodriguez and Moreschi, in comfy leather chairs behind elevated wooden barricades in large temperature controlled rooms, wearing tailored suits and expensive jewelry and working smart phones with uncalloused hands while deliberating endlessly over the fate of people who are just trying to feed and clothe their families and give their children a little better life than the one they're having. Mike Bonifer: Who's That Guy Behind Colbert?
  • The striking contrast with the revolution in sexual mores, fervently opposed by so many religious Americans, makes their relatively untroubled adjustment to these other two social revolutions particularly notable. American Grace
  • It is true that the tropes and symbols that actualize the structure of the lyric, and the diegesis actualizing narrative structures, are all referential, rooted in mores, in ideologies-rooted in history.
  • Connecticut has four freshmen and two sophomores playing key roles.
  • Physical attractiveness is not all, true, but it will give the owner a whole lot mores dates than someone who is average or below-average in the looks department. Ask Professor Foxy: Does My Size and Not Flirting Keep Me Alone? - Feministing
  • Sunday, July 26, 2009 the hills visit oregon - day two, part two the rest of sunday we spent driving down to newport, lunching at café stephanie, visiting nye beach and the oregon coast aquarium. charlie was generous with scrunchy funny faces today for photos. when we returned to rockaway, we made a campfire in the backyard, complete with veggie hotdogs and smores. The hills visit oregon - day two, part two
  • But down-home flavors won out when the coach and friends shared Chocolate S'mores Cake for dessert.
  • They adopt the mores and conventions of the society into which they are assimilating.
  • O tempore! O mores
  • Erat eodem tempore Gn. Piso, adolescens nobilis, summae audaciae, egens, factiosus, quem ad perturbandam rem publicam inopia atque mali mores stimulabant. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • Now this is only a small pocketbook, but it's amazing how much one learns about East Timorese culture, and how important that sensitivity to that culture is, even in the most basic communication.
  • Thompson expertly unravels a tangled tale suffused with Victorian mores, millenarianism and frontier idealism.
  • Nam convenit nos semper esse memores verborum Apostoli: Quomodo credent, de quo non audierunt? The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • At 11 o'clock each morning thousands of freshmen and sophomores used to deploy over the campus.
  • Australia has the largest diplomatic mission of any country in Port Moresby and has called for Agwi to be reinstated. Army rebellion deepens Papua New Guinea constitutional crisis
  • It is an ethical or moral judgment in the sense that ethos and mores refer to the customary practices of a group.
  • Eddie Kekea, an AIDS counselor at the Anglican Church division of Education, based in the Papua New Guinea capital of Port Moresby, says a challenge is changing male behavior to curb domestic violence and promote safe sex. Papua New Guinea Makes Gains in AIDS Battle but Faces Challenges
  • The company agreed to conduct a feasibility study for a hydroelectric plant at Aimores.
  • Spanish chestnuts, sycamores, willows, elms and oaks, to name but a few, located in every county have been studied, measured and observed in an attempt to find the champion of champions.
  • Gradually, as lascivious sapphic tendencies become apparent, the gulf in sexual mores between the youthful maid and her venerable employers becomes more pronounced.
  • But it takes time for manners and mores to civilise the new tech. Times, Sunday Times
  • The East Timorese are steering their own course, but it promises to be a bumpy ride.
  • He would seem to be offering a kind of antinomian horology at worst, at best an unctuous pragmatism of local mores.
  • The most common is to create a surplus of geographical information, to supersaturate a text with significant detail and places, as a kind of counterweight to the prevailing ignorance of the ascendant cultural mores and emphases. World-Building in a Post-Geographic Age | Goblin Mercantile Exchange
  • Michael's ignorance of social mores is the essence of the show. Is Michael Scott Ruining THE OFFICE? | the TV addict
  • At one point, the unit featured three sophomores and four redshirt freshmen as starters.
  • Providing a service often requires a thorough local knowledge of the culture and mores of small areas of the community.
  • He likened the Iraqi team to the East Timorese athletes at the Sydney games.
  • The neat, middle-class enclaves of Edinburgh or Leeds, with their almost wholly middle-class streets and playgrounds, offer a different life from scruffier, moresocially mixed but increasingly gentrified Hackney or Lambeth. Is the British middle class an endangered species?
  • Two decades after government-imposed prudishness ended with the Soviet collapse, Russians still shy away from embracing European-style sexual mores.
