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How To Use Mop In A Sentence

  • For centuries, scholars have squabbled over the design of the ship, which was crucial to defeating the Persians in the Battle of Salamis in 480 B.C., part of a wider war that included the fight at Thermopylae dramatized in the film "300. Epic Struggle: Fans Fight to Revive an Oar-Powered Greek Warship
  • She denied hemoptysis, fever, trauma, or history of blood clots in her or her family.
  • Mr. Hernandez's monochromatic costumes were 1950s-style, with the plain garb of the villagers contrasting with the cosmopolitan clothes of Neruda and his wife, Matilde, and Di Cosimo's natty, attention-getting white suit. When Postman and Poet Meet
  • You merely assumed that was the homophone I meant.
  • you and your fellow misogynistic homophobes masquerading as "traditionalist anglicans" have played out the string. Breakaway Fort Worth group responds to Episcopal Church lawsuit | RELIGION Blog |
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  • We can well afford to let them stare and smile, well knowing that if a similar amount of prosperity permitted the people of other countries to travel for their pleasure in similar numbers, the result would be at the very least an equally -- shall I say undrawing-room-like contribution to cosmopolitan society? Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 87, March, 1875
  • Another feature of interest is the rarity with which axillary prolification is found in irregular gamopetalous blooms. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • It is easy to be a liberal cosmopolitan in Paris or New York.
  • Causes of hemoptysis in children with congenital cardiopathies, whether they undergo surgery or not, are many: extracorporeal circulation, pulmonary infections, coagulopathies, vascular disorders.
  • The houseboy comes to mop our kitchen floor twice a week.
  • Older students are learning about entomophagy too.
  • This year, Artweek celebrates its tenth anniversary, and events have a distinctly cosmopolitan flavour.
  • This prevents the chromophore from migrating within the polymer while simultaneously improving the efficiency of energy transfer to the chromophore.
  • Harvard-educated Internet entrepreneur and cosmopolite Alex Vik and his wife, Carrie, set out to conjure up a comprehensive personal vision here that involves ranch life, sports, and luxury; a genuine sense of place; and a reach for something universal. Off the Beaten Track
  • He apologized for the sweat he continually mopped from his forehead.
  • Several clinical trials are in progress for therapeutic application of genetic diseases, such as hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, ornithine transcarbamylase deficiencies.
  • In between the 9th (1987) and 10th (1993) editions, the M-W lexicographers discovered that the people who had imported the bird into the western US called it simply "chukar," not "chukar partridge," and furthermore pronounced it in a completely anglicized form, not knowing or caring that that made it a homophone of some polo term. CHUKAR.
  • Another thing that annoys is me that she sits around moping and doesn’t do anything about it. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Death to Scrappy!
  • Whether you ride a moped or a Honda, a scooter or a vintage Hog, the organisers of the annual North Coast Children's Motorcycle Toy Run want you to join the ranks raising money for charity this weekend.
  • They often call it zaviná which is a rolled-up herring or rollmop.
  • It was the boobook owl, mopoke, a totem being to the Arrernte Aborigines of these arid lands along the Macdonnell Ranges to the west of Alice Springs. Wildwood
  • Staff were faced with a huge mopping-up operation and workmen were called in to repair the roof.
  • Racism, homophobia, McCarthyism, classism, it's all on display as they try to muzzle those who disagree by vitriolic, personal attack.
  • I wrote about coming out in the family and about the insidious homophobia of siblings.
  • Now, after years of experimenting with entomophagy (that's bug-eating to you), he presents the results with relish… or at least a light cream sauce.
  • He is the classic rootless cosmopolitan.
  • The cleaner put down his mop and bucket and sat down.
  • During his four-month stay in the hospital, Mrs Gearon-Simm claimed cleaners failed to mop floors and clean basins and furniture.
