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How To Use Monogamous In A Sentence

  • When social mating systems were dichotomized, extrapair chicks were twice as frequent in monogamous as in polygynous species.
  • We can also see this in the contrapositive: having more than one sexual partner is by definition nonmonogamous. S-e-x. « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • Downy Woodpeckers form monogamous breeding pairs in late winter.
  • Have you ever thought how great it would be if someone took the ickiest aspects of monogamous lifestyle BDSM, blended it with a double measure of religious-right patriarchy, then added a generous sprinkling of disturbing domestic violence? Happy Slapping
  • Although Muslim law allows polygyny, economic realities mean most Brahui marriages are monogamous.
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  • You'd like a long-lasting monogamous relationship but your previous was traumatic and the hurt has gone deep. The Sun
  • The house-martin is a socially monogamous and monomorphic hirundine.
  • Like other vireos, Red-eyed Vireos are monogamous.
  • He claims we allow our ‘culture’ to become desexualized by opting for roles as monogamous spouses and television decorators, which somehow lets society cast our sexuality as shameful and secret.
  • I don’t understand how this may pose a challenge to my feminism, although from having read other responses to this question I gather it becomes a question of gendered/gendering resources – i.e. that the ideal AP mom is staying at home and attending full-time to her child’s needs, thus requiring a partner (presumably a husband, implying both heteronormativity and a degree of monogamousness). Feminist mothering. « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • However, different investigators have used the term ‘monogamy’ to describe both concepts, whereas in reality they are not synonymous: social monogamy can occur with monogamous, polygynous, and polyandrous mating strategies.
  • These polygamists got dirty later than monogamous males, remaining clean until their second female began laying.
  • Yes some women, heart broken by being jilted, will respond by genetically engineering sons who are more likely to be monogamous.
  • Also, given our increasing health and longevity, a monogamous union that has weathered well is the best retirement plan. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's got lots of synthy zuz-zuz-zuz and electro-grooves, and despite a co-star list that D.W. Griffith would be proud of, the production seems too monogamous when a little infidelity might have jazzed things up a bit. Mike Ragogna: HuffPost Reviews : Snoop Dogg, Timbaland, Clipse, and Chris Brown, Plus an Interview With Papa Roach on World Hunger Year
  • I'm not returning to the monogamous nuclear family, but rather to the large extended family, which in this form probably never existed.
  • For man is by nature a monogamous and monandrous being; polygamy and polyandry are inconsistent with the fundamental characteristics of his nature; they are diseases of civilisation which would vanish spontaneously with a return to the healthy conditions of existence. Freeland A Social Anticipation
  • Second, not all males pair strictly with one female in monogamous species, and low levels of polygyny or males that remain unmated in the population will also increase the variance in male reproductive success.
  • Although historically polygamy was practiced, the marriage system is now monogamous.
  • Laws against adultery are a natural outgrowth of laws and customs insisting that marriages be monogamous.
  • Common yellowthroats are socially monogamous warblers that exhibit strong sexual dimorphism.
  • The majority of the sample were heterosexually active at the time of the study, and were involved in monogamous sexual relationships with an average duration of 2.45 years.
  • That Ovenbirds are monogamous, not all males are paired, and unpaired females are rarely observed, suggests female survival is lower than male survival.
  • Barnacle geese pair monogamously, and males prefer larger and heavier females.
  • Among these cultures, monogamous unions predominate.
  • We do report limited evidence relating our personality factors to whether one is in a monogamous relationship or not.
  • However, to brand heterosexuals and lesbians as somehow naturally more monogamous is misleading.
  • First, she says that it's nearly impossible for gay men to be monogamous and then she generalizes that all Jewish men are liars Cohen is both gay and Jewish. Top Moments: Flash-Dancing with Nancy Grace and The Good Wife's Sexy Tease
  • Same - sex marriage, polygamous marriage and opposite - sex monogamous marriage are three different family structures.
  • He was monogamous while married, but after his second divorce he had a couple of open relationships and felt the pull towards having other partners. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pied flycatcher is a small, hole-nesting, insectivorous passerine bird which usually is monogamous, but in which some 5-10% of the males may be polygynous.
