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[ UK /mənˈɒpəlˈɪstɪk/ ]
[ US /məˌnɑpəˈɫɪstɪk/ ]
  1. having exclusive control over a commercial activity by possession or legal grant

How To Use monopolistic In A Sentence

  • The company wants to maintain its monopolistic position.
  • In The Economic Way of Thinking, for example, the ambiguity associated with the term monopoly is explored --- if you define the relevant market broadly enough no monopoly is evident, but if your definition is narrow then every good will exhibit monopolistic characteristics. Responding to Claims of Market Failure - The Austrian Economists
  • This, of course, is the essence of what economists call monopolistic competition. The Rule of Three
  • In fact, Amazon was the one who was trying to use their market dominance as a tool to set prices, which is what we call monopolistic behavior. Slashdot
  • Price transparency exposes monopolistic or isolated markets to competition.
  • (Points: 4) perfectively competitive monopolistically competitive oligopolistic monopolistic Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Monopolistic deflationary pressure can unbalance market forces in exactly the same way that state price fixing can. Tax Cuts for the Rich, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • However, their best restraint is NOT government, but other selfish, monopolistic competitors. The Volokh Conspiracy » Anti-Wal-Mart Astroturf
  • The company is under investigation by the Department of Justice for possible monopolistic business practices.
  • Generally, this right to exclude all others from exploiting the patented product operates to invest the patentee with a monopolistic franchise to make, use, or sell the patented invention.
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