  • As for the hair, it was characterless: a mousy mop that he would need to re-create completely. EVERVILLE
  • And then last night I spilt a glass of beer on my desk and had to grab about a ton of stuff off it and throw it on the floor so that I could mop up the mess.
  • Ammopiptanthus Cheng f. is the only genus of evergreen broadleaf shrubs in the north-western desert of China.
  • He wants to make the French socialists ‘cosmopolitan, internationalist, solidary, and pro-European again’.
  • After a night of no sleep and mopping the flat, I had a delightful day of dealing with various squads of plumbers.
  • The largest number of instances of this malformation, not merely generically, but also individually, occurs in plants the members of whose floral whorls are not united one to the other; thus, it is far more common in polypetalous plants than in gamopetalous ones. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • The latter would not explain the possible ophthalmoplegia and difficulty with ambulation, however.
  • Come out for a walk instead of moping around in the house.
  • While hibernation during the winter is found in a few arctic mammals such as the Arctic ground squirrel (Spermophilus parryii), most homeothermic animals are active throughout the year. General characteristics of arctic species and their adaptations in the context of changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation levels
  • Blood-streaked sputum and hemoptysis are not unusual in later stages of illness.
  • The contribution of this fine tribal artist to the plush art galleries of cosmopolitan cities was remembered.
  • After drying, and brushing, and pulling and brushing and drying some more, my hair was one huge, frizzy, fuzzy mop.
  • London is a cosmopolitan city, where a player can easily lose himself. The Sun
  • The most common diseases are verticillium wilt and phomopsis blight.
  • These include chemoprophylaxis for patients with latent infection, and strategies for chemotherapy of dually infected individuals.
  • Well, as the hurricane gathers strength and mulls where to strike next, South Florida is left with a mess to mop up.
  • Back beyond even its immediate pre-modern period – what you might call The Andy Gray Years, the dolly bird years – football has always been a sweat-caked man-hole of a place, a realm where men have gone to mope and grizzle and rage and emote a kind of cheek-stinging eau de sexism. Andy Gray and Richard Keys convicted on sound evidence | Barney Ronay
  • He may be anÂignorantÂor thoughtless person, but I no more think he is a homophobe for using the word "faggot" than I believe any of you areÂhomophobesÂfor using the word "sissy. Scott Mendelson: Thoughts On The Brett Ratner Mess: When Explicit Slurs Become Part Of Everyday Language And How To Deal With Their Casual And Out-of-Context Use
  • One moment she was mopping the floors with her balai espagnole ... and the next she was lying helpless on the cold wet tiles. Troisième age - French Word-A-Day
  • Tchitcherine tracks mud off the street into the Center, gets a blush from Luba, a kind of kowtow and mopflourish from the comical Chinese swamper Chu Piang, unreadable stares from an early pupil or two. Gravity's Rainbow
  • He has been moping around like a lovesick puppy for weeks. The Sun
  • Too much moping, not enough lolz, that's their problem. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not only did sanatoriums close, but also therapeutic mainstays like pneumothorax and pneumoperitoneum became obsolete, and surgical procedures such as thoracoplasty and the surgeons who did them disappeared.
  • I would advise against riding the moped without testing the brakes first.
  • There is no point moping around, feeling sorry for ourselves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fortunately we have completed all of the suit study trials, have collected a bunch of rock samples for the microfossil and extremophile studies, and have finished work on the telescope, so we are in good shape, but there's still plenty of data analysis to do on those projects and lots of GPS tracking and geotagging yet to do. Reminder: Paul's and Laksen's blogs
  • He mopped perspiration from his forehead.
  • The worst thing we could do now is let our heads go down and go moping about the place. The Sun
  • Her tears began to intermingle with the steam and perspiration; her hair hung in a tangled mop of sweat on her brow. INSIDERS
  • Brown provides a particularly useful discussion of the impact of homophobia and heterosexism on gay and lesbian couples.