  • Manucodes are of considerable interest within the Paradisaeidae because the two species that have been studied are monogamous and non-territorial.
  • Illegitimate children caused a problem for a society that made heterosexual monogamous marriage the only respectable family formation.
  • But a second contradiction thus develops within monogamous marriage itself.
  • Only five percent of mammals are thought to be socially monogamous, including gibbons, jackals, and tamarins.
  • Williamson's Sapsuckers form monogamous pairs, a bird often pairing with its mate from a previous year.
  • ‘There's a lot of hanky-panky going on among species that we believed were socially monogamous,’ says Emlen, whose work was funded by the National Science Foundation.
  • Only five percent of mammals are thought to be socially monogamous, including gibbons, jackals, and tamarins.
  • Sex was invariably a complicated human endeavor -- even when monogamous and marital it was the delight of anthropologists and psychologists, and in this case it seemed to have become necessary to complete the transformation of the cerebral and responsible Anne Waverly into the flightier, rootless personalities of Ana Wakefield or Anita Walls or whatever name Glen had picked out for her. A Darker Place
  • These monogamous relationships offer stability and fidelity for significant periods of time, but without the pressure. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, of course, I live in the context of thousands of years of human civilization and human culture dictates that I direct my energies toward building a stable household (monogamous, in this particular flavor of civilization, but polyandrous or polygamous in other flavors) from which to participate fully in the political economy and raise children that are well-integrated into my community. Vegan Envy
  • No, Jack, man is a monogamous animal and there's no partnership on earth to touch a happy marriage.
  • In monogamous species, both the male and female build the nest, incubate eggs, brood young and feed nestlings and fledglings.
  • He was monogamous while married, but after his second divorce he had a couple of open relationships and felt the pull towards having other partners. Times, Sunday Times
  • Northern Mockingbirds are typically monogamous, but polygamy does occur.
  • If she wasn't going to have a monogamous relationship, she was going to figure out what the alternatives were. Times, Sunday Times
  • The barn swallow is a socially monogamous, semicolonial, insectivorous passerine.
  • While Short-eared Owls are typically monogamous, they form loose colonies and some polygamy may occur.
  • Of course, I myself am an example of the complexity of this: If my partner and I were of the same sex, we would not be married, but we would still be in a long-term commited monogamous sexual relationship. Reactions to the 11 ballot measures
  • I'm also proud of the fact that I'm in a monogamous, heterosexual relationship with my soul mate, who happens to be in the form of a man.
  • For such men, who are in fact profoundly monogamous, infidelity is almost unavoidable. ProWomanProLife » I beg to differ
  • Polynesian Megapodes appear to be monogamous, as indicated by their strong site- and partner-fidelity for extended periods.
  • Life's statistics make a mockery of our cultural dedication to monogamous relationships. Times, Sunday Times
  • Participants' sexual relationships were mainly serially monogamous, with some women having sex with casual partners between relationships.
  • Small forest antelopes are selective feeders and, as a consequence, are solitary and monogamous.
  • I brushed I flossed I remained monogamous I douched. Pretty Please, A Rose
  • It examined the growth of ‘intelligence’ through inventions and discoveries, the development of government from the gens, the development of the family from consanguine to monogamous, and the growth of concepts of property.
  • About 95% of all birds are at least socially monogamous, with both male and female partners typically providing substantial parental care in nidicolous species.
  • Evening Grosbeaks are generally monogamous, although when there is an unusually plentiful food supply, polygamy can occur.
  • This is, to say the least, an unusual practice in nature: among mammals, only 5 percent show this sort of monogamous, biparental behavior. Mind Wide Open
  • Darwin noticed that some monogamous birds have very colorful males: mallards, for example, and blackbirds.
  • The resulting competition probably causes the animals to occupy small but adequate territories which are vigorously defended by a monogamous pair.
  • Many birds live in colonies but mate monogamously within the colony.
  • Common yellowthroats are socially monogamous warblers that exhibit strong sexual dimorphism.
  • Next, they bred two strains of a monogamous species, the prairie vole - one with a long version of the microsatellites and the other with a short version.