  • John Cage's "Amores" joined the gamelan-like sound of prepared piano, played by Lin, with parts for three percussionists. On the Verge of experimental dissolution
  • In all four gospel traditions, Jesus consistently makes the first move to reach out to the marginalized, often transgressing contemporary social mores and religious strictures in the process.
  • Finnish journalist colleague invites Mr Brown to feel her thigh: she is wearing suspenders and a garter belt in what she coyly tells him is a protest against the church's repressive sexual mores.
  • Information and counseling on once taboo subjects are now freely available, yet traditional mores still predominate.
  • Republicans, I understand that we must exercise diversity in the GOP, moreso to address the lack of women talent in the presidential race talent pool. Palin becomes MoveOn target as SarahPAC cash haul surges
  • Plinlimmon would seem to be offering a kind of antinomian horology at worst, at best an unctuous pragmatism of local mores.
  • The Nazis were hardly prudes on matters sexual, and their eugenic obsessions prompted a liberal code of rules and mores on procreation.
  • People like the McLemores fear that Sam, her mother, and her mother's artist friend, Perry, are in the South to "agitate" and to shake up the dividing lines between black and white and blur it all to grey. Meet Author Margaret McMullan!
  • The newer dorms usually reserved for the upperclassmen are sprinkled with sophomores pushed out of their traditional housing by the wave of first-years.
  • The mines were intended as anti-personnel devices, jury-rigged claymores.
  • When all the shouting is over, it is hard to say what lingers: the dialogue with appropriation, which is like a secret language between artists, or a timeless tragedy of American marriage and mores.
  • It is up to us to cultivate discernment, and distinguish between that which is essential, and that which is simply the contingent effect of social and cultural mores.
  • So across the political spectrum, for anyone thinking in essentialist terms, the mores render the word anathema from both directions. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Omnigenae fere doctrinae mire capaci, Varia fabularum dulcedine Vitam moresque hominum, Ubertate summa ludens depinxit. Lives of the English Poets
  • Event 2: We say homosexuality is a variant sexuality which does no intrinsic harm to the consenting adults that practice it or anyone else outwith their relationship, rejecting in no uncertain terms your arrant presumption that you have the privilege to impose your morés on us -- or anyone else, for that matter -- and criticising your judgementalism as ethically retarded. An Open Letter to John C. Wright
  • Well, I am extremely pessimistic about Mexican-American relations, not because the U.S. had done anything specifically wrong to our southern neighbor but because a (now not quite so) wealthy country has as its abutter a Latin society with all of its characteristic deficiencies: congenital corruption, authoritarian government, anarchic politics, near-tropical work habits, stifling social mores, Catholic dogma with the usual unacknowledged compromises, an anarchic counter-culture and increasingly violent modes of conflict. Think Progress
  • I became friends with Doug and his newspaperwoman wife Kathy, both of them helpful in every way in showing me panhandle history and mores. Bird Cloud
  • The narrative is set in 18th century Scotland with "deadly claymores flashing above plaid and tartan," and "clan-cries of the gillies, charging with their chiefs. “Living hand to mouth. . .”
  • SI quicquam mutis gratum acceptumue sepulcris accidere a nostro, Calue, dolore potest, quom desiderio ueteres renouamus amores To Calvus: on the Death of Quintilia
  • So across the political spectrum, for anyone thinking in essentialist terms, the mores render the word anathema from both directions. Archive 2009-01-01
  • The Vikings left an indelible mark on the mores and traditions of Shetlanders as well as on their psyche.
  • It is light enough that each man in a patrol can carry several Claymores along with his regular kit, weapon and ammo.
  • I'm interested in retaining students, especially the freshmen and sophomores.
  • She had never met her uncle, who the Pentagon said was among the crew of a B-24D Liberator heavy bomber that vanished Nov. 20, 1943, after taking off from Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Remains of WWII bomber buried at Arlington
  • Then, at the end of August, Japanese forces endeavoured to flank Port Moresby and reinforce their troops on the Kokoda Track by forcing a landing at Milne Bay.
  • Only sophomores, and private secretaries who write speeches for able Congressmen, write Johnsonese. Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great
  • Neerly 20,000 seeds of walnut, chestnut, ash, oaks, sycamores, pines, willows and bamboos were put in.
  • In these works, the wolf-man emerges as a kind of romantic anti-hero, torn between social mores and carnal desire.
  • Her transactions and interactions with clients add up to a lacerating portrait of contemporary mores among the wealthy and the legions of us who depend on their largesse.