  • But these pretty guys are much more cosmopolitan than just being Aussies, and they don't just speak with Australian accents, however it may sound to the undiscerning ear.
  • He was long-limbed and dark-eyed, with a mop of tight, dark curls.
  • This is not to diminish the roles that homophobia played or continues to play in exacerbating the problem.
  • Wash with clear water, a mild detergent, and a clean mop.
  • Cough, dyspnea, hemoptysis, tachycardia, pleuritic pain, cyanosis and fever are common.
  • Being raised in a Lutheran tradition, my vocal writing is largely chorale style homophony contrasting with traditional contrapuntal textures.
  • Advertisements were placed in homophile publications.
  • In a wonderfully economic circle, the hemp is used to mop up pig waste, then the crop is harvested and fed to the pigs.
  • While the police once raided gay clubs to arrest people, today they cruise them to encourage the reporting of homophobia.
  • They even provide a kind of back-door cosmopolitanism, ensuring that many people will learn something about diverse areas of the world, regardless of whether they are much interested in doing so.
  • Let's try to curb our clever suffixations of the cosmopolitan ‘y.’
  • The tour begins and ends in Addis Ababa with its thriving culture, ancient churches, cosmopolitan eateries and outdoor markets.
  • Wayne, you adorable homophobic mouthbreather you, stop being tiresome and crawl back under your rock. It’s different when Conservatives do it.
  • Some overwrought writing mars an otherwise sharp and insightful exploration of homophobia in the deep South.
  • It is interesting to note that of the 18 homophones that were common to both experiments, the same response bias was observed in 16 of them.
  • These high elevation communities are naturally subject to increased atmospheric moisture, cooler temperatures, and higher winds, but also now suffer from the effects of acid rain deposition, which tend to be exacerbated in high elevation communities, and from the depredations of an introduced homopteran insect, the wooly adelgid (Adelges spp.). Appalachian-Blue Ridge forests
  • The term homophobia implies a fear of homosexuals. The after-Melth continueth: A 12-step plan |
  • There are several parts to the surgery, which may include any or all of the following: orchiectomy, penectomy, vaginoplasty, and augmentation mammoplasty.
  • The career of Bernardo Bellotto argues for a more cosmopolitan image and the abiding strength of Italian centres of culture.
  • The program runs a helpline for victims of homophobic abuse.
  • Antisemitism belongs to this series, alongside other forms of racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.
  • Asset management companies set up by governments in Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia and Thailand have mopped up the worst bad loans, unburdening banks by pulling the plug on deadbeat borrowers.
  • As genetic blood disorders, hemophilia and porphyria had serious effects on the crowned heads of Europe.
  • A collection of thermocouples is called a thermopile.
  • Well-defined polypetalous and gamopetalous genera sometimes occur in the same order, and even Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • Tall ceilings, hardwood floors, original wood mopboards, molding, and doors are abundant through out the main level.
  • Strategies to confront class inequality, sexism, racism and homophobia started to be discussed.
  • But he insists on painting a picture with the same old hackneyed images and rancid cliches about salt-of-the-earth heartlanders and morally vacant or cowardly coastal cosmopolitans.
  • Even the campaign's biggest newspaper enthusiasts are nervous about any accusation of being prejudiced, devoting many column inches to denying charges of homophobia and bigotry before they had even been made.
  • It's time to stop moping and snare a man. The Sun
  • In these early days, the gramophone was considered to be little more than a toy, and the ‘great artists’ of the time did not want to condescend to its perceived level to make recordings.
  • The thermopile used a stack of tightly packed metal plates to amplify the photoelectric signal.