  • The Roman alphabet replaced Arabic writing, the state became exclusively secular, monogamous marriages were introduced, and education was secularized.
  • Lesbian and gay relationships can be as nurturing and monogamous as heterosexual relationships.
  • With the exception of the rare polyandrous societies, virtually all women are in monogamous marriages.
  • Eastern bluebirds are socially monogamous passerines that breed throughout eastern North America.
  • Only five percent of mammals are thought to be socially monogamous, including gibbons, jackals, and tamarins.
  • In a legal sense, most 20th-century marriages involved monogamous, heterosexual relationships.
  • The magpie is monogamous, territorial, sedentary, and relatively long-lived for passerine birds, with a well-described biology.
  • Usually solitary creatures, desmans form monogamous pairs and mate in springtime.
  • Virtually all residents enter into sanctified, lifelong monogamous unions.
  • It needs - in spite of immense difficulties which I shall list below - to be constantly reaffirmed that the only family worthy of being unenclosed in scare quotes is the traditional, monogamous, heterosexual two-parent family. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • In socially monogamous species, extrapair males usually do not assist females rearing the young or provide other direct benefits to the female.
  • It’s just something I’ve seen floating around; I know plenty of monogamous people who believe in limitless love, but sexual exclusivity. I believe in open relationships « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • Although historically polygamy was practiced, the marriage system is now monogamous.
  • The Portuguese and Macanese had formal monogamous marriage, while the Chinese also engaged in polygamous unions until the 1940s (depending on the economic situation of the husband).
  • Regular partners may need to be emphasized as partners in which only strong, trustful, traditionally monogamous relationships are established.
  • Does gay marriage, as claimed, resemble monogamous heterosexual marriage more than polygamy does?
  • We need to know if you knew the cruelty involved in shooting wolves from the air before you offered that $150 bounty for dead monogamous wolf fathers and mothers (we hear you're a cat person, but I think shooting canidae lupi is going too far, even for a cat person). Jane Smiley: Palin In Purdah
  • The tribal family lives as a nuclear unit and is usually monogamous (only one husband and one wife).
  • I have been in strictly monogamous relationships and most of us are perfectly content with that.
  • In a study of three species of monogamous shorebirds, the researchers found that ‘illegitimate’ chicks were found overwhelmingly in the nests of partners with a high degree of genetic similarity.
  • First, kookaburras breed in nuclear family groups where a monogamous pair are assisted by up to six offspring-helpers.
  • We belong, to speak plainly, to a species of animals which nature intends to be monogamous and monandrous. Freeland A Social Anticipation
  • The marriages are not arranged and are monogamous.
  • Sociobiologists would say marriage pattern - whether a society allows polygynous and monogamous marriage, or only monogamy.
  • A monogamous mating system is unusual in bats and in mammals as a whole.
  • monogamous marriage
  • Neither of them were fans of monogamous relationships. The Sun
  • monogamous for life
  • Many birds live in colonies but mate monogamously within the colony.
  • Others are trying to find new fantasies to make their monogamous relationships more satisfying. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most marriages are monogamous, although fraternal polyandry (having more than one husband) is permitted and is even considered to be prestigious.
  • I speculate that, at least in the western half of Eurasia, Europe and Africa, there is a "cline" running from, say, Finland in the north to sub-Saharan Africa in the south, of decreasing personal tendency toward monogamousness. Archive 2005-11-13
  • He was monogamous while married, but after his second divorce he had a couple of open relationships and felt the pull towards having other partners. Times, Sunday Times
  • What are the pros of a long-term monogamous relationship?
  • The sexes form different kinds of association for breeding in different species; some are monogamous, others polygynous, others polyandrous.
  • By contrast, in the closely related and also monogamous siamang male - female allogrooming is reciprocal and symmetrical with males investing more into parental care.
  • This pair is monogamous although, with the death of an alpha individual, a new alpha male or female will emerge and take over as the mate.
  • Most offspring were from monogamous pairs, but a few cases consistent with polygyny by males or sequential polyandry by females were also found.
  • In monogamous species, both the male and female build the nest, incubate eggs, brood young and feed nestlings and fledglings.

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