  • Although set in 24 acres of land, extra measures have been taken to plant more oaks, sycamores, maples and horse chestnut trees to provide increased privacy.
  • I am surprised that a professor of cultural ethics should judge medieval, dynastic politics by today's mores. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lack of privacy in working-class homes, for example, was obviously a major determinant of mores.
  • The Livermores purchased a home and hired a live-in servant to handle their domestic chores.
  • If cytotoxins have no ‘accomplice’ in the cell interior, chemotherapy is usually destined to fail - chemoresistance is the result.
  • Richard Conlon's Brick, handsome, quiet, explosively raging in his guilt and despair over the death of his friend, is the quintessence of the rich boy laid low by unforgiving social mores.
  • It seems oddly coincidental, too, that in a movie teeming with churchly blondes, including Bethany's mother (Helen Hunt), the one meanspirited character in the movie—Bethany's rival Malina Birch (Sonya Balmores Chung)—is also the darkest of skin and blackest of hair. 'Arthur': He Drinks, Movie Falls Down
  • Oaks, sycamores and beeches dotted well-tended lawns bordered by tarmacked paths and signposted at every junction.
  • We make it through the chute, cross Ca ada del Oro and enjoy the view of colorful changing sycamores.
  • The freshmen and sophomores went to the short right hall, and the juniors and seniors went through the short left hall.
  • His subjects ranged from historical dramas and allegories to shrewdly satirical studies of modern life and mores. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ers, Mores and Merkery are surgents below the rim of the Zenith Part while Arctura, Anatolia, Hesper and Mesembria weep in their mansions over Noth, Haste, Soot and Waste. — Finnegans Wake
  • In late March 1942, No.75 Squadron hurriedly deployed to Port Moresby in the face of initial Japanese air thrusts against the city.
  • Port Moresby on the island's southern coast was only 340 sea miles from Australia.
  • Why are most of the victims physically weak such as university freshmen or sophomores or female students?
  • Dionisio said the event, which includes a hayride and fires to make s'mores, is the group's biggest fundraiser. Dueling 'Field of Screams' Halloween venues pit Md. nonprofit against Pa. group
  • I remember that we call the roots of a tree the _mores_; that a dipper is a _spudgell_; that we say In a Green Shade A Country Commentary
  • Fast-forward to New Guinea in 1942: I had returned to Port Moresby after a stint out in the bush, with a gruesomely suppurating abscess adorning my omphalos, or the seat of my soul.
  • Some basic laws, such as the Queensland criminal code and mining laws, were re-enacted in Port Moresby.
  • Message to Diane: Should I allow my high purposes to be diverted by this literary humoresque, albeit one with an educative dimension? A MEANS TO EVIL
  • 'Quid? cum est Lucilius ausus primus in hunc operis componere carmina morem, detrahere et pellem, nitidus qua quisque per ora cederet, introrsum turpis, num Laelius et qui duxit ab oppressa meritum Carthagine nomen ingenio offensi aut laeso doluere Metello famosisque Lupo cooperto versibus? atqui primores populi arripuit populumque tributim, scilicet uni aequus virtuti atque eius amicis.' The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • The fact there was no one right answer is very hard for anyone but I think even moreso for students. The Perils of Teaching « Tales from the Reading Room
  • And solace your slight lapse 'gainst 'bonos mores,' Don Juan
  • Giuliz kpa: aiii yo amo la pareja que hacen Kouta y Yuka son re amores los dos y el beso me mato! fue un romance espectacular a pesar de que son primos ajjaja Luc Antenna
  • This would lead to a jump in inflation, much moreso than what is normal. Cost of rescues: $835 billion this year
  • At least five homes in Moresby Close, Westlea, were swamped by up to six inches of foul water when a brook flooded and sewers burst during a recent downpour.
  • It is instructive, while examining the connection between the religious mythology of a culture and its sexual mores, to look at an offshoot of the Judaeo-Christian tradition where the erotophobia has been attenuated. Christianity's Persecution of Gays: Historical Bigotry
  • Theoretically a government provides some form of compensation — military services, police services, fire services, court services, “bread and circuses” to distract the masses who might act as overt thieves otherwise — but such compensation, even moreso in the last fifty-odd years — can be indirect, unobvious, and/or useless. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Economic Alchemy
  • El casco de Santo Tomas tiene un cariz espectral, los estudiantes que deberían estar llenando las escuelas del Instituto Politécnico Nacional se han quedado en casa, los rumores nocturnos de la suspensión de clases dejaron desiertas las escuelas Diego Rivera, Rabindranath Tagore y Frida Kahlo, así como la Normal Superior. 