  • Had my whole house done in "saltillo tile" - and sealed and protected with a shiny sealant - now, a few years later - the sealant is blistering off - and exposing the original surface - which is being stained by the mopping!! has anyone ever SANDED DOWN and refinished tile by tile? if so, how and with what products available in Guadalajara? Saltillo tiles
  • I've burned one of the clogs, the animals are dead but the one goose mopes by the stagnant mare. WHITE LIES
  • The thermophilic, cellulolytic, and starch-utilizing actinomyces, such as Thermoactinomyces sp., may provide an opportunity to produce single-cell protein for feed supplements in tropical climates. Chapter 5
  • I went back to the villa, where there was a moped for the use of the guests. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chapter Two contains a number of case studies from the professional literature in which hypnotic interventions were used to treat chronic illness, most particularly, cancer and hemophilia.
  • The headpieces, which looked like mops, draped from the heads of the revellers, bounced up and down as they moved across the stage.
  • Less belligerent in its audience pandering than its predecessors (less fart jokes, less homophobic subtext, and - thank Jesus - less squawking from Eddie Murphy), Shrek the Third may not give haters a migraine, but its lobotomized sense of comic brinkmanship is still without fun. GreenCine Daily: Shrek the Third.
  • A haemophiliac 's blood will not clot properly.
  • Cliff and ravine vegetation is often very diverse and dense; the chasmophytic flora includes Cissus quadrangularis, Ficus lecardii, Boscia angustifolia, Euphorbia sudanica, Lannea microcarpa and Combretum lecardii. Cliffs of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons), Mali
  • This is not to imply that Hydrogen Guy was being unchivalrous, letting Helium Girl handle all the hard work of mopping the parking lot with a pair of muscled thugs.
  • This site contains astrobiology news and links about: astrochemistry, bioinformatics, biosatellites, gravitational biology, hydrothermal vent communities, genomics, astropaleobiology, radiation physiology, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, extremophiles, exopaleontology, cell biology, evolution, planetary protection, and space medicine.
  • While homophobia isn't new to pop, why would the Grammys celebrate someone who as recently as October used a slur in bragging to The Jamaica Observer about his war against gays? Grammys goofed up nominees in a few award categories
  • Carl's correlations are introduced to calculate refrigerant thermophysical properties in the model.
  • And next Wednesday sees probably the biggest and most cosmopolitan trade wine show ever staged in the province.
  • The cosmopolitan culture of the city, the profile of visitors it draws from within and outside the country and the profile of the city itself, makes it so.
  • In the miniatures of an Alexandrian "Chronicle of the World", written probably during the fifth century we already find pictorial representation of the omophorion. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • The success of this cosmopolitan mollusk has much to do with its prowess as a swash rider.
  • Members of the Glumiflorae are anemophilous, or ‘wind-loving.’
  • Instead of moping around the house all day, you should be out there looking for a job.
  • Serve immediately with lots of fresh bread to mop up the spicy juices, or with new potatoes.
  • The presence of the caddisfly Homophylax baldur is unusual as it is found only in the national park and the State of Utah. Waterton Lakes National Park, Canada
  • Cosmopolite versus localite channels cosmopolite communication channelsCosmopoliteness Diffusion of Innovations
  • Lindsay was kind of moping around, and Sam had to keep checking on her and cuddling her," our spy dished. The Superficial - Because You're Ugly
  • Viktor, who insists that he is not homophobic, harbors a secret fear of such unmacho things as pedicures. George Heymont: Water, Water, Everywhere
  • Issues of racism, sexism, and homophobia were discussed.
  • You've survived all the filthy names she called you in hospital when you mopped her brow wrong. Times, Sunday Times
  • Leaving the cosmopolitan town of modern Cairo, the iron bridges, and the pretentious hotels, with their flaunting inscriptions, it imparts a sense of sudden peacefulness to pass along the large and rapid waters of this river, between the curtains of palm-trees on the banks, borne by a dahabiya where one is master and, if one likes, may be alone. Egypt (La Mort de Philae)
  • Jan is an embodiment of a cosmopolitan culture.
  • Decca continued to make wind-up gramophones until the late 1950s, long after electric gramophones were established.
  • Relax on tan leather sofas drinking cosmopolitans and manhattans.
