[ US /məˈnɑɡəməs/ ]
[ US /məˈnɑɡəməs/ ]
(used of relationships and of individuals) having one mate
monogamous marriage
monogamous for life
How To Use monogamous In A Sentence
- When social mating systems were dichotomized, extrapair chicks were twice as frequent in monogamous as in polygynous species.
- We can also see this in the contrapositive: having more than one sexual partner is by definition nonmonogamous. S-e-x. « Love | Peace | Ohana
- Downy Woodpeckers form monogamous breeding pairs in late winter.
- Have you ever thought how great it would be if someone took the ickiest aspects of monogamous lifestyle BDSM, blended it with a double measure of religious-right patriarchy, then added a generous sprinkling of disturbing domestic violence? Happy Slapping
- Although Muslim law allows polygyny, economic realities mean most Brahui marriages are monogamous.
- You'd like a long-lasting monogamous relationship but your previous was traumatic and the hurt has gone deep. The Sun
- The house-martin is a socially monogamous and monomorphic hirundine.
- Like other vireos, Red-eyed Vireos are monogamous.
- He claims we allow our ‘culture’ to become desexualized by opting for roles as monogamous spouses and television decorators, which somehow lets society cast our sexuality as shameful and secret.
- I don’t understand how this may pose a challenge to my feminism, although from having read other responses to this question I gather it becomes a question of gendered/gendering resources – i.e. that the ideal AP mom is staying at home and attending full-time to her child’s needs, thus requiring a partner (presumably a husband, implying both heteronormativity and a degree of monogamousness). Feminist mothering. « Love | Peace | Ohana