 Global Voices in English » Mexico: Scenes From an Outbreak
  • Fili carissime, digne censeri videtur filius, qui, paternos in bonis mores imitans, piam ejus nititur exequi voluntatem; nec proprie sibi sumit nomen heredis, qui salubribus predecessoris affectibus non adherit: Cupientes igitur, ut piam affectionem et scinceram delectionem, quam erga monasterium de Melros, ubi cor nostrum ex speciali devotione disposuimus tumularidum, et erga The Abbot
  • It is not just life that breaks down, but social structures and mores, the whole container of civilization.
  • This also means that the juniors are now seniors, the freshmen are now sophomores, you get the idea.
  • Dreiser had left the sycamores, the new-mown hay, and the moonlight on the Wabash for the big city, and one evening at a party at his apartment on the Upper West Side of Manhattan he struck up a conversation with his friend and fellow Hoosier Franklin Booth, a well-known illustrator. Interstate 69
  • Cultural mores emphasize learning by watching, not necessarily by explicit teaching.
  • After Portugal abandoned East Timor in 1975, Indonesia invaded and occupied the colony until rejected by the East Timorese voters in 1999.
  • His fitful petulance, his unsuccessful attempts to take control, his complete incomprehension of adult assumptions and mores.
  • I flipped open the cooler, and took out several claymores, and grenades, then stuffed them in any available pocket.
  • Some time in the 18th century perhaps in 1765 with the steam engine, or in 1776 with Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations we find the emergence of technocracies, cultures in which the tools attack the culture: they intrude upon and seek to dominate every facet of the culture including “tradition, social mores, myth, politics, ritual, and religion.” Archive 2008-06-01
  • Social and religious mores prohibit overt sexual coupling in organizations but lekking for other rewards is nevertheless pursued by male managers. Male managers as animal show-offs
  • Another problem was how quickly the ‘primitives’ began to adopt European modes of dress, language, commerce, and social mores.
  • The company agreed to conduct a feasibility study for a hydroelectric plant at Aimores.
  • I can't wait to see her crash and burn even moreso than she already has. Palin set to let the tweets 'fly'
  • Macte toris, Latios inter placidissime uates, quod durum permensus iter coeptique laboris prendisti portus. uiduae sic transfuga Pisae amnis in externos longe flammatus amores flumina demerso trahit intemerata canali, 205 donec Sicanios tandem prolatus anhelo ore bibat fontis: miratur dulcia Nais oscula nec credit pelago uenisse maritum. The Marriage of Stella and Violentilla
  • It was an act of rebellion against the rigid strictures of both the contemporary social mores and the strict code of ballet.
  • Originally, the Greek elegy expressed grief; but the form broadened widely with Latin adaptations, such as Ovid's love elegies, Amores, to include almost any kind of subject.
  • They also pressure nonconformists to adhere to group mores.
  • BY W. W.RDE FOW.ER, M.A. 'Ad illa mihi pro se quisque acriter intendat animum, quae vita, quae mores fuerint.' Social life at Rome in the Age of Cicero
  • It is like the difference between what Bush calls the haves and havemores. Obama Rips Rudy: "Has Taken Politics Of Fear To New Low
  • Unfortunately, I left at the same moment that a giggly group of sophomores decided to show up.
  • And all the components - backyard carrots, strawberries from a local farm (Whittamores), and the last of the maple syrup from a sugar bush in the Purple Woods Conservation Area - came together at the perfect moment to celebrate Sugar High Friday (Locavore Treats!) hosted this round by Mmm ... Archive 2009-09-01
  • Doesn't happen very often, they usually let sophomores and upperclassmen have the suites.
  • Alexander, dum inter prīmōrēs pugnat, sagittā ictus est, _Alexander, while he was fighting in the van, was struck by an arrow_; dum haec geruntur, in fīnēs Venellōrum pervēnit, _while these things were being done, he arrived in the territory of the Venelli_. New Latin Grammar
  • J-school socializes its graduates, educating them about the mores and folkways of journalism and how to dance the newsroom dance.
  • Scars of early-falling-off stipular sheaths ring the stems of magnolias, Yellow-poplars and Sycamores.

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