  • Mop up turkey juices with a paper towel, then use an antibacterial cleanser to wash down the counter and sink.
  • He never learnt Irish and his philological arguments tended to invoke specious homophones and improbable etymologies.
  • A low modulus high performance thermoplastic elastomer with compliance specificity.
  • Everyone is familiar with thermoplastic elastomers used in toothbrushes, cellphone keypads or screwdrivers.
  • After supper she wound up the gramophone to play the `Kreutzer" Sonata, and he told her about the story by Tolstoy, read on the troopship. THE OPEN DOOR
  • Yes, the station had a perfectly charming garden including a herbaceous border, rose beds, lupins and mop-headed bay trees in green tubs.
  • These proteins include recombinant forms of human coagulation factors VIIa and IX, which are being developed for the treatment of patients with hemophilia, and recombinant alpha-fetoprotein, which is being developed for the treatment of Myasthenia Gravis and Multiple Sclerosis. Featured News and Stories
  • Armed with a bucket and a mop, I started washing the floor.
  • In most well-written homophony, the parts that are not melody may still have a lot of melodic interest. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Molari of Taunton, questioned whether the moped was a vehicle as defined by the law. News from
  • He then uses those measurements to design and manufacture a thermoplastic orthotic which, when placed between horse and saddle, evenly and comfortably distributes the rider's weight to prevent the formation of sores.
  • Multiple species windbreaks can be a habitat for owls, mopokes and other predatory birds which will eat the rats, mice and other vermin that cause havoc within an orchard.
  • The site may even become a halidom, like Thermopylae or Bodhgaya, around which hearts can irrationally rally. The Stars Are Also Fire
  • I sat down on the chair and wondered if there was any point in trying to make my unruly mop of hair behave.
  • And before any townie asks-the cows were mooing loudly coz the cowman was also watching the Cup final and was late for milking so the cows dangly bits were overfull on September 12, 2008 at 12: 14 pm | Reply MOP452 to Retired Sgt @ 23 IPCC: Mother’s Account Of Shooting Is Inaccurate « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • To you, cosmopolite, he might be a typical man in a typical business suit.
  • No more moping around the house bereft of ideas. Times, Sunday Times
  • The magnetizing flux of a hybrid motor flows along the rotor axis, while the mechanism for rotor suspension is the same as that of the homopolar magnetic bearing.
  • Clearly, this is a city obsessed with its own multi-ethnic mosaic and the cosmopolitan credibility it signifies.
  • People were moping around because it was the end of the movie and we were all going home. Times, Sunday Times
  • Conclusion: AbE is potentially a biological response modulator for hemopoietic and immuno - regulstion.
  • We wedged the sides in the casements and, while Graham was outside applying more nails and battens to make it weather-tight, I fetched old towels to mop up the water on the window seat and on the floor beneath.
  • Kim argues that simply heaping more punishment onto bullies is an easy way out for a society that doesn't want to grapple with widespread homophobia. The Media Consortium: Weekly Pulse: Palin Revives Death Panels; Boobs Against Breast Cancer; and the Anti-Gay Bullying Crisis
  • Examples of X-linked single gene disorders are: color blindness, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, hemophilia, and Hunter syndrome.
  • Janus-faced nature of Romanticism's engagement with secularism and cosmopolitanism. About This Volume
  • Mopp gear - the stuff soldiers have to wear to fend off the nasties - is not only beastly to wear, it also reduces your vision and slows down your optempo.
  • Margot worked at the restaurant bussing tables, Martin worked at the bowling alley and Fred mopped the floor at the laundromat.
  • Maybe every right-wing homophobe is merely doing it to “evoke outrage” and “point out hypocrisy”? Matthew Yglesias » Stay Classy, Conservative Blogosphere
  • London is a very multi-ethnic and cosmopolitan place.
  • There was no cough, hemoptysis, fever, or chest pain.
  • Even while electrifying the cosmopolite yuppies with hard rock, heavy metal and thrash metal, he has pop and slow rock numbers in plenty in his quiver.
  • The same year saw the release of "Brainscan," with the mop-headed actor as an alienated suburban gorehound who finds that a new, gruesome interactive video game is a little too realistic. Living in the Past, Fearing the Future
  • Allenes are prepared by the removal of bromine and hydrogen bromide from 1,2, 3 tribromopropane and its derivatives under the action of potassium hydroxide, zinc, and ethanol.
  • In his last two films (Caro Diaro and Aprile) he’s basically played himself, establishing a neat line in absurdist self-mockery and thoughtful observation, looking ridiculous on a moped while obsessing about “good-bad” Hollywood movies and musing on life and politics. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • First, there are plenty of languages where the apparent complementizer ” ˜that™, in English ” is not homophonic with a demonstrative. Propositional Attitude Reports
  • HPConfig. blog_id = 3; var ads_page_type = 'bpage'; var zone_info = "huffpost. world/blog; world = 1; nickname = rev-astrid-storm; entry_id = 334819; anglicans = 1; catholic-church = 1; ecumenical = 1; ecumenism = 1; episcopal-church = 1; gay-priests = 1; homophobia = 1; liberal-protestant = 1; pope-benedict = 1; religion = 1; rowan-williams = 1; women-priests = 1"; if (top! Rev. Astrid Storm: Memo to Rome: Some of Us Like the Reformation
  • This biological reaction occurs in nature either under complete anaerobiosis or full aerobiosis, in mesophilic (20 to 45 C) or thermophilic (above 45C) conditions (14). Chapter 8
  • The first step included putting down a small "stripe" on the specimen as a basecoat before writing, using Paraloid B-72 a general-purpose thermoplastic acrylic resin, which is allowed to dry fully. Archive 2009-04-01
  • That such cosmopolitan urbanity both exists in Croatia and mingles freely with the country's pastoral charm does not surprise Croatians; what surprises them is how slow the rest of the world has been to catch on.
  • Her crew were idle so she armed them with brushes and mops and set them to scrub the magnificent monument clean.
  • Are you finding yourself moping around the house in the depths of despair, the wrong results in your hands and feeling unsure about what to do with your life?
  • The style, which was calculated for a cosmopolitan image, set off a sharp-featured almost ferretlike, approaching-fifty face that had been carefully preserved by a Dallas plastic surgeon. The Brush Off
  • Continued racist, sexist, homophobic, ageist, and ableist institutions and behavior create particular circumstances for these groups, usually disadvantaging them in their opportunity to develop their capacities.
  • An idealistic student tries to bring back his creativity, while his secretary attempts to drag him out of his mopery.
  • Additionally, the positively charged microfibers attract and tightly retain negatively charged dust and dirt particles and can penetrate the microscopic pores of most flooring materials, unlike loop mop systems.
  • In 1829, Nobili invented the thermopile, and it was improved in 1852 by Melloni.
  • The signature brow beating and bleating dirges still abound, but there's an increased focus on songwriting rather than the moping first-person exposition that typified their first few records.
  • The result is a beguiling and wistful study of displaced people that conveys the paradoxical loneliness and richness of cosmopolitan life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her mom finally got sick of her moping around the house and suggested that she try-out for the production of Annie that there town was putting on.
  • Please, young women, smile or simper or smirk or grin, glower or glare, or just mope about if you like, but for the love of God, please put away the duck face.
  • Protective measures: CDC recommends that travelers to areas of risk undertake chemoprophylaxis with chloroquine in addition to personal protective measures. Mexico - travelers's summary profile
  • The specialist South Yorkshire Police sniffers and their handlers are being called on to mop up more than 150 missing-person and murder cases.
  • And should we ever actually find some kind of extremophile alien life there, be it bacteria or something more evolved, who knows what would happen if we don't protect ourselves adequately? Watch the trailer for Martian, a new graphic novel by Clay Rodery about madness on Mars
  • But no cosmopolis lives up to the sophistication of this suite.
  • A man then got off the moped nearby leaving it with the engine running.
  • On days three, six, and nine, they used what they called a mop-up drug to make sure there were no more leukemia cells anywhere in my body. Beyond the Storm
  • Caragana korshinski, salix psammophila and sweat vetch hedysarumi are three good sand shrubs for resisting wind, protecting water and soil, improving ecosystem.
  • He stood up awkwardly and strolled mysteriously to the corner of the room where a peculiarly large gramophone horn dominated.
  • All the recent discoveries about extremophiles, and especially those living in ice, raise the possibility that living creatures could remain in an arctic-like permafrost just below the Martian surface, one that changes from frozen to semiliquid with the seasons. First Contact
  • In DNA footprinting analyses using the C-module of retrotransposon TRE5-A as probe, two CbfA binding sites have been determined that contain 14-22 homopolymeric thymidines PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Popular character actor with a velvety voice, best remembered as the bull-headed, homophobic oil baron Blake Carrington on Dynasty. Tallulah Morehead: Dead Folks 2010: Everyone's Pushing Up Roses
  • They were popular because they were cosmopolitan and casteless, and the food was just what you wanted. Times, Sunday Times
  • New York's Gay Activists Alliance, dedicated to nonviolent protest, has provided youthful leadership for homophiles of varying ideological persuasions.
  • Part 3 concentrates on the interaction between gay men and lesbians in the homophile movements of the period 1960-1969.
  • The Australian culture and identity began to change, becoming more cosmopolitan from this point onward.
  • Either way, she mopes around the house like the world's going to end.
  • What do we do as a MOP, do we just let them in with open arms - ‘please steal my things - I wont resist I wouldnt want to effect your human right to burgle me’? or does it have to reach the other end of the spectrum, whereby if you want justice people are forced to action? The Revolving Door System. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • * PROJET: Une salamandre (pour mes origines) sur le haut de la nuque, un dragon imperial sur la cheville (pour la culture asiatique, une de mes passions), un papillon sur la hanche droite (pour l'ambiguité), un code barre derriere l'oreille droite (pur produit de consommation) et des ailes d'ange sur les omoplates (pour l'innocence) 30. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Blue orchard bee on a California five-spot flower (Nemophila maculata). Everybody's Science -- America Needs... Your Back Yard!
  • A more pragmatic approach is to consider a trial of therapy with a granular drink (cholestyramine) that mops up bile. Times, Sunday Times
  • This sort of thing has every danger of deteriorating into a wider cultural rift between outsiders and others, which is quite anathema to a place like Bangalore that thrives on its cosmopolitan character.
  • What we had planned for the summer was a little light gardening followed by mimosas on the patio while the younger kids disported themselves on the swing set and the 13-year-old moped in the hammock. The Case Against Summer
  • Get rid of the water in the tank by flushing, then bail out the water that is in the bowl using a plunger to force the rest of the water into the bowl, then mop it up with sponges.
  • The High Street will be closed again from 10 am tomorrow when the fair ground rides move in again for the second mop fair.
  • Ah well, the grockles will be here again soon, bringing foreign and cosmopolitan ways with them.
  • After filling the drinking water, I had to wash utensils, wash two buckets of clothes, sweep and mop the entire house.
  • Though there is some element of what Pauline Kael described as mopey, post-war German seriousness, perhaps now the film seems somewhat removed from that overwhelming post-war grief. WINGS OF DESIRE Criterion Blu-ray Review –
  • For this relationship Mr. Bay Lankester has proposed the term "homoplasy. On the Genesis of Species
  • It's sad to see her moping about the house like this. What's the matter with her?
  • Due to sequencing errors***, often an extra base is added or deleted in homopolymeric runs (e.g., ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science

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